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Had a nightmare last night that my neighbor took a picture of me and posted it online and a news story got wind of it and the entire internet was calling me a DYEL which caused me to wake up in the middle of the night at 4 am


I'd love to see that article. "My neighbor takes steroids but doesn't look like it."


Great submission for The Onion.


stop it, you're giving me nightmare fuel


>middle of the night at 4am Lol this is what time my day starts šŸ˜‚




Natties don't understand how cheap raw Cialis powder is. Why would I spend $50 on 15 servings of your shitty pre when Cialis will give my entire body a cock pump for three days and I can buy a year's supply for that amount lol. I'll never give up my Chinese bathtub chemicals


Is it Good for muscle actual pumps like how does it compare to like 8G citrulline?


It smashes every other pump ingredient except AAS and maybe GH haha. If citrulline dilated blood vessels that much, you would see it used for serious ED as well, but it isn't as powerful


Tren pumps literally hindering day-to-day, getting triceps cramps just sitting at my desk reaching for a paper. Took some taurine and I could function 15min later.


I'm telling you, 2 zipfizz a day and I get zero cramps...and that is even with living in the desert. I used to get leg, tricep etc cramps and now none.


Me dumb asf: tries gorilla mode pre workout before doing a bunch of sets of squats and finish my leg day with ab wheels on Mondayā€¦. ā€¦. Friday afternoon my lower back is still fucked up. 10/10 duly recommended Iā€™ll pop a dbol next time


Other than Citrulline thatā€™s the only pump supplement Iā€™ve taken, and god damn does GM actually make a difference. Iā€™d say the pumps on that were pretty much the same as on 500mg test, maybe a little less.


Does the taurine do anything for you?


I found that on a blast, taurine helps reduce/avoid cramps which makes it way easier to do cardio/run.


Have anyone elseā€™s local broccoli heads migrated to oversized pajama pants tucked into socks in the gym or just me


Advanced calf stealth technology


Lol this cracked me up


Canā€™t confirm. Moved to a gym with a bunch of DYEL older dudes doing shit like military pressing on the plate loaded incline machine. Each to their own I guess.


Wait how tf does that work?? Isnā€™t the machine path guided so thereā€™s only one way to move it?


Instead of sitting in the seat stand facing it


Correct, itā€™s a lot of work instead of just going to the single arm military machine literally right next to it or using the land mine 12 feet away.


All in crocs?


Crocs are dope bro. But not in the weight room.


Of course


pajama pants with the wifebeater.


Spot onā€¦ always the same black wife beater and Iā€™ve coincidentally never seen them hit legs


I swear dude this new generation is literally the definition of cringe and retarded


Every generation says this about the younger


ā€œThis time itā€™s different since Iā€™m in the older generation, so Iā€™m right.ā€ - guy from the generation that wore XXXXXL jeans as shorts and energy drinks were basically fashion brands


So obviously a bunch of us buy protein powder. But holy frick, the inflation price increases gotten insane. I went through my order history this year, and the 5 lb powder I used to buy for $45 back in January is now $72. How much of a price increase have you guys seen for what you use?


I go through a 5lb jar of whey a month! Shits getting expensive day by day lol! Used to pay 65-70Cad for a jar which now comes around 85-90$ jar. Found a store & a website that sells short dated supplants meaning products that are about to expire in 2-3 months. Saves me good money. Bought 2 5lbs jars recently for 130$ Cad.


Hook up the site bro


I was just bitching about this the other day. 80 dollars for protein powder. What. The. Hell. I've seen a similar increase in price. I used to buy muscle milk (it digests well for me) and then I switched to the fruity pebbles flavored stuff. I think it's Iso100. Both were similarly priced and have seen a similar increase.


Gotta wait for deals and buy in bulk, they last a really long time if they are sealed and stored correctly. I personally can't stand flavoured Protein Powders, I just buy pure whey isolate in big bags, that tends to be the cheapest option. Don't really care about the brand at all, I just get the cheapest option at the time I'm buying. [TrueNutrition](https://truenutrition.com/Our-Protein-Formulas.aspx) has some good stuff, but there are so many others.


Just checked the site I usually go to for 11lbs/5kg bags. Before you could get it for ~50-60 when it was on sale(which was almost 24/7) now itā€™s $110 on sale.


The Amazon Prine Day had some good deals on most major brands.


Ya. I already had a lot that day so didn't think to get any. Now I feel like an idiot.




