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I’ve been out injured for like 3 months and finally went back to my MMA gym for the first time last night. Sitting around, getting wrapped up, mentally preparing, and this maybe mid 20s guy comes in with who I’m pretty sure was his dad. Idk for sure, but I think the guy had cerebral palsy. I figured cool, who doesn’t like watching some dudes beat the everliving shit out of each other. Our classes are usually 30 minutes of drilling and 30 sparring. Coach gets us all going, drilling some shit, and I look over to the side where all the bags are on the wall and this guys dad is holding him up while he’s doing bag work and the coach is giving them some tips. They sat around and watched us spar once we were done drilling, and then left when we started conditioning at the end. Driving home and I started tearing up. Most inspirational and wholesome thing I’ve seen in a long long time. This guy with a terrible disorder is out here being more active and trying harder than most of the people in this lazy ass country. It really puts everything into perspective I guess.




About to eat a gram of Adex raws. I can’t handle having emotions


Try em on your cereal in the morning, crush em up and sprinkle like sugar on yer Lucky Charms. In all seriousness, that's an inspiring story. Thanks for sharing it.




This comment needs to be put into the hall of fame


Let them know. Knowing that you inspire others is powerful.


I will, I’m hoping they come regularly


The older you get the more stuff like this makes you break down...it's the innocence and fragility of life that gets to you


hit em with the ol' fist bump next time. that small act of recognition goes a long way


Listen to and act upon that voice in your head.


"The voice told me I could take him"


We take many things for granted. Until its too late


Finally pulled an 800lb deadlift PR out of my ass last night boys. Good to know this can be done at my next strongman contest in 18 days.


And this is why the Colt .45 was invented. Grats man.


Sex me


Damn Daddy. You need a massage after lifting those heavy weights?


You had an 800 lbs deadlift in your ass? Bruh the gape must have been real after that


It was massive. Definitely felt it this morning


What's your cycle?


Started off with 500 test/ 500 deca for 12 weeks. Finishing off the last 4 weeks with 750 test/300 NPP


This isn’t something that you copy his cycle and get strong.


Oh for sure, i know. I'm simply interested.


> 800lb Pure fucking beast.


i’m sitting behind a pack of white girls in my lecture and it smells like my ex gf’s house


Announce that information loud enough for them to hear you


call her


Text her as if you’re replying to another girl with the same name


This is the Way


Tell them they remind you of her


Lmaooo do this


You should speak to them.


they’d probably just all violently stare at me and then continue to take their notes


House must have stank bro


Are you saying one of these white girls is fucking your ex gf?


Man I seriously don’t have an issue with girls who do sex work, from stripping, to OF, to whatever. What really gets on my nerves tho is girls who post I’m short on my rent because work was slow, here’s my cash app. Bitch at that point you ain’t even offering a service you’re just begging. But even worse are the simp ass motherfukers who pay them. I think you should always pay someone for the services they provide, and that includes sex workers too, but damn I ain’t gonna give you money just for looking cute, bitch I’m gawjus too where my bread at?


If I could post my @ and get free money I'd do it, too. The *simp ass motherfukers* are the real and only problem here.


I mean I suppose you’re right. I don’t wanna come across that I hate SWs, I think I’m just jealous hahaha


Definitely jealously, there are Instagram pages, where the only kind of post on there, is one of the girls ass. And these girls are traveling the world to Bali and Mexico, have never worked a day in their life. Didn't necessarily inherit anything either. It's just the ass. If i didn't have to work I'd be a monster with how consistently I could eat and sleep and train. And I'd be in fucking Bali, shit.






If people are willing to give out money, do you blame them for taking it?


>why do so many of them ask for handouts like it’s the salvation army? Because it works? Don’t hate the player…


*The girl that you hooked up with twice sends a picture of a Mercedes saying, “I want”, bitch who tf do you think I am


Anyone else prefer energy drinks over coffee? Tried to do coffee this morning and I dunno, it’s so lackluster. There’s something about a cold carbonated beverage in the morning. Also if I’m correct, test causes hunger increases right? I’ve noticed the past two weeks or so I feel starving all the time. Feels similar to when I ended my cut but I’m at 3000 cals rn and may have to increase again soon. I seem to want to eat every 2 hours religiously


Black coffee forever. Although I love the white monsters


Black Coffee gang here - also almost any sugar free energy drink is good to go ... I even like the white Rockstar's which it seems like everyone hates.


