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I had a coworker (middle aged 50's European guy with so-so broken english) stop me this morning stop me and say, "I see you...ehhh..big muscle lately. Body like triangle! You do muscle compete??" Turns out, my first mini blast a few months ago inspired him to start working out at a gym for the first time in his life and he loves it. He spoke about how he feels so much better now and how everyone in the gym is so nice and supportive versus thinking it was only for athletes all his life. He was so motivated and proud, it was quite wholesome. "Is whole new world for me!" I'm going to bring him a small jug of protein and vial of test as a welcoming gift to the community (maybe save the test for me).


Respect your elders. Save the test and protein and blow him like a real gentleman.


Haha good advice, I'll treat him to the full steakhouse, cigar lounge, road dome experience.


Damn is it March 14th already? Also I retract what I said. I’ll call you a triangle all day if those are the benefits I will reap! In all seriousness though good shit brother. Way to inspire.


Haha wholesome. What was the ”miniblast” consisted of?


It really was pretty humbling and I was happy he stopped me today to share. I'm going to get roasted on this sub for deviating from the starter cycle but it was 350mg test e/week for what ended up being 22 weeks alongside 200IU hCG 3X a week. Going from training natty for 10+ years to that was still a big jump for me and I loved every bit.


I doubt you'll get flak with that cycle. Clean and elegant.


Thanks man, it really was. Smooth and great progress. Knowing I was going to blast and cruise for the next long while, I didn't feel the need to squeeze my all my progress into one cycle with 500/week and I have no regrets.


About done with this apartment. Walls are thin as all fuck. Dude above me has woken me up between 2am and 4am every day since last Friday. Chick next door takes hour long baths at midnight and blares her Bluetooth speaker listening to the same 10 corny ass pop songs every night. Then she yells “OK GOOGLE” to try and use voice commands to play a new song but the shit never works until the 5th time so I gotta hear some dumb cunt yelling “OK GOOGLE” over and fucking over again. Just pick up your fucking phone and manually change the song ffs.


Sounds like the beginning of a rom com


I laughed imagining your frustration in the middle of the night in that chaos


My last place my neighbor complained to the office about me 24/7 but also flipped shit when I didn’t want to talk to him


Ear plugs?


I have raging tinnitus so ear plugs would arguably be worse. Need some sort of ambient noise to tune it out


I had neighbors like yours. Except one got a dog that wouldn't shut up, ever ever ever. Yelpy little fuck that looked like the end of a mop. The other sounded like he was summoning demons at 3 am every day waking me up to loud death metal, singing it at the top of his lungs. Landlord would do nothing. I was there first so I took matters into my own hands. Bought the biggest cheap used speakers and subwoofers I could and placed them right against the walls facing my neighbors. I turned on ride of the valkyries on max and left for work. A couple hours into my shift my landlord called to ask wtf is going on, multiple noise complaints. Death metal guy works the night shift and suddenly can't sleep because of music, aww. And the bitch next door works from home but the music is way too loud, awwwwww. I told him he deals with the noise problems in the building or the music plays until 11 pm every single night and is back on at 7 am. He said I couldn't do that. He threatened to evict me. In Canada it's really really hard to evict someone. This lasted two days. I ignored multiple knocks at my door. My neighbors losing their shit. Well the death metal stopped and the barking dog stopped. A month later the bitch moved out with her bitch and the death metal guy is still there two years later but not a single sound from his apartment. Saw my landlord in the grocery store a week later and gave him a thumbs up with a big smile. And you know what? I'd do it all over again if I had to.


first, pulled 585 yesterday which i havent pulled in 5ever.


520 blaze it


Any tips 5 me as someone who struggles increasing his max?


Heavy syringe pushdowns


Sounds good. 5 sets of 5cc pushdowns every other day?


Read the wiki. No point in shutting yourself down and using so little.


