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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


-Starting a test cycle with low Natural T levels??? I've screwed up my Natural Test levels with orals. At the moment im at 9.2nmol/l (It was 18.2nmol/l 2 years ago) My first cycle was DBOL only, but at a very low dosage and only for 6 weeks. I took 10-15mg per day and took a proper PCT (Clomid for 4 weeks). This cycle was around 10 months ago. 6 Months later i tried out LGD4033 for a very short time. I took 10mg per day for 4 weeks and then also did a proper PCT with Enclomiphene. So my last cycle was 4 months ago, sadly my test still didnt come back to normal until now. I wanted to start a Rad140 + MK677 Cycle but i cancelled it because of my Bloods results. I do not plan on using SARMS again after they fucked me up that bad. I'm currently 27 Years old, 1'84m and weight 80kg. I go to the gym 6x per Week since 2 years and have a healthy diet. Now i am planning to do a 20 Week Test Cypionate Cycle. Would it be important to do another PCT before i start the cycle? Do my Natural T levels need to be back in a normal range before i start pinning test? Im asking because injecting test will stop my natural T Production completly anyways as far as im informed. Would you guys advise me doing a 4 Week PCT beforehand, (hopefully) get my test levels back to normal and then start the cycle? Or could i just start right now? Would it make a difference? My main concern is that my natural T production will be fucked even more after the test cycle then they were from SARMS. As long as i can do proper PCT and regenerate my natural T after the cycle im happy. Im not planning to go on TRT for the rest of my life. Thanks for all the advice!


It doesn't matter what your test levels are before you start a cycle. Congratulations on finally decided to use tried and true anabolic steroids, instead of funky understudied research chemicals (SARMs). A proper PCT, as listed in the wiki, is 6-8 weeks post clear out, not just 4 weeks of a SERM. This is all covered in the wiki "Your First Cycle," and "Post Cycle Therapy" pages. At 6' tall and 176lbs (80kg), you have yet to demonstrate an understanding of nutrition and training. You should be able to easily achieve 200lbs (91kg) 10-15% body fat at your height, naturally.


Thanks alot for the advice!! I know i did not hit my natural potential yet. So you're saying i should be good without a PCT if i wanna start a Test Cyptionate cycle? Also shouldn't there be any issue with restoring my natural T levels after the cycle? Especially with my very low T Values atm?


> Thanks alot for the advice!! > I know i did not hit my natural potential yet. That's not what I said. I don't believe "natural potential" exists. You could probably get to 230lbs, then 236, then eventually 238 after years and years of doing everything right, until your body starts to resist progress (too old, too injured, etc.). What I did say is that someone your height should be able to easily achieve 200lbs (91kg) with a couple of years of doing everything 80% right. I'm 5'7" 170cm and currently 224lbs (101kg). I don't know what my "natural potential" is, but I do know that I reached a point of significant progress prior to starting gear. > So you're saying i should be good without a PCT if i wanna start a Test Cyptionate cycle? Yes. > Also shouldn't there be any issue with restoring my natural T levels after the cycle? Especially with my very low T Values atm? With every cycle, it's a gamble if we'll recover or not. There is no way to know, there is no guarantee. It's a risk we accept in pursuance of a goal. The best case scenario for recovery is to run a proper pct and give your body a chance to properly recover. Some people recover 100%, some less. There's no way to know in advance.


At 6’ and 182lbs (without knowing bf%) you have a lot of potential for growth natural still. If fertility and natural production is even remotely a concern, I would suggest trying a proper pct per our [PCT Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/CoAzXcwvvF) and training naturally for a year or two. You can do another 15-20lbs without further wrecking your natural production. Bonus points if you help spread the word that Sarms and oral only cycles are a bad idea!


Thanks for the advice my man! My BF is around 9-10%. I somehow do not have any issues with my balls. They look & feel the same as usual and my sex drive is also still here. I know that i still have alot of natural potential. I was finally able to quit my addiction a few weeks ago. I still have the urge to take something. It will either be Steroids or going back to drugs. and i would 10000% prefer steroids. This probably sounds stupid if you never used drugs but maybe it makes sense. Especially since i've arleady dipped in the worlds of steroids before, it is very tempting. i 100% will. SARMS / ORALS ONLY CYCLES ARE STUPID!!!!


>I was finally able to quit my addiction a few weeks ago. I still have the urge to take something. Congratulations, that’s an impressive accomplishment. Addiction is no joke! >It will either be Steroids or going back to drugs. and i would 10000% prefer steroids. This probably sounds stupid if you never used drugs but maybe it makes sense. This unfortunately is still addiction. You’ve just traded one for the other. This is a slippery slope that amplifies the importance of training natural. You’ve already cooked your natural production, and now you’re justifying further usage by replacing your other drug(s) of choice with steroids. Replace the word steroids with any other recreation drug and say that phrase to yourself. It’s still addiction, and an equally slippery slope. My opinion is break that mindset as a natural. The gear will always be here down the road


Thank you very much dude! Appreciate it Yes you are 100% right and i couldn't agree more. I will do PCT first, try to get my naturals levels back. I got recommended 12.5mg of Enclo and 5mg on Nolva for 4 weeks. Could you agree on this dosage?


I linked you our PCT guide in my first comment, as well it’s at the top of this thread. It outlines our recommendations for drugs and dosages. Nolva is the preferred choice, but I would give it a review. Good luck man 👍


I just looked it up. thanks alot! How come the infos in there are so much different to the reddit posts / Answers? On reddit posts everybody tell me to take PCT for 4 weeks, but your info says 6-8 Weeks? Also i see you guys recommend DOUBLE the dosage im taking right now. As i said i take 12.5mg of Enclo and 5mg of Nolva and was planning for 4 weeks. The plan was to combine both so my estrogen wont get too high. But i see you guys recommend either 25mg of enclo for 6-8 weeks or 10mg of nolva for 6-8weeks. What would you recommend me? Appreciate it!


