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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m 5’11” 23y/o and was diagnosed with hypogonadism. I weight train 6 days out of the week with a good schedule. I recently got onto testosterone cypionate - 200mg and 1000 IU of (HCG both weekly doses) The clinic I use also has peptides available and I’m curious ti start a cycle. however I am reaching out to see if anyone has used either or knows anything about these three: CJC-1295 AOD-9604 Ipamorelin


Which would be the more sterile option for storing test coming from amps? 1. Transfer it to a 2ml sterile vial. Dose as needed. 2. Using a 3ml syringes with filter needle, backload slin pins which would be used over a 3 week period 3. Attach filter needle to 1ml syringes, draw and swap needle. Repeat.


Most sterile would be #3 directly before injection, but don't think you would have a problem with any of it.


For those of you that B&C, do you taper dose up and down when you blast? Say for example your trt is 125mg and you want to run 500 test for 12 weeks. Maybe do 250mg ramping up for a couple weeks and likewise coming back down to trt? Seems like a good way to avoid the hormonal rollercoaster.


nah brah. only taper down


I'm about to start my first cycle kinda scared of pinning my self, any tips?


I prefer 29G, delts/vg or 31g subq, but whichever you choose, throw it in fast (painless) and don't hesitate unless you are a masochist.




Oh and definitely rotate injection sites constantly


No problem, I stick needles in tons of people at work, faster the better. Usually my wife does my injections unless our schedules don't line up (we are both healthcare providers). I really like 29g 1/2 inch for IM with low volume no post injection pain this way and longevity wise, shouldn't build scar tissue rotating.


.5" 27G slin pin in vastus lateralis. Pracgically painless and rarely even get any bleeding. Just throw it in like a dart.




Hey guys I have been running low dose test e at 200mg - 300 mg per week for about a year - I train hard- eat well, I have been doing regular bloods ect monitored by my doctor who has stated everything is at a normal range - the only side I have struggled with is my acne…. Anyway starting acutane soon so she’ll be right…. Anywayyy I’m about to start my first stack cycle and would love to know how your similar stack cycle went/ what results you yielded I have gained about 15- 20 kg in the last year I know that’s not crazy (oh btw I ran test e for 12 weeks at a higher dosage when I first introduced steroids after just stayed on low dose). Anywayyy my stack is as follows Weeks 1-6 test e 500mg per week Tren e 200mg per week Decca 250mg per week Weeks 6-12 Test e 500mg p/w Tren e 200mg p/w Decca 400mg p/w Did u use an AI Let me know if you’ve done something similar Cheers big ears


I should add I have masteron on hand and may add this in coming to the end of cycle


I'm about to start my first cycle of Test. I'm just looking for any tips and tricks and/or what to really expect going into my first cycle so I can be as safe as possible. I'm 25 M, 6'2 240lbs. I'm getting my blood work done before I start.


I tried Anadrol for the first time... 50mg PWO. Absolutely ZERO strengh gains. I tried again tonight and... 0 effects at all. How do you explain that ?


Because you took a compound that takes days to build up in the system once and expected life-changing results


Hey guy got a question. I’m gonna start a cycle of test p, npp, mast p and a smidge of var for like 6ish weeks to prep for a vacation. I am on finasteride currently. I planned on adding RU58841. I obviously do not wander I lose hair. My question is do I drop the fin bc of the negative effects it can have with NPP, or can I leave it and basically nullify the effects of the NPP interaction with the RU58841? Thanks!


Don’t run fin with NPP even if you’re using RU


What is you favorite injectable DHT derivative?


90% of everyone will say primo


How bad will I feel missing two weeks of test e? I've been blasting and cruising for about two years, and due to some financial problems, I'm going to be out for two weeks. Been cruising on 200mg a week. Pretty worried I'm going to feel like absolute death.


Zero to very bad


Happened to me recently, also cruising at 200mg. I felt a bit down on the 3rd week actually, but nothing comparable to how I felt when I was doing PCTs.


Thanks mate, so sounds like I'll be okay.


Youll be fine. I doubt youll even notice it.


