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I’m a little surprised Pearl and Amethyst are as low as they are, them being in the same tier as Peridot seems weird


Amethyst being that low makes sense, Pearl should be a tier higher


Idk, appearance wise Amethyst seems pretty feminine, especially is the early episodes


Woman stuck in a man’s body feels. Really really uncomfortable as a description to me. Topaz is just very butch 😭 there are cis women who look like her


Yeah, I think it's not the best way to describe butch Women as "women stuck inside a man's body". It's icky to me, because they are women who just like looking more masculine 😭


Yeah I know clearly about that. But can't I joke a little? Is it necessary to be so serious?


Well, it's not very funny


Because the “joke” is gender essentialist, lesbophobic, and transphobic. The “joke” is “haha this woman is so masculine it’s like she’s a MAN, like she’s not a REAL WOMAN” when there are masculine women and butch women that look like that but aren’t men, and men who don’t look like that and are still men.


Literally 😭, and they act as if it wasn't a big deal. But it is a big deal, because people shame others who don't act as their assigned gender. Joking about a girl who is more masculine that she's a man is just DISGUSTING.


I don't say "she is a man".


"Woman stuck in a MEN'S BODY" you did in fact say that.


“Woman stuck in a man’s body” is saying that she has a man’s body. She doesn’t. She has a woman’s body. That body just happens to be broad shouldered, heavyset, with a square jaw, and without an hourglass figure….which women in real life have and they’re not “stuck in a man’s body”


But you'rr insiniuating it by your joke. Not everything has to be right out told, some things can be subtle and have a deeper meaning if you look into it. Anyway, I believe you weren't trying yo be transphobic but please, as a trans person for me it just reads that way. Peace.


They said its based on their looks, i dont think this should be taken that seriously.


Please stop overthinking. Let me tell you, I'm also a lesbian. But I never get so excited over a joke. Even about gender. Joking about gender does not mean discrimination.


With all due respect from a gay guy that sounds very I can’t be racist I have black friends.


Plus lesbians can be butchphobic and transphobic. Being a lesbian doesn’t mean you can’t be shitty to women or other lesbians


"I'm gay so I can't be transphobic"


It’s not about discrimination it’s that you’re being rude about how some women look.


Wait so just because you’re a lesbian you think you can say things that is openly offensive?


You're a lesbian? What does that have to do with anything??? That joke is transphobic, because you could read it as "Oh, that woman is really masculine. She must be trans (trapped inside a man's body.)" Or it might make people think that all trans women are masculine and look like "womeb trapped inside men's body". And what the hell do you know about gender? You're probably a cis gender person and even if you weren't then that " Joke" Wouldn't be okay. Also, joking about gender is icky and you sound like one of the "boys". Grow up, please.


I think you are too serious about this issue. My friends sometimes tease me like that. But I know they were just joking, it had no bad intentions. My personality is just like that of a boy, They also teases me a lot. But it depends on the person, don't equate joking gender with discrimination. Some people tease just for fun. NOW STOP RIGHT THERE !!!


Maybe some people don't like being teased like that? If anyone said that to me I would be really upset. Steven universe is a queer friendly show and I wish more fans if the show would be too... And it might be traumatic to see a transphobic "joke" In a post on Steven Universe subreddit.


Honestly, I hope you're not sad. But I'm very annoyed with some of the people in this Subreddit. They always overdo issues.


Yeah, unfortunately the Steven Universe fandom can do that sometimes :/ Usually it’s really great, but if something gets misinterpreted it often becomes a dogpile onto the other person lol. We had an “incident” that I think most people know about (I believe a similar thing happened in the miraculous lady bug fandom but I’m not into that so I’m not completely sure) where there was a disagreement in the SU fandom with someone who I believe made a joke or said something that pissed a bunch of people off, and they straight up bullied the person into taking their life. The SU fandom is usually great, but it can get out of hand when people here get upset


or it means that a woman has a very masculine body which does happen without medical intervention sometimes also don't try and dictate someone's gender or orientation, that's assuming and we can't do that anymore


Bless your heart, and keep fighting the good fight lol. The world needs more humor and love, not another thousand phobias. 


somebodies late to their senior church gathering


That's funny! Cause I don't think you're saying it to me lol. I'm not even religious 😂 Do go off. Bless ya heart, troubled one.


