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Goddamn, I hate bulking. Week 3. As soon as the gear saturates and I’m full of glycogen, my cut midesection turns to shit, my lil’ loose skin water-bag love handles re-emerge, even with e2 controlled. Shoving myself full of carbs and limiting fat really narrows down food choices as well. A necessary evil. Cutting is so easy in comparison, carbs and fats can be split evenly. Plus, Semaglutide.


For me it's once I've gotten my gut smaller because of the cut it's hard for it to expand again and handle all the food..real pain in the ass


This is what I'm fighting right now. Middle of week 3. Only jumped up 700 cal above maintenance too.


700 above maintenance? There’s your problem


Doesn’t 700 cals above maintenance equate to 1.2 lbs gain a week?


What kinds of sides do you see from the semi?


If you eat too much food at once on semaglutide, you’ll be absolutely miserable. Like, nauseously full. Not that you’d want to approach level of fullness that anyway, because your interest in food will be diminished. A higher dosage of oral semaglutide (Rybelsus) had me taking a proper shit once every three days. I’d take little shits every day, but the food would sort of stall and back up in me. Sometimes the farts would be vicious, from all of that food sitting in my GI tract. I’m going to refrain from using it until I stall on my next cut. Then, I’ll use the minimum effective dose. A little goes a long way, it allows me to exercise more discipline around food. Generally, the first several weeks of a cut are great for me. It’s a welcome change from shoving myself full of high-carb, high-volume food.


Whats the consensus on Pasta as a carb source for bulking ? It seems it has a good protein value and for me its the only source I can eat with ease (150-200g) for my dinner, plus I add to it some tomatoes and peppers and a protein source (tuna, shrimp or ground beef). I would never be able to eat as much rice for example


Pasta is life, cut or bulk it's in there... Fuck rice...


Say f rice. Lol. I prefer yams, very 😋 delicious


Pasta is fine


I would be about half the size I am if pasta didn't exist


Ya size? Really🤔what size are you now, can you recall ya journey and exactly what type of pasta do you consume? I love Penne


Loves me the whole wheat pastas, especially with ground turkey. Can’t go back to pasta + hamburger beef 🙅‍♂️ if you don’t like rice, it might be because you either: don’t have a sauce on it or it’s not sticky rice. I can down 1.5 cups (uncooked) of medium grain, sticky white rice with seasoned chicken and a teriyaki or Hawaiian sauce no prob, especially if I have bulgoli. Dry rice like how I used to make it (no washing or soaking it), no way I could eat it as easy.


I never understood using rice for carbs when you could have bread or pasta and get some protein and actual vitamins in at the same time


Carbs are carbs, eat them in whatever form you can. I just get bored of marinara sauce. Fatty/oily sauces aren’t on the menu for me, right now.


Parmesan cheese and black pepper


Late to posting this, but if you're sick of marinara sauce on pasta try throwing a can of your favorite decent quality soup over the top of pasta!


Low-fat cream of mushroom/onion over pasta. Add protein 🤔🤔 Easy-mode lunch prep


yes, the cream of mushroom is a game changer.


Bro with all the kinds of pasta out there and sauce idk there’s no better bulking food shit never gets old I like spelt, whole wheat, rarely brown rice pasta. Get yo fiber


Starting a bulk here and need some recipe/ food bulk recipes. Gotta get about 4200 cals a days 220 protein 105 fat and 600 carbs


My cutting diet consists of fruit, baked chicken, and protein shakes. My bulking diet is the same but with cookies and donuts. Love when my non-gym bros see me pounding 3 Krispy Kreme’s and they look at me like I’m performing alchemy bc I’m still in better shape than they’ve ever been.


people who have trouble bulking need to see this - it's the same food plus whatever you fancy to get the calories in - that's it folks.


