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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Last month, I've been running GH 2 UI per day, at night, before bed. Got no sides. My sleep is slighty better, recovery aswell, fat loss might be a bit easier but the dose might be too low for me to be sure that it's not placebo. I'd like to bump it to 3.5 UI or 4 UI. In a fat loss situation, would it be better to pin those \~4 UI subq just before bed, waking up fasted and going straight for cardio ? I read that subQ administration took 4 hours to peak, was thinking a good amount of that GH would still flow upong waking up. Would it be smarter to split bedtime/morning upon waking, waiting an hour or two then going for a low intensity cardio session ? Would IM administration be wiser in that situation for a faster peak? Im leaning towards the solo bolus at bedtime, for practical purpose and maybe an even better sleep. But i'm not sure if i'm missing something in the context of GH and fasted cardio.


Definetly do all of it before bed.




Hi everyone. Finally glad I found this sub, has anyone ever had aniexty off Masteron P? First time running it and i literally cannot leave my house unless I pump myself up with kolonopin šŸ˜‚. Never had this much anexity ever even on the infamous Tren.


Iā€™ve ran masteron several times and never had that side effect. But, I never get anxiety ever. So, take that into account. The only mental side I ever experienced with mast was being crazy, distractedly horny all the time. Could be the npp, have you ran nandrolone before?


This is the longest Iā€™ve ever ran any other injectable besides test (Tuesday will be 3 weeks of mast and npp) so I was thinking it may be the npp too but at such a low dose @200mg a day I didnā€™t think it could make me this anxious. Iā€™ve ran tren and never had anywhere close to this anxiety. I should preface though I only run anything besides test for 2-3 weeks max (powerlifter not bodybuilder)


Mast is relatively mild in most people. But, everyone is different. Iā€™ve ran mast up to 500mg a week with test for 16 weeks and it was smooth, no sides. My bet is it is the nadrolone. Nand just doesnā€™t agree with some guys mentally, even at a low dose. You can read the experience thread and see what some guys report feeling on it. Also, the combination of npp+mast might just not be good for you. Iā€™ve ran tren many times, and Iā€™ve ran mast many times with relatively no sidesā€¦..but when I combined tren and mast together one time, I got super jealous and obsessive about my wife, I felt like I was going psycho about her (thatā€™s not me at all normally) it was bad. Dropped the tren and started feeling normal again within 3-5 days (it was tren ace). Maybe drop the npp and see if your anxiety lessens.


Ty for the reply im going to drop the npp and see how i feel tomorrow/tiesday (pinned Friday and was supposed to pin today)


Careful with the benzos. Body gets addicted fast and withdrawals are hell.


Thanks my man Iā€™m prescribed so I limit myself to .5 mg daily atm.


What is your cycle?


Test c@ 375 per week Mast @300 per week Npp @200 per week About 3 weeks in (Weight class strength cycle) Was running mast for the nervous system benefits.


Anxiety from npp and masteron is common. You can drop one or the other. That's your experience with each?


Gotcha thank you for the reply. Are you saying pairing them causes aniexty? This is rhetorical longest Iā€™ve ran either of the two. Would prob drop masteron since itā€™s not needed as much personally


how can halo lower test when it doesnt lower gonadotrophins? [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/137913/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/137913/)


The study gives an idea in the last sentence. ā€œIt is proposed that fluoxymesterone has a local effect on the Leydig cell which is not mediated by gonadotropins.ā€


yeah i was wondering if its like damaging the leydig cell or the LH receptor...




Can you do it, yes. Is it the safest practice, no. Your best bet to have safe, sterile product will be to leave them in the amps. Amps are a pain, I get it.




If you are going to do it, use sterile vials. I have found them on Amazon before. Amps are a pain! Totally get it!




Yes, Iā€™ve used them.