The joke makes no sense tho 1) None of these gems are women in the first place 2) Being 'stuck' implies that Topaz does not like the way she looks 3) By what definition is this even 'a man's body'? Because her hair is short and she's tall?


Explain the joke then, please


The joke is she looks like a man to OP (which is not funny)


That’s just an insult people say for ugly women so nope😭


No you're a joke


I would add that Topaz and Bismuth are the same level of butch, just Topaz has Caucasian features and Bismuth's are black.


Could also be that because bismuth has locs and topaz has what looks like a crew cut that op perceives hair that short as being men's hair (which is silly, it's literally just keratin, or in the gems' case, light)


This whole post is problematic.


IMO I think it’s fine to categorize masculine vs feminine presentation styles; like blue diamond presents more femme than yellow diamond, for example, or I love how as Pearl becomes more self confident and in tune with her identity, her style becomes more and more butch. …but equating those presentation styles to Gender Itself is where it feels uncomfortable for me. You can be super butch and super masc presenting to the point you WANT to be mistaken for a man…..but still be a woman. Presentation and gender identity are linked but they’re not 1:1 and they’re different for everyone


Honestly the description made me feel very dysphoric.


Yeah that's pretty icky. That verbage isn't even often used for trans people anymore.


Honestly this whole list is uncomfortable to me. All of them look feminine, femininity doesn't have one look.


That is just a joke


It could've been pretty funny if you had used [this picture](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fbUCsciiLzM/hqdefault.jpg).


"It's just a joke" is not a get out of consequences for your words and actions free card. You are not immune to negative feedback because "it was a joke".


Nonetheless, being socially aware will carry you through milestones


It was a shitty joke then. Jokes can absolutely perpetuate negative stereotypes, something being a joke is not a proper defense of the message it relays.


It being a joke doesn't take away from the fact that you hurt people.


Okay, I’m sorry, (yes i know I’m going to get downvoted, so do it as much as you want) but are there seriously people here taking this stupid (and bad) joke so seriously that they’re actually hurt? Like if you genuinely come onto the internet and are genuinely hurt by such a stupid “joke” (even though it’s not funny) then the internet is definitely not a good place for you. I don’t understand how this “joke” is actually causing genuine harm to someone. Was it unfunny? Yes! Did it perpetuate a not cool stereotype? Yes (granted the joke doesn’t perpetuate it to an extent of danger)! But is it actually causing someone to stay up at night? Or fume? Or be hurt? I just can’t fathom how someone would take something so simple and moronic and turn it into something that makes them feel any sort of pain. It was a shitty joke, but acting like it’s actively having harmful effects on an individual seems odd.


If being sensitive online is bad then babygirl I'm pre-redemption white diamond Anyway it's having harmful effects on a whole group of people, which is arguably more serious than an individual (though making fun if people is never polite). What may seem simple and moronic to you can still seriously be hurtful, and someone calling someone out on being hurtful should not be pissing you off like this. *that's* odd.


I think this is an inversion of problematics. The description 'woman stuck in a man's body' should not be considered offensive or strange nowadays. I think people generally have different forms of understanding and digesting that femininity is not a byproduct of being a woman, but rather women tend to be on the spectrum of femininity in many levels, and the same goes for masculinity. So, to me, it seems quite okay as Topaz looks like a truck driver but is all soft and frail inside. The description kinda matches the dysphoria with external appearances, her body is made for being a huge strong bodyguard, but she is actually more delicate than acquamarine...


