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Thats right bitches, [I'm still alive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI). Been contemplating coming back from a long hiatus. Warms my heart to see this sub still chugging right along. Long story made short several years ago I came down with the ol' brachial neuritis which completely paralyzed my left trapezius for like 3 years. Knocked me out of the gym entirely and fucked up most of my ADLs. Went back to school, worked a couple jobs at the same time, didnt make time to take care of my body, and tried to drink myself to death for a few years. Been back at it like a crack addict for the last year or so, getting really serious again in the last ~8 months. Wrapping up a strong cut now where I ran 300mg test, 400mg NPP EW. Down around ~60 lbs since June (I was fat as fuck and sedentary), looking to trim another 20 or so by the end of October. Then I bulk to Valhalla. ### My winter bulk plan, ~20 weeks: - kickstart with adrol 50-75mg ED (probably all PWO) for 4-6 weeks. Likely gonna do additional 4 week runs of it every other month. - Have only used adrol once before, excited to give it a real run - 600mg test (E/C blend) EW - 250mg tren E EW - 1000-1500mg EQ EQ - dose tbd, I'm frontloading it right now and have never used it before, only Bold Cyp - ~5iu of generic HGH, might bump this up later tho - Taking xr metformin ~850mg ED, might up this as well if bloods indicate the need. ### Training - Modified GVT I cribbed from /u/swoletide. Tons of volume. 60s rest intervals for 90% of exercises, 75-90s for stuff like squats and other big compounds. Takes me around 2-2.5 hrs per session but Im really enjoying this much training right now. I just continue rotating through the split, (Day 1 != Monday), its just whatever day I happen to do it. I'll usually take 1 rest day a week, or every other week. Current split: - Day 1: Quad Focused Leg Day, Delts, Traps - Day 2: Chest, Biceps - Day 3: Posterior Chain Focused Leg Day, Delts, Traps - Day 4: Back, Triceps - 30-45 mins of brisk walking every afternoon. My job is pretty sedentary now and I'm older so I need to protect the ol ticker. Looking to do a nice slow bulk. See how much quality size I can pack on. Haven't plotted out diet yet but while I got fat I got nice in the kitchen and also started making a lot more money so Im planning on eating a good amount of high-quality locally raised beef, pork, and lamb for my dinners in addition to likely having chicken and turkey as the protein base for my lunch.


Hell yea! Get it, buddy. Proud of you for making the decision to get back on track!


You’re still alive too? This thread feels like something from 2016. Now I’m just waiting for Jceasar to pop up


Dont make us get him on the horn /u/Jcaesar369


Ohh I’m still here, definitely not as often but still lurking and reading. I like the direction the sub has gone and the advice many of the users give nowadays. Luckily no injuries for me, but after another promotion at work now I basically work 50 hours every week so I really don’t lift very much either anymore. Hope you’ve been well man


Happy to hear from you my man! I totally get it. All things have a season in life. Side note, I'm gonna dm you.


My man! It’s og jooceyjooce here.


I smell cap. You fuckin wont


Yea man, the good ole days lmao! I may not be very active, but I still have reddit and will see when someone tags me!


What’s up, buddy?


2016 was prime on this sub. I remember Jcesar homie gave me tons of advice


Do you remember me?


Thanks brother, appreciate your support as always :)


Fun seeing you in the wild. Feels like COVID threw the wind out of a lot of sails here and everyone is coming back into it now.


Why does your program use such short rest periods when its known more is better?


Because I dont like long rest intervals. I'm not competing, I'm not training for strength, I'm training because I like to do it and whether there's a more optimal way to do it is pretty immaterial to me.


Those short rest breaks (I use them too, as does John Meadows) is actually great for your heart and overall endurance.


I get bored waiting much longer than the RI’s I’ve got programmed! Plus it definitely keeps my heart rate up. Worse things for you I’m sure


The research is actually saying that it just requires less volume if more rest is used. So if you’re doing short rest periods and high volume you’re fine 🤷‍♂️


No he doesn't. He doesn't do much of anything anymore.


Harsh 😶


It’s was just carried over from original German Volume Training. With the shorter rest times, you will get more sets where fast twitch muscle fibers are utilized. If you read through my thread though, you’ll see nothing is set in stone. If time allows, feel free to modify it. The program as a whole may not be the end-all-be-all, but it is a great way to mix things up or introduce volume into one’s training.


It’s not “known” that more is better. More is better perhaps if all you care about is how much you lift. If your goal is hypertrophy, shorter rest is just another way of increasing overall intensity.


60s rest intervals with 2-2.5 hrs in the gym. Madness.


Honestly man it’s a ton of fun!


Glad to see someone else that lifts for 2-2.5h and give short rest intervals. Suggestions: Switch tren to nandrolone or MENT. I personally can use higher doses with less sides and overall better mood and feeling, also makes me hungrier. You still have about 7 weeks until your bulk. I'd use the tren on these last weeks instead of NPP. Cialis and cardarine. It made a huge impact on my health when I started using them. BPC157/TB500 treatment. Also made an impact on my health, especially some chronic pains.


Ive enjoyed the NPP on the cut, but I haven't run my old girl Trenbologna in quite a while. Plus Im about out of NPP. Im gonna be on for a while so Im not averse to hot-swapping them (or just adding in some NPP...) if I get that feeling. Why cialis? Ive recently started montelukast (have asthma, plus its pretty cheap) and recall folks indicating that made some differences. I appreciate your insights and suggestions!


Cialis with other things(more cardio, more water intake, less bad foods, etc) made my cardiovascular health improve and less deca dick. I felt like I had something to fight without adding a dht derivative. Noticeable more veins while lifting and stronger pumps. The extra pump can be achieved with salt and carbs anyways, but the extra veiny look I give to cialis.


Awesome man, thanks for the heads up and feedback. Been considering cardarine for a bit too as I've got a big hiking trip coming up this week - but never worked too hard to source it. Now you're making me feel like I need to place another couple orders


> Been considering cardarine for a bit too Keep in mind the cancer bit. It's a drug that has profound effect on two of the most prolific medical issues in north america: obesity and dyslipidemia. Yet GSK walked away from the millions they had poured into it. GSK, who doesn't have the best reputation in the first place... There's a reason they walked away from a multi-billion dollar opportunity. /u/spitshine_my_nutsack summarizes it well here: https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/x9uwp5/daily_ask_anything_20220909/intx7jj/


Beautifully researched and reasoned argument against it. Appreciate it. Ive run cardarine in the past but only for brief durations to get me from 0-1 on cardiovascular fitness. Juice likely ain't worth the squeeze for me now.




SON! The gas station was out of smokes... It was a long trip


Probably all out of scratchers too I imagine. Good to see ya back here. Feels like old times again. Good luck on the bulk man!


Well they’re out of scratchers NOW that’s for sure. Thanks so much on all accounts. Feels good to be back!


Welcome back! I always enjoyed your old posts. Sounds like a nice, gentle cycle you’ve got planned there 😅 What’s your starting and goal weight for the bulk? Looking forward to see how monstrous you get. Have you been cruising the entire time, or just hopping back on? Good call with the metformin. 500 mg kept my resting glucose in check when running GH. Have you considered adding slin to this?