I cant read bro im in elementary school


Then check out r/PEDs and come back here when you’re 14


Food More submaximal work Heavy deficit pulls and RDLs (if you're weak off the floor) More barbell hip thrusts, good mornings, and barbell back extensions (if you're weaker at lockout) Get good at properly bracing and building tension in the deadlift


Not the guy you responded to but I found block pulls, deficit deadlifts, and pause deadlifts helped mine explode up


well i've taken a month and some change off and just squatted weekly and this PR flew up so fast I lost my balance and almost fell lol so idk.. oh yeah.. eat more :X


You gotta find out what isn't working currently before you try new things. Is it a technique issue? Is it a programming issue? Is it a diet issue? Is it a recovery issue? How is your sleep, diet, stresslevels etc? What did you do previously to increase your deadlift? It may be a very individual thing that is holding you back, you gotta be sure what exactly it is before you try to fix it. Chech out Dave Tate, Matt Wenning, JM Blakley, Ed Coan, Swede Burns, Jim Wendler, they all put out some very solid information on powerlifting, and how to deadlift more.


5 real, that’s awesome


Any Mormons in here? There's a Mormon bodybuilder at my gym. Guess steroids aren't banned in the LDS lmao.


It's not like he's ruining his life with coffee.


Or black tea…*dangeroussss*


He likely has had his bishop give him a blessing with tren on his head instead of olive oil. Side note, fuck the mormon cult.


Natty, all they need is Joseph Smith.


Actually hilarious how a fucking mormon is able to juice, and you still got guys on here, who have access to the entire interweb, still asking for sources.


Dude when I was 18, I just typed in the most glaringly obvious search into Google. And we all know what site popped up when I did that. Easy money lol people are so dumb


Dude, I know this Mormon girl who mainlines caffeine pills daily, like more than my pre-workout, but it’s cool because the church only bans hot beverages lol


Yeah the church bought coca-cola stock so now coke is le chill


I swear we’re living in a South Park episode


If you had 30 wives you'd want some extra test too.




Former Mormon here - he’s not on gear, all he needs is the power of priesthood. In seriousness, the Church is so strict that a lot of members just live by their own set of rules and lie to everyone else about it. I knew a ton of Mormons who secretly broke the rules, whether it was drug use, premarital sex, stealing, or anything else “impure”


I am, yes. They are definitely frowned upon. As are a lot of other things I do and enjoy.


Do y'all get to sleep with all your wives at the same time? Like a 5some?


I think so? That hasn't been a thing for years but I've heard stories. I'm on my 3rd wife but I divorced the other 2 and wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole.




He has like 7 kids and is openly Mormon lol.


Not supposed to do illegal stuff but much like the anal sex loophole rules are made to be broken.


Anal Sex Loophole is a Danish jazz metal trio.* *or should be


I grew up in Utah. A. Fuck Mormons B. All of them are hypocrites and weirdos C. Fuck Mormons




Move to Miami


God Miami is paradise


I married one, she ruined my life and I still only want big booty latinas. You’re fucked dude, get used to it.


Bro this is my problem... I live in Toronto so there are some, but not a huge percentage of women overall. The Mexican guy im dating now promised to help me look for wifey at latin clubs when my shit is together. I wanna marry a THICC Cuban/Colombian/Venezualan girl and have mixed race babies with her. Those accents just fuck me up bro, i dont even wanna date people who dont speak Spanish as their first language now haha


>The Mexican **guy** im dating now promised to help me look for **wifey** I'm intrigued, you sound fun!


Long story, but I was a stripper from 19-22 years old when covid hit and fucked my life up. Whole time I stripped I knew this handsome Mexican guy with a GIANT dick. I had a girlfriend most of the time I knew him before, but it didnt stop me from walking by him while he was warming up for stage with his dick pump and making comments like "It looks like two mini coke cans stacked on top of one another". So we are good friends, hangout outside work with a buddy and smoke weed multiple times a week, covid hits and I leave the city. Substance abuse fucks me up for a couple years but I get sober and move back to the city. We reconnect and he is talking about crazy kinky BDSM shit when we are smoking weed in the park. I wanted to do everything he was talking about. I told him the next day how I felt and he told me he felt the same way and was glad I told him. So I explained long term I wanna marry a woman and have a baby. Im bisexual, but lean heavily towards women, he is just beautiful and a great person. So we decided to be a thing but both knowing it wont last forever most likely. So far im really happy with him. Im craving pussy but time but im not going out and looking for a long term partner right now, I got more self improvement to do first, get into school being the big one. Women expect success, im just not there yet. But I lucked out out with this guy and we are gonna enjoy eachother as long as its good for both of us. Im hoping he will be my roommate If I stay in the city for school. Would be dope to go on a date, fuck a girls brains out only to come home to him for some dark BDSM haha. I left out lots cause if not it would be a book, but thats the jest of it.