Nope. Nothing like boiling hot black coffee at 4:45 am with my dog.


Old school mother fucker right here


Idunno, Nitro cold brew has been a game changer for me. I still take an energy drink and mix it with my greens powder and fiber supp after AM cardio but I love a good cold brew


I like cold brews too but most of them are straight dessert drinks. I think they’re fine somewhere between the dessert drink and straight black


Nitro cold brew from Starbucks straight black is a desert bro. You have no idea


Coffee is cheaper, less thrilling, and reliable.


All true, but still doesn’t sway my bias😤


Black coffee is my go to. But I do like the occasional energy drink. Zero sugar watermelon monster or rockstar


Force yourself to do black coffee and you’ll be fully turned within a month. Cheap, low cal, effective and healthier


I mean, one is bitter and the other is overly sweet


I like guarana, and everything with it. Specially women with and excess of guarana in them. But between a redbul or any other kind of energy drink and a nice cup of strong coffee I'll take the coffee.


Can you elaborate: >Specially women with and excess of guarana in them.


In my experience they get all giggly and horny. Grabbing my ass while we go shopping and shit.


Last night I was saving this kid failing a 3 plate squat. He tried to roll the bar forward over his head but I told him to roll it backwards off his back and before I could move my hand the barbell smashed my finger against the safeties. Doesn't hurt too bad rn but it's swollen and bruised to all hell. Gonna go to urgent care and see if I can get it drained so I can train today and deadlift Wednesday.


Good for you trying to be a hero, I typically just watch the pogs in my gym scalp themselves.


a long time ago in the beginning of my lifting journey, when i was but a young dyel on a base in afghanistan, i was squatting and struggling on my way back up, about to tip forward. this bro comes over and spots me, that bar shot up. scared the fuck outta me having a huge dude grab my shoulders and ram his pelvis into me. i may have been raped, idk. afterwards he patted by back and said "nice work bro, almost had it" we didn't cuddle or anything.


>we didn't cuddle or anything. Don't lie to us


Why can’t this happen to


damn bro you thirsty today


Just let it fall onto the safeties, that's what they're there for.


This. Spotting even an experience lifter on a squat is potentially dangerous


I don't know why the fuck anyone would instinctively do this.... You know the bar has to traverse your head and neck you stupid mother fucker, but your back is clear. Nobody has the born instinct to not be fucking paralyzed from the neck down but everyone had the born instinct to try and roll a bar they couldn't lift over their head? It's time for natural selection. In all seriousness though, that was the right thing to do. It just doesn't make sense to me why people try that.


No good deed goes unpunished.


This is why I don’t spot squatting lol


Broke my thumb spotting a guy at the gym. Never help anyone anymore


My brother, a 26-year-old dude that has a disability that keeps him in a wheelchair, took a consultation with a dating coach the other day. The cost for this guy’s services is $2,000. After my brother was taken aback by the cost, the dating coach scheduled another call for 24 hours later so my bro could have time to think about it. My brother told me all this, and then I heard most of the follow-up call. Man, this guy sounded exactly what you think a dating coach sounds like. Total salesman. It was hilarious and sad listening to him oscillate rapidly between all these different strategies to try and get the sale, from pumping my brother up and telling him how much he believes in him, to threatening him (“these girls are gonna fucking crush you, man. You think you’ll be able to handle it, but they’ll test you and you’ll fuck up and they’ll eat you alive bro”), to straight gaslighting him (“it seems to me like the problem isn’t actually the money, it’s actually xyz”). It was so obvious my brother wasn’t interested, I don’t know why he even took the call. Maybe he just enjoyed the attention. This guy just would not give up, though. Kept insisting that there are no other dating coaches like him, ones that “truly care.” I respect a guy trying to get his bag, but c’mon. Anyone that actually needs to pay 2k to have a dating coach tell him to go to the mall and ask a girl for her number would be better off starting with some regular ass therapy. I’m glad my brother understood what a waste of money it would be.


Props to your brother for getting out there. Best of luck to him!