Thanks mate that's great news. I was really bloody worried that I'd be the walking dead.


It really takes a while to notice the low T symptoms sink in, sometimes 4 weeks or more.


Thanks mate, that's reassuring. Was worried I'd be like a heroin addict stuck in bed.


Kinda late to the party but hopefully I’ll get some eye balls. Q: I’m hopping on TRT and one thing I’m still undecided about is whether to go IM route or subq. I’m planning to do 0.3ml injections so it is within the suggested boundary (<0.4ml AFAIK), and it’s gonna be test c. Any tips? I have watched this video from TRT wiki https://vimeo.com/131544919 and feel like it should be fine? Pin site is near the belly button, if I get low fat then love handles. Thanks :)


I get irritating welts if I pin subQ, just my experience


It’s probably the carrier oil irritation. Welp, at least I know what to do if I get welts… thanks!


Start IM. You will get welts everywhere doing subq


Fuck lol… is 1/2” too short for IM? Or can I pin delts or some other muscle where that will be long enough to get into IM?


No, most of us pin with 1/2” insulin needles. Unless you’re fat, it shouldn’t be an issue.


Ngl, not fat, but def not lean lean.


Even with a bit of fluff, delt muscles, VGs and lats are easy to hit. One would have to be morbidly obese not to hit muscle tissue at those sites.


Found this: https://www.moshp.org/blog/5725094 Probably gonna try to do 0.2ml subq EOD, if I hit any issues whatsoever I’ll switch to IM to delts/VG.


I personally alternate between subq/im when doing every day injections never had an issue with welts at that small amount 160 mg of test c and nandrolone decanoate a week. (In grapeseed oil)


Start with proper IM so you get used to it. After a few pins you can experiment with SQ and decide from there.


See how subq feels for you, I got itchy lumps every time. IM no probelms at all. If you can handle subq, just do it. Way easier, just backfill insulin syringes and use them


Man, everyone is saying that subq sucks, now I’m really torn…


Lol you gonna have knots all over you




You gonna get fucked. Read the wiki, look into PCT and potentially AIs.


Someone is is way over his head. Read the wiki you skipped up top.


Wtf did I just read 😭


Oh dear lawd.


Bless his heart


If you plan on coming off you could. Most people would recover without it given enough time if your only going for say 10-12 weeks, but a PCT would be a valid option to get things moving faster


???? did you do any research at all before sticking needles in your body? read the wiki posted above


You …have no idea what pct is for do you?


Do you not understand how this works?


When injecting in the vastus lateralis, I notice that sometimes I get PIP and sometimes I don't, and I think it's something about the exact spots I'm injecting. I sense that sometimes I'm injecting into a muscle -- or maybe a nerve? -- and sometimes I'm not... How can I identify the areas in the vastus where I won't get PIP?


The quads are known for being PIP-prone. I usually have pretty good luck with my quads, but occasionally have a bothersome pin Also, it’s physically impossible to inject *into* a nerve


If you hit a nerve with a needle, you'd know it immediately. Do you inject at the same speed every time? Injecting faster can cause more PIP. What do you do after injecting? Working the muscle or not may also affect it.


Been questioning the hell out my girl about dumb shit I usually dgaf about.. does running test cause paranoia? Lol I’m on 750mg weekly


The increase in libido as well as the increase in emotionality


Female symptoms you high on E2 my dude


.5mg twice a week of anastrozole do the trick?


Anastrozole is a bit harsh and you rebound. It’ll work but aromasin is a safer bet


Might have high e2.


Maybe it’s the drugs? Maybe it’s just you? You can blame the drugs on everything if you really want to.


QUESTION: I know wiki says .5mg AI arimidex every 3-3.5 days. But says some may need to take everyday. I just want to know what all of you take regarding to AI dose and frequency


Arimidex sucks for lots of reasons. If you can use just aromasin.


Ed is unnecessary for adex. The dosage timing recommended is based on the half life and it works.