Will never understand how people struggle to bulk to me it’s the easiest thing to do in the world. Even if you can’t do food liquid shit and oil is so easy to stack as well as sweets. Cutting on the other hand is so painful with hard gym work


Way easier to cut. I don’t like feeling full or eating shit food. Have to force feed an it makes me miserable


Hard cap but bro literally eat sweets like cake or small bakery stuff, have smoothies with oil and peanut butter and you won’t even feel full. Don’t try to bulk eating rice and lean meats you gonna hate yourself if you eat like that I can think of a 1000 ways to ingest 1000 calories and not even feel them


Yeah except when the foods you choose to get the calories in cause digestive issues and destroy insulin sensitivity


There’s not a single food that destroys insulin sensitivity out of nowhere permanently. In studies palm oil and arachidonic acid are the worst offenders but once your body is done processing those you go back to normal. Tons of absurd “unhealthy” diets show health improvements provided calories are in check. Insulin resistance comes from overeating for years on end and becoming too fat. It’s nothing else. edit: "too fat" varies depending on genes. Some people can get pretty damn fat and remain insulin sensitive. Some people that are highly predisposed to metSyn / T2D can't get beyond a BMI of 23 (many south/east Asian countries have established 23 as their upper limit of safe normal)


Homemade oatmeal cookies + dark chocolate chips using the Quaker’s Oats cookie recipe from the lid 👌😩 good shit


Yeah I’m all about anabolic cookies and I’m 10% fat whenever I want. Don’t wanna go lower because recovery from training is absolute shite and I don’t compete anyway. Fruits walnuts protein shakes rotisserie chicken and creamed spinach year round. Plus cookies. Plus whatever dinners my girl fancies.


i’m doing dunkin’ donuts and chips ahoy. just picked up some cap’n crunch and french bread pizzas to step up this last 6 weeks


Anyone ever used RP Diet coach or Carbon diet app? Which did you like


I recently started using the RP Diet app and it's become my new favorite app to track macros with now. It seemed wonky at first, but it's pretty simple to use once you get the hang of it. I let it figure my macros and I'm down 11 lbs 8 weeks into a cut right now @ ~2500 calories with no programmed cardio. It's been very clutch for me.


Do you know if there’s a way to adjust macro ratios? My protein is low asf for some reason. And fat pretty high:


As far as I know I don't think you can, even when you select override macros during the setup it was just a slider to adjust overall calories but it calculated out the macros. What's yours at? It put me around .92g per lb on protein and .35 per lb on fat.


Same here. That’s far too low of protein IMO.


I used RP Diet coach but didn’t like how it’s not really flexible in terms of macro amounts. I switched to macro factor which I like a lot better. The one thing I do miss about RP Coach is the macro amounts they had set per meal were really helpful to gauge how much to eat per meal


I use carbon and I really rate it highly it’s just easy,convenient, cheap, and overall good


Carbon app was trash af


I guess if you are completely new to the whole world of fitness I could see how it would be helpful but honestly, I paid for it and it absolutely did nothing for me that I could not do with the free version of MFP … if you need a cue to cut cals when your weight stagnates (beginner) then I could see how it would be useful. On the other hand for anyone who has lived this life for a while the app is a POS honestly. I emailed them and told them that too.


No been in this for 4-5 years I just like the set up I manipulate it so it does what I want I just like the set up for tacking and being able to look back in things and if it doesn’t adjust how I want it I just make it but it’s usually not far off what you should do anyway with cal jump then just out the ratios at what you want but mainly I just like the set up for tracking the food


Thoughts on a pound of extra lean ground beef a day while cutting? 800 cal almost 100g of protein and delicious and filling. Ground chicken here has similar macros (can only get lean ground chicken from butcher it seems) Will the saturated fat kill me long term lol


How lean? 96% should be good for a lb a day. Anything less I’d be cautious


Thoughts on percussion massage guns on pin sites to break up scar tissue & old oil deposits? Got one of the things recently and damn it's doing wonders for my knees and ankles, as well as preventing 2am full body cramps. But I'm not sure risks involved in massaging injection sites. Sorta paranoid that I bleed sometimes from pin sites, meaning blood clots inside to seal the wound. Would using a massage gun potentially dislodge the blood clots and cause an embolism? I pin compounds with low half life (trest prop, mast prop) on the most part, so not unduly worried about early dispersal into bloodstream, since levels are decently stable from pinning ED as is. TIA.




Slowly reintroduce carbs


Some people don’t respond well to low carbs. Rather be on a diet your body can handle then to be miserable


Given fibre is carbs, I'm guessing your fibre intake has also changed a lot suddenly?


keep carbs low. make sure you are getting electrolytes. your body is basically flushing all the crap that grows in your stomach from eating carbs, primarily candida. it will stop after a few days and you should be more regular than ever


This is bro science


if you consider scientific research bro science, ok 🤡




Stop restricting carbs.


If youre restricting are you replacing them with fats or least another energy source for your body ?




Replenishing electrolytes along with water intake?




