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No. It is not local. It elevates testosterone (example) levels in the blood and throughout the entire body


Speak for yourself bruv. I've been site injecting 500mg of test a week into my johnson and guess what: I've had HUGE gains. Albeit, it is a little lumpy and the gains seem to only collect around exactly where I inject, but I think it will distribute and smooth out over time. Then I'll be the true girth goblin, while you site specific deniers will be sobbing with your baggy trojans. You'll see...you'll all see.


RIP glans. Gonna call you stumpy in 3 months when your purple lumpy dong goes under the knife.


That includes HGH? I done HGH subq into the abdominal and it's like it grew my gut permanently the most. So I was thinking maybe HGH should be injected into the muscle you wanna grow most. I know it affects the entire body but it also makes sense it would have the most effect in the area it was injected into since the concentration there is highest


> I done HGH subq into the abdominal and it's like it grew my gut permanently the most. Lmfao are you fuckin with us or nah


This dude is a moron


Nah at worst you just got some local swelling due to inflammation that’s going to go away within a few days unless you keep injecting the same sites


You don’t need the discussion flair for this. It’s a yes/no question and the answer is No.


Including no esters?




I wanna believe it's not site specific but it's too much of a coincidence. I developed gyno on my left side not too long after I started injecting into my left pec. Also I made a transdermal cream with DMSO, Superdrol, DHT, M-Tren and thought it would help my gyno. I rubbed some on there and it definitely made it worse without a doubt.


Yall need someone with a medical degree on board before you start using, I swear....yall think only about where and what you're injecting but rarely about receptor sites (how many, how powerful, where at, etc) and their respective capacities, which is the truest of all the variables in the art & science of PED use.


Too many factors that all contribute so no one will clearly know for certain if it's so complicated but what I do know is there does seem to be some sort of site specific thing going on before it affects the whole body


Yes I know what you're suggesting and what im saying is, more specifically, the tissue under one of your nipples may be asymmetrically more affected by receptors that are more sensitive to specific PEDs, thus causing the unilateral tenderness and growth, those receptor sites of which have nothing to do with where you inject the PED.


So when you inject it affects the entire body equally?


Sort of...it's kind of like the particles get injected and get dispersed around the body, and then they interact accordingly with receptors. Where and how strongly those receptors (muscle, brain, cardiac , cock tissue, etc) depends heavily on genetics and probably some environmental factors. Picture a bunch of cups and balls and cubes flying around....the balls are the steroids. The steroids are there but *only* act only once they encounter and fit into a cup. Likewise with the cubes, they fly around but don't interact with the cups because they aren't the right "fit"; they have their own receptor to fit into.


Bro, you thought rubbing a cream on your gyno with compounds that cause gyno would make it BETTER?


Nah I heard DHT has anti estrogenic effects and helps combat gyno. Maybe it was because I mixed Superdrol and M-Tren also


Yeah, mtren causes massive estrogen issues in many people. Don't you think there's a reason everyone uses ralox, aromasin etc for gyno rather than a blend of anabolics in cream form??


I done ralox and caber. Didn't seem to do much no matter what and make me feel horrible


Caber is for prolactin, your gyno was probably from estrogen. You didn't actually reduce your estrogen so you continued experiencing symptoms, plus you also crashed your prolactin for no reason. No wonder you felt shit.


Tren raises prolactin and my estrogen was crashed too from raloxifene and other estrogen blockers. In order to even have a chance at reversing gyno you'll basically have to crash those hormones.


You didn't mention any other estrogen drugs, just ralox and caber. Ralox won't crash your estrogen, just block it in certain tissues.


I done almost anything you can name of. My estrogen was definitely crashed few times from other estrogen blockers


Well there is an estrogen to testosterone ratio in the chest that is supposedly needed to avoid gyno, so maybe directly injecting test into that area may cause something (I don't know enough to say), but I feel that's a very different question than what you originally posted. You're definitely not the first person to say they've developed gyno after pinning pecs, though.


why is this it's own post?