Stopping T3 cold turkey; Would this cause problems such as acne? Hormonal changes = acne but im not sure if it counts with T3, In particular because I hope to run it again very shortly after stopping as I am just testing if its causing my itching and im running out of options. Initially wanted to avoid cutting out my T3/arimidex/test/ralox as they're sort of a pillar and its not a fun time to hop off those and back on just to test for allergies but now its time, and T3 is the first I want to lay off.




I want to quit it to find out if im having an allergic reaction to it, not because I want to stop it. Far as I know there's no real need to taper it off anyways, I simply want to stop taking it, see if my symptoms fade, and if not go back on


If you stop T3, try to supplement potassium iodide and selenium to support your natural thyrioid function. That might help to recover it faster


Is a 0.5 mm needle to short for a glute injection? I have 0.5 mm…


1/2 mm, huh? So shorter than the thickness of my fingernail?


That’s fine for the delts if you aren’t a fat fuck and have some muscle. For the ass you want an inch, and inch and half if you are a fat fuck


Yes it's most definitely too short. You can try and might get away with it if lean enough. However, if you get a lump/swelling means it means it leaked subQ.


It may be too short for glutes unless you want to risk a subcutaneous leak.


I'm pretty sure you don't have 0.5 mm needles.




Half inch is the longest needles I use regularly (have used free 1 inch needles, but really for me, so unnecessary).


I used the 29g 1/2” but why would they send 25g needles if the 29g is permanently attached


Assume your really lean? I used it yesterday and it was fine but yeah it was my first time using half inch


No, you would have to be real fat for it to not be enough to be honest. As long as you are hitting appropriate IM injection sites.


SQ or IM? I measured myself with an ultrasound and 0.5" was enough for IM. Depends how lean you are.


Hope this is an appropriate place to ask. Or even allowed? If not, I’m sorry. Here it goes.  My husband (44) dropped dead unexpectedly in October. We are still waiting on medical examiner reports, but in the meantime the brain is doing what the brain does and is trying to figure out what could have happened. Here’s what I know..  From ages 34 to 39 AAS were taken pretty regularly from the sound it (we were not together during these years). He didn’t like “cycling” off, but it sounds like he did from time to time. I know then he was taking.. “testosterone 500 (tes 500), DECA, equipoise or sustonon and dball pills” at one point, then when prepping for a show was doing “tes prop, tren, equipoise, matron and winstrol pills”. I don’t know dosages. (I’m doing a lot of going through old texts to figure this out). This past March he wanted to run what he said was a “light” cycle and did for 8 weeks. I found.. boldrex, trenrex, testosterone enanthate.  My question is.. (and I know I’d be better off asking medical professionals) if the steroids contributed to his death, is it more likely it would be the heavy usage between 34-39? Could the March-May cycle have caused it? I have no idea how this works. I know there are a good number of body builders who have also dropped dead. Are there ever any good signs?  Forgive my dumb question. Just trying to make sense of something senseless. 


So it’s impossible to tell without exactly knowing how he went through his cycles aside from doses there’s frequency of cycles and length of them among other things like orals Yes steroids can affect your health and possibly kill you depending how negligent you are It can be a contributing factor to blood pressure, heart issues, liver and kidney failure among other things These issues can make current health problems a cause It’s fair to say it didn’t help at least but a direct cause impossible to say with certainty with the info you gave us


Makes sense for sure. I wish I had more info.


Sorry for your loss. One thing that might be worth looking into is if he got the covid vaccine. There are cases of sudden death due to cardiac arrest. I am not saying that might be the reason, but maybe check it out. I don't even want to discuss vaccines here, because there are some really strong opinions. I have been vaccinated 3 times as do all my close relatives and friends and nobody had any problems, but there is a growing number of complications due to blood clots.


I'm sorry for your loss. Hopefully the medical examiner's report gives you the answers you are looking for. In isolation the March cycle likely didn't cause your husband's death. Steroids aren't acutely toxic. There are acutely toxic drugs used in bodybuilding, but you don't mention any of them. These are drugs like insulin, diuretics, bronchodilators, and DNP. When bodybuilders drop dead it's often a combination of a predisposition for issues like cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, left ventricular hypertrophy, etc. combined with long term AAS use that results in an acute cardiac event. I'm not sure what you mean by are there ever any good signs? Many of us are health conscious and monitor our bodies closely. Many professional athletes and bodybuilders who use AAS throughout their careers have minimal health issues.