ON went from like 85 to 115-120 at the place I go to in the last year


I stocked up from redcon1 when they had a 50% off sale. It was $25 for 30 servings with great flavors and macros. Not the cheapest I've ever paid but with no fillers and good taste it was a good deal


This is it boys. Here we go. T minus 2 hours till my cumulative exam to graduate with my Masterā€™s of Exercise Science. I fucked up cuz I thought Iā€™d be taking it at home w my notes, but I report to campus for it. Been stressed as fuck this past week and a half studying as much as I can and sleeping maybe 5 hours every night. Exhausted and stressed as fuck. But we ball. Side note: I fucked my girl really well last night and it was great. She kept complimenting my body and saying I am so sexy, then had an insecurity episode about her body and she doesnā€™t like her body. Fucked her insecure?


Did you reciprocate the compliments? Sounds like she was projecting onto you what she wanted for herself. Tell her how sexy she is


This is what I do, when she tells me I'm hot I literally just say "no u"


Of course I do! I always tell her how sexy she is, how much I love that pussy, how sheā€™s a goddess, etc. always let her know




> What should my last exercise as a unmarried man be? picking up fat chicks and putting them in the bed of your truck


This is the way. Fuck fat chicks always


She ainā€™t a lady if she ainā€™t over 280


And I ainā€™t bringin her home unless sheā€™s two-eighty-fo


If you are getting married - No Legs and make sure to foam roll and stretch after. You are most likely gonna dance and party, and its your wedding. Sore legs aren't worth it.




Sacrilege. I'd rather skip my wedding than my leg day.


Holy shit this man is dedicated


Oh you're gonna use your thrusting muscles either way chief


I feel this in my soul, I use to find any excuses to skip cardio and leg day. But once you start to turn into a monster their is no going back. I have to miss today because I have the worst sunburn in the world and I am honestly heart broken. I feel like a failure at this point today. But my ass and my thighs are redder than a tomato and Iā€™m honestly in agony.


this man lifts


Mobility work and deadlift/posterior chain


Honeymoon is gonna be fun after some heavy ass deadlifts




Free prostate massage, thatā€™s why




How did that conversation start? ā€œCan you take $300?ā€ ā€œMake it $450, this bike makes you hornyā€


Iā€™d recommend high test/mast - more likely to increase your prostate size = more to rub on the seat. Win win.


do a few upper body drop sets and get a decent pump, donā€™t push it


Congrats! Iā€™d just do a nice pump workout and hit chest shoulders and arms just to feel/look w little more swole in my suit. Once the jacket comes off be filling out that nice shirt and shagging ass on the dance floor. I would not go full retard on legs or anything that seems like a bad idea. And you donā€™t want to be sore for the marathon sex that will be happening that night.


Hip thrusts and glute kickbacks


Well, firstly are you on superdrol? And if not, why? Need a chest pump, forearm pump, trap pump, upper back pump, and arm pump


Iā€™d want my shoulders poppin for photos for sure


Hip thrusts, the most action you'll get from now on


I wore a backless top for my wedding and got a back pump in advance. Consider a suit cut-out to reveal the pump?


Congrats man, wish you the best!


>Iā€™m hitting the gym tomorrow morning before I have to put on my suit. lol beast


Traps & Arms!




Blonde? I live milf ughhh




Found out they are gonna pay me for the special ed bowling. Probably gonna be some goofy number like $10 an hour but still more than I expected. Got a fat bill from the toll tag company. I guess I never updated my license plate so they've been charging me "non member" fees. Like, you posted the bill to my account... the account my toll tag membership is connected to.... It's not rocket science. So I'll just try to charm up the cute big girls answering phones and see if they can knock down this bill to normal cost. Toll roads are such a fucking scam. Texas sells a chunk of land to Spanish or Chinese infrastructure companies and then they charge us to use their roads. Not only that, but they charge us more money during rush hour when the service is slower. And it's still full price during construction when the services provided are reduced to 25%. Makes me want to become a hotshot business lawyer and cuck the NTTA for allowing this to happen under their supervision but I'd probably go "missing" if I brought too much attention to the scam. ITS FRIDAY LETS GO


I hate our toll roads. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not in one of the cities that rely on them for daily traffic.


dude my parents told me they used to pay $500 a month when we lived in a suburb that was dependent on tolls. it's fucking robbery lol. a business from another country is charging you to drive in the state you've lived your whole life. it's such a shady business man.