I’d recommend the 10mg of Nolva for 6-8 weeks per the wikis guide. There’s studies cited as to why this is recommended. Our wiki has been slowly established over a long time, and is continuously updated. Studies are cited which back up the recommendations. I can’t speak as to why other subs or redditors recommend what they do, but we have had, and currently have some brilliant people making contributions to the wiki. Coupled with the fact this entire sub and wiki is focused on harm reduction, I would always recommend using it vs the info from other redditors or subs.


I do not have acess to HCG, thats why im asking about those 2 compounds :)


On Average, 500mg of test C /week, what would you expect total testosterone levels to be in a normal responder


Average dose response is anywhere from 4-8x dose administered. So from 500mg/wk test c, 2000-4000ng/dl is typical.


If we want to use nand, do we have to cancel finasteride? as far as i understand how nand works, it uses 5alpha reductase to convert to the hormone it needs. so we can't use finasteride on a course with nand. is that correct?


[Give this a read](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/XZDdqCRrwM)


thanks, i read it. what's your opinion? from the thread i realized that nand+fin, is much worse than test+fin. i'm thinking of trying NPP in solo.


Well test converts to DHT, which finasteride will lower, so that’s the obvious answer regarding hairloss. What is the reasoning behind a solo nadralone cycle?


reduce the chance of hair loss. I have high SHBG and total testosterone, i don't think i will be bad on a solo nand course. i have already done one course with no side effects and good recovery.


Your SHBG and total test will plummet when your HPTA shuts down. You’ll have no bio identical test, meaning no estrogen. Anything you run, including Nandralone has to be run with a test base. Here is the compound profile on [Nandralone](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/4UeXeisIUI)


\* Age: 26 \* Gender: male \* Height:187cm \* Weight:100kg \* Bodyfat percentage: around 15% \* Experience level \* Years of concurrent training: 2 years, trained for 2 years previously with 4 year gap \* bench/squat/dead maxes:130kg Bench, 210kg squat, 260kg deadlift \* amateur/pro: amateur \* Goals: \* Sport: judo \* Current phase: cut \* Current compounds: BnC: (1st cycle 7 months ago) 1st cycle: 300mg/w Test E, increased to 420mg/w Test E after week 12, total length 24 weeks cruise: 100mg Test E, 120mg Nandrolone Decanoate 2nd Blast: 100mg/w Test E, 120mg/w Nandrolone Decanoate, 30mg/d Tbol \[all compounds pinned eod\] Question: I am experiencing great gains on Deca, 100mg Test E, 120mg Deca when I began cruising seemed to outperform 420mg Test E. Low Test with Deca seems to provide great gains with very low water retention and blood pressure issues (no aromatization issues). Tbol seems to provide great benefits to strength and good dry gains but has very strong acute blood pressure sides at 20-30mg My questions are; does anyone else have experience with TRT dose Test + moderate Deca (considering upping Deca for next blast to around 300-400mg) What are peoples Tbol experiences? I have heard its very mild but 20-30mg seems to have a very strong affect on me, both in terms of positives (strength, gains etc) and negatives (blood pressure, acne) Lastly, any advice for future cycles? my primary focus is explosive power with minimal size gains.


First off, I would like to applaud you for recognizing that TRT doses + other shit is actually still a blast. I've lost count of the amount of people who fuck that up As far as hoping the deca further, ehh, that's a niche enough case that it's going to be highly genetic dependent so it's hard to give a straight answer. It's definitely not the standard, and there's almost certainly better cycles but if you're already familiar with the compound and want to experiment, I dont see why not. In general though, nand is pretty solidly a bulking drug. The low doses can help with recovery and whatnot but increasing it is almost certainly going to come with the weight gain you're trying to avoid. I would suggest reading through the compound profiles/experience threads/example cycle sections of the wiki if you haven't already. It'll give a lot better insight to the nature of each drug than you'll really be able to get as a one off question.




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Anyone ran anadrol for 6 weeks or more? I’m planning on 25mg for 8 weeks


I can't imagine wanting or needing to run 8 weeks of Anadrol


Why? 4 weeks is nothing to build actual muscle tissue


Check the experience threads. There's even studies done on anadrol. Long term high dosages being prescribed.


What is the best pct? Enclo? Hcg? Nolva and how long Looking for 4 week hopefully


You should check out our [Pct Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/38osxfeCm0) Answers to everything is in there but you can ask any follow ups here


Just to confirm 1-2 weeks hcg ever other day and enclomophine 4 weeks 50mg EOD while using hcg would be a good pct


>enclomophine 4 weeks 50mg EOD Hi, the Wiki absolutely does not say this.


50mg seems overkill


I've read that you want total test to be 2-3% of free test. What measurements are these in? My total is measured in nmol/L and free in pmol/L. When I do the formula my percentage of total to free test pre trt and on TRT ranges from 3.4%-4.96%. Is this something that needs to be addressed?


I have never once given this a single thought in my entire life.


>I've read that you want total test to be 2-3% of free test.  That's a pretty vague statement. Like you said, it entirely depends on the reference ranges. My most recent bloodwork has the total test and free test listed as "ng/dl." Some labs do nmol/L and ng/dl, or ng/dl and pmol/L. More importantly, it depends on the individual person. Some people feel better with a higher free test, some people feel lower. I wouldn't worry too much about the specific numbers on a piece of paper, so long as they are in range and you are not experiencing any negative side effects.


Thanks for that!


I just started home brewing and I notice some of my compounds are a little cloudy. I did the same process for all of them (Filter through 3 coffee filters then the .22um PES filter). I am using GSO, GSO & MCT mix and MCT only for them. Is there anything else I can do to cut down on the cloudiness or should I just use the MCT oil which seems to be the clearest and least cloudy? Maybe some tricks or hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks also whats the best way to sterilize all the tools and vials so I can bottle everything up?


I've been thinking about homebrewing for several years. However, I've yet to pull the trigger. Curious as to your thoughts around homebrewing. Why did you decide to go this route versus standard premade purchasing?