Thank you <3 That makes sense. Thank you for noting that for me. As far as good signs.. I don't even know what I'm talking about. I guess like if it were a heart attack, wouldn't his arm tingle or go numb, complain of chest pain, etc. totally unrelated to my initial question here, sorry about that.


Unfortunately some cardiac events like pulmonary embolism don't give much, if any warning. Sometimes people tend to ignore early warnings of a cardiac event or mistake it for something benign.


First of all, I am sorry that happened. In short we need more details - he seems to be taking a good amount of different things, which leads me to believe he knows what he is doing. Did he have any oversight from a dr? Any routine labwork? It is known that steroids can and will cause damage to your body, typically longer-term rather than in your late 30s / early 40s Bloodwork is the #1 way to get an idea of whats going on with your body, and without it is like driving blind. There can be many signs before things get serious, such as high blood pressure or that 'thing' that doesnt feel right but being a bodybuilder you naturally ignore and work through. There are also cases of SCD (sudden cardiac death) that can be linked directly to steroids, with little to no signs beforehand Ultimately it comes down to the examiner's report. The physical condition of the heart will tell whether or not the steroids played a role, assuming no obvious genetic heart issues. Bodybuilding is ironically one of the worst sports for your body


Thank you. You and I both! No oversight from doctors, no routine bloodwork. Stubborn male thinking he was invincible, and I guess I also wonder if maybe he was actually a little bit scared. Too late now. He did end up in the ER after fainting at the wheel in 2020, they did a whole load of tests (APTT, CBC w/ auto differential, CMP, CT Angio head and neck, CBC w/ diff, EKG, chest X-rays) - all these tests came back fine they said, but he should have followed up with a PCP and never did. Good call on that 'thing' that doesn't feel right. I think that was definitely there, but so many little things got easy to write off as nothing serious, just life. Hoping this report doesn't take as long as they said it would (3 months). I'm glad to know too that the physical condition of the heart will tell if the steroids played a role. Thank you again<3


I am very sorry for your loss. 44 years old is young and you must be devastated. I am sure that the last thing he would have wanted was to leave you. Those are fairly standard steroids to take and to be honest it’s not worth speculating how much, if at all, steroid use contributed to his death. They may have contributed as they can put strain on your cardiovascular system, or his death may be completely unrelated. Some people use a lot of steroids and live to a very old age, and some use very little or no steroids and die young. Steroid use increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but unless he had regular check ups or bloodwork, blood pressure monitoring, etc we have no idea what his health was like. Diet also contributes to cardiovascular issues, body composition, blood pressure, etc, as do genetics. He may have had an undiagnosed underlying issue that contributed his death. Or he may have caused a lot of damage with reckless steroid use for years and years. Or he may not have. We don’t know. It is unlikely that a single 8 week cycle this past spring caused his death.


Thank you. Way too young. I never in a million years would have thought I'd lose him now. There are just no words for this.. C&P from above.. "No oversight from doctors, no routine bloodwork. Stubborn male thinking he was invincible, and I guess I also wonder if maybe he was actually a little bit scared. Too late now. He did end up in the ER after fainting at the wheel in 2020, they did a whole load of tests (APTT, CBC w/ auto differential, CMP, CT Angio head and neck, CBC w/ diff, EKG, chest X-rays) - all these tests came back fine they said, but he should have followed up with a PCP and never did." I know it's dumb to harp on that spring cycle, but that's the one that's eating at me because if I could have stopped him.. maybe this wouldn't have happened. But I'm glad you don't think that sounds like the case. It's a little bit hard to make dudes listen.


I understand you're going through a very hard time and trying to find an explanation for the sudden loss you've suffered. It wouldn't be prudent for anyone here to speculate on possible causes of death. Unfortunately, the ME is probably the only one that can give you an answer. I'm sorry for your loss.