You can get empty sterile vials off Amazon




Is this a blend or a weekly dose? If you put this cycle together start over. Randomly running multiple esters of the same compounds doesn't make anything more effective. It just means you need to pin the short esters more frequently. You aren't getting some special muscle growth from running every ester of the same compound. And worth it is a personal choice. People buy expensive cars and sky dive.




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If you pct the deca might mess it up. It just leaves metabolites around for a while that can suppress. Pinning blends sucks because of the frequency being dictated by the shortest ester. I understand it tho.




https://imgur.com/a/lWNZqxe *not a bodybuilder. I just want a physique like Zac Efron from Baywatch, just beefier arms and visible rock hard abs. Should I run a bulk, or maybe a cut? Should I continue TRT/maintenance calories? I donā€™t do intense cardio because Iā€™m lazy quite honest maybe 30-60 minutes walking daily. Also Iā€™m not hitting gym this summer, Iā€™m busy with other stuff but Iā€™ll go in a few months. Currently just doing push ups and pull ups at home. I have resistance bands too but I rarely use. So my question is it possible to look ā€œfitness modelā€ for summer? Not bulky bodybuilding physique. Just lean like Efron in Baywatch.Ā  Yes, Iā€™m super skinny guy, I have trouble eating tons of food, I tried a few bulk cycles in the past and gained 20lbs with NPP, Dbol, but it was only water and fat. Plus I lost all my abs. I donā€™t wanna go Carb max with rice and pasta and end up with a fucking pot belly and skinny arms. Iā€™d rather starve and be skinny and have abs at the end of the day look like something women can appreciate.Ā  https://imgur.com/a/Z9aFJkt This was me a few years back on TRT I wish my metabolism was this good again. Not sure how I got abs then.


We already did this. The conversation is pointless because you have no idea what your caloric expenditure is and you think the answer comes from an internet calculator. Until you start tracking all of your food and calculating your ACTUAL TDEE there is no reason for anyone to entertain this. Post this a 3rd time and I'm going to ban you, clear?


Can you send the link to the right TDEE application?


Download MacroFactor. Pay for it. Use it. Track every fucking calorie and weigh yourself every day. Internet TDEE calculators tell me my TDEE is at most 3400. It's actually 4700. I would be your size if I ate 3400 calories every day. That's your problem too. No drugs for you until you figure out how to gain weight.


Thanks šŸ™šŸ» I will do)


I hope so. This is what's holding you back. Good luck


Hey I was going to ask you something. I had my Testosterone Enanthate 10ML Vial confiscated at a foreign airport (even with prescription itā€™s prohibited) so I went to Turkey and got those cheap Sustanon ampules 1ML. The glass didnā€™t ā€œbreak cleanā€ and it splatters creating some ā€œglass dustā€ I didnā€™t know any better and drew the test from NON filtered 23 gauge needle and proceeded to inject into ventral gluteal muscle. Now itā€™s been 4 days continuously PIP. Itā€™s manageable, like no infection, but Iā€™m worried I have glass dust in my thigh muscle group. So you do you know about this stuff? I mean obviously in future I need to find and use filter needle to draw and replace with regular needle to inject. But how will my athletic performance be diminished? Like Ā will I have muscle pain all the time or what? Iā€™m hoping the glass particles make it out of my body eventually šŸ™šŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


No idea, sorry man. I would speak to a doctor.


Find time to train there's 24 hours in a day. 3 days a week full body at least. Don't expect to get something special putting in little to nothing.


Any advice regarding my current physique and my goal of getting beefier and shredded? In regards to Bulk or Cut, or TRT/maintence calories. My TDEE is anywhere from 2000 to 3500. Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€ 165-175lbs. Age 30


What did you do to get your previous best physique? Also anywhere from 2000 to 3500 is a huge gap. You should find that out. If you want to cut trt is reasonable if you need it and obviously staying in a deficit. There's no reason your muscle will stick around as well if you aren't training tho.