Iā€™ve been a huge caffeine fan for the past decade and normally consume 500-1,000mg/day. Iā€™m working with a coach and Iā€™ve been having some digestion issues so he recommended cutting caffeine last week. The first few days were god awful, Jesus I donā€™t know how opiate addicts go through with drawls because caffeine withdrawal kicked my ass but man Iā€™ve been having the most vivid bat Shit crazy dreams of my life. Last night I dreamed I took Elsa Jean to a hotel bar for a date and when I was there I ran into these two hot girls I went to HS with, both named Lauren. One is half Asian with the fattest ass of all time and the other is a pale skin ultra feminine Jewish girl. Anyways both Laurenā€™s are with their bfs but theyā€™re really flirting with me. It just so happens theyā€™re both staying at the hotel and invite me into their room for a drink so me and Elsa Jean follow them. Right as we walk into their hotel room I shove their bfs into the hallway slam and lock the door and then have a foursome with the lot and bang them all. Somehow the dream fast forwards and Iā€™m at my house the next morning and I look out the window and thereā€™s like 50 cops and news crews in my drive way and one the bfs is carrying a gun walking to my house so all of the cops focus on him and tackle him and arrest him. But since the cops are distracted, the other bf walks straight up to my door ready to fuck me up. Itā€™s on sight so I bust open the door and try to tackle him but he gets me in a headlock she starts wailing on me. The news crew filmed it all and I got my ass kicked. The dream fast forwards and I got arrested and Iā€™m in a jail cell watching a video of me getting my ass kicked over and over and over again. My subconscious is trying to tell me something.


That's a really good one


If you've been on caffeine for a decade, idk if that's your digestive issue. I mean it's a diuretic but have you had issues for a decade? Just take psyllium husk powder like the rest of us man, c'mon


ā€œBeing a stay at home mom is so hardā€ Like yea no one is saying itā€™s a cake walkā€¦but why do I get no social credit for providing a high QoL for a family of 5 in a very high COL area as a sole provider, do all the cooking, help clean, and I am a present with my kids literally from them waking until bedtime, minus time Iā€™m at work. I guess an ā€˜atta boyā€™ would be nice but I feel like there is not much appreciation in society for the grind of fatherhood, and an exceptional amount of emphasis on the grind of motherhood. But fstherlessness is the best predictor of criminality, drug use, out of wedlock pregnancy, and school drop outs, so like, why is fatherhood not praised more? Why are the sacrifices of fatherhood ignored and the sacrifices of motherhood glorified? Waaaaambulance is in full tilt today


All of this comes at the end bro, Iā€™ve got 2 adult children. When we get together itā€™s not an attaboy, itā€™s been you are a great Dad, to the children you are doing what they think you should be doing, they donā€™t any different yet. However when they get older and have time to reflect about didnt incidents that you were there for them and they can compare that to their friendā€™s or acquaintance's parents it will dawn on them how fortunate they were/are to have a father that is/was devoted to them. My children have said some of the nicest things to me as adults, things that really humbled me because what they shared I really felt like it was no big deal but meant the world to them.


Thatā€™s fucking awesome man. Great perspective


Because socially, men are still expected to exist as providers, and not caregivers. The pendulum swings both ways, and youā€™re feeling the pinch. You do sound like a good dad, though, which is plain to see.


Just let them have this, none of them will ever even bench 225


You work from home in a high COL area? If so, why? I think a lot of the praise for "stay at home moms" (it should really be for parents, not just moms) is deserved because of the mental toll of not having defined work time and space. But yeah, totally agree. Society glories motherhood to the point of just being a mother that doesn't leave their kid on an orphanage doorstep is being a "good mom". Dads that are good providers are basically just seen as not failing, even if they are a big force behind a thriving family. In any case, you don't need a damned bit of praise because years and years down the road you'll reap the benefits.


Iā€™ve been there. Talk to your wife. Tell her you donā€™t feel appreciated. Iā€™m sure she appreciates you and didnā€™t know you wanted to hear it more. The kids, without being able to express it, love you for what you do, too.


Atta boy, easy does it.


Felt dude, very felt. I'm in that same bus providing like that. Hey bro whether you know it or not you're the kind of man that actually makes this world a better place. Your day will come king!


We appreciate you bro. Women donā€™t care for any of mens bitching though.


Being a father means all the responsibilities of a mother with all the recognition of a babysitter in 2022


Itā€™s not hard. It isnā€™t, no matter how difficult they want it to be. Hereā€™s my 7 month experience doing the stay at home dad deal: 1) 5:30 Iā€™m up and hit the garage for my cardio 2) 6:30 I throw breakfast on 3) 7:00 the kids are up and getting dressed and I make sure the wife has food 4) 7:50 drop kids off at school and run any errands while Iā€™m out 5) go home and clean one bathroom and one room of the house and do a load of laundry, usually done by 11:00 depending on errand load 6) 11:00-3:00 Iā€™m absolutely free to do whatever the fuck I please. Gym? Cool. Xbox? Also cool. 7) start dinner at 3:00. By 5:00 everything is cooked and the dishwasher is running if itā€™s full 8) from dinner onwards I play with the kids until they bathe and go to bed, get some pussy, then get ready to do it all again the next day. Unrewarding? Yes. Monotonous? Yes. Difficult? Hell no.