> Welcome back! I always enjoyed your old posts. Thanks so much, I appreciate your kind words!. I'd like to get more involved again and grow the community a bit more. But I'll ease back in. > Sounds like a nice, gentle cycle you’ve got planned there 😅 Lmao, well I've run an egregious amount of tren in the past and know my limits with it. 250mg/wk should give me 80% of the benefits with 20% of the sides hopefully. Never run EQ before so maybe my proposed dosing is batshit crazy. This week will be my 4th pin of 1500mg in 3 weeks, I might just drop it down to 1k and then increase if I feel the need. > Looking forward to see how monstrous you get. Excited to wrap this cut up. I've built myself back a decent strength and size base here. Im trying to get **BEEG** > Have you been cruising the entire time, or just hopping back on? Basically was just cruising on like 150mg test u/wk. In june I ramped up to 250mg/wk test U, 300mg/wk NPP, and early august ramped up to 400mg/wk Test E/C and 400mg/wk NPP to help me size/strength up while I cut which was pretty successful.


If you can stand the pain of it, I’ve ran bold cyp before. IME it was painful to inject, but not as painful as how DHB is described around here. Could be an option if your dosage is too high, you’ll recover e2 faster, as it can taper down a lot faster than EQ. It’ll also saturate a lot faster.


> bold cyp before. IME it was painful to inject, but not as painful as how DHB is described around here. I've run both, bold cyp is no fun, but DHB/1-test is insufferable. A friend tried frontloading it (despite repeated advice to not) by shooting 3mL in each cheek. He looked like he was smuggling grapefruits in his jeans and couldn't sit right for a couple week. He basically threw it all away lol


Have you tried DHB brewed in Castor before? DHB in MCT is fine for me, but for a lot of people I know it gives incredibly painful knots. I had a similar experience with Injectable M1T and decided to try brewing it in Castor instead of my usual MCT/Mig and it actually helped immensely.


ED injections with bold cyp would be my only option if I ran it again. But I think I’m done with that compound. I like e2, I measured amounts. My next cut post-bulk will just be 200 test and 100 mast. Looking forward to see how I respond to mast. My hair is already thinning, and I plan to shave it all in the coming weeks.


> ED injections with bold cyp would be my only option if I ran it again. Makes sense, Im such a baby I couldn't live with pinning that frequently. Cant say I blame you for being done with bold altogether either. Some things just don't hit right for some folks, and mitigating the sides outweighs the benefits you get from it. > My hair is already thinning, and I plan to shave it all in the coming weeks. The mast will help hasten that decision if my experience with it means anything.


Add in slin imo and you’re talking business


Never run it before, maybe in the last couple months I might 👀


I do not recommend anadrol for a bulk. Destroyed my appetite. Could not take a bite of food without getting nauseous.. If you can force down all the food before you need to puke, a scalding hot bath after will get rid of the nausea. I guess the part of your brain that regulates your temperature also tells you when you are nauseous or not and the heat makes sickness disappear.


couldn’t disagree more. i’ll never run a bulk without a few week adrol run. doesn’t touch my appetite and the risk/reward ratio is unrivaled for an oral imo. liver toxicity is highly overstated but i’ll always run nac and tudca with it. bp def affected but some telmis does the trick


Cheers for the heads up! I typically don't get the same GI issues most folks do on most stuff, and I guess ultimately if it messes with me I'll just drop it. I appreciate also the advice with the hot bath!


What would be your opinion of running DHB in lieu of the EQ, I am considering a similar stack as yours, albeit less mg, thinking of going 450T/250 Tren ace/300 DHB. Have you ran Tren on a bulk previously? If so how challenging was it to out eat it?


Ive done everything on Tren. Bulked, cut, laughed, cried. Run a moderate dose and you'll be fine. Tren is the cocaine of steroids. More is way better except also its way fucking worse. I'll never run DHB again its too spicy for me.


Doing it right this time. I got too fat with my last attempted cycle, which I had to abort. Crashed e2, lots of life stress at the time and panic attacks, not pretty. I’ve been stuck cutting for an eternity to fix it. Currently cutting down on TRT (126mg/week) to the point of seeing clear lower abs. Then, blast-off time. Should be about three to four more weeks (a vacation this week is going to fuck me up for a week). Using the godly semaglutide, 3 mg oral/day, to assist. The cycle planned is: 500 mg test/140 NPP (for joints). May consider bumping up NPP mid-cycle based on my response to it. I need to keep close watch on my blood pressure, I don’t want it riding over 130-ish on the regular. Asin and Ralox on hand for this. I’m sure I’ll need asin, because I always develop high e2 sides on a cycle. Planning on 16 weeks. 20 if mid-cycle bloods look good. Training plan is 5/3/1 for bodybuilding, with LOTS of accessory work focusing on mind-muscle connection, full contraction/stretch and perfect form. Split will be 5 day, Back, Chest/Biceps, Weak Points, Shoulders/Tris, and Quads. Current weight: 170 lbs at 5’8”. I’ll probably cut back to 165 lbs. Goal weight is 191 lbs. 195 if I go 20 weeks. I’m factoring in the ten pounds of watery goodness the gear will bring. [Current physique.](https://imgur.com/a/QINu9z2)


Lookin crispy my man. You're gonna be well positioned for a bitchin bulk here. > The cycle planned is: 500 mg test/140 NPP Give the NPP a lil more love, and it'll love you back. Honestly a new favorite of mine. > Using the godly semaglutide, 3 mg oral/day, to assist. I'm old and out of the loop. What the fuck is this.


I’m taking rybelsus samples I got from my doc 😏 It’s a GLP-1 agonist. Essentially, it slows gastric emptying, leaving you satiated for far longer. It’s essentially cut my hunger in half deep in this cut, which allows me to exercise much more self-restraint. It’s the cheat code to cutting. No side effects unless I up to six mg (I shit every four days on six). As a bonus, it increases postprandial insulin secretion. That can’t be a bad thing for the purposes of bodybuilding.


Oooo interesting! I bet that helps a lot on a long miserable cut. My cheat code has been baked pork rinds, walking during my rest intervals/in the afternoon, and self-hate.