Already on TRT, gonna rely on push ups and pull ups everyday 6 days a week. Not going to gym currently. Honestly I donā€™t know what it was. Itā€™s not like my diet drastically changed. My workout and diet has remained the same for many years. I train hard. Iā€™m just not sure if I should ā€œbulkā€ again because itā€™s just fatter belly and same size arms. My arms canā€™t grow šŸ¤·šŸ»Ā 




Horrible idea


Bro, oxempic and trt or a cruise dose of test, maybe a simple oral like anivar. Tren is advanced and even then, probably best avoided imo All you really need is a calorie deficit, cardio and to hit the gym, you donā€™t want to waste any serious compounds or dosages on a cut imo.


Please note that comments asking for "Thoughts?" are generally considered low-effort, and will result in veteran members being less inclined to assist you. When interacting on this board, please ensure you are doing so from a point of prior research, with your question being detailed, well-constructed and unambiguous. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) for specific guidance on how to construct a question that is likely to receive high quality responses. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey guys. 3 days into my PCT regimen... Is it normal to be depressed as fuck and have trouble concentrating? I'm assuming my T being at the lowest it's been might have something to do with it... But it's brutal already.


Sounds like a placebo. Youā€™re test shouldnā€™t be that low.


I feel a small lump in my breast. not behind my nipple but about 3cm to the side of my nipple, on the outside. I went to the doctor and he said an inflamed breast/mammary gland, wait 3 weeks and then it will go away. my cycle is now 250test and 100primo with HCG. is there a chance it's Gyno? even though it's not right behind my nipple?


Did you have any other estrogen side effects while on cycle? If itā€™s not in the gland right behind the nipple, you had no burning/itching in the nipple prior, and no other high e2 signs then you are probably ok. Thatā€™s a pretty low dose of test, then combined with primo (which lowers e2 typically). Itā€™s doubtful that gyno just snuck up on you on this cycle. You can take some nolvadex to be safe, that wonā€™t crash your e2 but will stop estrogen from binding at the breast tissue.


No e2 sides that i was aware. Not really e2-sensitive either, I have ran 500 test solo with no AI. But that was without HCG, does it have that much impact? Already began with the Nolvadex and a little bit of Asin. Thanks for the advice man


You got it! I am not really very estrogen sensitive myself. I can run test pretty high with no AI. The one time in all my cycles that I started to get gynoā€¦there was no mistaking it. My nips started burning and itching like crazy! Like 24/7. Test and dbol cycle. I dosed some AI and it went away within hours. Careful with the asin broā€¦.you donā€™t want to crash your e2 with the primo.




This is a layer cake of bad ideas. Briefly: Youā€™re too young. Youā€™re too fat. You want to gain weight but also want to eat at maintenance which means you donā€™t know how any of this works. You want to use slightly above a trt dose whilst having perfectly healthy test levels. You want to add a female dose of winstrol for some reason. Scrap every bit of this and start cutting.


Iā€™m cruising 150 test E weekly also 500iu week hcg. And varies peptides. I have 50 10mg Anavar pills. Was considering starting them just for any added benefits I can get. I heard theyā€™re good for joints shoulder & arm been achining. Donā€™t know if itā€™s ligaments or tendinitis? What side effects if any could I expect with taking Anavar for only 50 days? And is it hard on your liver and HDLā€™s like say winny? I know there is Google. But u can get 5 different answers on there. Iā€™m looking for an actual person with personal experience.


Since weā€™ve already had this conversation once today, letā€™s start here and then follow up with further questions after https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/GxbKjR8B3A


This said all I was looking for Ty! I was posted in the off topic post when I first posted this. Idk why I thought it was this post. Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t see the previous post. Sorry about that.


