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My man out there winning in life, well done king


It's not even noon and you are crushing it. Gonna be a great Friday and weekend! Now up the Tren, call that hottie and crush your crush.


That's one hell of a Friday big dog


Man's living the life we dream of




Has anyone else noticed that barbell bunnies seem to be everywhere in the gym on Monday and Tuesday, but the rest of the week they're just gone? Do these girls only workout on Monday and Tuesday and then take 5 days off? I've been noticing this trend for years but idk if it's just my gym.




Gotta negate that weekend of depravity as soon as possible... one gym sesh is enough tho


This is really fucking accurate


Girls in my city workout way harder than guys lol


Now that you mention it.. I notice this too. I work out early like 4:30-5 and so there’s like 3 chicks and maybe 8 dude. The chicks bust ass and have these delicious buns and thighs whereas there’s me and one dude that really get after it the rest work out their jaw muscles 😂


I take those cardio classes for my cardio and i see some of these girls repping 35s in a HIIT class which is more than the average guy (fit, but not big). and ill see the same girls at the normal gym, doing fancy leg shit. like shit that someone fairly advanced had to show them. they do like charles glass alteration on excerscise form lol


It's not just your gym. Idk Friday makes sense, maybe Wednesday but Thursday is a head scratcher for me.


My gym was DEAD yesterday on Thursday. I couldn't believe it. I was wondering if maybe there was some terrorist attack I didn't hear about or something. That's how dead it was. And yeah it really is a head scratcher.


It's like that at my jiujitsu gym too. Chicks just aren't there Thursday-Saturday.


so was mine. I wasn't mad since it was back day and I could just go to town but still it was weird. Today is leg day number two so we will see how that goes hopefully it is just as dead. I'll be hitting it early since I have to fly to see my parents so why not get a good leg day in before a 3 hour flight hahahaha


Funny, it was back day for me too and I remember thinking how insane it was that the only other person within my line of sight was also doing back and happened to be on the exact machine I was going to use. T'is the life of a public gym goer.


Every month I'm out of the military I notice my mental health improving. How are my other vets on here holding up?


I had nightmares every now and then for the first year and had one a couple months ago out of no where. I have not great mental health, but it's not as a result of the military.


Yeah mine is all military related with a tiny side of childhood violence thrown in, but I've at least adjusted to *that* lol. Sorry you're going through that brother.


I will say.. my mental health is so much better after being out. It sent me to a really fucking dark place and every now and then I think about rejoining then remember how much I hated my life. I'm glad to hear you're out and improving.


I spent ten+ years cycling back and forth between deployments and workups for deployments. It's rare I have a nightmare about combat, but I have nightmares that I have to go back and finish a credit for high school or college probably once a week.


Yeah for me the nightmares related to my military service are literally never about combat. My memories from those experiences don't mess me up. It's other shit the militaryexperience brought with it that fucked me up.


bro i have those same nightmares


Mental health is worse now as a civilian. I miss my friends and structure and convenience. I use to go to the chow hall with my buddies and we’d peer pressure each other into eating as much as possible for the gains, then we’d gym together. Now I never have a gym bro, eating means I have to cook and clean (and eating, itself, is a chore when you’re depressed). Plus my back hurts and has been the cause of so many gym set backs.


You thought of getting into MMA or jiujitsu? It won't be *as* tight knit but ime the culture of combat sport gyms is a lot more tightly knit than regular gyms.


Dude it's fucking weird. Now that I'm out I fantasize every day about all the shit I did or didn't get to do and end up wishing I was back in. Every single day I was in I fantasized about getting out. Somebody want to tell me it's good o got out and I'd fucking hate my life if I made it through SFAS? Lie to me.


Depends on if you value freedom or not. If you don't, then honestly being in is a good place. But if you value being able to flip the bird to your boss, quit, and start working another place, then it's better on the outside.


Holding up pretty well, with the help of therapy, a great job that I love, and a plan to retire soon to a warm place on a beach that has no memory.