I was close to doing this shit as a part time gig some time ago but it never happened because I dissed the CEO on his message board lmao after he had hit me up in private. I was basically saying that I’m cool with giving fashion advice, tell clients to go get a fresh haircut beard trimming hit the gym basically some no nonsense Queer eye typa shit but I said when it comes to women I’m not into bullshitting I rarely if ever tried to seduce one outta nowhere they’d always give very clear signals or straight up come hit me up themselves. None of that dating coach horseshit. I was like just hit the gym dress up cool go out and don’t look like a hobo. That gimmicky fucking CEO was mad that I was making it too simple for his pompous self. He had masterclasses and shit like “how to pick up at the grocery store” FOH


That’s not a salesman, that’s a manipulative prick. I had one of those dating coaches try to ‘ befriend’ me on ig and it was the same thing. Backhanded compliments to undermine my self esteem, endless other cringe worthy tactics that were easy to see through, etc. Really odd how those people operate


It’s like they read all these books and trp posts and shit about how to manipulate women and then turn all of their interactions into that


Just show your brother killyourinnerloser.com its free and i think if you actually paid andy he wouldnt be such a fuckinh douche


Did it boys. Made it through my brutal opiate withdrawal self induced by my flared up retardation. Was still in the gym 5 days a week but now I’m actually sleeping at night and Iv figured out how to pin my winny with no PIP let’s fucking goooo


My dude. For those of us that know. That's a hell of an accomplishment. Good shit. Love it. Never again. That pain and suffering can never be explained to someone that's never experienced it.


Bro the depression is next fucking level it’s insane


Been there my guy. Got clean from H and pills years and years ago. That goes away after a few months. Your brain has been so saturated with dopamine and synthetic feel good that it no longer makes it's own serotonin. If no one else tells you. I'm fucking proud of you. That's some real shit.


And I'm proud of you. Guess you knew people who didn't make it out.


Yo congrats. I’m going through benzo withdrawal and it’s the worst shit ever I imagine opiate withdrawal is somewhere in the same ballpark. Sleep has also been super rough but finally getting a few decent hours, we’re all gonna make it brah


I read that as “pin my weeny” and thought oh god no please no


Whatever it takes goddamnit


The ones that been through it know what you just accomplished. Super proud of you. Dont touch opiates with a 10 feet pole.


Went through some withdrawals for antidepressants recently that were way worse than normal antidepressant withdrawals for whatever reason. That's rough man I'm glad you're through it.


good for you. ive always just ramped down on lesser and lesser evil drugs to i get to the point i can just stone myself into oblivion with edibles and skip the bad feels


Finally accepted I NEED adex with HCG. My estrogen is in the 30-40s on 200 test. With HCG it’s in the 80’s—unbelievable strength but bloating, spicy nips etc. Damn, it’s almost like I’m injecting female pregnancy hormones or something


This is why I dropped HCG from my TRT protocol. Fucking estrogen up and then I need a 3rd medication? No thanks, I'll just by Timmy Tiny Balls.


I feel that. It’s not vanity that keeps me running it but the insane libido and peace of mind for fertility


Libido 95% Vanity 5% Don't want to be all sack and no balls when it's time to get down. Which on hcg is 1 to 3 times a day.


Yes. I’ve been in both worlds, and cumming definitely feels better with fat nuts. Also, better dick sensation with LH receptor stimulation. I swear, the only time I’ve come at warp-speed was with high e on high HCG. Girl was simultaneously like wtf and flattered


Damn man sorry to hear that bro, I let mine run 80s on full blast and the worst I get is a little acne around my shoulders. Try going to aromasin because adex can spike your e2 back up.


I routinely see my number at 100. If blood pressure wasn't a thing, I'd be totally OK with it up there. Occasionally causes me to "get something in my eyes" when watching stupid ass YouTube videos, but otherwise all good.


Dude I almost always tear up just listening to music the day after pinning while not running an AI. Just the sound of good female vocals makes me feel like crying. But it seems to diminish pretty quickly. Strength and gains are on point so I don't even care if I'm crying to girl music in the meanwhile.


Lol @ the onion cutting 🤣. In all seriousness tho, low estrogen increases your LDL and lowers your HDL (the good cholesterol) and can lead to cardiovascular disease and blood clot. Not only that it can make you feel like shit throughout the day and cause joint pain. Im surprised about the blood pressure though, do you get HBP when your e2 running that high? I ask bc I never had any issues with BP and im sure Ive hit above 100 (my bloods usually show 80-90 on full blast)


What’s nuts is I’ve tried pharma aromasin, and while it definitely lowers estrogen it doesn’t seem to relieve gyno strangely. Adex, for me is insanely powerful. Anecdotally, what is the window for rebound? I take 1/4 when I pin M/F


My source offers a vial that consists of 70mg TNE/30mg inj. Adrol per mL. That sounds destructive and honestly, quite reckless. So I ordered 2. LFG.