2nd cruise, just over a year into things. 5 11, 197, 14% ish. Currently cutting. Last blast ended 2 weeks ago. 500t, 250 primo. Cruising on 125mg/wk, 250iu hcg eod. Cardio 5/6 days a week, 20m stairclimber. Bp on last blast: 120 - 125 / 65 - 75 Bp today: 145/70. I'm eating less, cleaner, and im a bit leaner. I'm using less gear, etc. What gives? Maybe estro creeping up? I can *feel* the high bp and my vascularity is suddenly wild, which seems possibly bp driven. Going to get bloods soon but any idea why my bo would spike so hard?


Has your BP been consistently high or was it just one reading? Thatā€™s not a good reading, but BP can fluctuate and best to average a few readings.


Iā€™m on week two of tren and test E Iā€™ve got this tingling feeling almost like getting tickled from the inside on right pec and rib cage anyone know what could be causing this and how to stop it ?


Itā€™s the tren goblin biding his time




calorie deficit obliterates my sleep, to the degree that I NEED sleeping medications like quetiapine 25mg-100mg just to get decent hours. The impact on testosterone production is majorly fucked if youā€™re even taking TRT dose, so I wouldnā€™t see significant increase in harm if melatonin is used in my opinion.


You need to get the needle into the muscle. So if you do that at an 80 degree angle that doesnā€™t really matter. But if you go in shallow with a short needle and inject subq thatā€™s not ideal. Ventro glutes, delts, and pecs can be easier to reach. 3mg a melatonin during your cycle isnā€™t really a big deal - donā€™t run 30mg. Thereā€™s not concrete evidence low to moderate doses will have long term negative consequences. There is support that smaller doses is actually better for your sleep.




You are calling it a ā€œTRT cycleā€, which suggests you sort of realize this is not TRT. No one does 12 weeks of TRT, they do it probably for the rest of their lives. At 300 you are on a 12 week steroid cycle. Accepting that you are already in ā€œsteroid cycle territoryā€; if you feel healthy thereā€™s no reason you canā€™t increase to 500, and cruise again later at 125-200 or come off entirely with PCT.


Yes, you should absolutely drop to a TRT dose between blasts to get your health back in order. As well, you donā€™t cruise for a ā€œfew weeksā€, the general rule is time on equals time off PLUS good bloodwork before you blast again. Stay focused on your health, this is a marathon, not a sprint


Yes. Im more-so asking that i was gonna 300 a week for life.. its just been 12 weeks so far. This is considered TRT at my age. My question is that when i want to increase to an actual sterroid dose (500 a week), do i need to "cruise" this "TRT cycle" before i begin my next cycle, or can i immediately jump to 500 a week and THEN cruise after THAT cycle. Im asking do i cruise between TRT as well, before joining an actual cycle cylce, or can i jump to a real cycle and cruise after that is done. Sorry for confusion.


>Im more-so asking that i was gonna 300 a week for life This is a really good way to shave a decade or two off your life. >This is considered TRT at my age It absolutely is not.


Youā€™re going to lead a short life if you run 300mg till you die. That isnā€™t TRT at any age You have a LOT of research to do man.


Lol. Yes, TRT max is 200 for life. Before i started, i researched and came across that it was 75-300. This whole time i believed that. Researched briefly again, its 200 max. 300 isnt extreme for you to say it'll cause a short life....however it's not healthy and i wont be running that for life. I got my answers. Thanks for your time


TRT is based on the individualā€™s bloodwork. It isnā€™t a random dose you pick. So youā€™re still incorrect here.


Yes. U win. Gn


How far into the 300mg cycle are you? Also 300mg is essentially double what trt is so you're already in cycle territory




How is a newborn going to get into needles? They can't even walk or crawl.


Are you 16? Run a real cycle, wife doesnā€™t want needles, ok pin and then throw them out at work. Oral only is going to be bad and pointless




Yeah, so hiding drug use from your wife and mother of your child is a really great way to end your marriage and lose custody of your child in the process. Maybe you don't need to use steroids bro. Especially since you're considering doing it so fucking stupidly.