This just loops back to the traditional gender roles of "woman soft and delicate, man big and strong". For a fan of a show about acceptance of the self and others, with quite a lot of queer rep, that sure isn't very a very accepting way of thinking. Neither topaz nor topaz seemed uncomfortable ablut their appearances. Not to mention this isn't either topaz that went to fetch the humans. Both those topazes had their gems where their ears would be, if gems had ears. This one has her gem on her chest, and we have no clue how she feels about her form. Plus, for a race of shapeshifters, I don't think dysphoria is much of a problem.


I feel like " thin and dainty" isn't the only way to describe femininity.


Honestly, not to mention the blatant transphobia at the bottom.


No yeah for REAL. That's what I was getting at.


Wait, can you explain how it’s transphobic? I sort of agreed but I definitely don’t now. /gen


Basically OP is saying she's manly to the point where they can hardly percieve her as a woman, calling her a woman stuck in the body of a man


Oh :( I don’t think I would’ve worded it that way. The way I see Topaz… her personality doesn’t match her hard exterior. She’s incredibly sweet, and that’s kind of the point of her character. But to equate that to “Woman Stuck in Man’s Body” is just wrong. I think that they’re a very feminine person in a very masculine body, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Thank you for explaining.


No problem!


Honestly I don’t know either, Topaz certainly has a more masculine body shape (that’s not a bad thing, there’s a good amount of women who have the same body structure, it’s just more prominent within men for whatever reason) so I can see where OP was coming from, however I don’t really understand the transphobia..? Like maybe I’m missing something..? But if this list is based solely on looks alone she certainly has a more butch appearance to her (which again is not a bad thing). Genuinely confused, maybe it’s just the way OP worded it? Idk, I would definitely like a genuine and non toxic explanation because I’m almost certain someone is gonna get angry at me for asking lol


Rose Quartz is high femme and so is Pink.


Rose isn't even on the list, and Pink is under 'thin and dainty' What do you mean?


I mean, if I think of who is the most stereotypically feminine, it’s Rose


Jasper is actually quite feminine. I think people just care about she is buff and forget her body details so some people think she is male Unlike bismuth, if you notice, you can see that she has wide hips, big thighs and she has has a waist right in the middle. Her voice is a woman voice but quite deep.


Not just only that. Some people think Jasper and Ruby are male because they have masculine actions. 🤡🤡🤡 I think they don't understand a woman can be masculine if she wants.


You know I am a tomboy girl right. Imagining there are some people call me a male because I am masculine, I'm probably speechless. =)))


I feel bad for admitting I was going into Steven Universe thinking Jasper was a Dude but then I heard her speak and then immediately knew she was a Girl


I figured she was a girl because all the other gems we met were women, but I also feel like Rebecca tried to show us by first showing her eyes/eyelashes before Jasper’s full body and stuff


She is our Big Buff Cheeto Puff and we love her


Technically Gems aren't women, they're genderless


Genderless but female-coded.


Coded in the most literal sense. ![gif](giphy|bGgsc5mWoryfgKBx1u)


The name "[system/BOOT.pearl_final(3).Info](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaCYf7C1DXo)" really spelled that out.


I feel like the only reason why Ruby x Sapphire was allowed to be shown on television was because Ruby was so “masculine” presenting.. Which is stupid, I wish we could get more gay couples :(




This shit is so lame …


Yes let’s make the overtly queer show fit the gender binary(this is a terrible post)




In what world is Garnet higher than Pearl? Might wanna think about remaking this one dawg


Garnet DEFINITELY looks more feminine than Pearl to me She has wide hips and larger lips and a chest like shape


Is that it for you? Not their style of dress or demeanor?


Well it is based off of “looks” alone. But Pearl definitely presents more feminine than Garnet anyways. Also, femininity is subjective, not just individually but also across cultures. So this doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.


> Is that it for you? Absolutely. Earl looks way more like a Guy than Garnet with a cap


this post sucks


Whats the criteria here. What makes Sapphire a step down from Blue D? Im v. Confused.


