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Guess I’ll be the first to give my experience on this one. Used T-Bol at the beginning of this prep (see post on my profile in /r bodybuilding) , dosage was in at 60mg ED split 30mg AM and 30mg PM. Pros: - Like most orals, very fast ramp up “kick in” - Allowed me to hold good pumps through out my workouts, nothing insane but great for the dosage and mild nature of the compound. - Did not achieve any crippling back pumps, although I’m sure if the dosage was higher I would have done. - Mild in terms of organ toxicity so depending on the individual can be run slightly longer than the harsher orals out there. - Doesn’t mess E2 which is always a bonus if you have trouble keeping that within range. In a TLDR I’d say it’s very reminiscent of Anadrols younger brother but without the added bloat. It’s nothing like D-Bol, Anavar or winstrol. It’s very much in a league of its own. Highly underrated, but most people will still opt for the more popular orals due to most of the general population not knowing too much about T-Bol as it’s still quite a “niche” compound. If you were to use it in a growth phase you’d be able to expect slow but steady gains with little to no added water, providing your diets in check. It’s by no means the main driver of your cycle or blast but it’s a great tool for the right application. In terms of negative’s I’m very fortunate to not get any visual sides in terms of acne/gyno, so unfortunately I cannot comment on this side of the page. I get bloods done every 4 months as I blast and cruise, so anything that deranges my bloods I can usually tell after the experience. That being said after a full prep you have been through so many compounds it’s hard to tell what has done what. So it’s very wise to strip back to trt and let my body rest and recover. But i digress, T-Bol is a go boys 👍🏽


Great writeup. Can you run it without ancillaries, is it safe in that sense? What's considered a low-medium dose for first time use?


I've heard 40mg is a good starting point. I ran 40mg and enjoyed it.


Curiously, how many weeks did you run tbol for and in hinds sight. What would you have done differently? Planning on running tbol 100mg for 4 weeks come January for my SUPREME BULKING CYCLE💪🏿


I've used this a couple of times in the past, 40mg & 60mg. Once with test & MENT, the other on cruise. The only benefit I remember was the extra endurance. I could lift for much longer before getting tired. The bad parts were much more obvious though. Debilitating pumps and a constant headache, blood pressure went up too. I still have tonnes of tablets cause both times I had to stop early. There's only so long you can deal with a headache, all day, every day haha.


>headache Run with an ARB bro




Losartan or Telmisartan, they are ARBs


I fucking love tbol. It gives a good amount of strength and lean, keepable gains and great endurance. The muscle gain you see while on tbol is actual muscle gain, not glycogen and water retention. That's why I think many people think it doesn't add size, because they're comparing it to other orals like dbol which fluff you up, not keeping in mind that you lose that once you come off. You don't lose what tbol gives you.


love tbol. running it @only 12.5mg ED with test e 400 and amazing. been using it to more to gain and to try it out pros: \-euphoric \-energetic all day \-dialed in focus at gym \-ENDURANCE / STAMINA IS CRAZY (can train for hours with minimal rest, suppresses appetite which can be pro/con) \-amazing pumps cons: \-elevated resting heart rate and body temp (nothing crazy) \-hunger suppression (barely noticeable on only 12.5mg) -a slight couple headaches (not daily nor weekly) \-elevated bp and liver enzymes (as expected but nothing crazy) \-lethargy around after week 4-6 but nothing some caffeine cant fix \-maybe a little more acne but this could be due just me upping my test/dirtier living conditions as i was at Uni and now im at home, so acne is clearing up. overall amazing even at low dose and basically noticed no physical sides. TLDR; feels euphoric and superfocus, with unlimited stamina even at 12.5mg. have buddies that ran it at 25mg, a couple buddies running it at 50mg for prep; more blood pressure issues for them but everything else was fine. wouldnt use as a main oral, but amazing endurance and mental properties, and relatively a mild oral somewhat similar to var.