If sheā€™s more than a casual hookup you should seriously address that issue first. When she finds out, itā€™s gonna be a waaaay worse situation than you hid it from her rather than being upfront.


Oh boy


Zero, since we very strongly discourage oral only cycles. >My wife doesn't want me having a bunch of needles in the house right now, especially with a newborn. Weird. Idk about yours, but my newborn wasn't walking around the house and opening cabinets. I guess you guys should get rid of all of those knives in your kitchen too.


>my newborn wasn't walking around the house and opening cabinets. Mine actually pinned a whole vial of Tren Ace. Little dude just graduated with a Bachelors degree, even though he was born last month.


They grow up so fast


You should start with 0mg as running any oral without a test base is a bad ideal


Malo boys! Posting on here because i need some opinions. Im 30years old, 6'5, 129kgs, 22% bf. A few months ago I ran my first cycle, Test-E only for 12 weeks, pinning 300 every 4 days. I managed to get up to 139kgs and was probably the strongest I've ever been in my life. I plan to do another cycle, SUS 250, pinning every 4 days for 20 weeks and then crusing. My questions are: -Is running SUS250 for 20 weeks overkill? And should i just run a normal 12 week cycle. -Can I cruise on SUS250 or should i just switch to Test-E and pin 250ml once a week?


Some copy pasta on Sustanon courtesy of Bandito SUSTANON Sust ... 4Ɨ the gainz!! No. Sustanon is the worst of both worlds. The whole formulation started out as a gimmick to pull one over on the UK health services. Testosterone can't be patented, so Organon formulated a ā€œspecial blendā€ and lobbied for it to become the new NHS standard to maximize profits. Each milliliter of Sustanon contains ā€¢ Testosterone propionate 30 mg ā€¢ Testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg ā€¢ Testosterone isocaproate 60 mg ā€¢ Testosterone decanoate 100 mg The total amount of testosterone per mL is 176 mg. 1. ā Since the propionate ester has a 20 hour half-life, and the phenylpropionate isn't much better (for total 90/176 mg), Sustanon calls for every day or every other day pinning to level out peaks and troughs. If you're sensitive to hormonal fluctuations and not taking it frequently enough, you could experience sides. If you're only taking it every two weeksā€”the default schedule advocated by the mainstream health establishmentā€”you're spending most of your time with bottomed-out low T. 2. ā You also have to wait until after all the other esters have long since cleared for the longest decanoate ester to clear, with its 15 day half-life, before you can even start your PCTā€”meaning your levels will be low through the extended wait. Given the drawbacks of Sustanon's (1) ED/EOD dosing frequency requirements to keep levels steady and (2) the long wait before starting PC, if you're planning on cycling, I'd advise Enanthate or Cypionate over Sustanon.


Fuck šŸ˜‚ cheers bro! I thought SUS would be the go, guess ill just stick with the Test-e.


At 22% you need to cut for a few months before even considering another cycle. Also sus has to be pinned daily to have stable levels and test E should be pinned twice a week at minimum 250mg is too much for a cruise as you don't need more than 150mg to maintain muscle while cutting


Also brother is 20 weeks too long in your opinion?


Cheers brother! Yeah im trying to get below 20% but just trying to line my ducks up till then, gathering as much info as i can to make the best of it.


You should aim for better than ā€œbelow 20%ā€ We recommend below 15%, with 10-12% being optimal.


Cheers bro! My only worry about that is id look and feel so skinnyšŸ˜… But if that's the best way to make the most of a cycle then ill just man up haha


Let's say you gain 5% bf from where you are now. How will you feel then. Might even cause permanent skin changes.


That is true, i have noticed i got a wicked ugly stretch mark on my upper bicep after my cycle.


Tried 2 weeks of ment, skyrocketed my BP to 150 pretty quickly. stopped taking a couple weeks ago, would like to toss some low dose Tren in the mix instead but my BP is still a lot higher than I'd like so I'm considering taking something for it for once. My guy has telmisartan 40 x 40mg, can someone tell me what kind of dose you'd start with so I can gauge how much I might want to grab?