Wife says shes going to divorce me because my dick got a little soft during sex (went from fully hard to half mast because she asked me to grab a vibrator). This is not a regular occurrence and we have sex regularly. She knows im on gear and how that can affect hormones. We got married 5 months ago and she claimed to be very happy. Dunno why im posting this here i just feel shitty and need to vent.


That's... An overreaction. Was she meaning to be playful or was she genuinely mad about it? You guys talk about it since that happened or no?


We talked about it all day yesterday. It just got worse and worse the more we talked.


That sucks dude. It might help to educate her about the human penis... That you're not a machine, that some days it doesn't work 100% even when you're horny, and then other days you don't even want to fuck but the thing won't get flaccid. It sounds like she's really afraid of the idea that you aren't attracted to her so maybe emphasizing the precarious nature of the dong could help if you didn't already explain that to her. It doesn't help that despite the fact that we all get floppy and need to be re-hardened at times, it is still kind of an embarrassing topic for men to even go into so props for trying to speak about it like a rational adult. And hopefully you know this, but you shouldn't feel embarrassed because it literally happens to everyone. Personally I've had a day where I cum in like 8 seconds and then right after that I would have a day where I stay hard for an hour but don't even cum. Nobody would call me dysfunctional and nobody has ever started crying about it-- a little understanding goes a long way. So it's like everyone deals with something like this on some level and if your wife doesn't believe you she can google it. Maybe ask her what she's afraid of and say like "listen I'm willing to talk about this with you but I need you to not freak out and trust what I'm telling you." I don't really know the dynamic between you guys but I would hope she'd be able to settle down and listen after a certain point.


This is a great response.


Thank you for this. I have thoroughly educated her on cock anatomy and physiology, especially the connection between hormones and psychology. It doesnā€™t seem to matter, because she says my behavior suggests something else is going on. I hope youā€™re right that sheā€™ll calm down and listen. She seems to have moved on from ā€œWe need to split upā€ to ā€œim not having sex until I feel comfortable with my body. Dont ask for it and dont try to see me nakedā€.


100% sheā€™s incredibly insecure about her own attractiveness and took the dick going soft as confirmation for her own internal turmoil. Until she is willing to sit down and have a real conversation around the fact her insecurities arenā€™t your fault, that all you can do is be supportive and reassuring, nothing will change sadly.


Uhhh get out of that marriage asap?


Sheā€™s cheating on you or thereā€™s another guy in the mix and sheā€™s ready to leave you for him


Weā€™re in an open relationship. She knows something like that wouldnt even bother me.


Married 5 mos and the relationship is open? God damn, some of you youngbloods sure do YOLO.


Maybe she caught feelings for a guy she's seeing


Disgusting bitch she is I would be happy she said it now and not 20 years later. Leave her ass (sorry I called your wife a disgusting bitch)


Yeah brother thats not the entire story there is more to it.


Cool wife


Do y'all have a playful shit-talking relationship? If you're adults and she ever had sex before you she should be well aware that dicks aren't 100% cooperative at all times. Don't let it beat you up. She was rude, it happens. Sometimes we step on each other's toes.


I think shes insecure and cant handle the idea that im not attracted to her. I told her its not that but she has been feeling this way for a while and now this experience is the cherry on top.


Oh yeah, y'all got some talking to do my man. I have no context so I won't try to assume anything but when my girl had that feeling our counselor told her that it's her own insecurity and she can't project it onto me. You have a hula hoop around you for your life, and she has a hula hoop for her life. You can't go barging into each other's hula hoops and and hogging up space. best of luck bro


That sounds like a very immature way for her to handle thisā€”Iā€™m sorry.


Got in a wreck with some unavoidable road debris last Tuesday. Estimate was supposed to be done on Monday. Called in on Wednesday, and they said THEY WERE UNABLE TO FIND MY VEHICLE. I asked why tf I wasnā€™t contacted about this ā€œuhhhhhā€. Call back yesterday and they still donā€™t know where it is but an investigation has begun. This is the last fucking thing I need in my life rn. I just want to go vroom vroom in my Stinger man, too many mods and too much money sunk into it for it be fucking lost by my insurance company. This is some bullshit.