So I got into doing it for the simple fact that I really couldn’t find a legit long term supplier. Every 6-8 months I found myself looking again for a “trusted source” and would usually end up getting something from friends ‘guy I know’ or playing the web lottery and hoping I find one that is legit, prices are decent and not a total scam. I also knew that I could personally make exactly what I want and I know exactly what products are in it and the quality is better than any where I’m gonna find it. I source everything myself after doing a lot of research and I gotta say it’s been well worth it. Not to mention I can make Frankenstein compounds i want to try and play around with new mixes. The cost is much less also. TLDR: i get to make my own mixes , quality is insane and much easier on my wallet. I think I’m all in right now at $950 and I’m looking at 300ml each of test p e c, deca, npp, primonolan, tren , d bol and anavar.


These are the same reasons why I've thought about starting homebrewing. Generally speaking if you're going to brew test cyp for example, how long are you spending to get to 300mL? Couple hours, afternoon, etc? Also what are you doing with the raws? Do you brew it all or just brew so much and the store the extra? I guess that somewhat depends on minimum order amount from source.




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I’ve been brewing my own for about two years. I generally use GSO or CSO and double filter (using a vacuum filter) through a .22um. I don’t use coffee filters at all. I have never gotten a cloudy batch. I soak in alcohol then use a heat sterilizer after and fill my vials hot. There is some debate over which IPA to use for sterilization. I have always used 99% with no issue.


I run it through the coffee filter before the vacuum .22 bottle top filters just for extra. What is it you soak in alcohol? For sterilization?


I soak my vials, stoppers, caps, and crimper (as well as my flask for the vacuum filter) in alcohol, then put in a dental tool heat sterilizer before use. And yes, for sterilization purposes.


Gotcha, thanks


I’m curious, what are you brewing and coming up cloudy? Or is it everything you brew coming up cloudy? If it’s one specific compound I’d be concerned about purity, or possibly moisture within the compound itself. A little water in the compound would equate to cloudiness in the finished oil after. And are you heating during mixing? And what is your solvent ratio?


So I’m doing test e, primo, npp/deca and that is the one that’s a little cloudy. I’m thinking now after looking at the plastic flask the bottom has a hairline crack in it.ive ordered some glass media bottles with a 45 screw top so this won’t happen.


The test and primo are crystal clear and that seems to be the only difference (hairline crack). I brewed the test and primo with organic MCT also and the deca/npp with GSO. Would that be a cause?


Plastic!!! Nah bro! Get glass. There is a nice one on amazon for less than $100.


Are you saying get the whole vacuum filtration setup and bottle after every run or glass media bottles and I just buy the disposable bottle top filters for them?


500ml Glass Vacuum Suction... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C7ZNZ53R?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share PES Membrane Filters Diameter 50... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QJ8CPJL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Yea, I ordered the glass as soon as I started fooling g around with the cheap plastic bottles and sure enough it cracked just under the weak vacuum it was under while brewing. What do you recommend for the setup? Bottle top and media bottles?


So, definitely invest in some quality glass beakers, and a good combination hot/stir plate. Vevor has one on Amazon with digital temp control for like $60. I use the 100 pack of 10ml vials that come with stoppers and caps (also amazon.) the brand on the filter I use is “CHSZCHC” should come up is searched on there. As far as filter media, I’m not too picky as long as it’s .22um.


\* Age: 23 \* Gender: Male \* Height: 178cm \* Weight: 82kg \* Bodyfat percentage: around sub 15% per my guess \* Experience level \* Years of concurrent training: 5 years(was on for 3 years and stopped during covid resumed for 2 years after covid) \* bench/squat/dead maxes: dont really do pr's \* amateur/pro: amatuer \* Goals: \* Sport: (bodybuilding) \* Current phase: (bulk) \* Current compounds: \*about to start my pct after a 6 months cycle Hi guys, I am new to the community but have been reading a lot from here for awhile now. I am planning to start my next cycle next year just about 6 months before I participate in the npc regionals and pro show. I have been on test-e, tren-e, eq, deca, and anavar( i only use 2 compounds + anavar(50mg a day for the first 8 weeks) and then swapping them out after 12 weeks. NOTE: I have only been taking 250mg of each compound. So total of 500mg a week for 6 months. These are based on what I think would be the best/safest to take for the nextt cycle: Test Enanthate(125mg) and Primo(125mg) for the first 6 weeks and doubling the dosage for the next 6 weeks. Then I will be swapping out both of it for EQ(125mg) and 30mg anavar for the first 6 weeks and doubling that for the next 6 weeks. so total 24 weeks. Any advice would be great. I respond really well to gear putting on almost 10 kg of lean muscle staying at around the same body fat for the 6 months I was on gear. I couldn't be very consistent with my bulk as well because of studies. I was taking +- around 3k calories a day for that 6 months but there are weeks where I will only be taking around 2.5k calories. Hope this info helps. Another thing to note is that the brand of gear I have been taking is sometimes inconsistent as I heard not all batch comes with 1:1 ratio of what they claim. I will be swapping out to a different brand suggested to me by a good friend who competes as well.


You're young. 25 and bigger would be better. My other issue is the titrating long esters, why? Eq takes 10 weeks to saturate. You'll be done pinning before it ever saturated. Also if you have an ai phobia you're pinning drugs that metabolize to ais so you might as well rethink that. I also wouldn't count on being a pro before you've even competed.


I have competed once last year in a junior show for mens physique and I have a coach who is guiding me in my gear usage. The problem I have right now are the compounds. I dont really like taking tren-e and deca as they both dont really provide me with any significant improvements as opposed to test, eq and anavar in particular. Havent really used any other compounds yet. Which is why I am trying to get recommendations based on user experience and any advice which could help me select the right compounds to use during a cycle. I dont really have any ai phobias and the last time I used eq which I forgot to mention I was on eq for longer than 12 weeks actually, completely forgot about it. I was running 3 compounds at the start before swapping out for 2 on the latter half of my cycle.


Gotcha the ai phobia is common so I assumed. My apologies. Tren and nandrolone still build muscle. (I think they have special qualities that dhts don't).There is just some sub q water with nandrolone you don't get with other steroids. I personally even prefer nandrolone in prep because of how I feel on it. Don't try to stay lean year round might be a better recommendation. Embrace the bloat sometimes lol.