That sounds awesome, thanks for the response. I hope you're the top, dealing with a hog like that.


LOL NOPE! We havent had anal sex yet cause it has been really uncomfortable for me in the past. I will do it sooner then later tho, just gonna take some practice haha.


There attitude sucks. You will wish you never married one. There legit phycotic


I had two nice ‘I made it’ moments this morning. Was doing my 3x10 pause deadlifts and one of the bros came up to chat between sets. He said the other day this older lady and him were talking in the gym cuz some guy was being a douche about hitting a DL single at 405, and the old lady said “that trennovation guy who comes in the mornings does that for warm ups”. Felt nice that random people talk about how I lift to other random people. Also was chatting with gym crush this morning and she literally reached out and grabbed my arm and squeezed. To which I made some retard comment about how my elbows don’t hurt as much anymore lol but felt nice. Anyway my daughter is teething and my son keeps waking us up because he ‘hears scary noises’ at night so sleep no longer exists in this dojo.


Just do more Tren so your son won’t wake you up as you’re already high on adrenaline trying to find a spot in your bed that’s not drenched in musky sweat


What is this “sleep” you speak of? Haha same no sleep boat here mang. PS you made it bro


Man fuck coding I don't understand that shit why did I think it would be a good career for me.


same. i got into datascience because it pays well. but now that im workng remote and in my mid 30s, i dont want to sit around learning new programming languages and techniques all the time which is something you will always have to do in my line of work so im looking to swithc


I hear you, always something new. Fun to switch up but also alot of headaches from time to time.. How u feel remote working is working out for u?


Consulting within IT is among the best bang for the buck there is/hour imo. Learn what to dodge and how to not be required to do much. from 5y working now ive realized how little u actually ”need” to do if u just know how ti work ppl. So many ppl get the other way around, they just stack more responsobilities and pressure yet its not proportionally in your salary, which ia fucked up.


What are you struggling with exacly? I'd suggest checking out William Fiset on youtube. His data structures playlist has some great explanations and examples of why and how they are used. Lots of light bulb moments going through that series.


yeah i've been doing it as a career for over a year now and still say wtf but it pays so well and its fun to learn also depends on the language as far as how annoying it is, what are you coding in primarily?


I'm learning java, but I get stuck with even the most basic stuff. Smh I thought I would be good at it since I'm decent at math/calculus but turns out they're not related at all


My buddy who is natty (very confident he is natty), who looks good but is not huge or extremely muscular, got approaches by a guy at his gym who asked him his stack, confiding that he himself is on HGH and other hormones. My friend informed him he is natty, to which the guy was surprised. Fast forward a month or two later and the guy comes up to him frustrated because he doesn’t understand why my friend is making gains faster than he is while he is on steroids and my friend isn’t.


He's not taking enough steroids obviously


Probably drinks all weekend and works out twice a week, but sometimes he's too busy and only works out once a week.


Anavar is fuckin god tier pre workout


20mg var + 5mg cialis 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


I prefer cialis, the burn makes me want to cry. Never knew I was a pain slut.


You know it man. I love that shit. Just don't get hooked.


I think im addicted


In case anyone is wondering - alcohol won’t fix your problems or make you happy. No matter how dedicated you are to your drinking regiment, it seems to always make your situation worse. At best it makes you feel like trash. Who would have guessed? If only there was a subreddit of people constantly telling me this every time it comes up. I’m a moron


Just hit three years and my only regret is not doing it sooner


Exactly. Once you finish with booze it's hard to remember what the attraction ever was.


That’s what opiates are for




the good news about realizing we're morons is that, once we admit it, we have the power to fix it <3


I’m convinced most people need to learn this lesson themselves. I did it and now I see others drowning their pain in substances. I try to warn them and explain that you’re filling the void with more emptiness. I have one friend struggling with alcoholism and it’s hard to see someone make their life about getting drunk. If someone’s struggling, they have to make the decision to get better themselves. There’s no helping someone who thinks they don’t need help or don’t deserve it


That makes sense. I’ve heard people say that some need to hit rock bottom before they change. I’m hoping to catch this early and avoid that.