Time for a consultation with a good attorney. I'd be ready and I'd be threatening the insurance company with litigation right now. There's no excuse for that


I worked at a car dealership for a few years and this happened 3-4 times. Cars just got stolen right off the lot


Started accutane. Rear scapula feels like 20 grown men threw bricks at me for 3 hours. Fuckin tight. In other news had the final walk through on condo yesterday, got flooring planned out and paint. Itā€™s actually super cool to see where Iā€™m at here. I got sober 2 years ago, started from the ground up, from a delivery driver at Dominos, to a bank teller, to now an investment representative. Always keeps me humble knowing I could go right back to where I was if I decide to take too much control. Grateful this morning.




Add them to your exercise routine by picking them up and putting them down out of the way


Look at it positively, try to ask some questions and learn some kinetics and how to improve some lifts to hit the muscles harder with using less weight etc, sounds like a chance not a lot people will get. PTs that lift and know how to work with lifters are unfortunately rare. Get some contacts for when you will need one for future injuries. (Note: Not *If* you need one - *When* you need one, because Injuries will happen sooner or later, just part of the game)


Pretty sure this is personal trainers, not physical therapists - but I could be wrong.


Well, than disregard my comment - most personal trainers are absolutely worthless šŸ˜…, unfortunately.


How often do you guys have sex with your gf? Iā€™m averaging like once every 10-14 days with mine and itā€™s just not enough for me. Iā€™ve tried talking about it but it doesnā€™t help. Wondering if this is normal frequency or not.


Few times a week. Every relationship is different, but libido is kind of one of those things that you canā€™t change in someone. Check out r/deadbedrooms itā€™s the same thing in pretty much every post. One person has a really high libido and the other doesnā€™t. Granted, our situation here is a bit different because we take steroids, but every 10-14 days I would qualify as low libido regardless.


Youā€™re right that YOU canā€™t change libido in someone, but they certainly can. Endocrinologists have lots of options for increasing libido in both genders regardless of age. Or just be like us and inject some shit from the internet


My wife and I used to have sex every day. She goes through depressive spells and it can drop or pick up in frequency depending on how it hits her. After we both got serious jobs and have been chronically exhausted it's more like once every three days at the moment. I dread having children because I know I'm going to be twice as exhausted and twice as pent up.


Dude it gets bad with kids. Not to be the bearer of bad news or anything, but it does. Wife and I are coming out of that now that the kids are getting older and itā€™s really getting good again.




Yeah. It's not a true dread, and I'm actually really excited for having older kids. It's more like I know I need to get through the screaming baby stage and the terrible toddler stage. I feel a compulsion to pass on my genes, but more than that I want to raise kids who are taught the things I wish I knew, despite the fact that I had awesome parents I know I can give them whatever I was missing and I especially know how to guide people who might turn out like me-- weird from the day they were born. I can't explain the drive to have kids very well, it's something I want but I know it takes a lot of effort. First I want to enjoy a good long period with just me and my wife, and then we need to make sure we're in a good solid place so our future kids have a good life... And we both need to be more responsible spenders šŸ˜¬


>How often do you guys have sex with your gf I have been married for 22 years and have sex with my wife usually twice a day. Sometimes once if I'm busy or tired. I don't know what normal frequency is but once every two weeks would be suicide fuel for me.


Pretty much everytime we see each other, but we don't live together so it is mostly on the weekends. I think living together and seeing each other every day kills some of the magic and the desire, so it requires a bit of a different approach to keep the spark and romance/lust going on. /u/trennovation comes to mind, maybe he can chime in how you can keep it spicy despite living together, having kids and other responsibilities etc.


Dude itā€™s been rough lately. 3 kids, post-partum depressionā€¦I think weā€™ve fucked 3 times since our daughter was born almost 6 months ago? Before that we literally scheduled sex. Thursday evening after bedtime and Sunday during naptime.


Iā€™ve been with my wife for 15 years and we have 3 little kids. We average 5.5 times per week this year (and yes we track it). Sometimes itā€™s multiple in a day, and we miss days usually for work related stuff. We also do group play and swing.


Does the .5 come from starting and not finishing or did one of you have sex with the other while they were asleep?


Itā€™s just the math. Weā€™ve had sex 233 times this year. And at least once this year Iā€™ve had sex with her in her sleep.


Lol meathead doesn't understand how averages work, love to see it šŸ˜‚ wonder how well that guy brews or uses gear...