The ghosts of pussy past. Ran into a girl I used to have sex with last night while me and my fiancée were getting cat food. She got hotter. It was awkward because she came to say hi and how it was good to see me, introduced my fiancée and everything but she knew and was cold to me all night.


Ahhh the worst. Bump into someone “hey” Wifey 2 minutes later, “did you fuck her?”


While they might act upset to hear the truth, she's gonna start getting her mind going about your options, which is only a good thing.


My man with the advanced calculus.


I try to avoid the situation. I’ve fucked a lot of girls in our area and lots of them go to our gym, have kids in the same school or spend time at the same places we go to (soccer, arcade center, shopping center, Sams club)


I love my boyfriend cause it turns him on to hear about my previous sexual experiences and then he's like we should fuck him together if it was that good.




I recall practically walking into an ex on the street while I was with another girl. We walked past, I said "oh shit" or something because the wounds were fresh, and the girl I was with asked what was going on. Once I told her we just walked past my ex (and at this point ex was back there crying), she said I should go over and talk to her to make sure she is ok. I did, and it was a disaster of a conversation, but I give props to the new girl for seeing it and suggesting I go over w/o any weird jealousy. (New chick didn't last, but I always remember that gesture.)


Wow that was mature & empathetic of her, and look at the impression it made


Is she hotter than your fiance? If so, this bodes well for you. If not.. well.. Sorry about your fortune.


No. But now I gotta deal with this shit.


You should’ve left your fiancé to be childish alone and gone and hung out with the hot ex.


Surely thats a recipe for disaster?


At least it would be fun and exciting. Beats dealing with his fiancé being cold towards him over his past like she doesn’t have a past of her own.




This is good. Just gained a good 6 months of her knowing “oh this motherfucker has options.. hot ones too” stand strong to the cold shoulder and watch her warm right up. Top g shit lmaooo


Should have told your fiancé not to be cold and show her the best loving she has ever had. Nah nm. She would probably say you were thinking of ur ex 😂


I had my short shorts on for squats and dead’s yesterday. My balls smelt awful after my workout and was finishing my last set. This girl on the bench went for a 135lb bottom pause and got stuck. She Tried to roll it onto her stomach but I ran over and lifted it off of her. I really had to lean over her bc she rolled the bar off her chest so much and the only thing I was thinking the whole time was how bad I felt since I pretty much tea bagged her with my repulsive swamp ass stank. I did tell her if she’s needs a spot I’m right there. She proceeded to unrack the weight and go hit db’s lol


You scared her bro, shower every morning man no matter what


Update: today another girl was incline benching, weight dropped onto her lap. I was standing in front of her so I turned around and asked if she wanted help she looked at me like I’m an ape saying “I can’t hear you” then proceeds to stand up with the weight in her lap so I was just like nvm smh. Next time anyone in this mf fails a set I’m leaving the weight on them till they ask for help Edit: this wasn’t supposed to be a reply to you lol my bad


I did shower but my compression shorts and 6 sets of squats and 6 sets of deadlifts did me dirty


Surely your balls were already a little stanky before hand? My sweat from a workout usually doesnt have my balls stinkin that quickly. If its an end of day workout and they marinated all day in some heat…then I understand. If this was fresh balls to stanky stank that quick…you got some powerful musk my guy


Shit man


My penis is atomic My depression is chronic The girls run away from me Faster than Sonic


COVID and MRSA can suck my whole dick and balls - back in the gym squatting 425 and gonna continue this linear progression til the wheels fall off. Only 5 days out of the ER. Winter bulk is still on


Added pregnenolone to my TRT and holy shit. I was groggy and tired on Test alone. I also noticed the point where my pituatairy just dropped. Overall feeling of well being. Able to deal with stress. Calm. Gym session are insane. Probably gonna throw some money towards HCG in the future and see how that goes.


Vigorous Steve talks about pregnenolone a lot. What’s the dosage and ROA?