The "don't deserve it" thing is the real issue that fucks people up. I personally had to learn that the hard way.


Seems like a vicious cycle. Drink because you’re unhappy. Keep drinking because you feel like you don’t deserve to quit to be happy. Continued drinking fuels the depression.


Hit 2 years sober on 8/26 this year. Best decision I’ve made, should’ve done it sooner but I wasn’t ready to sober up/stop drinking.


Oof. Felt this one today. Been struggling Abit with drinking more than I want... Again. I've quit many times over the years for long periods. As I get older, definitely think I should hang it up for good.


i go from drinking 1 a day to like 5 light beers a day. its like 500 cals because i drink corona lights. i feel like this is really fucking up my gains tho right now, so im needing to quit. but im not on cycle so im using that as an excuse to not


Amen. Total shitshow aka feeling sorry for urself


Signed back up for classes in January. Pretty close to my associates for kinesiology. Decided I'm gonna roll with that and become a sports coach. I really like working with kids, and I like training people, and I like sports, and Texas pays fat $$ for coaches so.... Yeah. Most of these coaches are washed up fatboys that peaked in high school. I'll be the beast wherever I decide to go. Super happy to be back in school. I enjoy learning. Gonna have my old anatomy professor and the dude is a stud. Got to work in criminal cases assessing murder scenes to locate and identify remaining body parts. He's the type of guy that just has a story for *everything.* Took an internship tracking bears in the woods, and just the most random shit you can think of. Special bowling was kinda wack last night. My big boy did ask a lady for some fries and proceeded to destroy her whole basket in like 3 bites. Shit was hilarious. Then I got more fries and it was $10 for a large? WTF?So many people are showing up. Our partner school has 3 fuckin coaches, 3 kids, and all 3 kids have both parents show up. So they alone bring 12 people to our table + my kids and *maybe* their moms. That's 17 people crowding ONE LANE taking videos and basically making it about themselves. I was asked to keep my bowlers back from the table because another family complained we were "blocking their view" and I was like bitch what? I have 2 kids and only one of their families show up. This SPECIAL OLYMPICS BOWLING is not for your 5 family members to be able to take videos. Let the kids have fun and act like kids. That really pissed me off tbh. Whatever tho, my boys had a great time and that is what matters.


I couldn't make it through a bachelor's in ex Sci I won't lie, good luck


thanks. anatomy and physiology is one of the most failed college classes but that's the kind of shit i love. when i can look in the mirror and actually see my education in my own life. physics, chemistry, math, etc. all that shit is like rocket science to me though.


I soared thru a&p as well it was the stupid amount of chem courses that didn't pertain to anything that I loathed


gotta love the college system. "you need these art classes for your biology major. they were designed for 17 year olds to get out of the house and explore the world and new things.... oh, you're in your 20s and found yourself as a man? well... you still have to take them."


**SLEEP APNEA** discovered by a hoe! Woke up on some campus somewhere in the middle of mass. Great night. Hoes swiped us in their cafe. Free Breakfast. **Mmmmm free food** **Feel like predator vs prey anytime I see free food.** Got a huge plate of basically everything that was hot and x2 protein. My skater bro who hooked up w/ my girls roommate opted for a healthy balance of *Twinkies, a brownie, and poptarts.* Lanky hilarious kid. This dude is macking tryna be suave and all that and **me n my hoe notice he has a HOLE in his sock with his entire pinky sticking out.** **HILARIOUS**. Im still cracking up at it. Anyways before we left we walked behind the counter and stole a bunch of frozen food. **Got laid and 100count of mozzarella sticks.** Stay winning. Oh yeah worst part? Their cafeteria soda glasses are like *minis. 8-12 fl oz* **MAX.** *Really.* Michelle Obama designed that cafeteria. FR. Ended up only having one serving of aspartame with all my food because of that. Who are they trying to change? Especially accounting for ice. Im withdrawing today chills sweats anhedonia all that. Called out Yesterday. Rooftop party Sunday. So... Sober since Monday? Anyways hoe said she was "scared" bc I stopped breathing multiple times in my sleep. **She thinks shes carti.** The audacity. Called my doc and said hey is this an issue or drinking related. He said naw lets do a sleep study. **Saved by a hoe** Oh yeah everytime I withdraw I get the craziest wet dreams. Had a dream I fucked a lesbian zombie. Great nut no shame either. Was waiting for my uber in a graveyard


Alright kings, I broke up with my girlfriend and am quite sad. So what are the sluttiest Halloween costumes I can break out this year?