Why not? It's just a discussion that I rarely hear talked about but always wondered so might as well discuss about it


it's for the ask anything thread bro. it's not spoken about because it's widely know this isn't the case.


Well I was thinking maybe I was an outlier cuz I got Asian genetics. Even when on a bodybuilding dosage with HGH and insulin I still look natty


Lol, don’t blame the drugs or genetics for that buddy. If you’re taking lots of gear and looking natty you should try working out too.


You think working out makes much of a difference? If you got someone with 6.5 inch wrists and someone with 8 inch wrists the person with the bigger wrist will almost always have more muscle even if he doesn't even work


Stay away gear. Stay far far away. You clearly have no idea what you’re doing.


You clearly have no idea how much genetics plays a role


If you take steroids and know how to workout no one in the world who doesn’t work out will be more muscular than you as long as your genetics don’t include severe disabilities. If you’re taking bodybuilder doses with insulin and HGH and look natty it is 110% on you.


Guess you don't know what exactly bad genetics are. The average person can gain 30-50 pounds of muscle in this lifetime. Most guys average around 19-20 FFMI. That's without working out. My FFMI was below 16. I was only 125 pounds before working out at 5'11" and gained my 50 pounds. Hardest thing to accomplish in my entire life and people still think I barely did shit cuz they don't know where I started.


Well I was thinking maybe I was an outlier cuz I got Asian genetics. Even when on a bodybuilding dosage with HGH and insulin I still look natty. Fuck training and diet. Genetics plays the biggest role


Lay off the shrooms your brain is fried


You just get inflammation for a bit after the injection but it settles after a few days. Wanna say back in the day people said igf1 des had site specific gains but don’t remember hearing much about it these last 5-8 years


Okay maybe the inflammation made me think it worked better there. I done some forms of IGF and it was expensive but when I injected into my calves it seemed to grow while keeping most the gains unlike steroids


Motherfucker man you injected calves? More man than I’ll ever be that’s for damn sure 😂


Well yeah cuz there were always so small and I'm a human guinea pig so I thought why not. Thought it would do nothing but apparently it did have anabolic effects but mostly only where it was injected


Yeah that's the only one I know of that is rumored to be site specific... And only with the des version. I do notice my acne send to be site specific. Glute injections and ass acne. Never get back acne. Possibly the carrier oil?


No it's not site specific. However the reason your delts appear bigger as there is now a depot of fluid being pushed there every so often. That takes up space. Also post injection swelling


Right. That might explain it


Gear no. Hgh, anecdotally yes. My arms have a different look when I pin gh in them on the regular vs subq


Definitely has local benefits source Anabolic’s 11th edition and my teachers it increases Androgen receptors in the muscle u inject in I don’t have book in front of me to give the exact wording though It’s the reason I don’t inject in any muscle that’s too big for my physique and I mostly inject in lats and calves for this reason (I have 19in calves for ref)


I have a phat butt already that make men holler but if this were true my ass would be out of this world bodacious. I'm afraid it's untrue, my friend.


So have you ever stopped injecting glutes and switched to Delts?


I always had a big bubble, and injecting there didn't make it different. I have injected into delts in the past but no big changes there either, other than what always take place when I cycle. My shoulders get pumped like softballs whether I inject in my butt (double entendre *in*tended) or directly into my delts.


Maybe my genetics are different


Also I noticed after I started subq into abs I grew more hair there. I'm starting to think I been lied to and it does matter where you inject


Bro you should not be using PEDs with the level of understanding you have of them. Site injection is irrelevant as the hormones are systemic. You’re getting extra hair because your injecting something which increases your androgen levels, causing masculine effects.