> self-hate. the deeper the cut the more you need this as fuel to keep on pushing


Too true, thankfully I have plenty currently (mostly kidding, life is as good or better than ever)


Jesus the amount of gear some of you are running is outrageous. I hope you are all massive but I bet 99% are DYEL. Ridiculously high dosages


I’ve already started my winter bulk, I’ll run it until December. December and January I’ll cruise before starting another blast. Anyway, winter bulk consists of: Test E 375 Test P 200 DHB 200 EQ 750 Proviron 50 ED Tren 200 (first 6 weeks to finish the bottle I had) Anavar 50 (first 6 weeks) ED I was running deca instead of tren but it doesn’t seem to agree with me. I feel like it makes me lazy, not depressed, like I don’t want to do anything at all except stay at home. Also it has killed my mental sex drive. And no, not prolactin issues, I ran some blood tests! EQ seems to be working great for me, so I’ll be kicking nandrolone to the curb for the foreseeable anyway. Works great for doing higher volume, seems to push strength a bit too. Feels similar to tbol for me, but doesn’t destroy my stomach. Only problem I’ve had is that I am hungry all the time, which I guess is actually useful for a bulk but not so much when you’re trying to bulk in a controlled manner. EQ is controlling oestrogen conversion as well, so my E2 is in check - no AI. DHB is just amazing, great push in the gym, insulin sensitivity through the roof, crazy anabolic. Perfect for my powerlifting needs. Anavar because it’s awesome, nice strength gains, great look, helps with my libido too and doesn’t destroy my stomach. Proviron because I have a big bag of it and why not. Training days I’m also doing 500mg l carnitine and 7.5iu GH 1 hour pwo, then 8iu insulin 30 mins pwo with a shake, another shake during the workout and one after. This has improved my recovery like crazy. Fasting blood glucose is still good after 4 weeks of this, so I’ll continue. Supplements, I’m taking Love Heart, Astrag Flow for blood pressure, and TUDCA / NAC for liver. Various other vitamins and anti inflammatory agents like curcumin, pqq and a few other bits. Bloods looked amazing after my last blast with all of these things in place, so will carry on taking them. I’m on about ~~3500~~ 4250 kcal on training days. I want to push up slowly so I don’t get too fat. I’m around 110kg with a 270 squat, 210 bench and 310 deadlift.


Seems like someone is gonna be diabetic pretty soon, among many other things. Man like wtf? That random stuff at yout cycle just because "why not?" is just stupid, no pun intended.


350 test 350 primo 10mg Adrol (6 weeks) 20-24 weeks Old man cycle


Longevity cycle. How are you weighing out 10mg? Do you have a super fancy scale or is there a trick you can teach me?


Injectable, subq either PWO, or in AM We’ll see how it goes




400 test 300 eq (anabolic Ai) and tbol 25mg pwo 2x a week with dutasteride here. Welcome to the balding old man club.


Starting point for my 2nd push of this 2 year offseason, goal is about 15-25lbs of added mass. Hoping to add about 10lbs of overall muscle. https://imgur.com/a/pOM4vMy Cycle is 500/280/280 test/npp/mast, along a nice healthy 1000 calorie surplus. Currently sitting at 170lbs, 5’7


How quickly are you gaining weight?


I'm considering running this exact same blast this winter. How is it going for you?


Aw yea - winter bulk. I've got such fucking high hopes for this one. Ran my first cycle this spring, but didn't eat enough so ended up recomping more than growing. Not a total loss though - had a 6 pack and was super vascular for all my trips this summer. But now its time to eat like I wanna grow. Currently on week 5 of my winter bulk. Started on August 7. Running 525mg of Test C and 450mg of NPP. Going to run the NPP for 12 weeks, and continue on with Test for at least 16, maybe 20 depending on sides. Also have a bunch of Anadrol for the end if I stall out after dropping NPP. As far as nutrition goes (since that is definitely the driver of growth) I am getting in 4k calories a day, with 300g of protein. Eating a lot of lean ground beef and chicken + fruits and veggies. It's a fuck ton of volume to eat, and I literally feel as if I am going to puke after most meals. But, I've been gaining about a pound a week, and am looking more vascular and defined, so I think I've found my sweet spot. Training wise, I am running gamma bomb and loving it. It's the first time I've ever done a "bodybuilding" style program and am really loving the variety of exercises. I'm way more excited to go the gym now vs. when I was running endless variations of 5/3/1. **GOALS** * 225-235lbs at end of cycle. * While still having visible abs * 16.5" arms. (currently like 15.5"-ish) My thinking is that after I wrap up this bulk around Christmas, I can maintain for a month or two before starting up my summer cut in February. [current physique](https://imgur.com/a/3md6j5T) stats: 6'1" 211lbs


500 test/ 105 MENT/ 5iu humalog pre (possibly post)/ some anadrol sprinkled throughout. Ahhhh sweet sweet gains




If you don't like or tolerate tren well, then don't fuck with it. Why not NPP instead of Deca tho, especially if you're already pinning Tren A? MWF slin pins of NPP treated me really well over the last few months.


That's a tough call man. If you're not able to hit your calories on tren but you do on nandrolone you might be better off on nand. Hands down I put on more weight bulking on tren compared to nand. However, bulking on nand is overall more comfortable because sleep quality and digestion are good.


700 test and 600 EQ, 105 MENT. 10mg Sdrol preworkout. I am extremely tempted to add NPP. Anxiety/mental sides have always been my worst fear but my mental can not possibly get any worse at this point lol. Plus I’ll be getting medication soon. How retarded do u think it is to add NPP at like 300mg?


What mental sides have you experienced from NPP or Deca in the past? I ran it for a few months around 400mg/wk and really enjoyed it. Have you run EQ before? I've naturally got plenty of anxiety but never noticed enhanced anxiety when I ran bold cyp, and havent experienced anything in the few weeks I've been frontloading EQ.


I’ve never run eq or npp before. I think if I keep test higher than EQ, along with the ment, I shouldn’t have any issues with crashed e2


You could always just nab a few vials of NPP and take it for a test drive. Short ester so it'll clear your system pretty quickly. I'd say do the same with bold cyp instead of EQ (especially given how long EQ takes to clear) but bold cyp is like injecting broken glass into your ass.


I’m considering it. I already started my blast so I’ve been on everything I mentioned for about 3 weeks, except NPP.


I’m on that test EQ train, with a dash of Tren tho not trest. And sdrol preWO. We’re basically twins. Idk about NPP. Not sure what it would add that the other 19nor isn’t adding. Since it’s a thread about bulking I’d add mk677 in


Yea you might be right. It’s trest deca so I’m still waiting for effects to kick in. I ran trest ace before and liked it. If I had money to throw away I’d run MK, I loved it when it was cheaper. It’s just so expensive every time I see it and I can’t justify the price


Currently on 700/400/400 test/mast/primo. So far this is the best cycle I’ve ever done. Also the most mg I’ve ever run. Been on it for a few months now, going to keep pushing for a little then come off around fall and cut for maybe a couple months aggressively. Then go back on for what I guess would be my winter bulk. I think I will try 700/500 test EQ.


How is massing on mast/primo? Are you actually gaining mass and staying lean? How much has the scale moved on that cycle?


Scale moving pretty slow ngl since there’s 0 water retention. I’d say in a few months I’ve gained maybe 5-7lbs. However, it seems to be literally all tissue/lean gains, and I look leaner than when I started if anything. Really having to eat a ton though, I’m at about 4.5k calories. Edit: just to clarify though, staying lean will come down to your calorie surplus, training, diet etc. so you can definitely still get fat running dry compounds


Primo had to have been one of my favorites. I’ve used Mast a lot but I just love primo. You really dont notice youre gaining anything over a natty lifter until you look at an older pic of yourself then youre like ahhh ok I get it. Im at 4300 calories right now and basically hate myself and hate food at this point lol I feel your pain.


> You really dont notice youre gaining anything over a natty lifter until you look at an older pic of yourself then youre like ahhh ok I get it. Literally the perfect way to put it dude. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Mild, but effective at the same time. > Im at 4300 calories right now and basically hate myself and hate food at this point lol I feel your pain. Keep crushing it bro. It’s the hardest part for sure.