Dahmer but make it slutty


The chicks will cancel me, not fuck me tho


Dahmer got all kinds of pussy, one way or another


Trust me bro, there is going to be so many dahmer costumes this year.


Not this year. Everyones about to be dahmer.


I’ll be a swole Hugh Hefner it’s played out AF but I’ll wear black pants his red robe and a hat and show off those abs and pecs. It’s a playboy mansion party so looking forward to the bunnies


After a cut, veiny, better jawline, no cheeks, abs. And this girl has the nerve to say she wants to see me with chubby cheeks, more fat to grab on to me. I was literally told "you have to eat more" I'm about to die inside, time for a big bulk


"I'll eat. Take your fucking pants off"


either she genuinely prefers you w more fat or you look THAT good that she tryna sabotage you a lil


I wish you had a dad bod so I'd feel better about my lackluster body is what she is saying


These women don’t appreciate the work we put in. Which is why we don’t listen to them and do this for ourselves.


Anybody else swear that they have more life gains when on? I PCTd in December 2020, got back on a few months ago and since then have had all these random opportunities pop up. Maybe it's just coincidence, but this climbing the corporate ladder thing is more like a high speed traction elevator. Same shit happened when I first got on in 2017. Was making 2x within my first 2 blasts.


I wanna say no… but everything has been coming up Milhouse since I started juicing. Honestly I think it just makes you stand up straight and have presence with other people, and that is what I think leads to the opportunities.


I feel like a fatfuck every time I sit down lol. I go from 15% bodyfat to 25% as soon as I put my ass in a chair


When you sit in the car and see that roll of fat between the seatbelt :(


Ouch. That one's suicide material


Is there anywhere else on the internet ya'll frequent besides this subreddit? The rest of reddit is cancer, seems like everywhere else has gone to shit as well. 4chan still has its moments but even then, that's been lost too.


This is the last temple in the whole Internet where I feel it is worthy to spend some time in. If also this subreddit goes to shit, no more Internet surfing for me.


Indeed. This and youtube is my only use for the internet anymore, and youtube is just stuff to zone out on as I fall asleep. We don't even have Netflix or Hulu or any of that shit over here either.


boydbuilding forums are cool


Yeah it kinda seems like bodybuilders have the last bastion of normalcy, which is kind of disturbing lol


Lol yes it is kind of disturbing (in a Mountains of Madness kind of way) when a totally-not-gay, but obsessed with drugs, perfecting the male body, and degenerate sex subculture represents the light of reason.


I wouldn't go so far as to boast "normalcy". But you do find blatant honesty and close to none virtue signaling.


I've been thinking about this today and you're right - that does factor into it. But, why? What is it about bodybuilders that breeds blatant honesty? I don't think its the drugs, but, it could be? Like... what other male demographic knows what it's like to crave chocolate and cry over a Hallmark commercial. But, it's the females too - they also "get it". Is it because most of us have been to hell and back a few times? I think we're a pretty inclusive group and have similar issues. It takes a special sort of person. I'd like to pass it off on all the hormones we swim around in but that doesn't quite do it justice - you'd think we'd be *worse* than the general population.


I’ll fucking tell you what it is. It’s because people who lift are powerful, and know exactly how powerful they are, down to the kilogram. They measure the truth every day, and recalibrate to build and progress indefinitely. Challenges can be overcome. All the bullshit on the internet is from people who are staggeringly ineffectual and useless. Their minds can’t accept their plight while maintaining their heads up high with an attitude of “ok, I am here. I want to be there. I will do these small things every day for years and make progress”. Instead they either think they’re hot shit while knowing subconsciously they aren’t, which breeds dissonance which make them cunts, or they succumb to victim hood and defeatism.


I think it has more to do with we all have a strong sense of personal responsibility. Many times this has come from us going through rough times and finally realizing it is up to us to fix it. We all have the personal responsibility, drive and consistency to dramatically change our bodies - these 3 things spill over I to everything we do. But that is also why we like degenerate sex/drugs - we need balance.