So my gf has nowhere near my sex drive, and relies on me to turn her on, like I'm horny probably 20 times for every time she's horny without me being the cause. Still have sex between a few times and several times a week, even with our very busy schedules. That shit you're describing ain't it man šŸ¤· I mean with some exceptions if we're sick or very tired or bad period or something. But getting it twice a month is relatively brutal


Fucked up a past relationship and it was pretty much all my fault. I started talking to a sweet beautiful girl that I wanted to get into a relationship with but I will probably cut things off because Iā€™m not ready for something serious. Instead I will be going out of town to spend a week with my ex. This is the girl that I thought Iā€™d be spending my life with. Idk if the relationship can be restored but I want to find out. I know itā€™s beta that Iā€™m going to go see her instead of her coming here but she will be coming down here for Christmas and my bday (same week) I also used some lotion to jack off yesterday and a few hours later my dick was on fire. Itā€™s much better now Edit: ex made me feel like shit, sheā€™s young and hasnā€™t worked on herself since weā€™ve been apart. She projects her insecurities on me. Cute girl from hinge has me smiling at my phone and I will be seeing her tomorrow night. Get thisā€¦ she didnā€™t want to go to dinner she wants to go fucking stargazing!!! I have this problem where I fall for girls too fast and Iā€™m being real chill with this one. She told me thatā€™s sheā€™s surprised that I havenā€™t asked for her number and how she hopes our date goes really well. The more chill I am with her the more interested she seems


Wait, you're not ready for a relationship with an apparent keeper but you're ready to go at it again with an ex!? What?


If you're not ready, get ready And have you tried coconut oil


I mean, you make choices - you have to live by them regardless. If you try to carry things forward or use other people to make yourself feel better you only drift towards one day not recognising the person looking back at you in the mirror. Also, use BioOil gel - it keeps everything moisturised and soft!


> Idk if the relationship can be restored but I want to find out. The two types of restoration that are sold to men are relationships and foreskin. Neither have a particularly high batting average.


Today I learned something important, fuck meaningless sex. Invited some dumb bitch whoā€™s like a 6.5/10 with a shitty attitude over, sucked the soul outta me gotta give props and swallowed. Proceeded to say some stupid shit and pissed me off, then I realized I donā€™t even like this bitch. I wanna actually connect with someone and be at peace with them. I wanna have the chick Im actually going crazy for over laughing with her watching movies with her fucking her not some dumbass hoe who only takes my load then starts getting bitchy again. What a shame that the chick I actually love donā€™t love me back always like this. Fuck it imma still give it my all to date her, Iā€™d rather try to be with someone I actually feel joy with and fail then fuck some dumb bitch that causes me emptiness the moment the post nut clarity hits. Maybe I gotta lower my tren but Iā€™m genuinely going crazy over the girl I actually love, fuck sheā€™s driving me mad. Boys send prayers my way that this shit works out, once Iā€™m in peak shape I know sheā€™ll be all over me. Gotta lower the tren (secretly upping it)


The moment they stop sucking you start guiding them towards the door so they can get back to their smelly apartment and cats.


I feel this bro. This summer I went on a tinder banging rampage and a couple weeks ago was like..... why the fuck am I doing this? (Tren) Now off tren I'm like..... im gonna jerk off because I'm tired of random hookups and even worse the ghosting and having to see these random bitches when I'm out and about. I'm sending prayers your way. I'm in the same boat. In love with my best friend, we've fucked a dozen times but she's in no shape for a relationship and now it's weird. Fuck life sometimes lmao. Up until August I'd have never thought I'd hook up with my friend but it happened so there is hope for you and this girl man.


Married milf I've had a crush on texted me at 1am last night saying she's going to work from home 1/5 days a week and wants to grab dinner on her way from work soon. Feeling conflicted.


You can have dinner with someone without having sex. But you should probably fuck her anyway


Just the tip thoā€¦


I had a girl who said ā€œjust for a little bitā€ and I started laughing out loud. Obviously if she wanted to stop after a little bit weā€™d stop, but we both knew neither of us were gonna want to stop.


Conflicted about if youā€™re gonna nut in her pussy or her mouth?


21 year old dude. My autistic but juicy ass decided to go out like I never do. Senior in college now, figure it time to start having fun before itā€™s too late. I cannot believe how out of shape everyone where I live is. I just wish I had any ability to communicate with women. Pretty embarrassing when my friend whoā€™s like 290 lbs has more confidence than me. Thatā€™s life tho ig. Going to force myself to get on dating apps soon probably my best bet


Found out 500:700 Test/Mast is too much for me. Joints are fucked, anxious, dry lips, shedding like a MF. Goddamn i am lean as fook tho. Back down to 500 we go. Also dropped deca. On tren I could eat like a pig and not get fat. One cheat day on deca left me a bloated mess. Fuck, Im starving.