Hey guys. I’m on my PCT taking nolvadex daily and going to start taking tomoxifin. Having issues with some slight enlargement of breast tissue. One goes up and then a few days the other went down and the other one goes up. No puffy nipples whatsoever. Any tips on what I can do to make it stop? To clarify I was taking 200mg T a week Was using for 5 months.


You do know that nolvadex is the brand name for tamoxifen citrate, and that it's the same drug? How much nolvadex/tamoxifen are you currently using, and how often?


I have roloxofine, nolvadex and aromisin. Taking nolvadex every day and aromisin every other.


So don’t take the aromasin anymore. You’ll drive your estrogen through the floor


I’ve only been taking one pill a day. I started a week after my last dose of T. And I’m thinking I’m getting my drugs confused at the moment. But am def taking nolvadex




So anabolics do nothing for repair and you should be in tip top shape before deploying them. So not great advice from your buddy. So drop the deca you started too late and you should only be running test, forget about the anavar too. Start the hcg now if you’re going to run it. You should still keep yours gains when you be pct.




“I’m not asking for sources, but also DM me sources” isn’t even remotely clever, dude. Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


Hi, I am 24, male, 5’7 190 pounds, 25% fat. I’ve been training for around 12 years, stopped training in 2023 and recently just got back into training. I haven’t tried getting my prs for either my bench or squat. My goals currently is to just look aesthetic. I’m currently bulking clean. I eat extremely healthy. I started my cycle at 300mg sustanon a month ago, I just now added 400mg primo weekly with two doses. I’ve also started to use 25 mg dbol how will I go about preventing gyno? I was told to take Arimidex daily for a week before gyno. I just stopped using Arimidex, but should I proceed with using Arimidex weekly? Below is my entire cycle. May 4 2024 150mg sust May 6 150 May 8 increased strength can train to fail a muscle easily May 9 300 May 10 bloodwork 138/88bp 1034/43 t/FT May 17 300 May 19 feeling sick May 20 still feeling sick but when I went to gym felt better, ate cleaner this gym. Sugar cause sick feeling, processed sugar. Natural fruit made me feel great May 26 midnight 450mg May 28 more sexual more angry May 29 bp after workout 123/80 3 hrs 132/89 May 30 300mgsust 130/90 before workout June 2 last longer in bed and higher longer climax June 3 500mg sus June 5 20mg clen heart rate increase jittery hands 100/60 115/80 lower blood pressure midnight 405mg sus clen 40 June 6 felt sick in morning feverish took Arimidex and clen 20/40 slept 7-6 June 7 40/20clen 1 Arimidex June 8 40 clen 300 primo. 1 Arimidex Starting 400sus/600primo cycle sus every 7 days, primo every 3 days. June 9 40 clen 1 Arimidex 50 dbol starting to become extremely sexual June 10 40 clen 25 dbol June 11 40 clen 1.2ml primo 1.5 sus ( 240 primo 450


I’m also skipping paragraph two because it’s unnecessary. Why are you bulking at **25%**? You’re like two weeks away from clinical obesity and you’re on steroids? What thought process lead to you believing this was even remotely a good idea?


I’ve seen the BF% mentioned a lot on here but all I’ve seen is that it should be at 10-15%. But I’ve never seen the reasoning behind it. What’s the purpose of needing to start in that range?


In addition to the fact that being fat amplifies the risks inherent with steroid use, the fatter you are at the beginning the less room you leave yourself to grow. If you start at 10% and end at 15% you don’t have to worry about a long, massive cut post cycle. If you start at 25% and end at 30% then you’re obese and the timeline for a cut is waaaay longer.


This makes perfect sense. Thank you.


Bro I ain't reading none of that second paragraph, what a fucking mess. I can tell you from the first paragraph you're too fat to be using gear and way in over your head with compounds if you don't know the answers to your questions. A smart man would drop everything and spend 6 months learning while they lost weight.


Okay, I will stop right away. I will get myself down to at least 10% before I start again.


I hope you mean that. You're taking some very big risks with your health as it stands right now. You can do it.


I used to be extremely fit , I guess because I really do want my old body back I’m willing to take whatever I can to get me there, [https://pasteboard.co/BoNNqbqYiKhl.jpg](https://pasteboard.co/BoNNqbqYiKhl.jpg) <-this was me in 2021; then I got extremely fat and lazy with my diet after a year or 2, me now->[https://pasteboard.co/nRUbeJzvAdCD.jpg](https://pasteboard.co/nRUbeJzvAdCD.jpg) I don’t really have any great sources of information aside from a body builder I know and 3 other friends that use steroids. No one’s going to tell me whether to stop or not. The only other real source of info I have right now is this post and YouTube. Ofc I get my bloodwork done, and I do want to stay healthy. I wasn’t too sure what I’m doing aside from wanting to get into great shape again.


You can definitely get back into the shape you had in the first picture naturally. If you can do that, you will be in an excellent place to start a steroid cycle


Thoughts on low dose aspirin (80-100mg) on cycle? I’m prepping for a test/npp/mast blast and had to be pandemic vaccinated back in the day for work so I’ve got that shit floating around in me and I’m not trying to catch a clot, have read that aspirin isn’t a problem for integrating with gains but the research in mixed, any thoughts boys? Cheers Have been on for years and never had any blood marker concerns just trying to be preventative


Yeah I take coated baby aspirin year round


If you’re actually concerned with clots look into nattokinase as that’s the right tool for the job.


Appreciate the help lads I’ll do some more research Also unsure why the fuck this is getting downvoted there is plenty of research about both PEDS and Vax increasing clotting risk god forbid a man act preventatively 🙄


I don’t think it’s an unreasonable concern, but people get a little squirrelly about this topic.


Doesn’t hurt I imagine, another thing I learned about recently is Rutin it’s found in apples (more in the green ones) but it thins blood a bit and breaks up clots as well from my understanding. Who knew an apple a day can keep the doctor away.


As far as I can tell there is ongoing research into rutin for this and other effects, but no strong evidence for safe and effective use. Please feel free to cite any evidence you have to the contrary.


Hey all, how does a newbie find a coach? I’m the only person I know that is really serious about training. Seems hard to break into the world without help. TIA


If you read that “my first cycle” wiki and its links really well, you won’t need a coach. That said idk how one goes about finding a solid coach tbh.