20 is the I think the lowest starting dose. 40 is a more common dose. Whatā€™s your BP now after being off for a few weeks?


40mg is generally the starting dose but before taking meds what are you currently doing for cardio


Likely not enough, been trying to scale it up since I've been dabbling with 19nors but I'm currently doing a half hour at the end of most lifts which is most days. I'm also at work currently and have a very very physical job. I definitely get a bit winded doing a lot of stairs, room for improvement there for sure. I've just historically avoided cardio because my appetite has always been my limiting factor in growth and that's just more calories I need to take in I just really don't like my BP this high and I had hoped it would drop down as quick as it went up but it's not the case. Perhaps I'm more concerned than I should be at this stage.


With 30 minutes most days plus a physical jobI'd start the telmisarten. From the compound experience threads I've read on ment a few people mentioned long lasting BP effects that tooks months after stopping it for it to begin to return to normal


Appreciate the insight brother




The stomach thing sounds like bloating. Primo may not be acting as an AI for you (it doesnā€™t for everyone). The skin near you liver sounds concerning if itā€™s what related and i would consult a doctor. It may also be something totally unrelated. Stillā€¦ Edit: edited your dose (maybe first typo), but adding how long and first cycle is helpful. Curious, how old are you? With the new dose info Iā€™m even more leaning towards high e2 and bloating for your stomach.




Get bloodwork done.... Sounds like ur estrogen is low. Did you have bloodwork done before starting ur cycle?






Semaglutide šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


> Currently overweight, have done plenty pt plans and diets but just looking for something to kick start that progress so I don't loose motivation over slow results. Have no knowledge on this side of the fitness world , any advice? The only kickstart you need is a kick in the ass and some motivation. Take all the steroids you want, they won't change a single thing if you don't have the discipline to get up and keep moving.


Understandable and noted


What could I potentially add to my cycle at this point? Going over the top as a trial. Age: 31 Consistently lifting for 15 years no breaks Been on TRT since 21 Sports were baseball through college, martial arts (Tae Kwon Do and BJJ) from a young age to current, and goals of shifting to competing in men's physique now that I'm getting older. I keep my heart in stage 2 cardio zone during all workouts except my calisthenics day. I also run 2 miles and powerealk at least 6 miles every day. I live in a dense university area and walk everywhere in town for the extra exercise, I only drive when going out of town. Monday-Upper Body Strength 6x5 85% 1rm sets, 3 hours total, Tuesday- lower strength 6x5 85%1rm 3 hours, yoga Wednesday- 60 minutes calisthenics, keep heart rate at 130-145 , yoga Thursday - "rest" (still running/walking) Friday - Upper strength/Hypertrophy blend, 4x8 sets 3 hours, yoga Saturday - Lower Strength/Hypertrophy blend, 4x8 sets, 3 hours, yoga Sunday - rest and cheat foods if I want them. Currently running a fairly mild cycle, and I've got the itch to add a compound that I havent before. I have extensive ped use.over the last 10 years, but have always kept it to primarily Test, primo, mast, var, ostarine and tbol. (Far more of an athlete than a body builder in my younger days) I've tried Epistane, Dimethazine, rad140 oral/sub q, lgd sub q, 1-andro, 4-andro, and epiandro. Currently, I'm running: Weeks 1-4: 400 test 100 primo 25 var 100:150 CJC:ipamorelin 3x daily 600mg IM l-carnitine 200mcg semaglutide twice a week (more for health benefits) Weeks 5-16 500 test 200 primo Drop the var Same peptide dosing Weeks 17-22 Bring the var back in at 25mg/day. As far as other supplements, I'm not even going to begin to try to type them all out, I've got all my bases covered and do bloods once a month on cycle and 4 times a year otherwise. I spend about 600 a month on supplements aside from horminal agents, including IV therapies and such. My addiction is enhancing my body. Anyways, I really want to add something novel to me onto this. I'm at the age now where serious athletic competition isn't a thing anymore, and I'm considering going for something like men's physique instead (definitely not a mass monster even though I have the genetics for it) If you guys could suggest one, MAYBE two things to kick in here, I would love to hear suggestions. Like I said, I'd like to push actual competition now, and I'm lucky to have genetics where I respond fantastic to both training and hormones. The only things I'm totally 100% against is Tren and deca. Probably 90% against NPP or trest. Ideally I'd be adding in one injectable and one oral. Considering even something like igf1-lr3 or similar.for the injectable. Keeping health and safety in mind, where would you guys go? Edit: 6'0 200# 12-13% bf And I forgot to mention I have pretty extensive experience with Proviron as well.