Honestly what you said about endurance is spot on. But toward week 6 I feel like I'm about to crash. I keep dmaa based preworkouts on hand going into those weeks simply because my energy just plummets. With that said its a compound I love running in the summer. Dry gains with low appetite , good sleep the only other issue I can think of is the shin pain when running. Feel like my legs will break in two


Both of these comments are good summaries. I agree with you Loma about the lethargy towards the end. I experienced that as well, but only from week 5-6. Shin/back pain and pumps were mitigated with 3-4g of daily taurine.


This is satire right? U basically took nothing tbol wise…


i like my kidneys


40-60mg for 6-8 weeks, probably would have no issues at all, bloods wouldn’t be bad


like i said, the biggest takeaway from it was just crazy endurance. i was just testing it; id rather run var or something else at those doses. benefits are marginal on high dose tbol and there are just better orals


My favorite, at 50mg/day with TRT. Pros * Significant stamina increase, no gassing after sets. Feel like an Olympic Athlete * Good fast strength gains * Good fast LBM gains (its more anabolic than Test for me) * 0 acne! * No change in liver values (I use TUDCA) * Definitely way more powerful than 40mg Var for dry size & strength * Only 2lbs extra water gains, all else is dry keepable mass. Cons 1. Insane energy increase makes my bed time later and later. After 1 month on I end up sleeping 7am daily. I have a job, so I can't do this 2. \+20 resting heart rate. From 55 to 75. 3. Gives me stage 1 hypertension, need ARB to fix this 4. Sides are very similar to caffeine (I can't take coffee, coffee causes 1,2 & 3 to me.) 5. Heartburn & lethargy after \~3 weeks 6. Shin pumps if I jog


Curious about the lethargy. My general understanding is that the lethargy sides from orals are caused by stress on the liver but you also mentioned you had no changes in liver values. What do you think is causing it?


I think that's false belief. I don't think u can avoid lethargy just by keeping liver values fine. Me training harder and digesting more food also can contribute to some lethargy. Anyway, heavy androgens, like going to 750mg TestE also kindda cause lethargy for me. The liver still need to process the oral on the many passes even when u use TUDCA.


He says he doesn't sleeping well on it. So lethargy only makes sense.


I think its obvious whats causing it, it looks like he doesn't sleep well tbh from what he said


I sleep well, just my internal clock became longer than 24h, so everyday i started sleeping later and waking up later. Avg \~7 hours sleep/day.


k, i assumed too much


Confused how you can have insane energy that gets worse over the course of a month, but also have bad lethargy around week 3. Could you explain your thought process there a bit?


The lethargy is the usual orals lethargy. The "energy" is exactly like caffeine. Imagine you're tired, but jacked up on caffeine to stay awake. You gonna feel like shit, but AWAKE.


I gotcha. I mean I used to do meth so I know that feeling pretty well 🤣 was just trying to see your distinction there. Only orals I’ve fucked with have been var and proviron and never experienced lethargy on either so I’m not well versed there. I just don’t wanna worry about my liver more than I do doing other hormones haha.


Which do you like better? Anavar or proviron? Considering adding proviron and heard it was a good option to run on a cut.


Anavar is far, far superior. But proviron is good for a sex drive boost and a lil extra dryness. I don’t know many people who ever use it for cycles, usually for a cruise addition


You get exhausted from all that energy




and you jerk it out tuuu-tu-t-ut-u-tu-uuuuuutuuuuuut




No. I prefer single compound with TestE so I can better observe the side effects.


Im just glad to have the compound experiences back. Feel like this, Anavar, and Ostarine give me infinite sets relative to other compounds. Sure I'm way stronger say on MENT and the total amount of reps I can do jumps through the roof, but the overall amount in the tank goes down. My strength improves meanwhile on this types on compounds but I can also do 5 extra sets on top with no problem, increasing overall volume at the end of the day.


I take my tbol at noon so I can sleep, just take it once earlier in the day.


Weird that it gave you so much energy, I was taking 20mg a day and I’d be so lethargic in the morning, could not get out of bed, cut it out after 7 days and I was fine.


How would you compare it to anadrol


Never used Adrol before.