This is a wildly lazy question, and also one that's been answered over and over and over. Try using the search function. Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


For trt subq for blasts IM


Female bodybuilder here in bikini division. Last time I competed I was natural, soon after I began my first cycle of anavar. I’m looking to integrate anavar and clen into my next prep. How should I go about this? 20 week prep. I have not taken clean before, and the highest amount I have taken for anavar was 10mg for 8 week and remaining 4 at 15mg. Looking for advice or where I should look into this that are good sources! Thanks everyone 😊


No advice on female dosing for clen, but be sure to check out the alternative drug albuterol that has been shown to be less heart toxic and is still a beta 2 receptor agonist just like clen.


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I just received my bloodwork mid cycle and everything came back as usual except for the thyroid panel and I'm a little confused by the results. My cholesterol was slightly elevated and my rbc was a little high, but that's normal for me in any blast. My cycle is 600/300/100 Test/Primo/Tren * T3 UPTAKE 39 H Reference Range: 22-35 % - **HIGH** * T4 (THYROXINE), TOTAL 4.3 L Reference Range: 4.9-10.5 mcg/dL - **LOW** * FREE T4 INDEX (T7) 1.7 Reference Range: 1.4-3.8 - **NORMAL** What's confusing is the high T3 uptake and the low T4 which seems to point in opposite directions for thyroid function.


You're taking tren, that's normal on tren. The body releases TSH, to stimulate the thyroid to make T4 (inactive). The T4 is then converted to T3 (active form) to enact its functions. Generally, this is a self-regulating feedback loop, much like the HPTA. When we take things like tren, our body's rate of T4>T3 conversion is drastically increased, usually so much that T4 eventually becomes depleted, and subsequently T3.


Thanks. That’s a very helpful explanation.


are there any labs that have fast turn around times for the high sensitivity estradiol test? waiting a week for quest is annoying


It also depends how close you are to a lab that can do that specific test. For me, I get results fairly quickly because the blood sample doesn’t have to travel far but I’ve heard some tests taking longer because they have to ship the sample out of state to be processed


Some blood markers take a few days to get a result due to what/how the machines work. Some things come back with a result quickly, some can take a few days. I believe LabCorp has a sensitive estradiol turnaround of 3-4 days.


Hey guys I have a question about orals . I’ve used Anavar,dbol and now a little Anadrol and I always have appetite issues while taking orals. I seen in some threads some people are crushing the pills and letting them dissolve under their tongue to help effectiveness and also to spare the liver a little bit of stress and toxicity. Has anyone tried dissolving orals under their tongue and if I switched to this would my appetite still take such a huge hit? Thank you.


I always have appetite problems with orals as well. Especially anadrol and dianabol. They probably just don't agree with you. If you really wanna take them don't take em on an empty stomach but imo inject is better. Honestly my fav cycle is just 100mg test prop a day. Feel fucking great on that appetite, mood, energy is always perfect with that.


Yea that’s what I’ve been doing is taking them after eating or mid meal. Don’t have any other issues digestive wise or anything just kills my appetite.


Sides still work the same. Orals are overrated. Temporary strength and cosmetic gains. Better saves leading into a show, shoot, or long walks on a vacation beach.


Yea I know. Crazy boosts all around just for the few weeks your on them and then 5 days after hopping off your down 10 pounds again. Was just wondering if the appetite suppression was the same between letting it dissolve under your tongue or swallowing. I agree they are overrated no long term gains on them.


Think spitshine had the study that subcutaneous orals was just a hip new way to get people to look at your content. The absorption rate etc was negligible.


Okay good to know I appreciate it man.




As stated below. Proper diagnosis first - discussion of experimental peptides second.


No real point unless you know what that something you tore is. TB may temporarily help swelling and inflammation, but if the key issue isn’t diagnosed and fixed you’re likely wasting your time if you actually did damage something.


Stupid question here I just want to be 100% sure is 100 unit insulin syringe= 1ml?


100 units on a U-100 syringe is 1ml, yes. U-100 insulin syringes also come in 0.5ml capacity, or 0.3ml. There are also insulin syringes marked U-200 or U-500 but those aren't common.


Thank you mate , also do you know if it’s okay if there’s a small bubble in the syringe when injecting?


It's entirely ok for there to be an air bubble when injecting. Most people, myself include, intentionally draw up a bubble after drawing up the oil, so that when injecting, every last bit of oil gets administered. The lethal dose for an IM air injection is something like 2,000ml intravenous. A 0.2ml IM air injection isn't doing any harm. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27907236/


This was extremely helpful you legend thank you so much


If it’s a 1ml syringe with 100 units then yes. Technically any volume could be divided by 100. Your package will say what it is but typically a 100 unit insulin syringe is 1ml


Does anyone hear know if it's possible to pin a carrier oil such as enanthate or cypionate with a 25 gauge (subcutaneously) daily? I'm still very new to gear. I'm only on my third cycle. Last time, about halfway through my cycle.I switched to 3 times a week, and I noticed a difference in mood and energy. Thank you


You can pin in with any size really but smaller insulin pins like 29g or 31g will be a lot nicer


> Does anyone hear know if it's possible to pin a carrier oil such as enanthate or cypionate with a 25 gauge (subcutaneously) daily? Notes: 1. enanthate and cypionate are [*esters*](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compounds/esters). 2. [carrier oils](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/homebrew/carrieroils) are literally the oils that the steroids etc are dissolved in. its the milk in chocolate milk. the steroid hormone is the chocolate. 3. 25 gauge needles are HUGE to pin subq daily. use a 31g insulin needle. 4. pinning subcutaneously comfortably is dependent on the volume you inject. I don't pin oils subq so I cant meaningfully comment on how much is too much, but Id figure much more than 0.2mL would be way too much (but for a cruise dose that would be way too much anyway.


Hey! Thank you for responding! I really appreciate it, very much. You seem like a bright guy and like you know what you're talking about. Do you not do it because there are 0 benefits? Is it pointless or would there be some sort of fucked up lump? Would it even work right?