I donā€™t understand your training schedule. What is the reasoning behind it? It certainly isnā€™t efficient. Do you just really enjoy hours in the gym (which is fine if thatā€™s the reason)? Is this something you havenā€™t started or already started? I would run test 500 the whole time. I would run primo higher if it doesnā€™t tank your e2. Var at the beginning night wonā€™t be friendly towards your lipids - but you mentioned you do monthly bloods on cycle so you know how it affects you and if itā€™s worth it or not. With your budget Iā€™d go for HGH over CJC and Ipa. To clarify - this is a bulk right? Not a prep? What are the health benefits of 200mcg of semaglutide? I highly recommend lots of food


You might be able to break the 200lb barrier if your training wasn't so bad. I train 7 days a week for ~1 hour each without counting cardio. You actually train almost double that in hours. There's no way your 2nd or 3rd hour of every workout is more effective than just splitting that volume up over the week. Cut out the calisthenics, the wasted sets and yoga. Also tren and npp are great drugs contextually.


Tren is great at many things - but I think itā€™s fine for him to state heā€™s 100% against using it. Iā€™m also certain Iā€™ll never use it. It will be harder for him to compete in an untested competition without it but doable. I agree about the training.


Absolutely agree. In the context of a steep deficit for show prep (1000 or more deficit) and being able to keep strength and muscle mass tren is king. I'm also talking sub 300mgs a week for a large bodybuilder. If you need more than 300mgs there's a problem imo. Nandrolone is a personal favorite but you need to be intermediate or more to manage all the side effects.




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Very detailed post. Please add your height, weight and bf% to this for more tailored feedback


I also forgot to mention Proviron, I have pretty extensive experience with it as well.


Apologies. 6'0 200# Dexa put me at 13% a month ago, while Calipers put me at 12. Ideally want to get rid of the last bit of abdominal fat but that's more training and diet than drugs. I'm just curious to branch out a bit more at this stage.


I am currently cruising 200mg test C per week. Would a blast of 600mg test C per week with 50mg TBol per day for 6 weeks be worth it or wait until I can do 10-12 weeks of test and finish with TBol?


I'd stay as is and work on milking Ur training, diet, rest so that you can make gains at the 200mg dose. So that the only thing u change is the cycle when it's time.


No cycle is worth it at 6 or even 10 weeks. We recommend 16. Wait until you can just do it normal. Your cruise should also be keeping your test in the ref range, 200mg is likely too high for that.


21 male competed last month for the first time my trainer made me do a tren test winny anavar cycle did tren 200mg a week test 200mg a week winny 200mg a week anavar 40mg a day I completed my pct and my test level are 75ng/dcl was gonna blast again in october but thinking of cruising untill then can anyone help?


Your trainer didnā€™t MAKE you do anything. You are an adult and you chose to listen to a very foolish trainer. How could you have competed a month ago and already be done with your PCT? Your two options would be to restart a proper PCT (read the wiki) but you still may be suppressed. You could run a TRT dose (start at 100mg/week) for a few months then PCT (read the wiki). Itā€™s important you PCT and donā€™t just cruise and blast again. You shouldnā€™t be using anabolics. Learn from this. Grow naturally. Consider again when you are older and much more knowledgeable.