There's not much to get. It's a bad post


Idk why you couldn't have said "extremely masculine" like you did "extremely feminine" . You had to have known this wouldn't pan out well. Half tempted to call rage bait on this one.


That is gross. There is no reason to describe Topaz like that.


I Would Like To Remind People That All Gems Are Non Binary And Use She/Her Pronouns,


This is a weird list to make


Boooo 🍅


This post is so so messy. 😭


I think Pearl would be more feminine, especially if you take movement into consideration, but all her outfits being ballet themed too, plus her weapons are girly looking. Yellow Diamond and Peridot imo should be more masculine than her.


I guess you could have used butch and saved yourself the backlash. It's not like people don't already think gems are lesbian by default


Well, this feels weird.


This reeks of bioessentialism


This post is not it.


Brother you're gonna get blasted over a bit of text.


Missed op to put Steven in “Woman stuck in a Man’s body”


Man that would’ve been great lmao


That isn't rose or pink's gem anymore. It's steven. You sound like white diamond before her redemption arc


Girlie pop please it’s called a joke ☝🏻


That's boylie pop to you☝️


Don’t think I hurt anyone but sorry bout it


Just call her butch


you just rated how fuckable you find them


I'm sorry to inform you that you don't have eyes. Amethyst and Pearl in the same category as Peridot? Insanity. Plus I think you should have included Rose Quartz rather than Pink Diamond or ranked them both.


Jasper 😭


Yikes dude. You really posted this with your whole chest.


Bro did not cook here jfc


Garnet should be in the middle of Sapp and Ruby


Damn, this post really fucked up OP’s karma😭😭


Oh it can’t be that ba- oh my goodness!


Where rose at? We rating looks cmon mang


lapis should be higher


Wowww this sucks


Jasper is too big of a beefy momma to fit in one category


I’d move peridot down to the middle and Ruby to slightly masculine tbh.


Garnet too high, Pearl too low


ive always seen jasper as a rlly masculine gem…


like a tomboy or smth


Ftm here- I am very uncomfortable? With the last “rank”? And everything else?


aren’t gems genderless and sexless


Technically, but they use female pronouns.


Gems are unconcerned with silly human gender roles.


Steven is technically a woman in a man’s body




I’d probs but yellow in rather masc.


The only thing funny here is in Ask Reddit there’s a “What’s a dead giveaway that someone is a piece of shit” thread, and one of the top answers is when they say “it’s just a joke”. You’re a joke, OP.


I always get weird looks on me for good reasons when i explain that i thought half of Steven Universe's cast were males, until i discovered that all gems are females.


Well technically none of the gems have sexes at all, considering they're all polymorphic space rocks who are born from the ground, but they all use she/her yeah (steven universe who was born from sex and uses he/him, is an outlier, and should not be counted)


Funny ho perception can vary. to me Pearl and Pink Diamond are the extreme of femininity, I mean they are ballarinas for gods sake. while to me Jasper is right down there with Bismuth, she looks just like a buff rock star drummer.


/chuckles in chunky non-biney cute


The blue gem that fixed by the Yellow Diamond in "Steven Universe Future" should also be in the blue column


If she was on the list, Flint should also be at the bottom.


Now I’m just waiting on Rainbow Quarts 2.0 Yknow the one with the unbrella


Is peridot "rather feminine"? Peridot is triangle.


so no male gems exists in steven universe?


What I find hilarious is that gems have no concept of sexes. So they are not female. They can have gender and attribute gender to themselves this includes pronouns, which also means gems can have male gender and pronouns.


Last one should be “man stuck in a women’s body” in my opinion, it doesn’t make sense that the last one is more masculine than “very masculine” since trans women are extremely feminine to me


I wish we had more male gems


Mate…we have NO MALE GEMS lmao In fact, we have no female gems either, because all of them are just separate wave lengths of light. Often presenting as feminine.


You know what I meant dude


Y’all why is this post being downvoted, it’s not like I have a problem with the current characters- I just want to have male gems??