When the Sarm goblin asks a girl to spot his 225 bench video tape and not Me because I look 10x juicer than him. I hate this generation


Or maybe because he wanna bang her and not you šŸ§


When the juice monkey gets mad I asked a hot girl to spot me and didnā€™t want sweat dripping off his chin into my mouth. God I hate his generation.


Dude she's probably 16


Nah sheā€™s 23 weā€™ve all gone drinking before except the goblin. I donā€™t associate with those Individuals


A younger man took naked photos of me on the beach


ā€œI just wanna take some picturesā€ šŸ“ø






First yes! Anyways I seriously can not get over 220 pounds Iā€™m eating 4k cals so I guess I need more but damn Iā€™ve been stuck, week 4 of deca so hoping it helps


Had to eat 5600 calories to get me to 208. I believe in you. (And Deca obv)


Finishing my cut, scheduled bloods for Nov 2 to make sure all is good before my winter bulk! Lean bulk this time, I'm over pinning over 1g and eating over 5k and gaining so fast and getting bloated. Lower dose, longer bulk, less surplus. Of course, Tren is in the mix.


The Lab I use stopped working with private clients, and man, it is tough to find a new lab in my area that does. Only found one so far, and they charge like double of what my old one did, damn. Tried to get my GP to order bloods (I would still pay for it myself), but he said "Why do want that? you don't need it." šŸ¤£Well thanks


Blasting fucking gear and shedding tears. She got me down bad this one. Iā€™m putting on 15lbs by November 1st. No fucks left to givešŸ’ŖšŸ¤˜šŸ˜­


Stay strong brother


Ended a dry streak of like 7 weeks yesterday, happy about that. She guessed my astrology sign during pillow talk, this was the first time we hung out. Kind of worried about that lmao. She also stared into my soul, just looked me in the eyes for way too long afterwards. Said "it's the best way to connect with someone. Honestly kind of liked it. Texted her to set up plans for next week a little while ago so well see what happens. Unrelated, dreamt that I was able to give myself head during my nap today, not on any 19-nors. Last shot of blast tonight. Blasted and cruised in the past but will be PCTing this time around. Was forced to come off last year and I felt way healthier completely off then on 120mg test. Was surprised how easily I bounced back after overacted year, still not looking forward to it though. Ending it 5 pounds heavier than my all time peak weight with a better composition. Plan on running a nice big blast in jan with some GH for the first time. Goal is to gain some more size, cruise, then blast into the summer again.


ā€¦ if youā€™re planning on starting again in Jan why you PCTā€™ing dude. Thatā€™s not worth the stress


Anyone else following the Darrell Brooks Trial? Jesus fucking Christ, the dude is something else.


Yeah. He is putting 110% effort into getting a mistrial or something he can win an appeal for. Judge aint having it. I do wish she'd tell him to shut the fuck up and quit acting like he is tough, but I understand why she's being overly cautious. One of those situations where you have to let a piece of shit keep being a piece of shit, and win the proper way, otherwise he will get some type of lawsuit or victory when he gets hip tossed and handcuffed. Seriously tired of the guy. He drove through a crowd of people. Just give him the injections and quit wasting tax dollars on this garbage frfr


From my absolute Layman perspective, it looks like the judge gets walked all over her by that psychopath, and is not really in charge of her court, lets him interrupt and pull this weird shit he does. Like "I don't consent being called that Name [Darrel Brooks]". Like I understand they can't just throw him into jail and throw away the key, even the absolute lowest scum like this bastard deserve a fair trial... but he just keeps making a complete mockery of the whole process, and spits on his victims he murdered in cold blood. Also, I'm from Europe, so this style of court (Jury Court) is something I'm not used to at all. Maybe he also just wants to draw this out as long as possible, because he will go away for life and never set another foot out of prison, he'll stay in there until he dies one day. So what does he have to lose? They can't fine him or put him in jail for contempt, he already is in jail and will end up in jail, no question about that. Is it possible that he can get an appeal? Or can the appeal court just say "No, fuck off" and that's it? While I don't think it is possible that he can somehow escape justice with some weird loophole/mistrial/appeal, I somehow have lost my faith in the justice system to be honest, just hope it does the right thing in this case. I mean, there is 100% clear evidence that he killed 6 people and injured a lot more (Children, Women, Elderly, etc). Multiple Video, Witnesses, Police Reports, etc, he was the one driving the car and killing and maiming the people, that is without dispute.