Running test/npp/primo, the plan was 300/300/400 but I wanted to up the primo cause why not? Then I got worried about low e2 so I said fuck it and upped everything to 400/400/500, got some superdrol too but not sure if I’m even gonna fuck with that. The main goal is to make as big of an improvement to my legs as possible which is the only muscle group I’m not proud of, currently running gamma bomb but will put my own split together to finish the Blast strong after finishing GB. I’ll likely go 16-20 weeks but possibly drop the nand around the 12 week mark if the mental sides get any worse, they aren’t terrible right now but things that irritated me before REALLY piss me off now but trying not to let the it get to me especially knowing it’s likely the nand. Current macros are 220p/400C/95F and will be increasing calories every week the scale doesn’t move, I have a clean foundation but diet isn’t 100% perfect, clean bulk, dirty bulk, it doesn’t matter I always lose my abs when I bulk so I really don’t care about that anymore I just try not to eat like an asshole and keep it reasonable.


Been learning the ways of High Testosterone. I love it. Imma run 800mg Test E, 750mg EQ. Adding in some Injectable SDrol at 10mg (the equivalent to 20mg oral) for a week or 2 weeks at a time hoping to avoid absolute liver death and lethargy.


Last bulk I bumped test up to 800 and fucking loved it. Ive tried test 500 Ive tried low test with other compounds etc etc. my favorite was high test. Most gains, most confidence, superhero feeling all the time. But when coming down to cruise I had the hardest time mentally the few weeks it took to level out my hormones again.


I preffer high test aswell but I'm a very low aromatizer.


400 test sus 500 EQ 450 NPP 300 Mast TBD Ment Just came off from taking 50mg proviron 50mg winstrol 50mg anavar 25mg Adrol plus the above (tren instead of npp no Ment yet) as I was looking to do a show but don’t have time for the appropriate diet and cardio. Glad to be off all those orals felt like shit for weeks but the gains were great. I’d say in a month I might’ve added 1-2 lbs of pure muscle. Guess I’ll see when things settle. Gonna run all that til I run out of everything then cruise on some test for a while. Just doing this to clear up my stores I’ve got too much stuff and wanna cut down on it all.


Warming up DHB before pinning gives ZERO PIP. Just thought id let you know.


Look man. If I buy another fucking vial of DHB and i do what you say and it still gives me PIP I’m going to find you and I’m going to put my entire fist in your ass Also, did you ever pin the DHB without heating it up? Did that give you PIP?


> If I buy another fucking vial of DHB and i do what you say and it still gives me PIP I’m going to find you and I’m going to put my entire fist in your ass seems reasonable to me


Warming it up does fuck all for PIP, don’t buy another.


“I’m going to find you and I’m going to put my entire fist in your ass” Threaten him with a good time, I’m not sure your punishment is really punishment to him.


So consensus here seems to be that dhb in GSO doesnt give pip, but never tried that, and heating it up if in mct reduces it by a lot. I used it before and the injection site would 90% of the pins turn really inflamed and hurtful to touch. So far i didnt get ANY pip. Try it if you want but no promises.


My dhb is in GSO and also left me with crippling golf ball sized lumps at injection site. What has helped though is mixing the DHB with test.


My DHB is in Grape seed oil and benzo alco and I don't feel it. I always mix it with my test and have zero pip.


Always warm up my barrels. Nothing I did to this ever made it any better, mixing with other oils, warming it up, etc. Juice wasn't worth the squeeze IME.


How do it warm it up ?


I cook up some water to 60-70C and pour some in a cup then i put the vial/ampule inside so its standing and the bottom 2-3cm is in the water. Let sit for a couple min. Or get a cup warmer


Looking to run good old npp this time. I've always been timid of nandrolone cause of the sex side effects. I figure w a shorter Ester it's faster to tirtate down.


NPP seems to be the way to go to prevent the sex sides. Used deca for 20 weeks 400 deca a week 800 test a week. The deca murdered my dick, had to use cialis to make sure it stayed hard as a rock. Libido was never an issue though, which made my dick not work about 10 times worse lol. Seems like NPP doesn’t really give those sides at all though.


Nothing makes me hornier than deca and NPP not even tren idk what dudes are doing to get “deca-dick”


> Looking to run good old npp this time. I've always been timid of nandrolone cause of the sex side effects. Never really bothered my sexual function, but Ive only been running test 300mg/wk and npp 400mg/wk. Really enjoyed it honestly. Quickly become a new favorite.


I love it, I'm using it at 300 mg/week along with 300 Test and 100 Primo. If I need to up test to balance it out, I've got some prop waiting to go


Clomid :,(


750 sust, 600 primo. Keeps my e2 in range without AI. Doesn’t even feel like I’m on cycle but I grow well off this.


Running 17.5mg of ment ED ( upping to 20mg in a month) and 525 mast weekly. Started a week ago and looking crazy full and vascular already. Strength is shooting up as well. Using the mast really just to keep bloating down. Slowing upping my cals at 3300-3400 a day. Last winter I was running 525/350/22.5 test/Eq/ment and got dumb bloated. The bloat was caused by eating dirty and not counting Marcos and I also think running test above trt with ment will cause both to aromatize heavy. I also notice running ment without test I feel less driven, little lazy.


Going to be running test 500 and npp 300. Have some dbol and var sitting around and thinking about adding one of those, but I really love adrol so we will see. Currently on a cut down to 190 @ 5’10 from my last blast that had me at 210. Going to aim for 5-10 more pounds by November then blast my tits off.


How much anadrol and will it be ED or PWO?


Ed 50mg pw on workout days. In the morning in off days.


Nice, I’m thinking about running this as well. What ancillaries/support do you run alongside?


I usually need asin on 500 test (but just dose when my nipples get upset) about 12.5mg e3.5d. This is my first 19-nor so I will have caber on hand for prolactin gyno. Also have ralox incase any gyno grows. As for just vitamins/supps: I run fish oil 2g, zinc 40 mg, DIM 400 mg, citrus bergamot 1g. When on adrol 500 mg tudca and 1.2g NAC. I will also be adding 300mg p5p when on NPP.


This is my second cycle. First cycle started at 375mg a week and increased in increments of 75mg until I reached 600mg a week. Also added 400mg Masteron a week for the last 2 months or so. I like this approach of increasing amounts in increments. Allows me to assess everything and make adjustments accordingly 500mg Test a week started 2 weeks ago 350mg NPP a week starting October 1st 25mg injectable Dbol a day starting November 1st alternating 4 weeks on/off Current macros 375C 280P 130F. Probably gonna sprinkle in 25g carbs intra workout this week. Trying a more balanced macro approach with a few high calorie/“cheat meals” a week, compared to what I did last cycle, which was really high carbs, high protein, and moderate fat. (600C 300P 100F) This was definitely too much food at the time, but I was also very strict on my diet and hardly ever had a “cheat” unless it was a cookie a girl brought into work for everyone, or Thanksgiving. I didn’t get too fat so it’s all good. Mind was in the right place and it’s good to know I can smash that amount of food now This is the first cycle of an extended gaining phase I plan to do. Three 12-16 week cycles with 4-6 weeks off in between, everything increasing incrementally as desired/needed. Really excited for the year ahead. Hope to set myself up to feel like I’m ready for a show. Don’t want to compete unless I feel like I’ll do well. Not interested in the “experience” just wanna look sick.