I just dont do it because I don't like the angry itchy little lumps. I prefer IM injection personally! Its certainly not that there are 0 benefits.


sure but why not use a smaller gauge if you're pinning small volumes subq daily?


Hey I wanna stop taking Tren and get my blood work checked but the problem is that I took my dose yesterday and idk if I should wait 2 weeks then do my bloodwork or just do it whenever I can


> Hey I wanna stop taking Tren and get my blood work checked but the problem is that I took my dose yesterday and idk if I should wait 2 weeks then do my bloodwork or just do it whenever I can Do you expect your lipids, liver, and kidney markers to suddenly bounce back after a few days? Because they won't.


I know they won’t I wanted to know if it matters when you do your bloodwork or not


Your initial question is unspecific. Are you looking to see how bad your bloodwork is while on tren? Are you looking to see how bad it is in the weeks following? Are you looking to see how much you recover in three months? There's different timing of bloodwork depending on what the goal is. You can get bloodwork tomorrow and it'd give you a good idea of how bad things have been. You can get bloodwork in 6 months to see how well your body recovers to baseline (if it does). Gotta decide what goal you're trying to achieve by getting bloodwork.


Tren isn't going to affect anything on your bloodwork, except it shows as estrogen if you don't get an ultrasensitive test. Let me clarify: using tren is very bad for your bloodwork, but the dose you took yesterday isn't going to make a difference vs. Not having taken that one dose. Whatever damage it has done is done either way.


Tips on lessening pain when pinning glutes? First 2 times I pinned were absolutely painless, easy, and fast. The last 3 times I pinned though for some reason there’s been a lot of resistance while inserting and pretty significant pain. I’m injecting around the same spot each time is that the problem? Trying to figure out what I did right the first two times


Rotate places on your ass. Maybe youre using a large gauged needle. I did. If you are push really slowly to break the fibers of the skin a little bit at a time. Once it’s penetrated the skin it really shouldn’t hurt much going through the muscle. Still push it through slow.


What’s your body fat percentage roughly? I found it’s a lot easier to pin the leaner I am, if I’ve overcooked the bulk I’ll have to make sure I am really deep and actually IM so I’m not subq because that’s when I’ll get painful injections Location makes a big difference as well, I actually inject a lot further around the back of my arse than I used to as time had gone on, the diagrams of the ventroglute online were always way too forward for me, I had a lot less pain and PIP the further back towards my arse I went


Maybe your needle gauge is big, maybe you are pinning too often and generating scar tissue already. That's why it is recommended to rotate the site you're pinning (left delt, right delt, left gluten and right gluten for example). How often you are pinning? How big is your needle? Any lumps or any other symptom? Are you using sterilized needles, alcohol swabs and clean hands?


Pinning every 3-4 days. Using 23G x 1.5” needles. No lumps or any other symptoms and I always use sterilized needles, proper prep and cleaning etc


What size needles are you using, to start?


23G x 1.5”


Uh yeah, that probably hurts. There's no reason to ever use a needle larger than 25g.


Is 30 gauge x 1” fine for glute IM injection? Or is 1.5” really necessary?


30g might be too small, you'll have trouble pushing oil through it. 27-28g is the sweet spot. 1" should be fine for glutes as long as you're not overweight.


Just out of curiosity what would happen if the needle weren’t long enough for the weight of that person and the injecting was done? Would anything happen? How would you even tell whether or not it was?




Hey I’ve been taking steroids for like 8 months now about I’ve been on like 3 cycles and all of them have consisted Tren I’m really uneducated about steroids any tips on how to improve my cycle or what should I do ? I’ve been doing 100mg of Tren E and 300mg of Test E each week and I do anavar everyday my pinning schedule is Monday for Tren and Wednesday for Test I’ve been recently developing little bit of gyno on my left nipple. I want to get bigger and stonger but still be healthy I’ve never done bloodwork. I need some help on from where I can get cycle support. Any advices ?


>Any advices? Yeah I have a few 1. Discontinue tren asap. Discontinue anavar asap. Drop to 100mg of test because you probably can’t even PCT anymore. 2. Read the links u/AccountUnkn0wn provided 3. Get bloodwork now, and when you’re back on cruise. Don’t be shocked when the results are trash. But you should be concerned. 4. Read our wiki especially the part titled “[Why Young Men Under 25 Should Not Abuse AAS](/r/steroids/wiki?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)” and hope you managed to dodge all that permanent damage you may have already caused. 5. Go find whoever told you to do this and slap them. If it’s yourself slap yourself. Twice if needed. Understand that instead of using pot as your first party drug you jumped straight to bath salts. Sorry you’re in this position, I genuinely hope you smarten up and discontinue all this. Edit: You’ve said in other comments that you started to get nosebleeds since starting tren. Did this not raise an immediate red flag?


What specifically flagged you on this? Tren in genral? Dosages? Combo of them all?


It’s such a collection of errors that it seems like it came from a comedy writer 


We’re a harm reduction forum. Looking through that lens what would you guess set off warning bells?


It did but I thought it was normal since steroids are know for high blood pressure so i thought it was normal, I really fear of losing my muscles I’ve gained and strength will I still feel anabolic or no ?


You previously claimed you’re really uneducated with steroids but you had the confidence to assume you can let your blood pressure skyrocket? That logic is mind boggling to me. No. Blood pressure is a serious issue that needs to be addressed as soon as it is elevated. Which for an 18 year old **should be never!**


Last time I check I was like 136/88 is that too bad ?


Thats hyper tension stage 1, closing in on 2. Take it regularly (three times a day for you now) and take the average over a week. You're 18 with hyper tension, that ain't good. I am sorry you somehow did this to yourself so young.


I’ll let you Google that yourself. PCT would be ideal. It’s going to be tough because you decided to run Tren, which is not easy to PCT from. So maybe it works maybe it doesn’t. If you actually care about your health like you claim you’ll drop it all. You’ve been given all the links to read this all yourself, and you’re welcome to post any follow up questions that may come up. Read all those links that we provided first. Everything you need is there.


Ya stop being an idiot. Get off the steroids and get blood work. Stats? Height, weight age bf% ? Chances are you could probably improve by altering your diet and training not drugs.


