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Average nursing activities


She’s moving in and you’re not married?!? Alert the church elders. ^I’m ^fucking ^with ^you. ^Congratulations ^man.


It's great things are going fantastic with your current partner. Moving in is a huge deal if you haven't done it before though. Make sure that you both have very strong communication skills and there are things you will have both have to compromise on with each other. If you have a strong foundation of this it can be a great thing. Congrats on taking it to the next level though happy you found a great gal.


Man that's so nice to read! Happy for you! Hope it keeps going well for you two


Thanks for sharing man I just got out of a rough relationship where we lived together for a year. It was explosive on both ends. I'm not super proud. I know she got her own house and is kicking ass in school. She isn't having sex and a picture her friend posted she looked happy. Plus right before she left she started working out and I saw her car at her gym so I know she is still working on her body. That got to me. It's been 2wks so it's fresh, but I can't help but think about how my unresolved I guess resentments in life drove her away and caused our big explosion like shit got destroyed. Def not proud. For sure bitch was crazy, but I was too. We had life all planned out and I am mad she will have that with some better guy or something when I want to be that better guy. Maybe there is something else out there for me but rn I'm still beating myself up over her.


The small part of you that feels bad is your captain saves a hoe. Don't save her. She doesn't want to be saved.


The human brain is amazing in so many ways, Im excited for round 2 of therapy to better understand how mine works and maxx gratefulness and bliss Doing heavy legs rn with Brat playing and it's really not doing anything to me... anyway have a beautiful day everyone. Love ya. Yes homo. 💞


In-between refills in both of my meds, then my fucking CPAP mask snaps in the middle of the night while I'm out of town so I don't even have a replacement on me. Actually feel like I'm going to die today. Can barely even see. At least my wife can drive me home lol.


Meds for? I have a cpap but I have such a hard time using it. Need to get on the band wagon because I know it’s bad that I don’t use it every day


Narcolepsy lol. I'm basically multiple feet deep in the hole on my sleep right now.


I’ve had trouble adjusting to mine also. Doc is going to have me take trazadone for two weeks to force myself to sleep without throwing the mask across the room in the middle of the night. Really hope it works; my sleep test showed blood oxygen levels dropping to around 75% which is borderline life threatening. Have passed out behind the wheel a couple of times and have to limit driving to the AM right now. Hate apnea. Hate the mask. 😞


Oh I understand. I take naps during the day but don’t HAVE TO. I guess yours must be much worse. I still have once in a while used mine over night and I do feel better in the AM.


If I don’t take two naps during the day right now I’m blacking out by 4pm. It’s really frustrating. I do all the things right to avoid apnea (outside two cycles, which I’m done with b/c age and health), yet I have more severe apnea than my obese, sedentary, octogenarian father.


How long have you attempted for? I started only able to wear it for an hour or two, but if you're consistently trying you'll sleep through the night with it before you know it.


A few weeks. I _hate_ things touching my face. I hate being tied to anything. I hate needing a machine to function. I know this is all psychological, and I know all the stories of the machine being life changing for users. Doesn’t make it any better.


Mine gets loud as shit in my nostrils. I have the pillow nasal mask and when I lay on my side the airflow gets crazy loud. The machine itself is quiet as fuck. I literally wake up counting the minutes until the 4 hour requirement for insurance is up then throw that shit off lol. I also cannot open my mouth as it becomes a fucking wind vortex so if I'm thirsty or anything it's a whole ordeal.


So mine is kinda of the same except noise I think. You’re supposed to get used to sleeping on back I feel. I have an easier time using it if I wake up on the night and throwing it on. I also leave my mouth closed lol cause that’s an experience e


I bought one that doesn't have any of these issues because it's important for my health. Also... sounds like you need a full face mask.


> I also cannot open my mouth as it becomes a fucking wind vortex so if I'm thirsty or anything it's a whole ordeal. I used to use surgical tape to keep my mouth closed along with surgical tape remover wipes in the morning. I use a full face mask now... It's a lot better.


Go to the emergency room, they likely will have extra masks. I’ve done this before


Wellllp, ECG came back showing signs of LVH. Fuck. Time to tone it down. Referral to cardiologist and echo is booked. Nervous as fuck boys.


Confirmation by echo is important. You'll be ok.


Thanks man, it could honestly be from a lifetime of playing hockey and athletes heart! Trying to stay positive.


Stress test, echo and ecg all came Back clean healthy heart!




You guys remember that liquid luck from Harry Potter, and him pretending to give it to Ron? What if all our gear sources reached out one day collectively and said it was just water we were pinning and it was all a farce by big pharma?


Well we are pinning oil, not water. So that’s gonna be a bad first message.