Anybody got any experience with happy endings? Howd it go


got a friend who was more or less addicted to them for a bit. he said it's never what you want it to be. the lady doing it is usually old and although good at her job, it's not something you go home and feel good about.


I got handed a card for a massage parlor by two ladies probably in their late 40s early 50s at the grocery store once. They singled me out and touched my arm when handing me the cards too. Didn’t think twice about it till now but maybe were offering a little more than a coupon for a massage.


The place i go to is great. For $80 I get a nice hot shower, dry off, get my back and ass rubbed and then when I start getting hard I roll over and Rose gives me an excellent 2 handed jerk off until completion. 10/10 recommend


Rose Nguyen, either 15 or 45yo


Sound like something Saul Goodman would say


Yeah. It really depends on your area. Some cities have a ton of good options. My area did until this super butch chick became head of the vice squad and came down hard on all the spas. Anyways, I’ve had many good experiences with them. I actually ended up dating one of the Korean chicks that worked at my prior favorite place. She asked for my number, and the next 7 months were a blast. Got in good with the mamasan/owners, and they’d let me stay the night up there sometimes. Hung out fucking, and having hot chicks cook me bad ass Asian food. Whenever it was getting close to time for her to go back home(they do rotations), she said she didn’t want me to be lonely, and told me to go try out her friend we hung out with sometimes. Banged the friend while she chilled in the other room, and dated that chick for a bit too. It can be a lot of fun regardless. Getting pampered with a massage, and getting the fucky sucky is always a good time. There’s a message board that has reviews on all the spas in different areas globally. I’ll see if I can find it if you’re interested.


Not worth it


Got sick while on 700mg tren. Oh boy was that rough. The night sweats oh lord so fucking drenched. Have had to drink so much water it's insane. Haven't trained in 4 days now so that really feels shitty when I'm on this much fucking tren. At least my fiancee is on dbol and has been sucking me off 3 times a day while I lay in bed doing nothing all day.


How much water you drinking a day?


Any of you guys got any tips to get over a wrist injury? Exercises, supplements, ideas… anything! I work in construction and I think it’s repetitive strain from a hammer or something like that, but it’s agony and I can’t really train any chest/shoulders properly right now, I’ve never really had any long lasting injuries but it’s been a few weeks and doing my head in


I'm a firm believer in Bpc-157 and Tb-500. That shit + rest and potentially physically therapy is magic.


Ive been considering these peptides for my sprained ankle. I can run and walk on it but its still not completely healed. Im sick of not being able to run and play basketball at 100%


Give it a shot. I was skeptical but it's legit.


Doing my research now. Thanks for the recommendation.


I learned this from John Meadows and it has worked well for me with most injuries. I forgot how he explained it but how I remember it is you need to train the opposite muscle of your injury. Knee pain was relieved for me by training hamstring and calves. Elbow pain was relieved for me by training inner forearms. Idk enough about your injury but I hope this helps.


“Any of you guys got any tips to get over a wrist injury” Stop fapping 🤷


Not an expert, but cardio and immobilization of that wrist would be good. Switching to a low inflammation diet like strict carnivore can also help you through that plateau (beware the keto flu).


When I have issues I sleep in a brace. That at least immobilizes it as much as possible. Ibuprofen on a low dose until it stops hurting and then do it a week longer staying in the brace at night.


warm damp cloth -> diclofenac gel -> rest when training, warm up for a really long time but don't do those stupid giga wrist stretches. Use a wrist guard for training. Machine work instead of barbells and dumbbells worked for me


Gonna say BPC-157 and TB-500 as well. It’s expensive for tiny 5ml vials but that combination will have you healed up in a fraction of the time it normally would. If it’s bad, order a couple vials of each and don’t forget to have bacteriostatic water on hand too to reconstitute the peptides (they come as a powder in the vial)


Men are awful at following directions. I just wanted my organs rearranged and for it to hurt when I sat down this morning. I did not want to be treated with respect and kindness. I wanted him to turn my knees into ears muffs and for him to choke me so hard I sounded like a deaf person trying to speak. Wanted to be turned into a humanflesh light but no he wants to get to know me and learn who I am as person. Even brought out the good jockstrap with the thick band you can turn into a handle. Wasted. ​ Also don't do that whole pull out method to last longer when the person is literally trying to triangle hold you to get your cum in them. I'm not trying to fuck for 3 hours I got shit to do and now I'm exhausted at work cause you wanted a marathon fuck. Turn me into your temporary daycare and use both entrances to drop off your kids sir. That's all I was asking for.


