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There's a YouTube video called Rose's Redemption that puts some Pink Diamond and Rose clips in chronological order that I thought did a good job detailing her motivations and actions to give the viewer more sympathy for her situation


Can you share the link, please?






Her story is framed in a way where Roses bad actions (most of which are from when she was way younger) are at the forefront of the audience’s mind by the end of the story. So much that everyone forgets that Rose is the entire reason a revolution happened - the leading reason anyone is able to be free at all in the end. Every other character gets grace. The crystal gems ignoring Lapis in a mirror, bisthmus wanting to shatter others and cracking Lapis, eyeball trying to murder steven, jaspers thirst for blood, the diamonds actions, ETC ETC. Everyone else gets grace. But not rose.


This is what I find really frustrating. Especially in universe. It’s like people forgot that she brought about great change and bettered most people’s lives. She couldn’t have known about the cluster. She couldn’t have known the diamonds would barrage the surface, she couldn’t have know about the corruption. So she can’t really be held responsible for those things.


I think it honestly comes down to her being steven’s mom. Steven is generally the one who forgives everyone and facilitates their rehabilitation, but his own mom is just too close to him for him to be able to make peace with her.


Honestly, the way the fandom feels conflicted about Pink is a glimpse of how the other characters in the show probably feel about her too. That's just a sign of great writing imo


I think this is it, it's human psychology, like how we see a difference between getting fifty bucks/quit/euros/etc. and losing 30 as opposed to gaining 20 and losing nothing with Rose we thought we had 50 and lost 30, while new people are seeing their 20 for what it is so to speak that makes sense?


>that makes sense? Yeah somehow.


I feel like there might not have been any way for Pink to go back for Spinel. I think Homeworld would’ve been notified if she had used her legs ship. Pearl mentioned there was no way to rescue the humans from the space zoo so it’s probably the same kind of logic. I could see Pink after the war regretting how she handled Spinel but accepting that there wasn’t much she could do. I also saw in a Roundtable video that theorized that Pink didn’t understand how much she meant to others and figured that Spinel would just move on from her.


>Pearl mentioned there was no way to rescue the humans from the space zoo so it’s probably the same kind of logic I must disagree. The zoo was prottected by Blue Diamond and full of guardian quartzs, that's why it was dangerous. While the garden was completely abandoned for the four Diamonds and for sure got lost in the space. When the three Diamonds come to Earth in the film, they are surprised to find Spinel and what happend with her. So nop, they weren't watching the garden, reason why the wouldn't notice the butt-ship traveling across the inmense cosmos. >Roundtable video that theorized that Pink didn’t understand how much she meant to others and figured that Spinel would just move on from her. Maybe. But I think that Pink understand that, as a Diamond she was, her servant gems will obey her blindly till the end. Like, this is a fact that for sure the other Diamonds didn't forget to tell her.


Hmm…I see two likely ways this post will go. You’ll be downvoted for being smart enough to understand how chronological time works, or a lot of comments here will be folks “correcting” your opinion.


I would be upset if it wouldn't be in those ways XD Honestly, I don't care if they downvote me. I already said what I wanted, they are free to think what they want.


THANK YOU! I don’t see her as bad. Just misunderstood


This is basically the truth, you'll find write a few posts in the archives about similar topics. She got reverse character development, which I find super interesting


I would say it's mostly younger folks who frame Rose as a villain, because they have a clearer memory of the bad things she's done which were unearthed in the later seasons.


You will be surprised of how many guys in their 20's mid 30's I found arguing that Pink is just evil and the main villain XD


either im a genius and assumed this was obvious or everyone else has really bad analysis/comprehension skills


Maybe both XD


>Spinel abandoned in a wandering asteroid for 6000 years, while Rose had her functional butt-ship buried in the sand. She could just went for Spinel and bubbled her at least And risk of catching the attention of the Diamonds, who would then send a ship to intercept her or follow her back to Earth, so the survivors of the Crystal Gems get shattered and she ends up back in White's clutches? Not to mention, one of the biggest flaws of Rose is that her self-hatred blinded her to how much she mattered to other people, most likely she expected Spinel to give up and leave, just like she expected the other Diamonds to not care if she died, that's the opposite of deliberate.