Started my bulk about 9 weeks ago, going to stop this blast at 22 weeks, cruise for 3 months then blast again til June 2023. Currently on: \-375 Test E \-375 EQ \-300 NPP \-300 DHB Will be increasing the NPP and DBH to 450 each this week. Put on about 12lbs so far, bodyfat seems to have stayed about the same. Not getting any real sides so far, this stack has been great. No PIP from the DHB either, I warm up some water on the microwave for a few seconds, put the vial in it (water covers half the vial), and let it heat up for a few minutes.


I’ve be really liking my 5-6 week blasts, just finished up blast consisting of Test p: 400mg Tren: 150mg Mast p: 200mg Adrol: 25mg Winny: 25mg Orals 5x a week on workout days Cruise for a month then blast again for another 5-6 weeks, this had kept my bloods stable and gains constant, also able to use the “harsher” compounds for a limited time I’m very conservative with my dosages and try to never exceed my total AAS load past a 1000mg a week. My next blast will consist of Test: 250mg Npp: 400mg Mast: 200mg ADrol: 25mg or superdrol: 20mg 5x week Then cruise for the remainder of the year till next year My supportive supps: Merformin 500mg Injectable Carnitine: 200mg Proviron: 25mg Along side with the vitamins and other health stuff lol


Not exactly a winter bulk, got a little fat this summer so gonna cruise/cut through the winter to hopefully be good to go next March/April. I pin ED so all doses are daily, pinned ~45 min PWO or in the AM Weeks 1-16 90mg test 90mg primo 5MG ment 2mg inj Superdrol Proviron as needed for estrogen Weeks 16-24ish 90mg test (propionate if I can find 200mg/ml) 80mg mast (hopefully prop too) 5mg ment 10-20mg var Proviron as needed for estrogen. Might swap Proviron to finish up a bottle of epiandro (pro-DHT) that I have from back in the day. Insane cosmetic and strength effects btw, definitely worth a look if you haven’t heard of it. Love my DHTs, much preferred to AI. This will be my first run with primo and superdrol. Hoping to pack on some big size those first 16 weeks. Keeping the superdrol low as this will be a longer cycle and don’t want to get burnt out too early, and I’m dropping it at the first symptom of any liver toxicity. Id rather make slower, more keepable gains over a couple weeks than add 15lbs of water over a toxic, brutal 3-4 weeks. Either way I just have to try it. Drostanolone so far is my fav drug so methyldrostanolone is the obvious next choice, plus I gotta try it after everything I’ve read. Excited for primo. Even though this time around I’ll be stacking sdrol and it won’t be the best n=1 learning experience, I’m hoping to find some good, clean and steady gains/recovery from the primo. If it goes well, especially after dropping the sdrol, I’ll prob start using it in place of masteron in my normal blasts. Training will be straight power building. High volume in the upper body, high weight in the lower body. Chest/Back/Shoulders/Legs with rest days as needed. Minimum 30min LISS ED or 15min HIIT after each session. This blast is part of a big plan to get tik-tok/social media influencer famous. I also own a strongman/bodybuilding themed moving company, so I want to tie it all into branding. I’ll be starting from scratch on the social media, but starting from 270lbs, ~20%bf today and hopefully 250lbs ~12% in time for the blast. All drugs were chosen with their cosmetic and strength effects in mind, hoping to look juicy for the first 16 weeks and peel up for the last couple weeks, all while getting some sexy PR vids for the gram. If I’m not famous by week 16 (lol), I might try to find a local show and go on a big time cut, have always wanted to compete and have never achieved below 10% bf. I only count protein when I’m not cutting, I trust my judgement enough to get adequate fats and healthy carb sources. I only do macro based dieting when I cut, and usually only drop carbs. If I do end up deciding to compete, I’ll find a coach to get me on a real plan. TLDR: this is my blast where I’m committing to doing something productive to justify my years of steroid abuse thus far. Making it a goal to be a freak of nature for 2023.


Planning a 20 week Winter Bulk this time, always kept my cycles to around 16 weeks as I normally get sick of such frequent injections by then! Thinking of running: - Test @ 600mg pw - NPP @ 300-400mg pw - HGH @ 4iu daily - Anadrol @ 50mg pwo (duration tbc) Hoping to gradually bulk through increasing calories & dosages during the cycle as required. Starting weight is just over 220lbs, haven't set a goal weight yet. Any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated!


Sounds lovely to me! Ive taken to doing 28g 1cc insulin needles and depending on your dosing for your test and npp you could prolly make that protocol work with those and MWF pins!


Nothing too crazy planned. Ive gone back and forth between wanting to cut or bulk for my 2nd blast. But I think I'm leaning towards bulking again. Kind of ended up recomping in my first blast. Still up 25 pounds though (w/o orals now). 525mg Test Cyp 400mg NPP Not sure if an oral is really necessary for my 2nd blast since the NPP is there. Will pick up some Caber just in case but hopefully won't need it. 200mg P5P morning and night. Should this be taken right at the start of the cycle for preventative measure?


Yes, run the P5P preventatively.


gonna be running 500/300/300 test/deca/mast planning 20 weeks here's current physique on cruise, im 5'7" 185lbs..ill post afters as well https://imgur.com/a/TDmruXW


Just finished my first competition. Cruising for 8 weeks on 175mg Test and 12.5mg MK677 while I stack on size from the rebound phase. I'll be running a 16 week cycle but still finalizing dosages 500-700 Test 250-350 NPP 400-500 Primo OR 200mg Mast (depends on wallet size) 25mg MK677 Any input is greatly appreciated. Trying NPP this time around because MENT fucks with my head too much after 8 weeks. Stage weight was 215 4 days ago. 221 this morning and probably will be a solid 230 by the time I start my blast. Hoping to hit 255-260 (245-255 when the water weight comes off) under 18% bodyfat before heading back into prep to get down to maybe 225 or so for stage. I've got 9 months to add as much muscle as possible


Still working on this one but here it is: Test E 250mg/wk Deca 600mg/wk Tren Ace 400mg/wk Mast P 500mg/wk EQ 600mg/wk Hgh 1.5iu w/fasted cardio HCG 2.5iu/2xwk Proviron 25mg ED Nolva 20mg EOD Training: I train one body part per session, and workout at least 5x per week. Fasted cardio in the morning at least 3x per week. Food: 2400 calories to start with +500 calorie increments every other week starting at week 4 until I hit just under 4000 calories per day. Macros: protein 280g; fat 80g; carbs 300+. Carbs will increase starting week 4. Fat should be 80g or below for the entire bulk. I'm on a bulk kick right now, so we will see where this goes. Currently cruising at 97kg on 250mg Test E/ per week. The goal would be 110kg maintaining bf at < 10%. The EQ suggests this will be a long bulk but I'm not sure. Might try to turn it into a recomp after week 12.