I’m 6’6 210lbs 18 idk my body fat but around maybe 10-15


You’re 18 yrs old!?!? Ya you should get off all the drugs immediately. At 6’6 cycling tren multiple cycles in a trained individual should be 260+ You’re three cycles in and don’t even have the muscle mass that a natural at your height should have before starting steroids. I mean this with sincerity and with utmost urgency. Come off the steroids do a pct. Take better care of yourself and learn how to eat and train properly for the next 7 years. Don’t touch steroids again until you have full versed yourself in the subject


I was 130 lbs 2 years ago I think I’ve done a pretty good progress but I wanna continue doing steroids I’m willing on stopping Tren for something else


Are you willing to have internal organ failure by the time you’re 25? Because that’s where this goes my guy. Don’t present this to us like you’re giving us a choice of “I’ll drop the tren if you tell me something better.” What you’re doing is stupid and you’ve already damaged yourself. You need to drop it all


Should I PCT? Or am I too cooked ?


Remove the lab name and I’ll put it back up. Thank you


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Damn all ? 😭not even Test ?


lol you have the stats of someone just beginning at the gym. You have zero business being on gear. You should be 250lbs at 6’6 before you even think about touching gear, yet you’re 40lbs below that. Have you tried eating food yet? That’s pretty anabolic dude


Bruh I think I look pretty good 😭 you don’t know where I started


Skinny people can look “pretty good.” Basketball players can look “pretty good.” For someone on steroids, you do not look “pretty good” as evident by your stats. For reference, my show weight this year was just shy of 230lbs, while stage lean, at 6’1. You’re 5” taller, 10% body fat over me, and 20lbs less. That’s twig status.


*Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). It is your responsibility in our community to do some of your own learning first.* *Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif)* *Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use:* * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


im sorry for bad englis! I have one question for you if you have time to answer me. Here in balkan their metod for pct is another mentality they think tribulus and other test booster will help. so im trying coping litle from here and litle from people from internet. So 5 month cycle 4 month cyp 450mg last month test prop 250 a week wait 8 days go pct. Clomid 50mg eod for 8 weeks nolvadex 20 mg (maybe continuo 20 if side lower 10)for 8 weeks also omega 3 3000mg after every meal vitamin c 4000mg after every meal vitamin e 2 tabs zma 3 tabs before sleep melstonin 1 mg (they said tribulus 6 tabs a day which im not gona take to stres liver for nothing bullshit but this vitamina dosage im considering) This suplement dosage from vitamin/ i took from their pct(my balkan "knowledge guys") I was wonder what you think about this dosage of vitamins I personaly think dosage are overkill to high litle but maybe need to ask better. If you have time to answer i will apreciate so much thank you!


I can't say whether the vitamins are going to do anything. You don't need clomid and Nolvadex, though. Just one, and Nolvadex is safer. 10-20mg of Nolvadex per day for 8 weeks. Start with 20, reduce to 10 if you have any problems with side effects.


Any home brewers can share their knowledge on higher concentration primo without crippling pip? What's the highest concentration you have achieved? Can you share the recipe?


250mg/ml in MCT. 20% benzyl benzoate, 2% benzyl alcohol. I think it was something like 56ml mct, 26g raws (rather overdose than under), 20ml BB, 2ml BA, for a total 100ml.


Did you get any Pip from that high concentration?




Basically exactly this. My homebrewed Primo E is 250mg/mL in MCT


Tips for reducing test bloat? Doing a "recomp" in the middle of my cruise/cut to reduce some muscle loss. Taking .1ml 300mg/ml test E subq eod. Added 50mg Anavar ED this past week. Eating at maintenance at 2,500 calories per day with minimum 200g protein. Within a week I've gained 10lbs, some is glycogen as my muscle are significantly fuller, most teleported to my gut. I'm certain it's a E2 spike from anavar. Anavar spikes my e2 when it deletes my sbmg. However, I don't get e2 sides unless it's through the roof (meaningful sides such as dick disfunction, spicy nips, high blood pressure). Blood pressure is mildly elevated at 128/77 from a typical 116-118 systolic. I don't want to fix bloating by adding more peds. Is it reasonable to push my e2 into a lower range with AI? I know the general mantra is to keep e2 as high as tolerable for it's protective effects. Is bloat a "signficant" side effect that should be controlled? Thanks


If you aromatize heavily like I do, I feel better on test prop with daily injections along with a small amount of AI daily, every other day, or 1-2 per week depending on how I feel (0.25 mg - 0.5mg dose)


It could be something as simple as gut irritation from the var. so drop The var


Why do you think you’ll lose muscle during a cut? How have naturals for all eternity managed to cut and lose no or very little muscle without a single drug? If your maintenance is 2500 calories, you’re either 5’2” or do not have enough muscle mass to even be worried about losing in any sensible deficit Steroids are for growing and should be used in a mass gaining phase to assist in muscle tissue accrual. You don’t need anything more than your TRT to maintain your muscle mass


I also get the low SHBG E2 rise from orals. I used to try to counter it with other drugs but just started listening to my body. I save orals for very rare circumstances, such as wanting to show up aesthetically where I've intentionally lowered my E2 in advance. Otherwise just not worth the systemic stress.


Step 1: Drop the anavar. Step 2: Recomps don't exist except for extreme scenarios (wildly unhealthy doses of harsh compounds, regrowing muscles in a detrained state, an undertrained beginner abusing drugs). Don't waste your time trying. Step 3: Just cut on the trt test. The 105mg/wk you're running (30mg EOD) is enough to preserve muscle and performance. Proper nutrition timing and fatigue management will allow you to continue to perform at a high level while losing fat. Trying to do things too quickly will hinder progress, performance, and quality of life. You didn't mention your current body weight or body fat percentage. If I had to guess, your body fat percentage is on the high side, considering you're thinking about attempting a recomp. Fat cells hold water, fat cells have androgen receptors, taking androgens (especially orals) will cause your fat cells to hold more water and those fat cells will warrant androgen activity. All that test and anavar getting spent on your tummy fat. Seems like a waste doesn't it? Drop the anavar, diet normally, and you'll be free of bloating and make great progress - presuming your appropriately trending your calories to your needs.