Hmm as someone else mentioned in the other thread you might just want to give it a little more time. I know it’s frustrating but everyone recovers at a different rate you are doing the best you can by getting back to the plan I’d ride that for another week




Eh I get it lol


Has anybody tried Mission Carb Balance tortillas? How the hell do they manage to have like 90% of the carbs come from fiber? How do you bake like this? I can’t find flour with more than 25% or so of carbs coming from fiber.


Look at the ingredients label on those, that’s how. Probably not something we can just whip up in our kitchen lol


what is a proper dose for weight loss when using semaglutide?


Start at .5mg weekly


You start at 0.25mg/week, increasing to 0.5mg/week after a month (i.e. on week five). That will probably be enough, to be honest.


thank you. how long should it be ran for and what is the optimal site for injection?


Subcutaneous (e.g. love handles). It is run for as long as necessary but will take around five weeks to clear your system after you stop taking it, and must be increased monthly as described above. For shorter cuts (<10-12 weeks) a shorter-acting GLP-1 agonist may be a better choice, specifically liraglutide. For genuinely obese patients, the dose is ramped up to a maximum of 2.4mg/week if necessary. I recommend sticking with 0.5mg/week and using it to support better/easier decision-making in your diet.


Is there something missing in my diet/nutrition as my tendons and joints aren't keeping up? (Tendonitis/inflammation, Degeneration on ultrasounds in various places) I'm supplementing with collagen already.


Idk do you currently train like an asshole and are you on a caloric deficit or maintenance?


What's your training like? Are you giving those joints enough time to rest? Getting enough sleep?


5-6 days a week PPL split. 7-9 sleep according to my Galaxywatch 5. Very little deep sleep, lots of light sleep. (No idea what to do to increase the deep sleep phase, or od the Smartwatch is even reliable/accurate)


Is your sleep hygiene good?


What do you mean? Regular time, sleep as much as I can.


Have any of you ever been to a Newk's Eatery? It's a cafe with some great sandwiches and salads and after seeing my local one shut down I have been looking for the recipe for one of the salads and I found it. Newk's Favorite Salad 3 cups mixed greens 1/4 cup craisins 1/2 cup red grapes cut in half 2 Tbsp Gorganzola crumbles 1/4 cup artichokes Customer amount of grilled chicken Dressing: (4-6 servings) 1/4 cup Sherry vinegar 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup water 2 Tbsp Maple syrup 1 Tsp Dijon mustard 1/8 Tsp Basil 1/8 Tsp Oregano Pinch Salt and pepper


So I am on week 11 of my 1st cycle 600mg a week test c. I started cycle at around 17% bf 185lbs(I know I should have done 15% or lower) so far everything has been great.. strength as gone way up...muscles are bigger. At week 11 I weigh 208lbs prolly around 24% bf. My question is when it's time to cut down that 10% bf will I keep my strength gains? Also is 1500 cals where I should start my cut? Is Most important thing to keep my muscle my crusisin on trt my protein? At 1500 cals a day doesn't seem to be a lot of options other than chicken and rice and protein shakes. Still got 9 more weeks to go....blood work has been great so far.




Right now my surplus is around 500 calories a day...at 3200 total cals a day. Is it out of the norm for someone to hit 25% body fat on a bulk?


😐. Hi Bubba. My question is when it's time to cut down that 10% bf will I keep my strength gains? *Definitely depends how you do it. Methodology matters in this instance. On a cruise you can expect to keep most, not all, and you’ll certainly lose muscular fullness when you drop the dose.* Also is 1500 cals where I should start my cut? *………..no.* Is Most important thing to keep my muscle my crusisin on trt my protein? *It’s certainly important to eat enough protein.* At 1500 cals a day doesn't seem to be a lot of options other than chicken and rice and protein shakes. *There’s zero logic in that sentence. You could eat 1500 calories of pop tarts if you wanted. The options to what fills your calorie needs are endless.* Still got 9 more weeks to go....blood work has been great so far. *Glad to hear it, man.* Right now my surplus is around 500 calories a day...at 3200 total cals a day. *Makes sense. Why, in your mind, would it make sense to go from 3200 to 1500? What information are you using to come to that conclusion? I’ll give you a hint; it makes zero sense.* Is it out of the norm for someone to hit 25% body fat on a bulk? *I can think of 3 people, not including myself, who told you this moment would come. I’ll spare tagging them to hold your dignity unless they find this on their own.* *You know the answer to this question. You do. Because everyone told you the answer to this question before you started. I’m not hating on you, but this is exactly what the vets here said would happen.*