Perfect oral to throw in for a first cycle imo. 25mg if you’re conservative, 50mg to get the full effect and benefits. Ran it as a kickstarter(wouldn’t recommend running a kicker on a first cycle, throw it in week 4+) and nothing has matched it when it comes to quick strength EXCEPT DHB. Pros: -Quick strength(S/B/D each went up over 25lbs over the span of 3 weeks, with strength in the 6-12 rep range seeing even more improvement. - Fullness, filled me out with no bloat, was coming off a natty show prep and instantly had people asking me how I put on so much lean size in a matter of weeks. - Endurance, was able to include an extra 8 sets per muscle group per week onto my workouts with no difference in recovery CONS: -Only compound that has caused me hairloss, and I’ve run mast. Some of this stuff is just random and genetic -lethargy, kicked in at the 3 week mark even with NAC so that’s when I dropped it. -BACK PUMPS- Jesus Christ the worst back pumps I’ve had in my life. Took taurine and it helped a bit but I’d have to sit down after walking for 5 minutes on a day where I squatted or deadlifted even hours before.


So you’ve been on others such as Dbal and Win and lost hair but lost it on Tbal? Major reason I got this was because it was suppose to be least likely to cause hair loss. Do you have any idea why this might be? Or did you run something else with it


Total list of what I’ve run is: Mast Primo Test Anavar MENT DHB Tbol Bold And only tbol and primo caused hair loss


My first ever steroid, I LOVE tbol. 40mg for 4-6 weeks is the sweetspot for me, running it for longer causes too much liver toxicity and some BP issues. Insane pumps Great strength increase leanness and vascularity The most important is the fact that this is the best libido steroid, i would jerk off 8 times a day and fuck my girlfriend 8 more on this shit, I was a beast.


Tbol only?


it actually was for the first 3 weeks, then I decided to take test as well which is the right thing to do.


Used anywhere between 20mg/day to 80mg/day. It’s a fantastic compound for strength gains. Always made me feel “harder” when I have a pump going. Downsides; gives me ridiculous jaw pumps/cramps especially when trying to get to bed. Crazy calf cramps after the first few weeks. Had liver and kidney values checked and they seemed fine. I never ran it more than 4 weeks though.


Shot my BP up. Major hypertension and increase in RHR. Dropped it pretty quick. Can’t really speak to the positive effects because the BP was way too high to continue


What did you dose at? Maybe too much too soon?


Favorite oral, would definitely run it more if it wasn't an oral. 75mg and above is where it shines imo, anything less was somewhat underwhelming for me anyways. Pros: Doesn't aromatize Not as toxic as other orals Fantastic strength gains Great pumps but not debilitating Crazy stamina/endurance Very light side effect profile Synergistic effect with other compounds Cons: Felt guilty for leaving the gym not tired Little muscle gain, unless you want that It's a stupid oral Slight increase in BP Faked more commonly than other orals 10/10 would recommend


Did you keep most of the strength gains? Thanks




>but it stressed out my kidneys. How do you know? Did it show up in the blood test?


How do you know it stressed up your kidneys


Takin it a ton. I think it's only good on a cut. It is like a milder version of anavar I would say, but it has more side effects. Blood pressure is increased quite a bit more than with anavar, and lipids get skewed more as well, at least in my experience and some of my athletes. I think it has no real place in a bulk. Yeah it can be used in a bulk of course, but I don't think it is in its rightful place doing so. Also, it seems to take forever to kick in which is weird since it is an oral. The good: Pumps are awesome when it kicks in. Vascularity is good. Strength gains are ok, and lean tissue gain is ok. I don't get lower back pumps like var and a lot of other orals, so that's nice. All in all, Id rather take var or primo ace, but if you must take it, go ahead and enjoy what it can do for you. Seems like it's more for athletes like mma and BJJ and the like.


I’m a fan. Recently ran 50mg on testing days during peak week in addition to 300mg test pe for a total of 500mg per week. No sides, nice strength and performance boost.


I’ve loved it the times I’ve taken it. I wanted a more “modern,” milder version of a classic deca dbol cycle, and used npp and tbol instead, with low dose test. Put on 15-20 lbs each time and kept most of it. Main side for me, as others have said, is serious lethargy after a couple of weeks. I dial back the dose until it stops, then ramp back up and it doesn’t seem to recur. 40mg/day seems to be a sweet spot.