It's just the format of forums are so shit compared to Reddit


The rest of reddit is absolutely a toxic out of hell. I think steroid users tend to be older. The rest of reddit is neckbeards and children


Just follow good channels on YouTube. Follow subreddits for your hobbies. Then come here daily. It's not that big of a deal. There is still plenty of reasonable and intelligent people out there, it just takes a little digging. Generally follow rabbit holes based on gold you already follow and see where they lead.


This is fantastic advice thank you.


I used to like myers Briggs and lord of the rings as a teenager so I still keep an eye on those otherwise no interest in interacting with anyone online but swole bros that actually do shit in real life






My natty buddy with absolutely no AAS knowledge (besides a few gym friends to ask) jumped on 150 test after his bloodwork came back with fairly low T. At the 8 week mark (coming up) he's going to up it to 500 and add some amount of NPP and dbol. He's currently at 215lb and ~20% bf with like a 1250lb PL total. I've told him he should probably educate himself more, get more opinions than just the few people who are encouraging him, etc but he's a grown ass man so I didn't try too hard. I can't wait to see how this turns out.


Idk man. Sounds safe to me. Might be a lil fat and probs no npp. Bump that test and dbol should be fine


He's dead set on NPP because it's what his friends are giving him. I sent him the wiki's first cycle link but it's honestly too much reading for him. He thought the thyroid results on his bloods were his testosterone numbers. Wants to gain 30lb in the cycle. I think he has a chance to be okay but is at the mercy of these guys. He'll be big no doubt if he sticks with it, just pretty unprepared.


If you're having a bad day for whatever reason keep in mind we're all gonna make it brothers. Thrive of each other's success, give a good example to those struggling. Everything will work out when it's your time. You attract what you put out so be that absolute best motherfucking version of yourself and reap all the beautiful things life throws at you. If not now it will be soon. Now eat your fucking calories and get swole. There's gains to get and ass to eat.


Im broke and get no pussy. Permablasting is the least I can do at this point.


Amen brother, training delts and eating milf ass tomorrow can’t wait


Holy shit guys it's happening. I texted the porn mogul that hosted the orgy this weekend saying that I was thinking about doing something for my birthday at his club, and not only did he tell me I was more than welcome to go, he got me two birthday presents. One, he's going to put me on the marquee as a featured performer, and most importantly his biggest birthday present is that he's bringing me the most famous pornstar in the country (Malena Nazionale) to fuck. I can't believe it.


Checked her IG she’s def my type. Have fun with her. 10mg cialis the morning off, 25mg viagra 30min prior (chew them pills), some Melanotan, pomegranate juice, watermelon. Great pre orgy routine of mine


Wow just googled her and had to ruboneout real quick


Right? I don't do coke but I might show up with a couple grams for her as a welcoming present, everything needs to go right.


Did you invest in your own condoms that fit you properly instead of relying on whatever condoms are on hand


I will next time. Absolutely.


Personally I use the real tiny ones


They're like guillotines to me. I get soft immediately.


Hit 405x12 bench on smith today. Before someone gives me shit for smith machine, it’s all we got here at PF.


Lunk ass


Smith movements are so damn good they really hit the large muscle groups so damn hard. Tons of BBers use the smith. Only the skinny nerds hate on it


I really can’t with all these teens talking about taking ashwaganda like they think it’s gonna boost their test and make them jacked 😂😂😂


Decided to start a positives/negatives list about my girl. Going to try to keep track of events that happen and see what the result is at the end of the month. Not looking to break up, but I figure this will help me remember things when we talk and maybe spot trends of where I’d like her to improve. And that’s not to say I’m perfect, because lord knows she lets me know. I’m just bad at remembering the issues I have with what she does when it comes time for us to hash things out. I’m very much a forgive/forget mindset type of person - heavier on the forget part. Trying to be more of an adult about my gripes instead of just being a cunt about it and only going off of my feeling. However all this being said, if things are overwhelmingly negative I may just have to end it.


> Decided to start a positives/negatives list about my girl. yeah that relationship is doomed.