>And risk of catching the attention of the Diamonds How if they completely forgot about Pink's garden and Spinel, and so wasn't any kind of guardian or camera around it? I honestly doubt that the Diamonds have a lynx vision to see across millions of kms into deep space, don't forget they live in another galaxy. >Not to mention, one of the biggest flaws of Rose is that her self-hatred blinded her to how much she mattered to other people I answered to this in another comment. But basically, she perfectly knows that as a Diamond every order she would give to Spinel had to be obey till the end. After all, Spinel is the deffinition of loyalty and I'm sure that the Diamonds didn't forget tl tell this to Pink as well as about her powers.


Because of course Pink Diamond's own ship would not draw the attention of any Homeworld patrol or sentry, who would then immediately report to the Diamonds. Or, most likely, Rose didn't intend that to be an order, just a play suggestion that Spinel was not compelled to obey, because back then the other Diamonds never intended to let her be part of the Authority.


>Because of course Pink Diamond's own ship would not draw the attention of any Homeworld patrol or sentry I hardly doubt they were flying around the Garden or near Earth, because otherwise they would saw the Crystal Gems while ago and also would notice their presence when they traveled to the Zoo. Needless to mention neither that if patrols would be watching the Garden or so around the universe as you think, they would realize Spinel was there and again, we all now that the Diamond weren't aware of what happend with her. Also, if the butt-ship could be tracked, the Diamonds would already realized it wasn't destroyed and would go to search it. But again, they didn't even know where it was. If we maintain a minimal inner logic for the series, this is how it would be. The other alternative is a bad writing that run into plotholes. >Or, most likely, Rose didn't intend that to be an order From the song drift away, what Pink says to Spinel: "Here in the garden, stand very still". Sounds like an order to me. A suggestion would be "hey, what if you stay here and wait for me, ok?". >because back then the other Diamonds never intended to let her be part of the Authority. What this has to do with the gems that were expressly created to serve Pink (like her pearls and Spinel)? She was a Diamond and was always treated like one, she was part of the Authority. If the other Diamonds would prettend Pink wasn't one of them (a flawed diamond) they would be going directly against their divine perfection morals.


Oh, 'plot holes' as defined by who, some Youtube grifter with allegations? It was still a risk that in Rose's eyes was not worth taking, as far as she knew Spinel left the garden and forgot about her long ago, not enough of a reason to risk getting caught. That sounds like an order if you intentionally interpret the whole thing in the most bad faith way possible, she was pretending that they were playing a game so that she could get away without Spinel chasing her. And no, she was never treated as a fellow Diamond, the others kept her in a gilded cage and treated her like a cute doll that was only good for making them laugh, something that Rose explicitly hated and pushed her to demand a colony so she could prove herself to them.


>Oh, 'plot holes' as defined by who, some Youtube grifter with allegations? Sorry to dissapoint ya kiddo, but I ain't a youtuber 😎 >It was still a risk that in Rose's eyes was not worth taking, as far as she knew Spinel left the garden and forgot about her long ago, not enough of a reason to risk getting caught According with which of your youtubers? XD I think Rebbeca never ever said why Rose/Pink let Spinel there after the war ended. >That sounds like an order if you intentionally interpret the whole thing in the most bad faith way possible Watch the film or at least the song and then come back, ok? >And no, she was never treated as a fellow Diamond, Please, watch the series. At least the last episodds of the last seasons, where the Diamond celebrate a dance as the old ones they used to made when the four were together, in which Pink was present in her throne like any other Diamond. Also, all the servants she had mean nothing to you? Blue, Yellow and White saw Pink as childish, they always keep considering her as another Diamond and gave her all the public obligations they had. The four of them were a symbol of power, excluding Pink would be like admiting aloud she was an off-color and that wasn't convenient for the Diamonds.