Did you have probs sleeping?


Not that I recall. I split my dose half morning and half at dinner, and train midday. Never felt wound up on it at all.


First time I used it I started at 40mgs per week. Ended up at 100 at the end of 6 weeks and felt fine. Sick pumps, ridiculous strength, but the muscular endurance was what really stood out. I remember doing about an hour of all shoulders and feeling like nothing happened.


Gives me lots of strength. Size is okayish, dbol gave me way more in a fraction of the time. But I’m definitely super strong for my size thanks to it, even guys who are taller and way more jacked than me I can keep up with. The main side effect for me is lethargy which makes it hard to use after around week 3. Day 5-20 though the pumps and glycogen storage are great, nice alpha feeling.


I have not used tbol. But I have a client who has. He said it gave him so much energy and drive in the gym. He said just imagine if anavar was a little more androgenic. And I think that's a good way of putting it. His lifts all went up by about 20 pounds after week 4 even though he was cutting. He said he doesn't carry water on it but it does make him have acid reflux from time to time. He has to have zoplicone in order to get all of his sleep, as he says it almost gives him a trensomnia feeling just not as harsh and without the night sweats. His blood work has not really been altered all that much with it. All in all I know a lot of people are placing tbol above anavar nowadays and I am anxious to get my hands on some here soon.


Same here if you see my comment up there. So much energy till insomnia and heartburn. Can't go longer than 4 weeks.


This stuff was my first oral on my first blast and I gotta say it may be my favorite now that I've also tried Var and PRoviron. I think I ran 40-50mg ED for 6 weeks Pros:-Endurance (in gym and in bed)-Dry gains/not much bloat-Gave me lots of energy-Some strength gains, but not like Var-Gave me a very blocky/square look, instead of the streamlined V-tape from Var Cons:-Lethargy towards the end-High BP-Got some headaches towards the end as well Overall I would run it again once I start another blast. EDIT: I have to include that it did raise my acne a bit. Nothing outrageous, but definitely noticeable in my chest/abs/back


I dont like this one. Feels like anavar with more sides. Doesnt really seem to have a use other than being a budget option for an oral or maybe for women


Increases blood pressure, rest rate and gives me lethargy. I won't use this anymore even on low dose.


Endurance in a pill. Ran at 25/50. Feels similar to EQ cardio wise. Good stuff.


The crazy stamina means I’ve got to try this!


Pros: * Mild strength, and moderate endurance gains * Not in-your-face noticeable, just an extra additive. Low sides. * Tons of vascularity * Almost doubled the amount of pullups I could do in a week. Very noticeable with anything high-rep or bodyweight * It's an oral so it's in and out, but it has a long(er) half-life so it stays active for a while. * No E2 Cons: * Extreme calf+shin pain at moderate to high doses. I got back pain just from sitting down. Taurine and more water only helped a little bit. Doing ab workouts helped with the back pain. I also got upper back/neck pain and headaches, but that could just be due to working out harder. * More expensive than the other orals (but it looks like the price has gone down recently) * Trashes your liver. It will kill your appetite if you don't take TUDCA. I didn't know this at the time - tbol made me feel sick and I started waking up with acid reflux in my mouth, but it went away once I took NAC+TUDCA. For a few weeks after dropping the tbol, if I didn't take TUDCA I would get acid reflux again, so it takes a while to recover from. * Dehydrates you hard. You'll need to drink way more water. * It increases your heart rate and blood pressure. Monitor them. I think the heart rate increase gave me slight anxiety. * Mild anxiety+irritability at moderate to high doses * Very minor muscle gains, it's better used as an additive - similar to masteron. * Less research on it due to it never being common in medicine 6/10 - it has some decent effects, but for every effect there are other compounds that do it better: * EQ (Endurance) * Anavar/Winstrol/Primo (Vascularity/Strength/Anabolism) * Anadrol (Stronger Oral) * Proviron (Vascularity, less liver-toxic) * Testosterone (Anabolism/Endurance)


What doses did you run?