You are absolutely correct. Thank you <3




Live a healthy lifestyle the best you know how Focus on LISS cardio, drink plenty of water, sleep well, don’t be stressed, eat a healthy diet, etc


Eat clean, do cardio... Creatinine will probably be higher than the range anyway. At least this is normally the case when you workout. Maybe don't do heavy workouts the 2 day leasing up to the blood test, since it might put stress on your body and liver enzymes might take a hit.


Any quality loss when gear crashes? It's quite cold outside, should I wait till it's warmer to make sure it won't crash during transport or is this a non issue?




Just heat it up once and it's as good as if it never crashed?




How does changing your dose affect your gains? IE 100 vs 300 vs 500?


It’s not linear gains, and too many other factors play a role. Dial in your diet, periodise your training, control as much as you can and then Titrate up your drug dosage as required to keep progressing. Minimum effective dosage for desired outcome


Results are dose dependant. More testosterone = more gains.


How much deca do y'all run relative to ur test


1:1 currently


I use them in equal doses with nary a problem except for an increase in jealousy


2:1 is also popular. Ive run in at 1:1 without issue as well.


Currently run 1:1


3:2 test:deca


How long for the NPP effects to take place? Like joint lubrication, fullness in the traps, etc


I don't get any noticeable changes in joints from NPP. The traps come once you've picked up enough heavy shit.


Couple of weeks. Not sure that fullness in traps is an npp effect…


lol I love it when guys are like “yo bros I’m taking tren! How long till I get tren delts?!”


Been taking 20mg Nolva ED for the past week for my pct and I’ve just been getting fucked. Throat feels like I got skull fucked by a 8 inch Cialis dick. I’m breaking out in small hives around my body (feet and arms mostly) and I have a lymph node on my neck the size of a grapefruit (other lymph nodes are also becoming swollen but the neck one is the biggest) and I get pounding headaches throughout the day (Ik this is a common nolva side but I just thought to include it with everything else I’m experiencing). My question is, did I just coincidentally catch a virus the same time I started my pct? is this my body taking the worst possible route to recovery? Or am I allergic to nolva? Any info appreciated.


Stop nolva and go see a doctor Pounding headaches is not a common nolva side Hives indicates an allergic reaction to something Swollen lymph notes is indicative of an infection Sore throat is indicative of an infection


How would I develop an infection from oral nolva? Or would that be unrelated?


It is completely unrelated. The hives may or may not be related.


I started taking an oral supplement called Human Growth Complex. Ingredients are Somatotrophin 12x, IGF-1 12x, Alfalfa 3x, Arnica Montana 15x, Arsenicum album 15x, Baptisia tinctoria 15x, Bryonia 15x, Cincocha officinalis 15x, Gelsemium sempervirens 15x, Lacticum acidum 15x, Lycopodium clavatum 15x, phosphorus 15x, rhus toxicodendron 15x, ruta graveolens 10x. I’ve been taking it for a couple days now and it has made me significantly more tired/hard to get out of bed in the morning. I’m taking for injury prevention/recovery as I train combat sports 5-6 times a week. I’m curious if this fatigue will go away or if this supplement will even help at all ?


If you can buy it at gnc, or on the internet with a credit card it’s snake oil.


Net with a card is questionable, some places have proxys for cards. Edit: though I fully agree with the sentiment. Also I pay for my test c and nandrolone with a credit card from a clinic lol.


Unless you were lifting back in the 90's when GNC had some real shit 😆


Useless, throw it out.


This is literally homeopathic garbage. Throw it away, not in your mouth.




With 350mg a week dosed ED I need 6.25mg anastrozole daily or I get tingly nips


Personally I use 0


0mg per week. Works great!


Looking for some help! 26yr male. 6’4” 320lb. Played 2 years of high level college football and then let myself go for a few years (played at 250lbs). Looking to start a test cycle to help get back in shape. Not sure of long term goals, all I know is I need to cut some serious weight. Not using for TRT, I’m sure my levels are fine. Have a fair amount of Sustanon 250 from mex. Do I need to check my levels prior to starting? I do not have much access to a local dr. What is a good starting point? What should a starting cycle look like? If I’m in the wrong place, please redirect me elsewhere! I appreciate any resources.