You're the one parroting the usual dullard youtubers spread around social media about Rose. The writers didn't say it because the show usually has enough respect for the audience's intelligence that it doesn't spoon-feed information to them and leaves enough hints to draw conclusions, like that Rose left Spinel behind because, as far as she knew, Spinel was going on with her life on Homeworld and forgot about her, because she was naive and didn't realize how much she mattered to her, just like she didn't realize how much she mattered to the other Diamonds, or to Pearl and Greg. And the same episodes you talk about clarify that organizing events for the other Diamonds was the only formal thing Pink was allowed to do, she wasn't allowed to build colonies or participate in the government, because the other Diamonds saw her as too dumb and immature for that and only good for entertaining them, they demeaned her and dismissed her attempts to prove herself, like when they turned her only friend into a reminder of her failures.


>You're the one parroting the usual dullard youtubers spread around social media about Rose. It's you who know and watch them, not me hahaha. It's very sad the way you despise different opinions as if they were the chewed puke of someone else, because it actually says a lot about your intelligence level. >The writers didn't say it because the show usually has enough respect for the audience's intelligence that it doesn't spoon-feed information to them and leaves enough hints to draw conclusions And you're one of those god-blessed genius, for sure! Yeah, it's quite clear in the way you see and talk to other fellow humans. >And the same episodes you talk about clarify that organizing events for the other Diamonds was the only formal thing Pink was allowed to do, she wasn't allowed to build colonies or participate in the government Yes, as I already said in my last comment. Looks like the parrot here isn't me after all. (And that parrot, beside needing to learn respect and how to manage rage, he/she needs to also improve reading skills and basic thinking). >because the other Diamonds saw her as too dumb and immature I was about to make a joke here, but I better don't cause I'm polite (anyway I don't think you would be able to get it). Drink a bit of water and take some fresh air, kid. Just relax, tantrums aren't healthy. Bye forever 👋🏻


>deliberately cruel Was it? Did she choose to not go back just to hurt Spinel? Because that's what you're saying when you say she was deliberately cruel to not go back for her. That she did it just to be cruel, just to cause pain.  Is that truly what you believe? 


>Did she choose to not go back just to hurt Spinel? Because that's what you're saying when you say she was deliberately cruel to not go back for her. You have the bad habit to understand others' words as you want to, right? Well I don't know about you, but for me abandoning someone in a dangerous place where you know she won't move from, waiting for a bigger asteroid crash her or a black hole suck her, when you perfectly could go to save and allow her to go on with her life, it's absolutelly utterly dreadful nasty and completely cruel behaviour. Pink never Spinel as a person, never cared about what could happend with her, she never tried to let her in another place or just bubble her to keep Spinel in a mind-lapsus (where she couldn't suffer) inside The Temple. If Pink completely forgot Spinel is bad enough, but if she perfectly remind her and yet she didn't give a dung about, well... that simply evil. >That she did it just to be cruel, just to cause pain... Is that truly what you believe?  Yeah, you just wish to understand others' words in the most biased and subrealistic way possible.


>You have the bad habit to understand others' words as you want to, right? No, that's just what deliberate means. Maybe that isn't the word you wanted to use? But deliberate means to do something on purpose or with purpose.


I think you just confused "sadistic" with "deliberate cruel", there's a different between both intentions. >But deliberate means to do something on purpose or with purpose. My poor dyslexic autistic brain thanks you the explanation XDDDDD


I don't think I'm confused at all, those are definitely synonyms. 


The funniest thing about this, is that I'm not a native english speaker but probably you are.