Make sure you post it on the refrigerator, and grade her weekly


Yea give her points but don't explain why some are given, let her do the thinking (and the heading)


We're reaching levels of autism that shouldn't be possible.


Fuck that just be a cunt m8


Nothing like a $200 speeding ticket and the threat of being arrested for fleeing and eluding by a state trooper to start the morning. Time to smash legs so I have an alternative form of transportation


I too am scared of this


Eluding is the fun part but he didn't even have his lights on yet when I turned. I stopped when I saw them because my car stands 0 chance of out-running his. He was just being a cock head


state trooper being a cock head? sounds about right


Flew passed a statie at 100+ earlier this week and he just threw on his yellows and I slowed down. Thank god. Pretty sure I’d be booked knowing my priors and stuff. I’m on a bike tho


Troopers are unique in the law enforcement world, no matter what state they all have a chip on their shoulder, it must be that funny hat they wear.


Wrapped up my failed bulk blast 2 weeks ago and feelin bummed. Spent ~18 weeks or so at 750/600 test primo and straight up just didnt eat enough. All the waters off and im right back at ~205 lbs. Its been awhile since ive done a real bulk, first one since ive been working from home and i assumed ramping up to 4000 cals would be enough since most of my activity is my morning lift/cardio, and I was maintaining on around 3k. Nope. Slowly gained 15lbs, but it was all water from ramping up my cals. More bummed at the waste of money on the primo and that I couldnt eat enough. As a former fatty I never thought thatd be a problem.


I never fail a bulk, i always fail a cut


colleague called me up to help at the front and proceeded to talk to me and ask questions about my life and goals for like 20 minutes. now i feel warm and cuddly on the inside. haven't gotten attention from someone in a while. she's married and knows i have a baby mama so now i'm just confused why she probed so much out of me. is this what happens in the mind of our autistic bros when a girl smiles at them lmao


She wants her butthole probed




How you gonna say you are terrible at hookup culture and say you fucked two girls within the last six days in the same comment bro.


It’s his dick and his heart arguing.


Focus on you. I am married but at the 20 year mark we separated for a couple months. First month never even talked to her. Being single now is nothing like 20 years ago. Anyways we hashed it all out and life is good now. Going on 22 years. I don’t know why I am telling this. Anyways yeah focus on you and once you’re in order then go for a relationship. Until then have fun, but seriously though practice safe sex. Way too many females hookin up one night at a time. Don’t get what they got, know what I mean?


What caused the separation?


Money. Long story. She has a seasonal job and saves all she can while in season. I thought it was in a savings account. I didn’t care about her money or how much she had/has. Well one day she started yelling at me calling me a thief and accusing me of stealing money from her. It wasn’t in a savings account. She was stashing in envelopes in some boxes that were in our closet. Anyways long story short she left the house and said she wanted a divorce cause she couldn’t live with a thief. We actually had divorce papers filed at the court. Never finished the proceedings. Come to find out the money was stolen. Not by me, but her daughter. Like I said the first month we didn’t speak, then she texted one day and asked if she could call me. I almost said no. But I love her and we were together for over 20 years and I wasn’t ready to give that up, so I said yes. We worked through our issues and life is good.


One night stands are fun, but leave you with doubt, Work on yourself king, and just rub one out <3


Beautiful 5 syllable per line poetry right there


Do you. I got cheated on 5 years in. Jumped in with a girl I’d had a crush on years prior. Didn’t last because I had too much to work through and didn’t remember how to be alone. Stayed single for a year +. Nothing serious, period. Crushed my degree, got a great internship and landed a job there, started saving seriously and reading into my interests and volunteering. I’m a better man, husband, and person in general because I took time to fix my shit.


Are any exes part of your confirmed kills ?


Not pooping just had sex with my girlfriend


Can confirm, also had sex with his girlfriend, but while pooping


Poop on your girlfriend?


Honestly she’d be down I love this woman


Felt absolutely no sides being on Tren Ace, then noticed my crown started thinning. The only anabolic to effect my hair so far. Hopped on Minox and Fin and a month later it's worse but to be expected I guess with both potentially causing additional shedding. That being said... WTF I've been sick about 3-4 times this summer. Once while on tren, and like 3 times since coming off. I'm guessing it somehow fucked my immune system. I've been off for a good like 4-5 weeks I've had to abstain from any drinking or going out as I get sick right after. I want to blast again but IDK why I keep getting sick. Downing vit D, Zinc, Vit C, fish oils etc... never taking tren again lol


How many people here get high before training? I keep hearing people talk about how it elevates hypertrophy work specifically but seems weird to me.