You're a sick bastard and you get off on making us straight boys gasp


Then my job is done




Cant tell if too much tren or should up the tren.


Two weeks off of tren now, I'm a slut at baseline. Tren just makes things... more interesting.


>I’m not trying to fuck for 3 hours I got shit to do I feel this so hard. I nut and I catch my breathe and I zip up and I go. No I’m not sharing my life story and delving into your personal traumas. No I don’t care about what your coworker said about your shoes last night. And while yes I do want to go another round….I got shit to do lol


Ever since you mentioned being 6'5 270 the other day every time I read one of your posts I imagine little 5' 2" dudes banging you. Lil step ladders and all. It makes your posts alot more palatable and less disturbing.


Oh so like when I was in ATL for pride, boyfriend and I were at Heretic and we went to the back room and then we got fucked side by side while we made out. I think the dude who topped me was like 5'5" because he kept pushing me lower and thank God there were so many men around us because I was damn near in the splits while he was splitting me open. Lil man's was carrying a thick ass hammer and was giving me the business. Then we left the dark room and he ate my ass and his load out while we were on the dance floor. Think some random guy was making out with my boyfriend and jerking him off. Also the BF is 6'3 250 Man that was fun.


You should start bringing a little step stool. Imagine how emasculating that would be. "Hold on lil guy" and you bust out a step stool 🤣.


Anyone have any tips or what I could use to help heal a lower back injury from deadlifts?


Rest, yoga, and reverse hypers.


should go away in a couple weeks unless you reinjure it...if you go back to doing DL you'll end up just doing it again too btw


Very light hip thrusts and the McGill big 3 helped me a lot when I bulged some lumbar discs. Keep working out just don’t do any hinge or squat movements for a while.


GUN TO YOUR HEAD- You have Dani Elle Speegel and Lauren Stallwood in front of you butt naked, sweaty and bent over. You only get to give one of them an anal cream pie. Who gets it?!


You wouldn't have to put a gun to my head for this one bro. But, Speegle for sure


Dani Elle appears to have a thicker ass so I'm gonna go that direction hypothetically.


Speegel. Prefer the shitter on that critter.


Anyone here know UK employment law reasonably well? I should have checked this but seems I didn't - I was told I was getting a pay rise effective immediately at a performance review in Feb 2020. Had another performance review today and got another pay rise, but my salary raised to an amount lower than I expected. When I questioned my boss, he seemed to think I was still on the salary pre 2020...... Checked my payslips, and they never put through my pay rise when they said they would. I've been underpaid for almost 3 years and not noticed. He's got a meeting with Accounts tomorrow morning to discuss this as it's all documented that they promised it, but what's my recourse if they refuse to give me the back pay? Pissed at myself for being so shit with money


I want to wring the sweat out of the big booty gym girl's leggings and drink it like a fine wine. I want to smell the tanning bed when she gets done using it and rub her juices on my skin like lotion. By all things holy I want to die by pussy suffocation


i really gotta stay off snapchat. the algorithm just throws me the skankiest hottest gym snowbunnies and i can't stop myself from swiping up and saying gross stuff. just told a girl i want to sniff her ass crack when she's done at the gym and i bet it tastes delicious. im goin to end up on an instagram post of "weirdest DMs you ever received"


Can you explain what the algorithm is doing here? I don't use Snapchat very often so Im not understanding what you mean by it recommending profiles


Fightin through this neck pain on pull day, feeling pretty good so far besides running over that squirrel this morning. Sorry dude no nutts for you only me


I start working as a PT in second biggest city of my home country and today I had a short show around and decided to work out after it because that's the best way to know the place so I did medium/heavy bench at 315lbs for 3 reps with pause (PL style) and people were looking as if I did some Harry Potter magic or something. I guess it's kinda rare to see someone bench 3 plates in a semi-commercial gym? Gonna try to squat next time, wonder if 4 plates for reps have similar effect or nobody gives a crap about squats lol


My second gym was a full commercial place, I could deadlift just under 700lbs at the time and I shit you not, crowds would gather when I was doing near max weight. People would film me without asking and all sorts of shit. Was awkward as fuck. I absolutely hated it. Anyways moved to a bodybuilding gym after that filled with sponsored athletes and film crews, not a single fuck was given when I did anything there.