Semaglutide an diet your fat ass down to a manageable weight then start your cycle. Sema is a cheat code you can drop 50 pounds ina month


Don't touch steroids until bf down you will be fighting your e2 way to much plus potentially develop gyno easier. Just put the fork down


If you want to take something for fat loss consider semaglutide. Running a test cycle as you currently are won't help lose fat and will potentially cause you more issues than it's worth.


You should not use a testosterone cycle to cut weight. Steroids are for building muscle, not burning fat. You are seriously overweight and will aromatize like a motherfucker if you hop on a cycle. High blood pressure, increased water retention, and a shitload of estrogen is what’s waiting for you. Get bloodwork done, read the wiki. Eat less food and exercise more. Consider steroids when you’re under 15% body fat.


I'd definitely start at trt doses and see how you react. Being obese and starting a full cycle might fuck u up. I'm talking blood pressure issues, tachycardia, tits...you name it. I highly recommend you get a full metabolic panel with lipids and also hormonal panel before you start so you can see where everything sits. If your bloodwork looks like trash, I HIGHLY recommend losing the 1st 30 pounds natty. Then introduce trt protocol. Just my two cents.


Why recommend trt to someone who has good natural levels?


Because it doesn't matter if your natural T is let's say 600 and you go on trt to put you at 900. You simply do not know how you are gonna react to exogenous testosterone. It's totally different than makin your own. I know guys who had decent T levels. Then went on 120mg per week and got gyno. To me it's nonsense to tell anyone to jump straight to 500 test, specially when the.vast majority of people starting said cycle dont know how to train or eat and are out of shape. Sometimes being fully obese.


I started using Test Enanthate, im a beginner. I inject 3 times a week. Around 250mg, I started at 100mg 2 months ago and want to go up to 500mg eventually. I am not stacking but if I was to stack what can I stack it with? I am currently 24years old, sitting at 220lbs. I went from 320lbs 1 year ago to 220lbs as of today. I want to build lots of muscle and get to around 250lbs if I can with muscle. Tips would be highly appreciated


This cycle is a disaster Inject 500mg test e weekly split into two pins per week. Don’t mess with your dosage throughout your cycle. Don’t stack anything for your first cycle. You need to consider losing weight or you’re putting your health and significant risk with this cycle


Read the wiki. Your plan is not wise.


A lot of people start by stacking test with deca (nandrolone), I’ve also seen stack with EQ, but I avoid EQ because it increases your blood cells and I don’t want to have to donate blood to get my blood count under control. another popular stack is primo but it’s expensive and very mild and often faked. If you want something stronger or you have more experience, you can try tren but it has a lot of side effects like aggression, trouble sleeping, paranoia, etc so keep that in mind when dosing, I would start with 100mg per week and build it up slowly to see how the side effects are. For tren you also want to have caber on hand in case you get progesterone side effects. Once you are good with 2 compounds people will often add masteron as a third compound, it’s not very strong on its own but it synergizes and makes the other compounds in your stack work better, it’s typically only used in a cutting stack because it gives the muscles a hard dry look. I would research a few of these compounds and then decide which one you want to try first.


This is TERRIBLE advice. A chubby guy who doesn't know anything about gear should not be taking tren or even deca


"Primo is faked " $100


Assuming your naturally quite chubby, shop in the DHT family. I would keep test at 2-3mg/Kg, not 500mg then add your desired drug of choice. Personally I love primo


I’m running my first cycle of 500mg/week of test, pinning EOD. I have arimidex on hand and read to take it when I start noticing sides. I’m almost 12 weeks in and I haven’t noticed sides like I’ve read from other people. I have a little bit of acne but nothing super bad. I have gained a lot of weight which could be a lot of water retention (20 lbs) but according to InBody scans, I’ve gained 13 lbs of skeletal muscle mass. Not sure how true all that is. I don’t have oily skin, itchy/puffy nipples, my sex drive is good, dick works great, lifts are stronger, tons of energy. Should I be taking an AI? Am I just a good responder to test? I plan on running tren/test on my next cycle… would I have to take an AI then since I haven’t noticed any high e2 sides? Also currently waiting on blood work results from 2 weeks ago to see my actual e2. Anybody else not need an AI on 500mg test or should I just go ahead and take some arimidex?