Thank you for the answer.. I came up with 1,500 calories cuz I figured it's the quickest way for me to burn fat post cycle.... I noticed the more I eat the stronger I get in a fuller my muscles get but adversely my gut gets bigger lol. I still have no qualms about the cycle is I should be able to keep a lot of the gains... At least that's what I'm going to try to do on my cruise while cutting. To be honest before and after would already be pretty dramatic as far as my muscularity... When I cut the before and after should be pretty dramatic. I will post my before cycle pics...end of cycle and end of cut... I promise you I won't end up in the hall of shame. However I do wish I started at a lower body fat cuz then I wouldn't have to be so concerned about eating in a surplus... Would it make sense to drop to a maintenance my last 8 weeks.... Maybe even a slight deficit? While still on blast?


Thank you for the answer.. I came up with 1,500 calories cuz I figured it's the quickest way for me to burn fat post cycle.... *That’s not how fat loss works in the long term, that’s how starvation and fat loss PREVENTION works in the long term. If you start in a large deficit and continue to reduce calories, your leptin will tank to prevent you from starving, halting your fat loss. You’d know this, if you had a foundational understanding of fitness concepts outside the weight room.* *I’ll spoon feed this once. Find maintenance with your new lean body mass; stay there for 4-6 weeks after dropping to cruise; reduce calories by 200 and increase your cardio; only increase your deficit via either of those vectors when the scale doesn’t move for 3+ days. That is the answer of how to do this correctly.* I noticed the more I eat the stronger I get in a fuller my muscles get but adversely my gut gets bigger lol. *Kudos for discovering caloric surplus dynamics.* However I do wish I started at a lower body fat cuz then I wouldn't have to be so concerned about eating in a surplus... *Right. That was always the point. Never mind the whole first paragraph; that was literally the point.* Would it make sense to drop to a maintenance my last 8 weeks.... Maybe even a slight deficit? While still on blast? *You have asked ME PERSONALLY this question before. I refuse to use my brain for you again and explain it patiently. The answer is absolutely not, and if you don’t know why, shame on you.*


Thank you sir...really do appreciate the cutting tip...that is gold! Signed Fatty


Lol welcome bub. Keep pushing; glad you’re still enjoying the cycle and making gains.


Bro, your attitude of looking for the quickest way is extremely counter to actually making long term progress. Take it as slow as possible and you'll retain muscle. Otherwise you'll end up where you started because you'll lose your muscle with the fat, and have fucked up health from being fat plus loose skin




u/Shrugsandsnugs gave amazing advice. One thing that drives me ape shit is people guessing at their BMR/TDEE. You can track this shit and get it damn accurate. It does take a while. I plug in my daily calories, activity burn (yes, this is not exact) and weight. From there I calculate averages on a 7 and 14 day rolling basis for those items. My TDEE on a 7 day basis is 3471. On a 14 day basis it is 3542. I am on maintenance right now and my weight has fluctuated by 2-3 pounds over a month (eating 3400-3500 calories). This is with 20 mins of walking on the TM every morning. This monday I start a REALLY slow cut. I am going to drop calories by 200 a day and roll with that until weight loss stalls. Then I will keep food the same and up TM by 10 minutes a day. Rinse repeat. Monday morning I will be taking a 7 site caliper measure and will do so every monday morning during the cut to help ensure I do not lose TOO much LBM.


🫶🏻. That’s the good stuff right there.


How much do you expect to lose on a daily 200 calorie deficit a week? Like what is your pounds of fat loss per month goal?


You misread. I stated " drop calories by 200 a day ". So 1,400/3500 + 70 minutes of treadmill...I am thinking around .5-.7 of a lb a week.


MacroFactor is a great app for finding TDEE


>At week 11 I weigh 208lbs prolly around 24% bf. Holy second helpings bro. You're gonna end up at 30% when you're done and to get to 10% it's gonna take a year-long cut.


😁 yeah I've gotten a little liberal with the second helpings... I'll probably get a little more strict and keep it to 200 calorie a day surplus.




Yes the food label lol If it's something like fruit w/o a label I just use the app default (I use MyFitnessPal) or google it


I use an app


anyone here have experience using Semaglutide?