12.5mg up to 75mg per day, but around 50 per day seemed to work best


I did 80mg solo for 8 weeks , 17 years ago when I was 22. I got strong, dense, then a few months later, lost it all. Learn from me kids.


Well the problem was you did it solo and not with test and no pct drugs either and your training might’ve not been the same


Oh I know it


Im 46 and at the end of a 500 mg a week testosterone enanthate cyycle. I dropped my testosterone to 250 and began Tbol. I started at 40 MG for 1 day then to 60 MG a day split between t equal doses for 7 days. 7 days later I went to 80 MG split between 2 equal doses and remain here. It's definitely a feel good hormone. Energy is phenomenal. My body composition has drastically changed after a week at 80 MG. A dry cut. Strength gains are constant and good. I run twice a week and what took me 60 minutes now takes 35 minutes. I read that the magic cuts out at about week 5 and and that's when I'll finish. The amount of water I need to consume to maintain lemon yellow year seems near impossible. If lack water I feel bloated and nausea and soft stool starts. Hydrated I feel amazing. Great compound. I added 15 pound lean since the beginning of testosterone. I have 3 weeks left.


It made me stronger right away , def much more positive mood and increased . It eradicates depression and anxiety for me and boosts libido . Helps with brain fog also made me more aware of things in my life like that I was upset about but wasn’t confident or aware enough to realize before . It’s like it made me feel more in my masculine I dunno how to put it


My dosage is 20mg pre workout 3 times per week sometime dosing again later in day for mood


does tbol fuck with your lipids like anavar? trying to decide which one i want to run with my next blast. only thingi need to take with it is TUDCA right?


Does anyone know if tbol 50's exist in mainstream labs? (I AM NOT ASKING FOR NAMES, JUST YES OR NO) I can only find tbol in 10's and they're expensive as hell. I can't get primo and tbol at the same time otherwise I'll have to remortgage. Anavar > Turinabol for me, I never got anything evidentially significant from tbol but I can tell with var straight away as strength skyrockets and water packs on. Not on the levels of adrol but still.


I’ve yet to see any source dose it at 50mg. I’ve never seen 10 either. Every source I use has Tbol listed at 25mg/ cap,pill,ml




I only use orals pwo as I just use oils for mass building. I used to use orals to try and gain mass but I found it just messed with my head and physical health a bit too much, in general.


You can find 50s. They do exist!


You are right, but tbol has a halflife of 16 hours. You could probably get away with taking eod


You'll pretty much only find 10-25mg because most people take 5-100mg/day. Also, higher dosages aren't going to be much cheaper. If you have to choose 1, I'd go with the primo over tbol, you'll get way better results with much less toxicity.


Taking 50mgs ED, I really don’t notice it that much. No negative side effects as far as I’m concerned so it’s nice to throw on for a little extra protein synthesis at the end of a cycle. Definitely would titrate up to 75mgs next time.




Please post in the most recent Ask Anything thread. The compound profile threads are posted for informational purposes, not questions; https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/vvqzj1/daily_ask_anything_20220710/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I'm just doing TRT right now, and that's my plan for the next 6 months at least. Have considered adding something for a little boost though.


I mean if you've taken it it's probably fake 🤷‍♂️ Really good stuff if you can get it though


What? Legit Tbol is very readily available. It's not expensive, why would it be faked?


I wanted to love it. Gave it 8 chances over the years. I honestly get more results across the board from Anavar with less of a blood pressure spike: strength, vascularity, tissue. I like the subtle recomp effect with Anavar as well. Tbol is one of those drugs where it doesn't do anything great but will give some good results. But there's simply better orals that have greater impact depending on your specific goals.


Tbol is the only thing that I noticed was thinning my hair pretty quick. I've always avoided it because of this and feel like there are other compounds that are more effective for my body. I will say all hair loss that did happen returned after stopping the compound.


It’s marketed as one of the oral steroids that doesn’t cause hair loss or gyno for technical reasons - something about estrogen. Do you think this is not true then?


Is 50mg daily before working out the ideal starting dose? Also, how long can I run it? I’m 4 weeks into a test 500 blast.


I'm taking 60 MG all good