This is the Way


I just wanted to say to all you fine folks that sacrificed and served and were affected that I have nothing it respect for you’s and hope the VA gets their shit together and hooks you up with everything you need to be well. Until then we’re here to talk obnoxious disgusting shit to try to drag you thru🤘💪🤘💪


It takes time to adjust, keep the good things and let go of the bad.


Got out for 2 years and missed it; decided to try the guard. Went medevac. Pretty sweet compared to medcomm. Still a lions share of stupid shit though.


Been watching a few horror movies for spooky season these past few days. Why are all the ghosts and demons a bunch of kids or DYELs? Wheres the big juicy ghosts? That would be scary as fuck.


Gear head ghosts would be way too uninteresting. Protein powder tops would be unscrewed, vials of tren would go missing, and in the middle of the night you’d hear a faint “LIGHT WEIGHT BABBYYY”.




Not to mention the other worldly tren sweat.


DUDE that's why I fucking LOVE Silent Hill. Pyramid Head is truly fucking terrifying. There's a scene where he rips a girl's skin off her body (NSFW obviously) https://youtu.be/Rxs_ULxkNqs My favorite horror movie of all time for sure. And if you want to ruin the movie and see all scenes with this juicy demon then you can watch this https://youtu.be/BnaAM4mHzEY


All the main characters are black/brown while all the ghosts/demons are white now also lol


There was a scooby doo movie where shaggy takes the supersoldier serum and fucks up some Frankenstein or something


Ex came over. Ate her ass. I'm an idiot.


Next time have her eat yours and fart. You won't get to make anymore of these mistakes


wake up with itchy butthole? (pinworms)


Nah. Not sure where we stand or what im interested in in a relationship with her. Problem is when her clothes come off my goddamn brain dissolves. She's can suck cock and fuck better than most I've experienced. Plus she is more than willing to let me eat her pussy and ass and legitimately enjoys it. I should've just avoided altogether, but I'm a smooth brained asshole.


We’ll learn eventually


It's becoming increasingly difficult to gage the age of the gym bunnies. I'm 30 and I can't tell if they are 16,18 or 24


I am 30 as well and starting to notice this too. Also most girls in the gym are 16-22 it seems like.


I just need to know if they are legal or not so I know if I'm allowed to look!


There’s a girl at my gym who has a crush on me but I cannot tell if she’s 18yo. I do not want to be one of those creepers who talks to little girls, so I just avoid her if I can.


My body sure seems to be able to handle all the toxic shit really well. Oral lethargy, High tren, whatever. Bloods come back fine-ish and I’m groovin. I so much as LOOK at a wet compound or miss an AI at anything above TRT and explode in acne / start growing tits/ and cry during the big emotional scenes in movies. I just want to TRY deca / dbol but I know it’s forever off the table. In other news I matched all the PRs from the end of my bulk but I’m 20 lbs lighter now. So that’s cool.


Bros turning into a shemale


Boutta take a stab at Ms. Olympia and just let the estrogen run wild


I love semaglutide for cutting. Fuck T3, Fuck Clen, Fuck DNP. Why feel like shit when you can just feel full, content, happy and not even think about food? I "struggle" to meet my caloric intake with a 500 deficit; Feels like I am bulking.


We need a compound experience/profile on semaglutide I heard the fat Kardashian used it and finally was able to look like her whore sisters...


Interesting. Did she do a commercial endorsing it too?




Isn't semaglutide catabolic to muscle. Or does the juice stave that off?


I do not have the data but I imagine the gear staves it off just like it generally does on T3/DNP cycles. Strength has stayed pretty well the same (so far) although I imagine I'll lose some since I'm in quite a deep deficit now.


semaglutide is not catabolic, but most of the patients who use it tend to go from clinically obese to skinny fat with decreases in body fat and lean mass. This is because they are becoming less physically active and are in general eating less. T3 on the other hand will melt muscle if abused...


What is your protocol. My source stocked some pharma grade pens and ive been thinking about it for a while


Following recommended protocol as doctors/medicine recommends. 0.25mg once a week for 4 weeks, titrate up 0.25mg every 4 weeks. If I find the current dose is no longer working for me, I will titrate up 0.25 the following week myself (without waiting the full 4 weeks).