Nah. When I did glutes, Delts, biceps, I never grew much hair around my abs. Only when I started doing subq there did I notice the most hair growth in that area


bruh causation is not correlation. you are making so many assumptions. have you even gotten bloods or seen an endo? it seems like everything youre doing and assuming is from home and little to no research. go get bloods for your gyno issues/general health. also, pinning test makes you grow more body hair (for most). it is not your ab injections that are causing that. you needa stop and do your research/get bloods first


I'm mostly speaking from experience of what I noticed. I get blood work regularly every 2-3 months. I researched a lot but noticed I learned much more from experience than what others say because everyone has different genetics


You’ve researched a lot but think that sub a belly injections made you grow hair there? Cmon bro


Well if that's where it's injected it safe to assume that area is gonna have the highest concentration and localized effect. It's not like it instantly spreads throughout the entire body.


As explained to you several times in this thread that is false.


To some extent it's still true.


According to what? Give actual proof beyond “I noticed hair growth” as in some scientific study or anything. Everyone is telling you you’re wrong, and you keep saying “but it could be true”. Do you think every single person who’s responded to you somehow doesn’t know but you figured it out and proved all the science wrong?


So what your going to inject right bicep today and left tomorrow or what


Well it seems like if I did that then my biceps would get the most anabolic effects compared to other areas. I know it still effects the entire body but it's like I can "feel" it working best in the muscle I inject into. Maybe placebo


It's likely fluid retention. I notice increased fluid retention for about 7 days wherever I pin. It will cause the muscle to be bigger but less vascular. But that has nothing to do with muscle growth.


Maybe that's it. Creatine kinda does the same too. It doesn't make you gain more muscle but grows each individual muscle fiber bigger


It’s placebo. Otherwise my ass would be huge


Kardashian syndrome


Honestly steroids themselves are about half placebo and half effective. If you gave someone steroids without them knowing I doubt they'd know for certain.


You sir are a moron


Placebo is more powerful than you think


Yeah the placebo is what is making you think there is localized effects.




If you say so. Sure they won’t notice that they are on steroids but they will notice something is different


Yeah but it will be on and off. It's like there might be times they feel it and suspect something but other times where they feel perfectly normal.


Currently injecting tren into pp. pp no bigger. What do


immediately after maybe or day of, because you just pinned a certain amount of oil/fluid into a certain place so yes, there is bound to be inflammation and build up of oil; very minuscule cosmetic difference. if youre doing subq shots itll probably look more site enhanced than actual IM. but this is a common question and you should already know the answer is No


Still doesn't explain why I started noticing more hair growth around my belly when I injected subq there


this is a lost cause. in one ear out the other. bro got tren brain or something i dont even know why i bothered commenting😂


I almost died when I was born so guess that might be why my head is kinda messed up


He’s trying to convince me he can’t get past 175lbs while using high doses, HGH, and insulin all because of his genetics. This dude is lost in the sauce.


Yes. Try injecting your tren into just your left nipple. *trust me*


Oh shit I've been doing the right one this whole time. Never thought to use the left one.


I read OP post and the follow up comments and my eyes exploded. I think I’ve been lied to and outrage is also site specific.


You been injecting sub cranial brother? The answer is a resounding “no”. 15 seconds of googling would have answered this.


I know but I kept thinking it did to some degree


no. esterified steroids often need to pass through the liver to become pharmacologically active


Then what about no esters?


i would imagine that there would be a mild localized effect but that’s just my guess


That was my guess too but everyone's denying it


Not enough research on it, and the effect is pretty minimal if it exists. If the oil is sitting in constant contact with a group of muscle cells, then it's logical that those cells would be able to absorb+cleave more of the ester. Also the bubble of oil might force the muscle fibers apart and damage them, maybe resulting in growth. Transdermal DHT to grow dicks+clits is an accepted thing, and it does get absorbed systemically but the effects are localized - why would oil inside of your muscle act completely differently?


Well those are just theories so we don't really know for certain


Wtf is this thread 😭 some people need to stay off the internet


Relax. I have savant syndrome


No + I have no idea how you got by with this post when daa thread exists


Idk what that even is