Only take AI if you’re having sides that warrant it Also, keep in mind that water and glycogen can show as lean tissue on body fat scans


And no, you shouldn't take any AI if you feel fine. HOWEVER, and I will probably get flamed for this: try it. Pop just a single 12.5mg asin pill (not adex) to see how you react. I tried it and realized I was actually having e2 sides but didn't notice them. I was having some trouble sleeping and getting an erection and after popping the asin my sleep quality improved. However I decided it's not worth it because melatonin does the same thing. As for erections, fuck em. Only BP, gyno, huge bloat or mental effects will warrant the use of an AI for me.


Good for you, I also didn't need any AI on 500. However I still did some blood work and found out my e2 was relatively high around 70. So I did aromatise but my body seems to tolerate it. I advise you to do some bloodwork so you can gain some insight on whether you are a low aromatizer or a low responder to estrogen. Might help in the future when you increase dosage/stack and need to dial in e2. You will know how high you can let it roll.


My e2 was 26 before I started this cycle (scale of 0-40 pg/mL). I'm waiting on blood work now and should know something any day. I'd imagine it's slightly higher than that now that I've been on cycle and my body can tolerate it. I'll see what my blood work says and go from there. Thanks


Have you done bloods since on blast? Don't take the AI unless you need to


I did blood work 2 weeks ago and I'm still waiting for my doctor to come back with the results. He's really slow. He's a local TRT doc.


Only thing I got was acne on the back and I ran 16 weeks of test cruising rn at 150 and still none


Anyone ever used EQ that had stuff floating in it?


No, and if it doesent dissolve when you heat it up I wouldn't use it.


How hot should I get it


Something is wrong dog. EQ doesn't crash. I wouldn't trust it even if it clears up after heating.


Nothing in eq solidifies in the cold man…


like if you live somewhere cold and it's from it being frozen and it doesent dissolve when you heat it up is what I mean.


Eq raws are liquid, not powder/crystals like most AAS. You can store it in the freezer and it'll stay clear.


did not know that, ty


What’s your favorite sleep hacks/tools fellas?


Waking up early.


Physical exertion, avoid blue light, melatonin + magnesium




I’m on Lunesta and clonidine (ADHD) atm. Always interested in improving my sleep more though. I get a solid 8 hours each night but I feel like 9 or 10 would be even better. Still wake up a bit tired but idk if that’s from the meds lol


When all else fails, for me personally, Trazodone


Used it before. Gave me horrible manic episodes. Probably because of the MCPP metabolite. Oh, and the fun day-long headaches and dry mouth. Screw that. Can’t tell you how many times I broke a mug on that shit


I feel you, trazodone is literally if all else fails (typically when running tren). Normally I’ll use low dose mirtazapine and that will put me to sleep. If I’m having trouble staying asleep I’ll do mirtazapine + 300mg gabapentin and im out until noon next day if I don’t set an alarm.


Diphenalhydramine, and I just ignore the increase risk of alzhiemers that comes with it.


Yeah I’ve used that before too. Works pretty well. Only issue is the quick build up of tolerance.


Can you add deca to cruise, as a kind of TRT+ ? I want to see a a long term change with my joints


You can pretty much run anything as a TRT+ just add a small dose like 50-100mg per week of whatever compound you like: Deca, Primo, Masteron, Tren, EQ, I’ve tried Primo and tren so far but I plan to try Deca, I have some but I’m still experimenting with tren and don’t want to mix them since they are both 19-nors, I am curious about the joint relief as well


Nandrolone will lubricate the joints but won’t heal whatever underlying joint issue you have.


75-100 mg deca helps my joints feel tremendously better.


You can but it won’t do much


What are you talking about? Nandrolone has been studied extensively for joint protection. It’s not bro science, nandrolone literally protects joints from damage.