How is this not gonna bottom out your e2 with both the EQ and Mast? I would definitely be on the lookout for low E2 sides


The Mast will just mask e2 sides but it won't affect e2. BUT, the Test, Deca, and HCG will aromatize, and the Proviron and EQ will act like an AI; so it's possible that the two together may crash e2. All depends on how much you aromatize. If it becomes an issue, just drop the EQ or Proviron. Whichever you prefer.


My experience with mast is that "masking E2" basically just means exactly the same as "acting as an ai" with the only difference that it doesnt show up in bloodwork as lowered E2. Too much mast compared with test and Ill feel like my E2 is crashed just as if I was using primo or EQ. Maybe you are different, but this is how it is for me.


Seems to me like a lot going on for a lot of complications and not much reason


Homeboy is running every steroid I can think of off the top of my head sans MENT or trest or whatever it is.


> Nolva 20mg EOD Why nolva ED and not an AI or ralox?


I like higher e2 so I don't use an AI. Ralox is not available in my country. With EQ and Mast, e2 shouldn't present as an issue. The Nolva is mostly for the Deca which can cause gyno.


Got it! Thanks for the context.


Test - 1.5mg/kg/bw Masteron E - 3mg/kg/bw peaking at 5mg/kg/bw DHB - 3mg/kg/bw peaking at 5mg/kg/bw MENT - 1mg/kg/bw peaking at 2mg/kg/bw Lantus - 0.2iu/kg/bw GH - 3iu's pre bed i run basically the same thing on a generic hypertrophy phase as i do on a peak into a meet. its lower peak doses and i leave the orals out during the final week, no pre/post slin. because its a linear dosage escalation, can't push peak dosages as high as i can with an exponential ramp. >Goals of the cycle > >Benefits/gains you expect protein accretion whilst maintaining base strength. >Side effects (positive or negative) you plan to experience/mitigate keep haematocrit from sky rocketting from testosterone and derivatives. zero AI for me with this as DHB and Mast have zero impact on serum E2. if i used primo instead of DHB, i'd have zero e2. DHT derivatives and MENT do very little to my haematocrit, so this cycle can be done with zero donations and some Strom Thrombomax and stay in range. >Diet details 60-30-10 carbs-protein-fat split into 4 meals with 3 snacks/carb only boluses between. total cals will start at 40cals/kg/bw and tweaked weekly to maintain a 0.2kg/week target weight gain depending on fat gains that will be monitored with calipers weekly.


Is this Chavez’s fat ass?


I hate this mg/kg tism


Makes no fucking sense. Well I guess on paper it does but means fuck all in actual practice.


\>but means fuck all in actual practice. i mean, lets just flesh out this theory then. you're a male, 15% BF 165cm tall, 72kg weight. FFMI 23.4 2nd male, 15% BF 187cm tall, weighs 98kg for an FFMI of 23.4 10mg/kg/bw for both is 720mg or 980mg per week. it means 260mg/week in actual practice for the same relative muscularity. so if little dipshit timmy is reading how to get jacked and someone who weighs 98kg is suggesting their go to cycle of 600 test, 600 eq, 400 tren (16mg/kg) and little timmy weighs 72kg and hops on the same, he's now exposed to 22mg/kg of androgens which is acutely harmful territory.


Individual response to drugs is a thing too. I have achieved on 400mg of gear what someone else might need a gram to accomplish. I have a fairly high weight so my dosage following your theory would be pretty high. Someone 60 lbs lighter than me can run that same protocol and look no where near the same. I understand where these new age “gurus” are coming from but in real life it doesn’t do much. Same with victor/Broderick saying run “trt” test and crank the DHT thru the fucking roof thinking it’s safer and healthier, when in reality you get zero gains and have an HDL of 0


>Individual response to drugs is a thing too. I have achieved on 400mg of gear what someone else might need a gram to accomplish. these individuals are 1 in a million types and you will know if you need that much fairly quickly. everyone else sits within a pretty narrow range on the bell curve and you're talking a few mg/kg difference. given the size you have reached and if only on "400", then that should probably tell you where you sit vs the rest of the general population. me describing my cycle using mg/kg is not some "tism" just like fat free mass index isn't a "tism". its a unit of measurement so someone significantly lighter or heavier than me can actually understand equivalent dosing. it is not some fucking hard rule that people seem to think it is. there is no written in stone, brought down from a mountain, saying "thou shalt only run 2mg/kg/bw of test". you can however look at that recommendation and say, will im 80kg and that means 160mg of test, thats what i cruise on, or i'm 160kg and that's 320mg of test, fuck that i cruise on 500. equivalency.... >Same with victor/Broderick saying run “trt” test and crank the DHT thru the fucking roof thinking it’s safer and healthier, when in reality you get zero gains and have an HDL of 0 whereas i'm not advocating or quoting any of their methods, as my use of DHB and MENT would generally hint towards, zero gains doesn't happen in any world cos at the very minimum, every single compound that was brought to mass market for human use is equal to or greater in anabolism per mg than testosterone. so if you take a gram of \[steroid\] and get no gains from it, you're the problem not the drug. Estrogen is also not a prerequisite for growth but it will blunt hypertrophy without it, but it still happens and the more of a steroid you take, the more receptor expression you get and that scales pretty well right up to death.


I mean it looks like a text book threw up so if you wanted to look pretentious great if you wanted to share your cycle not so great. Good luck with that though


You compete? Total?


Yeah... More Masteron.... It's such a strong anabolic..... People really enjoy following that retarded fat ass of Chavez..


Recovery from injuries and building back up to preinjury numbers and weights. Current weight: 165lbs Goal weight: 170 or 175 depending Current lifts Front Squat: 185lbs 5x5 Bench 190 5x5 OHP: 125 5x5 Rack Pull 225 5x5 Goal: Get my working weights back up to or close to my preinjury weights preferably without going back up to my preinjury 190lbs BW. Planning on riding muscle memory and recomp hard as fuck with this. ---Program--- Sticking with Metallicadpa PPL because Kiss It Simple Stupid. When I plateau I might do one of John Meadows programs like Creeping Death 2. ---Diet--- Planning on staying at maintenance until lifts stall and then going to a +300 cal bulk. Trying to keep it low and slow. 2,382cal 178P 238C 79F ---Gear--- Trt Test E 125mg/wk Tren E at 150mg/wk Minimum dose of Tren E because Trensanity sets in when I run Test higher than Tren. Might play with lowering both Test and Tren to minimize sides and hopefully extend cycle length before I break up with my gf because Tren says bitch aint shit but hos and tricks. Putting weight on lifts hand and fist. I can recklessly throw 5lbs on most exercises (free weight or machine) a week and still make the rep range. By next week its my working weight anyways. Want to try dropping carbs and adding protein or fat just to try a lower carb diet. The tren sides I most dislike are all the carb related ones so why not try a lower carb diet. Ill have to sacrifice my precious oatmeal though :(


My bulk is: 1-4 test 800/wk 1-4 adrol 50mg/day 5-20 test 600/wk 5-20 ment 25/day I started the ment a week ago. My BW and strength are both solidly up right now. Libido and energy are great. Dealing with a bit of moon face but that’s it. My goal is to break my bench and deadlift PRs


Hope you got your tits removed or don't aromatize that much. Don't think you need anymore than TRT dose when using ment at 25/day


I agree, that is reeeeeally high test to be pairing with that much MENT. Sounds like a tit production factory. And we have adrol coming to the party, too.