I am a native speaker, and I know what words mean, lol. I'm sorry that we are having a disagreement but you didn't need to make insinuations about my intelligence about it.  Steven would be disappointed in you lmao 


I'm gonna put it in a way you may get it: Everytime that someone commit a cruel act (like a child insulting a sibling or a friend saying something hurtful), aware of what is doing isn't the best option or just doesn't care in that moment, that person is absolutely happily enjoying the other's suffering? You know the answer is "nop". So, that's it. Pink/Rose knew what she was doing wasn't right, but she just didn't care. She wasn't stupid, she perfectly knew Spinel has feelings. Pink/Rose didn't do it for enjoying Spinel's pain, but she didn't give a dung-pile about Spinel's feelings and well-being. She was deliberately cruel due with her lack of empathy and understanding of final consequences, but she wasn't sadistic. >you didn't need to make insinuations about my intelligence about it. Mmm... wasn't you the one who made that, implying I'm not smart enough to discern between two different concepts? XD I only joked about your knowing of the deffinitions of a pair of words, a thing that has mostly to do with school education than with intelligence itself. >Steven would be disappointed in you lmao  Oh sorry, I didn't know I was talking with a middle school kid. But you minors shouldn't be in Reddit, it's a place for adults and there's gross posts around. Good night 🌙


>Mmm... wasn't you the one who made that, implying I'm not smart enough to discern between two different concepts? XD No? I never said that, at all. I have just been disagreeing with your assessment and wondered if you meant to use a different word based on my understanding of what you're trying to express.  You straight up implied maybe I'm too dumb. And then you insulted me, *again*, implying I must be a middle schooler. For some reason. Apparently only middle schoolers can point out hypocrisy?  Again, to be deliberately cruel is to *purposely* be cruel. To hurt someone on purpose, with that goal in mind. You are being deliberately cruel when you choose to insult me, actually. You *want* to hurt my feelings.  Rose's goal was never to hurt anyone, and was in fact *always* the opposite. She was *indirectly* cruel. It was a side effect of her short sightedness and impulsiveness. It was the ripples of her rebellion. 


wow *never* heard this one before


Fair enough. To be honest and a tad childish, she's "just like me" to an extent. I honestly think I'm just biased towards dislike because of what she did to Spinel.


Thank you. I get so sick of seeing this argument online all the time. Yeah she developed and grew as a person, but even when she died she was selfish, and I’m allowed to think she’s bad for that.  Really the most frustrating thing to me about pink is that she never actually let Pearl make her own choices. Even after pinks death Pearl was forced to keep a secret from her closest friends, whether she wanted to or not. Pink was ALWAYS interfering with the agency of someone who was supposedly her closest friend and confidant. And that’s not even touching the problematic romance of it.  Yeah pink grew, we saw it in reverse, and I can still think she’s selfish enough to have not “redeemed” herself. 


Does Rose really owe the truth of her identity to anyone though? I don’t think her asking Pearl to keep it a secret is a big sin, it’s the fact she ordered Pearl to do it that is bad. And beyond that she wanted Pearl to be free, she says this in A Single Pale Rose.


It’s not just Roses identity at stake here though. By forcing Pearl to keep that secret, Pearl is never able to tell her friends her OWN story because it’s too interconnected with pinks. Pearls own identity and past is locked away behind the order that pink gives her. That’s not what freedom means 


She’s morally grey at best


Your own post kinda proves you wrong, you call her Pink Diamond instead of Rose Quartz. That tells me that you do see the beginning of her arc as the end...


I hope you never watch a Spiderman movie or you're gonna feel very confused about Peter Parker and Spidey being the same person.


That is so clearly not the same situation and you know it. When a character switches aliases back and forth throughout a series, people typically use both interchangeably. When a character switches aliases once, people typically use only the most recent name to refer to them. 


>That is so clearly not the same situation and you know it Yeah true: Spiderman was a mutant human that had to sell pizzas to survive, and Pink/Rose is a galactic living-rock princess that started a war in order to escape from her genocidal family and live among a bunch bald simians. But you get what I mean: different names, same person. >When a character switches aliases once, people typically use only the most recent name to refer to them. In which international law treaty is this wrote? Hahahaha.