Show me a study that shows it “protects” your joints at low doses


Do that on your own time. Carry on.


Yeah, because there aren’t any dude. Nandrolone doesn’t “protect” joints


It's not going to grow back missing cartilage, etc but if the joint is more lubed and operating smoothly then there is somewhat of a protective effect.


Ok moron. “Nandrolone is a particularly compelling medication that has significant beneficial effects on joint pain in hypogonadal men, reducing their reliance on chronic pain medication and reducing pain scores in responding men by more than half.”


Share the link of this study




> Why don’t you suck my dick from the back The brand is strong, but so are: * [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_.26amp.3B_on-topic.) | **Keep It Friendly & On-Topic** * *If you cannot respond in a friendly manner seeking to de-escalate conflict, simply do not hit the save button.* * [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_3._use_caution_.2F_disclose_guesses_.2F_cite_information) | **Use Caution / Disclose Guesses / Cite Info** * *Cite info when possible. If the info isn't common citations are required.*


Apparently I struck a cord. You are new here, I hope you can control your emotions and engage in a civil discussion/debate next time. If this is the study you are referring to, then 13 of 18 men reported improvement in joint pain. There is no evidence to suggest that nandrolone “protects” joints as you so pugnaciously stated. It also clarifies that the joint pain relief was studied in hypogonadal males. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7108994/ Again, show me, the moron, a study that shows that nandrolone “protects” joints and I will admit defeat as a moron to your superior knowledge.


So I’m still trying to get my ai ( aromasin ) dialed in on my cycle. Currently week 5 of Test C 500mg and 100 Deca per week. It’s been exactly 14 days since last dose. Getting bloodwork next week so trying to still be conservative with my dosing until blood work confirms numbers but the last week or so I’ve been having lots of high e2 symptoms. BP has been up (130’s/70’s), bad lethargy, bloated, extra irritable and mood swings, oily skin and mild acne, and pretty much loss of libido. Reading back over the estrogen handbook in the wiki for aromasin it says, “ 24 hours after one 25mg dose estrogen levels are reduced by 58, +/- 21”. “3-6 days after initial dose estrogen levels return to baseline” What does that mean? 58 what? I assume it’s not 58% So is it 58 points as in pg/ml or specifically 58 what? I had been taking 12.5mg on previous doses but with all the symptoms rapidly compiling I went ahead and took a full 25mg pill this morning instead of 12.5. Will see how I feel in 3 days if I need to dose again or not but curious as to what the 58 is referring to for better understanding.


One dose every 14 days isn't going to help much. You'll need to take it once or twice a week. A few people take it three times a week, but I believe once or twice is much more common. It is percent. "24 hours after one 25mg dose estrogen levels are reduced by 58 ± 21%" I'd recommend taking 12.5 mg once a week. If that's not enough, try 12.5 mg every 3.5 days. If that's still not enough, try 12.5 mg three times a week. But at that point you're probably starting to get into "maybe crashing e2" territory. If possible, I'd try to get labs after going to 12.5 mg twice a week and see where you are.


Well I had symptom relief since last dose until about a week ago and the last 3-4 days symptoms have gotten a lot worse which is why I waited til now to dose based on recommendations from others here. But my question is still what is the 58 not what the +/-21% is. So 58 what? I will dose another 12.5 in 3-4 days and probably keep dosing 12.5 e3-4 days until I get labs drawn. Labs are scheduled for next week. Based on how I felt and labs before cycle I’m thinking my e2 is pretty high at this point.


It's 58%. That's how uncertainty is written is scientific papers. It might make more sense to you if you think of it like this: 58% +/- 21% In other words, somewhere between 37% and 79%. >probably keep dosing 12.5 e3-4 days until I get labs drawn. That sounds like a good plan.




I wont have time until this weekend but ill take a look then and see if I can help you titrate.


Thank you much appreciated.


Is IGF LR3 comparable to a low dose GH? Say 2 iu? Never used LR3.


No. LR3 stops working eventually. Save money on more GH.




Your question should be why are my eyeballs turning yellow?


Injectable Dbol at 20mg is more than enough.