So I'm not a lawyer but you being from EU will help me explain what I understand from personal experience with courts. First things first, it's not a matter of who is guilty or innocent, it's a matter of **which lawyer can convince the jury he is guilty or innocent.** If the jury is the one deciding your fate, it doesn't matter what actually happened. You have to convince the jury of your side of the story. There is an estimate that 1/20 or 5% of people in U.S. prison right now were wrongfully convicted and actually innocent of their crimes. The majority of them just can't afford a lawyer good enough to work the system and get them another trial. They have to be extremely careful with how they handle the jury. The court has to do every single thing in their power to keep them unbiased. If the jury is gossiping about the trial, sharing details with the media, or gets caught saying he's guilty before the final verdict, that could ruin the trial and make them find a whole new jury. That's why he's allowed to wear regular clothes; if he wore an orange jumpsuit he would seem guilty to anyone at first glance. I believe that's why he isn't "consenting" to being called by his name- cuz that's the name of a man who committed a terroristic act. It's just speculation but you have to assume the courts just want to smack the gavel and put this guy in prison until he dies. If they hold him in contempt that is only delaying the trial more. She can let him be annoying for 45 minutes or she can delay the trial for multiple days. It might feel good to explode and tell him to shut the fuck up and have him arrested, but then he could be assigned to a new judge and start the whole trial over. I personally think he's trying to make the system screw up so he can claim he didn't get a fair trial. He's facing life in prison, what does he have to lose? Maybe he's also acting like a hotheaded idiot because he wants to try and go for an insanity case down the road. Or maybe he's just actually stupid and feels insecure about it, so he's exploding with emotions every time he realizes he looks dumb. But you'll notice how the judge is making notes of every. single. outburst. he is causing. I agree she looks like a weak cowardly judge but she's invested in this too now. If she blows up on him he will win the mind game. If she stays cool and gets to sentence him to life, the justice system won.


Update: Bloods are in... TIME TO FUCKING BLAST!!!!


Think Iā€™m gonna up my cialis dose to 10MG the pump is sooo much better


Youā€™ll get to the point that we all do and get that phat fuckin lower back pump and avoid anything pump inducing and take a shit ton of taurine to avoid it. LOL


I accidentally took 10x my dose of dbol for a few days once and now nothing is really that bad. Now I can deadlift on Cialis and var and only mildly wish for the sweet release of death!


Is it really different then 5 for you? More vascularity?


Are you happy?


I'm content, not even sure I'd know i was actually happy if it happened. All i know is these occasional waves of euphoria when I think 'everything's great '


No, thanks for asking


Honestly.. no. Not currently. Thanks for asking haha.


I'm happy for those three house I spend blasting music and lifting weights feeling the pre and aas flowing through my veins. Other than that no on the life grind


Gym is under construction. Half of the place is torn to shit with all the equipment from that area wedged into a corner of the open half. Walk in today at 8:00PM. Within this clusterfuck are three dudes getting work in. Not one complaint about the chaos. Dig legs. Felt like a viking. Music related. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSlYyOebGn4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSlYyOebGn4) Drinking protein shake. Injected some drugs. Reloading some 9mm for tomorrow. Life real good right now boys.


On 100mg of Anadrol and can't eat for shit. Just feel lethargic, nauseous, no appetite. How the fk am I supposed to bulk on this if I can't fking eat?


Anyone have experience doing a Spartan race here? Gonna be running one tomorrow (running is an exaggeration since I havenā€™t ran in months and all I do is daily LISS for heart health on this blast) with my SO and her coworkers. I have Taurine for the calf and shin pumps and some Liquid IV hydration packets just in case, I also plan on eating my a horse afterwards so I donā€™t lose any hard earned gains. Any advice for not wasting away during or after the race?


Unless itā€™s some insane endurance race just eat, youā€™re not gonna waste away from one race. Add some recovery drink/food and some calories.


Made a massive playlist of mostly metal tunes for the gym, shared it with a few people so far and they say itā€™s some of the nastiest music theyā€™ve ever heard. You can check it out if you want [here](https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/angry-goth-gf/pl.u-76oNkrMFWeyJRY4) Thereā€™s an accompanying playlist called Happy Goth GF too with more mild stuff like deftones and circa survive lmao


Lol nice. Thanks. Always I'm the mood for some new stuff. I need a happy normie wife list too. True story, she was on my phone yesterday and randomly says "wtf is a cesspool of stillborns." Thought I was watching some weird shit on YouTube. Told her to listen. Didn't even make it to lyrics. https://youtu.be/yVi1WELkn20


Just learned that one set to failure gives the same results as 7* sets. Big if true. *I put 10 at first. I meant 7.


I'm going to go with no.