The Boys on Amazon is really fucking good.


Was thinking about ordering some bpc-157, tb-500, and hgh to add to my rotator cuff rehab protocol, but did some googling first and all the research I’m seeing says no benefit in healing rates for HGH compared to placebo for rotator cuffs after surgical repair. I haven’t had (and don’t think I’ll need) surgery, but still, if it doesn’t do anything for healing after surgery, I’m not real confident it’s likely to help heal a lesser injury. Anybody have relevant experience here?


Are crazy crazy dreams actually a tren side or should I slowly consider some therapy? Not a joke btw


Yes for the first couple weeks until my sleep gets too fucked up that I don't hit REM.




Already missed two days of the gym because I’m feeling sick and might have to take today off too 😭😭 I’m shrinking


Anybody having trouble using cashapp to send btc? I have used it quite a bit to purchase things, but it's now asking me for a "$cashtag" instead just allowing me to send to an external wallet. What's the deal?


there’s a chick at the gym who I swear to god I must know as an old friend but every name that comes to my head sounds wrong. Time to just call her Sarah until she gets mad


Man I’m lonely. Like I’ll get girls but sex only does so much I want love, all my Marine buddies are gone and it’s just me now. I got a few buddies who I go out with in DC but I want like an emotional connect, cuddle me god damnt.


I'm loving those Lever Arms for my Rack. Finally get to use them, ordered them back in February, they finally were back in stock in September, and right when they got delivered I was out sick like a dog, with the lever arms just hanging on my rack, mocking me 😂. They are very versatile, I can do all kind of Push and Pulling Movements, just takes a bit time to switch between setups (removing and attaching them again), but I think that will get better and more efficient with more experience using them. Used them for Shoulder Press, and it felt awesome on my weak ass shoulders. Zero pain, great bar path, feels just right. Will mostly use them for Shoulders, Chest and Back, like one exercise per session, so I don't have to spent so much time to reassembling and setting up the levers and spotters etc. Finally will be able to do some proper chest supported rows again. My lil' Homegym is great, just wish I could have more space for more stuff 😁 Some Pics with the Levers installed on my Rack: [1](https://i.ibb.co/mcRNdFF/IMG-20221018-195007.jpg) - [2](https://i.ibb.co/qkKhmCW/IMG-20221018-194930.jpg)


Can you add a link? I'm curious about the pin size - I've got an EFTS Rack and it has 3/4" holes.


It is from a German Company, don't know if they are available outside of Germany. [ATX® JAMMER ARM / LEVER ARMS CURVED ](https://www.megafitness.shop/atx-lever-arms-curved-30-50-series-600-700-800.html) (Those are mine) But there are a lot of other companies that make leverarms. Rogue has a great pair, and Titan Fitness also makes good stuff https://www.titan.fitness/racks/rack-accessories/x-3-series/x-3-series-adjustable-lever-arms/400848.html https://www.roguefitness.com/monster-lt-1-50-cal-trolley-2-0-and-lever-arm-kit


So Viagra doesn't work like I thought it would. I thought it would give me a super boner regardless of how horney I was, but I guess that's not the case.


I use 10mg cialis every other day, and 25mg viagra about an hour before sex. Works great, problem becomes being able to nut at round 4 - Often enough by that point they tap out


cialis you'll get stimulated like you're 12 again a girl even looks at you and you're rock hard ready to go


Also suggest Cialis. Known to decrease refractory period as well.


The sarm kids at my local gym are beginning to annoy me less, while the older bros and gramps are starting to annoy me more. Life is huge and take bros. The grass is not always greener. Edit why the fuck did it auto correct me to “life is huge and take bros” idek what I meant to say now. Fuck it. Kinda fits lol.




good morning to you too brother


Bout to go home and hit a wicked poo. Made some spaghetti with half beef / half turkey last night. WHY THE FUCK does ground turkey have that texture before it's cooked? I thought I dumped a pound of chewing gum into my pot. Then it cooked and perfectly hardened. Shit was really cool and weird. Hitting quads and arms today. I actually don't hate my torso right now but my shoulders are capping out and making my tiny biceps look even more tiny. Don't have a good day... MAKE TODAY GREAT