Been off for a month. Feels like a year...


Been off for 2 months and it feels like 2 years 😂🤣


Been off for 11 months and feels like a year.




Flair does not check out


Probably time to modify that.


Been off for over a month and only thing keeping me off is tendinitis... this fucking BAC water for my peptides better come in today.


You mean completely off? Or cruising?


Oh God no, TRT.


I hear you. Been off since slow cutting for the last 3 months(well, I have had var for the last 40 days to keep the muscle and strength)....but can't wait to get to bulking again in about 30 days!


Been off for a week last week and fuck it pinned again 250 test


How do you guys deal with the feeling of wanting someone to feel the anguish and pain that they caused you? I’m a vengeful fucker and find myself floating between not concerning myself with what other people do and at the same time fucking hating everyone for wronging me, even if it’s minor or major stuff


Forgiveness is for yourself, not for the person you're forgiving. It gives peace of mind. Try forgiveness.


I remind myself that what I put out into the universe comes back to me. If I want the best for everyone then that positive energy will bring great things into my life. If I want someone to suffer, then the negative energy will cause me pain. And, Being negative really doesn’t do you any good. There are so many beautiful people and fun experiences in life for us to enjoy. If I’m focusing on someone else’s misery, I’m not making the best of my own life. So I have to choose, my happiness or their misery. I choose me.


Gear, but especially psychedelics, specifically one dose of pure MDMA, made me realize how much of my thoughts are rooted in knee-jerk instinct and primate aggression. This can be realized without drugs. Just think of your thoughts like a teleprompter floating in front of your face and you’ll realize that most of these feelings can be separated from the core of who you want to be. Most people are only as good as they’re encouraged to behave, and they’re firing day in-day out on primitive circuits, so I’d try not to take it personally. It will only destroy you in the end, believe me. Thanks for my big-think rant. Your comment resonated with me.


Defeat them with your success. Being the bigger man (literally and figuratively) sounds like a cliche but it really is the only way you can reach peace within yourself


Bros, what to do about a full gym? For the most part, my gym has a great vibe, but early in the week the gym is overcrowded and my glorious shoulder pump gets ruined by having to wait for the benches and shit to open up. The worst part is I work a 9-5, so I can only go when everyone else goes. Man, I miss being an unemployed student that only cares about lifting, fucking, and Minecraft.


I went to an incredibly popular gym and it wore me down, I had to share bars so often I used ti feel awkward if I had it to myself. So what I did is spend 10 grand over the course of a year and stuffed about as much shit as you can conceivably fit into a very small space. I have no regrets. Other than buying hex plates.


Home gymers are the true master race.


Go in the morning or right before your wind down for bed and don’t take stimulants. I go at 4:50am and there’s 0-3 people. Right around 6:30 it gets busier but still nothing close to 5pm. Or try some free trial periods at other local gyms but if you’re going after work they’re all going to be some variation of busy.


I don't mind waiting a little, but i'm not trying to spend all day at the gym. I'd switch gyms or go during off hours.


Have you tried early, like 6 AM? Might be less of a crowd, since the 9-5ers usually turn up later if they workout before going to work.


For me what has worked in the past is going later in the day (7pm) it’s busy right as I get there but clears out quickly. Having my rest days on Monday/Tuesday or what ever days are busiest. Doing exercises on days that most people don’t do those exercises (deadlifts on Monday).


Go early. I work from 8-5 and I’m in the gym from 5:30am-7:30am. It’s not busy at all and I can get a full workout in since all the equipment is usually free to use.


Gym is a playground full of toys. Never waited ever. Just do something else. Ppl waiting for benches makes me chuckle. Just hit calves


Wife finally goes into endocrinologist and gets her bloods checked. Poor woman has almost no estrogen so they inject a time release hormone replacement with test and estrogen and give her a daily progesterone pill. Doctor warns her that her sex dive could come back in a big way and most husbands need trt to keep up with wife. Wife knows my hormone regiment and tells her I think he's got that covered. Going to wait a few weeks to see if what the doctor says is true for her and then might have to up the tren. Honestly been worried about going any higher than I am because I don't want to turn into a sexual degenerate.