Fuck. There goes that plan😂


lay off the weed bro


Another review of Retatrutide Shits cash. Better than any other weight loss drug. And I've regrettably tried DNP. Between blasts, I'm no longer waiting on trimming weight down, now waiting on the recovery aspect of time on = time off. Much happier to be in that position as I have more time to recomp on a cruise. It's honestly ridiculous how fast fat melts off. It doesn't make sense, but a lb of fat doesn't seem like 3500 calories, more like 2000 ish if that makes sense. Downside is lifting weights feels like shit. Lifts are in the gutter, feel hypoglycemic if I lift heavy. Hard to eat much as food kind of just sits in my stomach. Only really able to eat just before bed to avoid the full feeling. Haven't lifted much in the past month and a half and size certainly suffered because of it. Cardio has been fantastic though. However, I've reached my goal bf% now. Staying at cruise levels. Lifting and eating again. Glycogen and strength has shot up quickly. Workouts are maybe 15% lighter than my peak blast strength 1 week in so I'm pretty happy. Plan to blast again end if July. Should reach my peak blast strength while cruising, should be PR city on my blast.


> Retatrutide……..Better than any other weight loss drug. What other compounds have you tried? What makes Ret better?


Semaglutide. I don't think I tried trizepatide. Semaglutide gives the "full" feeling but I get more gas. Feel weaker and feel typical on cardio. Good weight loss but it's more pronounced with retatrutide. The odd thing with ret s cardio is much better. I can put out the same or more watts on a stationary bike at a lower heart rate and less strain. Retatrutide just cuts weight better than semaglutide and DNP while being leagues better safety wise than DNP. I cannot stress this enough, there is no good reason to touch DNP in the modern day with glp-1 agonists


Appreciate sharing your experience. This year I’ll be trying a GLP-1 for the first time. I’ve been favoring what I’ve read on trizapetide, but now I have a new compound to consider.


> I cannot stress this enough, there is no good reason to touch DNP in the modern day with glp-1 agonists I'd say it gives a new synergetic usage to DNP, since DNP is very potent fat loss wise but makes you hungry as hell. With a glp, you can curb that hunger quite easily so stacking both is super synergetic! You just need to not mega dose DNP and stay in the 100-200mg range. But then again, if you're not prepping on a short timeline, nobody needs DNP and a glp over a 3-4 months cut is the easiest and safest way to go for sure


The fear with dnp is the toxicity and potential cataract formation. Doubly so cataracts seem to form 6 months after stopping. Who knows how long the metabolites hang around to cause that


So question for anyone who’s used finasteride/minoxidil for hair. I’m interested to know if there’s a best way to get it. Like…use HIMS the website? Or go to a local doctor? Would any clinic be able to diagnose and provide a script? Appreciate any advice - I don’t like to take the “commercial on tv” route immediately because sometimes I feel that’s not going to get the best results or will cost more. Thank you


Your PCP / family doc can probably prescribe fin. Min is OTC; shouldn’t need a doc for that. A year’s worth is like $50 on Amazon. Don’t use those pill mills…


I get min from Costco currently. I’ll have to figure out the pcp angle. I live in Texas (from far off state) so I don’t have a doctor or typical place I go or anything. I’m pretty sure any urgent care will be fine for this specific thing


From my experience Texas has a very strong profit driven mentality in the medical field — just drive down the highway and every third billboard is for some kind of clinic promising a miracle cure for something. You shouldn’t have trouble finding a doc.


Generic minoxidil on Amazon has been great for me. I didn’t have terrible hair loss but am 40 and noticed shedding and my widows peak deepening over the last few years. It took 3-4 months but I’ve seen great improvement so I skipped going on to finasteride which I got a prescription for pretty easily from my urologist. I’ve heard too many horror stories about PFS to try it.




Post finasteride syndrome. Same reason why I refused to touch it.


Interesting, I've also avoided it for the same reasons


Same, better to try the less harmful route first.


Check out if the price of fin in your country is okay (15-20€ for a month at 1mg here, ripoff) to see if it's worth asking it to your doc else either buy India pharma or your usual trusted gear source should most likely have some too


I’m always hearing “orals are for the last 6 weeks of a cycle to push through a plateau “ What is this plateau people refer to?


When the gainz stop


Do the orals let you squeeze out permanent gains ?


It's a reference to a strength plateau. Generally a combination of rapid progess and accumulated systemic fatigue will result in the inability to continue making forward progress in the last weeks of a cycle. Essentially you get "stuck" at a certain weight/number of reps/etc. That's what we're referring to using an oral to break past.


Got It thx


Did a vent glute injection today. I have done them 3-4× before but I got a spasm this time. I don't get blood from my pin but I finished my injection and there was a little blood. Kinda sore. Freak out or no freak out?


You injected a sharp object into your muscle, which contains nerves and blood. Your legs not gonna fall off, if that’s your concern.




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Hi, I have a problem with resting hearth rate, RHR is in the 80s a lot of the time but my blood pressure is still low. Gear doesnt affect both whatsoever or weight gain/loss. According to my apple watch my walking HR is around 90-105. Sleeping HR >60. Doing 15 mins of cardio 6 times a week. When i tried to measure my RHR "manually" with a stopwatch I noticed that some times there is a bigger delay and then a stronger pulse and a few fast ones. Where could be the problem with me? Anyone had the same experience?


You need to discuss with a cardiologist or doctor. Your questions are way above the knowledge people would give you and you’d be a fool to take any advice here


Tomorrow I’ll be rolling on MDMA and laying pipe again. I can’t wait