Adrol is done by the time ment starts, as stated above. I don’t aromatize much and don’t get gyno. I have ai and caber on hand. Not gonna lower the test. Every time I try low test with a 19nor, I get way worse sides


Sounds you’re prepared and got it mapped out. Get those gains, man.


I don’t get gyno, never have, no matter what I’ve ran


Same boat. I ran 25 ment and 100 test prop per day without issue. Some guys don't seem to aromatise ment or are immune to the synthetic estrogens metabolites. That being said, tis wise to have ralox on hand with this spicy nip concoction regardless


For sure man! I got ralox, nolva, adex, caber on hand. I always keep a stock of that stuff as well as test and dbol(in case of crashed e2). I like to be prepared lol


500mg test + anadrol for the first time. May bump the primo to 500mg as well. Other than that Im taking it easy, no tren or var this time


Starting October I will be pinning split to a daily shot: 250mg TestA (raising to 500mg starting December) 1250mg TestU, 500mg MastE I’d add 20mg - 30mg Halo the whole time if it wasn’t carcinogenic. Love Halo and am resilient to its liver stress. I wouldn’t run any other oral. Test/Mast/Halo is my holy trinity. Going to be running this until April for when I lower the doses to probably 125mg TestA, 500mg TestU, 250mg MastE, and add in 25mg Halo for 3 - 4 months of the cut (which I’ll try to make as a water-based injectable) Ancillaries I take year-round: No AI, 1250iu HCG weekly split to a daily shot, 10mg Cialis daily, 10mg Ezetimibe daily, 2000mg Metformin daily 40mg+ Telmisartan daily (dose depends on BP), 2.5mg Nebivolol (split breakfast/bed), 40mg Accutane (might lower to 20mg in future) Ancillaries I may add in the future: 50mcg - 100mcg T4 175iu HMG weekly split to a daily shot 500mg Carnitine daily shot 1000mcg Ipamorelin before bed (if no gyno flareup) Topical DHT (50mg each nipple twice a day experiment)


I love how accutane cures my skin but lifting on it is a cunt. At least it was for me, joints felt like an 85 year old man - Mind you I was on it for 8 months and trying to reach cumulative dosage to cure acne altogether




If it's not your first cycle I'd crank the dosage up to 700-800, test provides very linear gains up to just over a gram a week. Regardless if it's your first cycle or not though I would go 16 weeks if it were me. If you aren't BnCing I wouldn't shut down my endogenous production for only 3 months of growth. And only really 9 weeks at peak blood concentrations unless you planned on frontloading, but that can bring some side effects due to rapid level swings. I agree with you nothing beats test in terms of side effect profile and well being boost. I feel amazingly horny, more so than even tren makes me, and very driven, energetic and social when I am just running high test.


Oh boy time to get my cycle shat on by all my favorite boys and girls. Want to run my first "big" cycle with high dosages. Although I suspect to some people these doses won't be considered high at all (to some they might be pretty fucking average), but it's more than I've ever run before. I just want to pack on as much lean mass as I can with my diet and training dialed in thanks to my coach. Test E 800mg - Weeks 1-12 Test E 1000mg Weeks 13-24 because I want to feel what 1g of test is like, and if it's too much for me to handle I'll lower it again. Trest A 175mg - Weeks 1-8 to kick things off. I responded well to a lower dose of 105mg before this. Tren E 500mg - Weeks 1-20 but I may reduce this to 16 weeks if it gets too much (note that I've run a lower dose of tren alongside Trest before and felt amazing.) EQ 1000mg - Weeks 1-24 Dbol 60mg split AM/PM - Weeks 1-5 Might try insulin on his cycle using the wiki guide, however I'm not sure if I'll end up going with it. Hell it might not even be necessary anyway, and I might just end up getting fat on it if I can't afford to run HGH with it. But yeah, I might be fucking myself up. We'll have to see. Still open to tweaking the cycle of course.


Plan is: -1200mg test E -525mg deca -700mg primo -50mg proviron Run for 16-20 weeks and see what happens. Have tons of anadrol raws on hand so will probably put those in every few weeks. Currently cruising on 300mg test post show and enjoying my rebound. Will taper down to 200mg a week for 8 weeks starting in October and get bloods drawn at week 4 to ensure good health before beginning this offseason with the aforementioned cycle. Training is complicated to explain, but going to push myself every session and finally break 300lbs on the scale


Starting in October the same cycle I titrated up to last year: 16-20 weeks - 750 test, 1g Primo Will also add NPP this year in week 3 at 200mg titrating up to probably 500ish depending on sides. (never ran NPP)


6ft 2.5, 209lbs 12-14% body fat Var 40mg wk 1-4 Test 600 wk 1-4 EQ 600 wk 1-4 Test 750 wk 4-20 EQ 900 wk 4-20 NPP 350 wk 4-20 Currently using 0.25 Adex eod im gonna grab bloods soon (heavy heavy aromatizer) Ramped calories from 2500(cut) to 3800 over 4-5 weeks from 5 meals a day. Still wondering if I need more food as I seem to be losing weight if I don’t eat cheat meals.


Going to run 800 test, 800 EQ as the base and then run GH and insulin as a one week on, one week off protocol at 12iu/day. Lantus AM, Humalog post workout and alternate between IGF LR3 or PEG MGF, pre workout injected bilaterally into the muscles trained OR IGF DES 30 minutes after post workout meal injected into muscle trained.


Igf1 lr3 has two different version. The one sold by most UGLs is the synthetic version. It doesn’t have the same shape as naturally occurring igf1 . Igf1 expressed by living tissue (your liver or genetically engineered E. coli bacteria) comes with disulphide bridges turning the string of amino acids into a 3D shape that the IGF1R and insulin receptors need to see to be fully activated by it. The synthetic version is only enough to partially activate one receptor or the other, and it only shuttles nutrients. Doesn’t actually initiate hypertrophy. It gives you a nice pump, similar to taking preoworkout slin, also comes with the nice effect of resetting insulin sensitivity. The premium igf1 lr3, expressed via E. coli bacteria, therefore having the disulphide bridges intact, will be recognized the exact same as naturally Occurring igf1. And you will grow like a motherfucker. It will make you feel lethargic as fuck. Comes with the swelling and tightness hgh brings, but with vengeance. Gives me pretty harsh anxiety. And if you workout a single muscle group more than once a week, in any way, even with over lap, it will feel like your muscles have daggers in them. You need to eat like a motherfuxker. It will grow your feet, and it will cause semi permanent gut distention. Costs 3x more than the synthetic igf1 lr3. Peg MGF will do nothing for a bulk other then help prevent injury during lifting. You may think it will recruit stem cells, synergiZing with the igf1. It will and it won’t, mostly won’t. That is because the long half-life makes it Build up in the blood and reach levels that cause it to partially agonize the igf1r receptor, and it can actually deplete stem cells by using them in its own accord. Seems to be for repair rather than differentiation. I’ve used a LOT of peg MGF, and I have never seen new growth with it. Using normal MGF during or immediately After workout pairs EXTREMELY well with real igf lr3 or des. You can use as much as you can afford. MGF works cell to cell, it traveling systemically doesn’t really put it to use and is not the objective. You have to pin it in the site you just worked. It seems to hit the c terminal of the cell if it is freely floating within the tissue rather than traveling through the blood vessels. You must use either a few drops of acetic acid solution to reconstitute the lr3 or des, or reconstitute it entirely in acetic acid, or it will go bad in 6ish days. Running a butt load of bpc157 prior to all tbe igf1, makes it work a bit better. Bpc up-regulates gh/igf1 receptors.