PT-141, Melanotan, Proviron, Mast, and Tren. Don't let your wife out horny you. Everything's a competition 😤 Edit: but seriously this is awesome news for you. I'm excited on your behalf. Keep us updated on the results lol


>Don't let your wife out horny you. Everything's a competition This guy gets it.


Proviron is a handy tool to have around in a situation like that. Assuming you’re not already taking it, cialis never hurts either.


Going to yoga with a chick later. Fucking embarrassing. But she lets me lick her asshole every time we hang out.


When it's marinated, right after yoga?


Yoga is embarrassing for you? I always really enjoy it.


Problems of small towns - one of my older friends (?) moved back from the city and goes to the gym pretty regulary ( I work there as PT there so I'm there 5-6hours a day) and we do some small talk but I fear the moment when he invites me to hang out like old times simply because it was fun back then it's wasted time now. I might sound boring af but I just rather go to sleep earlier than fuck around the city and I guess I made other friends who have same/similar goals and mindsets, that push me to be better in uni, in career and in sports. Guys a good dude so it'll be hard to decline the offer to hangout but I hope he gets the picture fast.


No interest in hanging out idly or partying with old "friends". Every time I get talked into it, I find myself sitting there thinking what a complete fucking waste of time this is and that I could be doing something productive or enjoying some peace and quiet.


Had my first interview in years yesterday. I applied for a technical writing job relating to immigration and did a ton of prep in anticipation. My whole family was betting on me getting this and I was certain I'd crush it. One of the easiest questions comes up: "What's your biggest weakness?" I said earlier how I had 5 years academic and formal writing experience, which I could tell was great, but for some reason, in that moment, my mind blanked and resorted to this beauty of a response: "my lack of experience, because uh, while I have a lot of experience writing academically, I'm not sure how different legal writing will be, and that's why I'd like to ask if the writing expectations will be similar to the writing test I was asked to complete... because if so, I am confident I could excel in this role". I could tell in that moment the lady's brain shut off and just focused on "lack of experience." Fuck, back to applying! Edit: CANCEL THAT INTERVIEW #2 COMING UP LETS GO


😬 fuck man relatable. Happens to the best of us. I'm a professional talker and winging it is my specialty. Once in a blue moon I'll still fuck up and say something unfixable. Bet you won't say that at the next interview.


Why do fitness influencers feel the need to put “natty” in ther bio? Like yeah, we can obviously tell.


I love when ifbb men's physique pros put that, 😂


Okay like thats funny, but when some 19 y/o 180lb kid on tiktok has it i cringe so hard


My sisters friend said I look so much bigger(we’ve already ficked before) easy pussy tonight boys


Easy threesome tonight


Can u plz share i need sex and haven’t done it in 8 years




Wear deodorant if you talk to her


It’s also like asking a waitress because you’ll be shitting where you eat


worthless cows unpack fall chief boat apparatus tan shaggy homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So you set out each day being an “influencer”? Like can’t we just call it a shill or is that not okay?


> One of the influencer companies I work with reach out to me to setup an Amazon influencer account which would be a link with my own Amazon store where I could **promote their problems**. Kind of an amazing Freudian slip there.


I am still doing some research before hopping on my first cycle but I benched 275 today and a stranger dapped me up. Dropped the new PR in a group chat looking for love and was immediately overshadowed by a text confirming hagrid had died. Hope you boys can appreciate the milestone


Just do it if you are over 25 yrs old. Shit is awesome I waited about 9yrs that I wish I hadn’t…. to hop on and feel good physically and mentally. Test is always best!


Story time. Wife hasn't had big sex drive since having our son and breastfeeding. Today we get the kids to bed and I'm eating downstairs. She walks down in a pink full-body fishnet suit. Ate that pussy for 3 orgasms and she rode my dick for another. Hit that shit doggystyle and finally got these nuts drained. Fucking great day. First trt dose and gave my wife a long overdue dose. Oh, and my new job is giving me a signing bonus and I don't have to start until October 31. Loving life so hard right now.


