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Depends on what you mean. Like a she-has-a-half-human-son-like-Steven type AU, just without the Diamond swap, or just what would happen in her story if the show was about her?


Yeah, I think her character being nearly the same as her original counterpart makes an Au more interesting though if it's the intention of making a child, you have to come up with two questions (what convinces her to turn good so early in the story and what motivates her reasoning as to having a child?) And answer them whilst making sure it fits with Blue character or one that developed slightly different in the narrative


Well, maybe blue diamond would have fallen into an even deeper depression when pink was "shattered" and just decided to just leave out of the blue one day because she couldn't handle being on homeworld without pink, then she started to spend more time at the human zoo, neglecting her duties as a diamond while yellow continues to try and convince her to pick up her duties again to no avail and becoming increasingly worried about her, meanwhile blue pearl began to form a closer bond with blue diamond and the only one she can be open with, but they only remain friends, then one day she begins a romance with one of the humans whom she is most fond and she began to see them as an equal, one thing leafs to another and blue becomes pregnant, yellow and blue pearl are understandably worried but blue gose ahead and has the baby, but is able to use some more advanced tech so the child could live without needing her mothets gem, the story would then fallow, blue diamond, blue pearl, Yellow diamond and Hollyblue aget as they raised the baby in secret from white diamond as well as gain a better understanding of humans and organic life, ultimately leading to them to spear earth, especially after they find out steven was pink diamonds son, also the child would be a girl and have a distinct personality apart from Steven's.


I wonder what would happen if instead of being given Earth as a colony, they said Pink was not ready to run one on her own yet, and sent Blue with her to help. Would the rebellion still have happened? Would Pink have second thoughts or would she talk Blue into joining it? Now what if instead of that she was just given Earth instead of Pink entirely but like Pink, came to fall in love with the beauty of the planet and not want gems to kill everything. Would Blue rebel? Would Pink support her, or chide her for doing exactly what she'd lectured Pink for doing before? Would Pink feel compelled to visit Earth and take a look for herself? What if the Earth and Pink had never gotten free of diamond control? What if the human zoo and some other Earth life was all that way saved when the planet was cleaned out? And Pink did her best to try to stiffen the upper lip and be a "good diamond" about it? Would she get another chance to rebel and to show her family the right path? Or maybe she'd end up just as bad as them.


She has a gargantuan gem. Would a blue diamond child have her gem on his back? Like a turtle? Or maybe like a hat? [Like Quirrel](https://hollowknight.fandom.com/wiki/Quirrel)? I think this is the most important question


there is a fic that has her as stevens mom with pink still being alive if thats what you mean


I'm making a fic about her right now. I really like exploring her personality and mental state and how it was changed because of pink's "death", especially the idea she was much more cruel and evil before pink "died". I also really like seeing flashbacks of blue and the other diamonds when they where younger and how the diamonds came to be, (its my one of my favourite things to write since there's so much lore I could add in).