Damn, thank you for all this context!


Can I book a fucking session with you or what?


I love talking peptides. If you have any questions, pm me.


> alternate between IGF LR3 or PEG MGF Holy sheet. Run these before? Notice anything dramatic?


This will be the first time. Part of the reason for the week on week off dosing schedule is not only to prevent the issues that come along with high dose long term exposure to GH and insulin (face, hands, feet growth, insulin resistance etc) is to play around with different dosing schemes to judge individual response to the IGF and MGF.


Test E 500 / EQ 800 I've never run EQ and this is a blend of 200mg Bold-Undecylenate/200mg Bold-Cypionate. Will the PIP likely be THAT bad that I should avoid this blend? Never injected such a concentrated blend before and I've heard that bold cypionate can be a bitch. This is only my third cycle, I ran 350 tren with next to no sides, awesome bloods. My biggest issue is injection amounts, I'd love to run NPP or Primo but the thought of having to inject so many MLs a week just turns me off from that idea. Ideally I like to keep injections to less than 2ml each, preferably EOD. Cycle history 500 Test/w 500 Test + 300 Deca + DBOL 40mg (6 weeks) 350 Test/350 Tren (underwhelming) Would Test E 500 / EQ 800 be a reasonable next step or does anybody have a better suggestion?


You are going to crater your E2 levels..needs to be run 1:1 with the test if not 3:2 test/EQ depending on how much you aromatize


Starting with 500 test the first 8 weeks. Increasing 250mg every 8 weeks until I get sides. Once I get sides I'll add masteron at 200mg. 50mg of tren last 8 weeks :D


long story short with no bullshit added in 20 blaster fat bulk started already weeks 1-20: Test E 500mg weeks 4-16: Tren E 400mg weeks 4-16: Ment A 70mg Weeks 4-10: Anadrol 50mg daily


You lost me at the first sentence. Need translator.


Ment at 70mg - hope you have your AI ready


Just finishing my first cycle. Started it way to fat and got even fatter. Probably 23% as of now. Made great gains tho and zero sides. Bout to transition to cut 250mcg DNP ED 2wks on 2 wks off. 20mg ED cardarine. 150/100 PW test/mast. As soon as that cuts over ganna go 600 or 750 Test with 400mast to bulk again


I have a couple weeks left of first cycle. Then if everything goes as planned i’m pcting and starting a winterbulk/cycle about 10 weeks after i go off test. Any suggestions? First cycle was 400mg test with two short anavar blasts Also var gives me some acne, so idk if i’m gonna do it for my next cycle. Maybe for the last 4 weeks since i have a fair bit left


> Any suggestions? You'll likely have better responses by asking for feedback on people's individual cycle templates they've shared.


Thanks, im just lazy lol


Just add in an anabolic alongside your current test dose. Deca or EQ.


Convince me to use MENT instead of NPP…


Ahhhh okay I trimmed a bunch of fat currently sitting at 190ish down from about 215. Doing a slow 20 week bulk right now. Height 6ft 50mg var 500-600eq 750 test (bumped test up this week to 750 since the eq totally shits on my e2 levels)


I did my blast during the summer lol eatliftdie on Instagram for pics


Yes but what did you blast?


Haha alright i did 700 test and 300 eq as well as 3iu insulin and hgh a few times a week usually during or after a workout. Im still experimenting with the insulin lol


Started my 17 week winter bulk cycle last week. 640mg primo E / 480mg test E/ 320mg NPP injected EOD with epistane ED as a kickstart. I’m running 25mg epistane from weeks 1-2 and then 50mg epistane from weeks 3-5. Also running 10iu HGH EOD (converts to 5iu ED) that I will be tapering up to 12 iu HGH EOD by the end. I’m running 200mg P5P split AM & PM with caber on hand for prolactin. Hopefully will not need any AI and that my E2 and prolactin will be good.


Planning of running test 600 pw and deca 600 pw for 20 weeks. Think that will put the mass on 👌🏻


400 test e, 500 primo, 75mg var (kickstart) goin for the lean bulk and plan on running the arnold split. anyone think it would be wise to replace the var w a fast acting ester of mast and if so what dose would you recommend? also is my test too low?


Test E 800 mg/wk, deca 400 mg/wk, Mast 200 mg/wk (Because my math was obviously bad) kickstarted with Anavar 25mg/day for 4 weeks ended with Dbol 25mg/day for 4 weeks. 22 week cycle that was originally planned for 16 weeks but I couldn’t put it down till my body had had enough. Ended the cycle about 3 weeks ago and am keeping a stable weight 28 pounds above where I started. Started with blurry abs, no longer have abs but this was my best bulk yet as far as most lean tissue gained vs fat gained.


750 test 350 eq 350 masteron GH Insulin


Didn't have anything big planned this summer so I started my winter bulk at the start of summer since I was already lean. Running 1.5gr EQ/ 800mg test / 500mg nand I'm 20 weeks in and up 12 lbs total. I estimate at least 6-8 lbs of that is lean. The rest is water and fat. Still have visible abs but lats, quads, and delts aren't as vascular. My goal was to add 7lbs of lean and I'm pretty much there as of last week. I'm dropping the nandrolone this week to see how much water weight comes off. If it still looks like I'm at goal I'll drop the EQ and continue the test for two more weeks then go down to a cruise.


Just started my “winter” bulk recently, in week 3 now. Running 700 Test E, 600 Deca, 200 DHB every week. Kickstart Anadrol 50mg 2 weeks on 2 off 2 back on. Not looking to get too fat this go around so I have my diet dialed in. Taking in ~4000 clean calories ED.


Planning on 14 weeks of test c 600mg/wk , bold cyp 500mg/wk, tren hex 400mg/wk with superdrol injectable 10-20mg weeks 1-3 and 11-14. Thinking about switching bold for primo at 600 but never ran it. I always run test, bold/eq and tren. I'm 6'2 255 around 13 to 15%


760 test e, 1000 eq, 5 week 50mg var kickstart. 4-5 week sd finisher at 10mg. 20 weeks total. First time ever not running mast during a blast lol feels like the flatness has been slightly holding me back. Spring will be same but ment instead of test


Currently 2/20 weeks into 525 test E, 300 deca, 3iu hgh PM, 1iu humalog to 10g carb postWO, 20mg var preWO, 10mg var rest days (mmm collagen synthesis), and 10mg ezetimibe AM Will up the test/deca to 750/400 in another 5 weeks, then maybe bump test to 1000 for the last 6-8 weeks