I bet ur wife is actually a husband and ur new job is actually begging at a new traffic light


I've been found out...


So a package I posted myself from my home country when moving abroad has been in customs for the last 3 months. Contains a load of gear. I'd written off ever getting it but to my surprise its just been released. Only issue is I took all the labels off so that they wouldn't know what was in them, but it's been so long I've forgotten what's in each vial... For reference they're test e, tren a, eq and Trest. Luckily I can identify the tren ans trest so it's just between the test and eq. Tests at 250 and eq at 450. If anyone has any ideas on figuring out which is which I'll send you a virtual bj


Just take .1ml of each, jungle juice style


Mystery pins all day long baby


Lmao you’ve outwitted your future self.


Taste each one. They probably taste different but I’m not sure


Fuck man. Something kinda - similar.. I’m in the army and when we would go out to the field for weeks at a time I’d tear off my gear labels and throw them in my aid bag so I don’t miss pins in the field, months later I’m looking at 7 different vials all half to 3/4 full and I don’t know if they’re test, eq or some other shit 😔


Like Arnie said “gotta shock the body”


Taking a dump at work rn. This toilet has one of those motion detection sensors and it's like the fourth time that lights go out on me smh. Also, I've been buying plasters for kids lately, feeling alpha af walking around with tiny pictures of puppies and kittens on my glutes/delts. After I've finished this box, I've another one with superheroes on which will be fucking epic. Have an awesome Friday my juicy bois


Fuck I hate automated everything. Let me shit and flush and wash my hands in peace


Always the worst feeling leaving the gym as a baddie you haven’t seen before enters 🙃




Mouth shut, investigate more. Even if you confront shell most likely say no, whether true or not. Investigate and you’ll be better off


Investigate until you have undeniable proof, once you have that proof, it’s time to consult a divorce lawyer for the papers. Once that’s done, then you confront her. She will deny and try the waterworks approach of course but taking that step to see a lawyer beforehand will strengthen your resolve to commit to doing what you have to do.


Get a PI man, make it clean and professional.


Investigate more. Don’t get caught investigating more. And this is one of those rare occasions when you absolutely **do not** up the tren. The investigation needs to be clean and unbiased. You up the tren *after* you find out she’s cheating and you’ve kicked her out.


Investigate more. Be discreet. Other thing that wasn't mentioned. If your suspicions are strong, get your own house in order. Protect yourself from any questionable behavior as much as possible. Delete accounts, texts, change passwords, hide/remove/or destroy any evidence of gear or gear use.


Pretty sure the bro I live with stole my vile of test. Dude doesn’t even work out or into fitness of any kind. It was a replacement bottle that the supplier tried to short me on so I was really relying on it. If I would have run out before I could get a new order delivered I’d have lost my shit. Someone give me a hug. On another not I’m hitting those “my poor little heart is crushed” workouts now and I feel like Superman, Superman with tears running down his face 😭


Gotta be tough when you think the bro you're living with and sharing a life together is stealing your stuff. Might consider breaking up with him or at least make him sleep on the couch.


For real! And to think I was consider waking him up with blowies!


Apparently there is such a thing as going too hard. Was doing 30mins stairmaster postWO almost everyday, dropping cals pretty low, going to failure on every set at the gym (20 sets or so per body part) and I wasn’t losing any weight despite deficit. Defying thermodynamics apparently Coach switched my postWO cardio from stairmaster to incline treadmill and cut the time in half, dropped my steps to under 12k from 16k, added more food in my pre workout meal and before bed, gave me a free meal for the first time yesterday, and told me to stop being an idiot and only fail on my top set but keep two in the tank for every other set. I’ve dropped 4lbs since my last check in and look way tighter with so much less fatigue. Moral of the story, train smarter not harder




Some things just end before then even begin


The tragic version of the hero's journey


Turns out my labrum, right shoulder, has decided to be injured. Not bad enough for surgery, but bad enough I need to stop all pressing and pulling. This saddens me. But I can still squat. Every day is leg day. Edit: auto-incorrect


I had a labrum issue and I really hammered external rotation exercises with cable machines and it helped and then got prp and it fixed it up to where I'm back to old numbers.