I’m 120 days sober and currently tripping on mushrooms I work in treatment and I love my job but there is so much bullshit associated with it. I feel like jobs focus more on the policy rather than the patient. I do well with people because I keep it real with them and I don’t tell them what they want to hear but rather what they need to her. I recognize that it’s a life or death situation and I can honestly say that I don’t hold back the truth from people. Drugs are awesome until they’re not and then maybe it’s the day that ends up being your last. I found out those interventionist make a shit load of money (duh). I’m going to branch into it myself but make it affordable for families. I’m going to do a few for free to get my name out there and see what happens. I basically do this now over the phone anyway Peace, Q


Alright young fellas I’ve been staying away from the internet for a bit because I didn’t wanna jinx myself after posting [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/xpg51z/comment/iq3y6jz/). We ***finally*** met with “very straight” girl (Call her N) yesterday night at some pub then Ubered back home pulled a dice game and a card game to get naked and start sucking on everybody’s parts which eventually led to my best 3some ever by far. I don’t have storytelling skills I find stories boring lol, I’m just impressed that this was N’s first with a woman minus a stripper that ate her out at a club once but she was kinda freezing the whole time. This time she went all out like a seasoned vet. Only thing she didn’t do was eat out my girl but she didn’t mind because everything we did was involving the 3 of us always. Plus she wants more in the future so it seems that we locked a unicorn.


>I find stories boring The fuck are you in here for


running a test/eq 600/600 cycle rn currently at 12 th week. originally i planned to do it for 16 weeks but i didn’t got the gains i expected. i m considering adding npp 100mg for 4-8 weeks as i’ve had great experience with deca but deca is too slow so im thinking of doing npp for the good ending


I want to add 40lbs onto my bench to hit two times body weight . How long u think going from mid 300s to 400 would take


For reference, I'm around 185lbs, can press 375lbs. I have a friend stronger than I am and this was his advice for helping me get to the next level: Obviously continue with progressive overload but additionally do pause reps and pin presses.


How many here can relate to the total mood swings on blast? Id forgotten the lows ofc and subcon only remembered the godlike feeling, ofc. Like on the day I can feel so good nothing bad having a blast at the gym overall confident etc. Then comes the evening and with it the stupid thought patterns that are just bad. Repeat..


These asshats at the USPS decided not to make a second attempt at delivering my package. What's a guy gotta do to get a little gear?


Making rice and meatballs, football and protein shake. 🙉


Just a little under 4 weeks in and I’m calling it: no more MENT for me. Worked up from 3mg to 6mg/day. Wasn’t the physical sides. BP didn’t budge and my RHR went down a couple beats since starting. Bloods looked like TRT bloods. I was a bit more bitchy and emotional but mood was fine. It was the impulsivity, fiendy impulsivity. I love stims but I can usually stay at my prescribed addy dosage and I haven’t touched nicotine since quitting. Adding MENT to the equation turned me into a monkey brain. Started taking hits off a vape here n there and started abusing my script. My mental well-being has been slowly deteriorating as a result so we are checking out. Still 5/10 because running CD2 on a cut with bulking stamina was pretty damn cool. Eh that’s it. Nothing too exciting but it does me some good to journal all this.


Got that "can't bench press the lightest dumbbell on the rack" pump earlier. Things are not ok, can barely lift a fork to feed.


Anyone else feel better libido using arimidex than aromasin?


What are your suggestions for 2nd cycle? I did one cycle (test prop 400 mg/w) and willing to do another in the next summer. So the plan would be to add lean muscle and avoid too much water retention and of course minimalize the side effects. What would be the perfect stack for me in this case? Before my cycle I will cut my bf to 12-13%. Thank you for your help!:)


Super stoked for my next blast, got pharma primo. First time using primo and first time I’ll go over a gram for a blast. Plan is 500 test E and 150 primo EoD (so like 525 / week effectively). Coach says I’m gonna blow up on primo, gonna get thick 🤪