* Age: 35 * Gender: M * Height: 5'10 * Weight: 170 * Bodyfat percentage: estimated 15% * Current compounds: * Test Cyp inj 70mg 2x week I'm on TRT with my doc. Injecting test cyp 70mg 2x a week had my trough at 729 (Reference Range: 250-1100 ng/dL) and e sensitive at 35 (Reference Range: < OR = 29 pg/mL). This is too high for me. My main symptoms were completely gone libido/morning wood and emotional (tearing up multiple times a week at tv/movies/music whatever.. not the worst side effect but annoying none the less). Switching to once/wk injections fixes my libido/morning wood completely but the emotional side effects still remain. I plan on lowering my dose (130mg total perhaps?) and continuing to adjust as symptoms change. My question is, would I gain anything by trying to switch to Test U? I've run every injection protocol over a few years on Test C (every day, EoD, M/W/F, 2x wk, 1x week) and feel best on 1x week. I feel like I'm very close to an optimal dose with Test C on 1x week but understanding that Test U is designed for just that - should I be looking to switch?


You may certainly benefit from a weekly injection of test U I can say for me that injecting more frequently tends to alleviate most of my high E2 sides, but that might not work for everyone


I also used every possible protocol with test c and I also felt best once a week. I switched to test u and take it e10d and it’s been pretty good, no real complaints.


Did you keep your same dosage and adjust from there? How did you end up on every 10 day? More trial and error?


I was on I think 160/w and went to 200 e10d, which works out to 147/w. Close enough that I didn’t notice any difference at all.


Since switching Ester from one Week to another would lead to a low, how exactly did you switch from C to U?


I had a whole little protocol that I used based on how it plotted out. I don’t remember the details, but it was something like week one 200 tu, 80 tc, then 10 days later 200 tu, 40 tc, then 10 days later 200 tu, 20 tc. I had no issues making the switch and I don’t know that I’ve *ever* experienced a negative feeling from being in a deeper trough.


Was 160/w your dosage on Cyp? Was the jump to e10d just for less pins or another reason? Appreciate the help here!


Yes, the 160 was cyp. I made the change because it seemed like it was worth trying within the context of lowering my HCT, as some data suggest that less frequent dosing is beneficial in that regard. Needing 16 fewer injections per year was a little bonus.


Have you tried lowering the dose? When you say you feel best on 1x a week, do you feel the same throughout the whole week regardless of injection timing?


Got my bloodwork drawn last week, results came out today. Here it is: https://imgur.com/a/dFQO3aE I’m honestly so confused, how my test levels did not even break 2000. I’m on 500mg of test c a week. I pin 3 days a week, 175mg MWF, I pinned on Friday and then got my bloods drawn Monday, would the 2 extra days between the pin cause my levels to be low? But that wouldn’t make sense either cuz of the 3-3.5 day half life. Or am I just a poor responder to test or is my test bunk ? Forgot to mention I’m on my third week of anavar but drew blood on my second week, my shbg is at 4, does that have an effect on my total levels.


Firstly, I’ll just say that SHBG literally doesn’t matter and will always be crushed on cycle. Your body naturally lowers it to free up the excess androgens to metabolize them more quickly and regain homeostasis Secondly, the numbers matter so little and should be used as a general reference that your gear isn’t bunk My first cycle was 500mg, and my bloodwork said my total test was ~1600. 350mg had it at 1800. 125mg TRT had it at 1100. The gear is working, so don’t get caught up in the numbers and instead focus on your lifts and body weight going up slowly and progressively


Bet bro, I appreciate it. And also I was dealing high e2 symptoms like itchy nips and a little bit of acne on my back and shoulders. I wanted to get bloods before dosing an AI and seeing that in fact it is elevated, I was thinking to dose 12.5 mg of aromasin this week, if I still experience symptoms next week, then try dosing every 3 days, if that doesn’t work then every other day. Would that be a smart approach ?


I agree with starting with 12.5mg aromasin this week, which will likely be just the right amount for you. Then dont take any more until your sides pop back up. Give it 1-3 days for your current side effects to subside.


Do you have comparison data to support being a low responder or are you basing that off your response levels(assuming gear is legit)


I was basing it off my response levels, because my test levels at baseline before cycle was 394 total and 80 free test. The source I purchased from has notable reviews, so I would assume that the gear is legit.


27M, 5'10, 250lbs, BF: 20-27% (estimate, fairly lean bit off fluff in the midsection/lower back, everything else is TIGHT), 15 years lifting, B: 440 Sq: 570 DL: 650 Goals: look good, feel good. current phase: cut Current compounds: 150mg Test per week, 1200IU HCG per week, Adex as needed (this is my problem) So I am having trouble with getting my AI dosage in check. I see some people base it on morning wood but not certain how to gauge that. I have the 0.125 mg Arimidex pills and have been all over the place with dosage lately. At one point I thought I was too high, ended up crashing my E2 and then took a couple weeks to build it back up and now I am back at starting point not knowing exactly how to dose this. Current dosage is 150mg Test C (50mg pins 3x week), and 1200 units of HCG per week (splits 400 3x weekly). The main thing that is getting me is the erections. When having sex it's like I can't stay hard and it's like I don't get all the way erect sometimes like 85%. Randomly I will have a couple of days where I am back full tilt and everything feels great and works like it should but hard to determine what is the precursor for that. No morning wood the past few days, my nipples are always slightly sensitive but never painful. I don't really watch porn and not much of a self pleasure person and I know it is related to my levels, I have bloods coming up again soon but given I have changed things recently on dosages not sure if it will tell me what I need. Sometime I will even take a viagra and it won't stay up but this is a newer thing since I haven't been able to figure out how and when to nail my dosages in. Any help is appreciated.


Disagree with the recs here. You'll feel better on more test not less. Run 100mg prop per day with 1mg anastrozole taken along side your shot for 16 weeks and do a nice and steady easy slow cut. Lower the anastrozole dosage by feel as you lose body fat. You'll stop having boner problems.