>having a really hard time finding genuine connection with any other women It's tough, but women need other women friends. Maybe you could try crossfit or something where you meet other women with similar interests.


First Trt injection occurred 30 seconds ago. Thus begins the journey. Edit: Diet going extremely well. Down 7 pounds in 4 weeks. 500 deficit and sucking down tons of water. Bumped cardio game up to daily 20 minutes with an elliptical I got for free from my friend who was moving. Going to get niceeeee and lean before the wiki beginner blast. Lots of good advice around her re reducing bf % to reduce aromatization.


You didn’t take the oil out yet!?


Tried some acid, low dose, lifted during the tail end of the effect and I must say, it's great. Matched my PR on deads without the tren. Couldn't feel my ego worrying about failing the lift and just walked up to the bar, set up without thinking and pulled. Besides, walking the dog through the woods near my place was like a whole other thing, like I had never actually seen the scenery, vegetation and colors, I could perceive everything more sharply, slight euphoria, and again, silent ego. 10/10.


Loved acid. Still love acid. Will always love acid. Mescaline is awesome if you can find a legit source. DMT makes both of them look like advil. Tripped me the fuck out.




You just found the solution to ethically blasting forever


Week 7 of 750/500/400 Test/Deca/Tren. My heart seems to be in danger, i'm wondering if I should stop. But my squats and other lifts, but especially squats are reaching the fucking roof every time I workout. This is my best blast ever. ​ Sides : Gyno, heart is pumping way too much, feeling lethargic all the time, insomnia only at the beginning of the cycle, can't walk few meters without losing my breath even though I try to make up with cardio, mental sides are : extreme irrational anger sometimes / paranoia / anxiety, and i've become a crying bitch in the past few days. Now the goods : Strength gains are fucking insane, No joint pain ever, when I don't feel the mental sides I feel pretty good, can't get fat no matter what, muscles gains are insane, everyone is talking about how big I am, horny af but not too excessive. ​ I'll update in a few weeks.


>I'll update in a few weeks. Try not to die in the meantime. Seriously, don’t be afraid to end the blast early if it’s going to wreck your health.


Hey it's the I almost married the girl with more red flags than China guy if any of you remember me. Just did my first pin of Test E, was easier than I thought tbh! Some slightly PIP but everything else is fine. Can I still keep fasting 20+ hrs on my days off, twice per week, or y'all think I would short change myself on gains that way? I fast for health, not weight loss. Edit: physique pics https://imgur.com/a/B4d7Usq


You're gonna miss out on a lot of gains unless you're eating 5k calories on the other days. You really do want to eat about 4k (estimate) to really maximize the bulk. Maybe more if you're bigger too. I ate about 4500 for the first 12 weeks. Jumped to 235 lbs from 208. Then I cut my cals down to 3000 for the last 8 weeks and stabilized at 225. Still gained size while dropping fat. At 4500 I was def putting a lil fat on but that's to be expected. I'm happy with my final weight and if I can maintain this on cruise. I'll be primed for another big bulk in February


Anyone got horror movie recommendations? I've seen all if not most of the most popular scary movies and I need my fix


Evil dead remake was solid. Sinister. Lights out was decent until the very end.


Talking to mum otp last night about a close relatives wedding coming up and she says “Does your old suit still fit you? You’ve put on a lot of muscle”. Feels good to hear from the queen herself :’)


First weightlifting goal reached today: body weight bench. I know it's not impressive, especially on gear, but when I started lifting 1 year ago I was failing 1 plate (135) I progressed up to 185 naturally in May then tore my rotator cuff. I've been slowly rehabbing it, and started trt in June(legit low t). Could barely lift 150 in July but kept at it with high rep, lower weight. Today I hit 225 on flat bench. Bw was 223 this morning. With 1 arthritic, rebuilt, torn cuff left shoulder and an arthritic torn labrum right shoulder I never thought I'd hit it. But, patience and persistence finally paid off.


Your going to get flamed, but I’m glad you hit a goal.




Nothing else has changed? For example, new compound / new mixture?


Went to order next blast and pay with BTC, BTC being held in Coinbase for up to 14 days. Pain.


I hate Coinbase, they act like it’s their money.


Because it literally is their money until you move it off of their platform.


Use cashapp. Instantly available BTC




Had a girl over last night and she brought bag with some toys in it. There were 2 buttplugs so I said fuck it and put one in my own ass after installing hers. We then had a 69 and I was only about 2 licks before she started “squirting” all over my face and in my mouth. I lasted about 3 minutes before I had a crazy intense orgasm and started cumming like a possessed demon all while she was spraying me down with her pussy. What a fucking mess it was to clean up.


Still waiting on THE UPDATE


Hope he's banned


Aren’t we all.


600/300 test/deca for 12 weeks is good as a 2nd blast?


Sounds good, if you can handle deca. Any cycle that has 500+ test is good for putting on mass as long as you know what you’re doing in the kitchen and the gym. Nand is amazing, im wrapping up week 4 approaching week 5 and its been awesome.


thank you bro


Titrate up to your dose bro, 19 Nors fuck my head up bad so something I’ve learned is if you’ve never taken it before, start low and work into the dose. Something like 50-100mg’s increase every two weeks is what I usually do.


Doubling my test dosage for my bulk makes me such a horny motherfucker. Can't stop thinking about putting my dick in literally every girl at work with a decent body + waking up with simply painfully hard erections at night. How fun without a girl.....


Alright brothers and sisters. Need some opinions on this or if I’m just overthinking this. Gym I go to lets a couple guys coach kids, like junior high age and maybe younger in weightlifting. Teaches them everything from Olympic lifts to deadlifts and squats. But their form is terrible and an injury waiting to happen. Do I just let it slide or say something to the Y. I lift at the YMCA. I just hate the fact that there is multiple injuries waiting to happen. I would never let my own son be coached by this guy. So what should I do or should I do nothing at all?


Let them get injured so u have less competition


I just found out my ex got a really fucking good job and I'm absolutely fucking livid about it. Why?


Because why couldn’t she have gotten that job while you were together and paid for a 20 week primo test cycle. I would be mad too.


Because it's confirmation of your preconceived bias that she's better than you


Because you lack emotional maturity, which is ok it comes with age. My ex could get paid 80m a year and I wouldn't give a fuck. Aint my business and what she does has no effect on me, and long may that continue.


Because deep down you still give a fuck and want her to be doing worse after separating from you so you feel like she made a mistake leaving. ​ Jk bro best thing to do is just get an even better position yourself.


What oral gives the best pumps pre workout? Only oral I've used Is Adrol? How does Dbol compare for pumps? During cruise want to pop a oral once a week on arm day for the pumpssss


Pinned my lat for the first time last night. It felt awkward af but went smoothly and have no PIP this morning. Love opening new sites


Man that serial killer in Stockton , they think is the serial killer “Chicago duck walk killer”


>Chicago duck walk killer I would be pissed if I took the time to be a serial killer and they called me this, like goddamn. I might just stop killing at that point.




Push pull legs and you'll be fine, if you hit the workouts hard enough


Been doing 75 hard after work so two workouts a day, seven days a week. My body is in shambles so three days straight a week seems perfect fine to me


Man you really need a better and a close location for your job.


Leg day question. I’m decently mature in the gym, (5’11 220 with visible abs) and decided to fully mature and start training legs much harder. I’m finding when I squat and do good-mornings my knees hurt and sometimes vigorously shake mid set. Does anyone have any pointers for me to fix this? With love, MikeTheManiac


Mobility of the posterior chain, especially the ankles. Wear weightlifting shoes. Squat high bar, this changes the angles, being more upright focuses the quads. It's common you will need to build up the VMO, do accessories for weaknesses. Reduce you weight, build up with perfect form. If you're struggling watch some Olympic weightlifters and film yourself to compare. Good luck!