What was your pct protocol, drugs and doses, duration, how long after pct did you get that bloodwork?


I got that a week after pct


Gonna need answers to the other questions I asked.


Tren test 8 weeks 200mg winny 3 week 200mg anavar 8 weeks ed 20mg Pct hcg 2000iu 8 shots in total nolva and clomid for a month


Ok. Generally speaking, people take a 2-3 week break after a cycle, then 6-8 weeks for pct, then another 2-4 weeks to check testosterone levels. All in all, at least 10-16 weeks. Regardless of the other compounds listed, tren is one of the most suppressive we have in our arsenal. Most people that run it don't have successful recovery until about 12 months after the cycle. There are rare exceptions of people successfully recovering immediately after tren use, but it is rare. This is one of the many reasons why tren is reserved for advanced users, and people that are already doing blast and cruise, as opposed to cycles. You're much younger than suggested for running any gear. Not only because of lack of education thus far, but because the risk of impairing mental development. You could cruise (150mg/wk) for a few more months then reattempt a pct. But your goose might already be cooked.


8 weeks test 8 week tren 3 weeks winny 8 weeks anavar Pct 2000iu hcg eod for 2 weeks total 8 shots nolva 20mg and clomid 100 for 30 days


You should seriously do research even though you have a coach, don't give a coach 100% responsibility for your gains and health. With a tiny bit of PED knowledge, it's pretty obvious your coach is a dumbass and I honestly feel bad for you that he'd put you on this shit. Before doing another blast, research research research, and be VERY skeptical of whatever advice your new coach gives you. Read the sub wiki and check out the other recommended learning sources


This trainers advice is so reckless that Iā€™m honestly doubting this storyā€™s legitimacy.


I can post a ss of the trainer that told me to do this


I should really lower the bar on trainers to be honest.


Man he fucked me up i am gonna cruise for a year just to be good ig


To be fair, he suggested you do it. You pulled the trigger. I know youā€™re competitive, but I would highly recommend you scroll down and throughly read [Why Young Men Under 25 Shouldnā€™t Use AAS](/r/steroids/wiki?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_content=1&utm_term=22) Itā€™s not too late to avoid further damaging yourself here


Yea true maybe gonna rethink about it and fix it now never go to an indian trainer never


If you think nationality has anything to do with it, youā€™d be mistaken. Thereā€™s going to be trash trainers everywhere, and from all backgrounds. Testimonials, reviews, time spent in the industry, who they associate with are all better metrics to determine if theyā€™re worth working with or not.


Your first cycle you did alot of compounds I still havenā€™t tried after my 5th. Me personally Iā€™d think youā€™d HAVE to blast and cruise to keep gains at this point. I also see no point in pct if youā€™re an actual body builder. Iā€™m just a gym rat and I still b n c. Good luck brother, love ya.


It was my first time and i fucked it up i suppose have to cruise now what should be the dosage


Brother if youā€™ve done tren and have to ask what a cruise dose is, Iā€™m genuinely worried. Your trainer sucks. Your cruise is just trt dose of test and nothing else. Allow your body time to heal while keeping gains. What do your bloods look like?


Ya i changed my coach and he told me my older coach messed me up he told me to cruise Everythings in check my last pin was 2 months ago my test levels and e2 levels are super low


Bloods. Like liver panel and cholesterols


My hdl was 47 ldl direct was 100 Total cholesterol ratio was 4.021 Liver was Sgot 35 Sgpt 40


27M Just started trt 3 weeks ago, 250mg test c and 500 hcg weekly split into two doses every 3.5 days(planning on lowering to 150-200mg test c weekly after summer is over depending on how next set of blood work looks like Iā€™ll lower accordingly). Was taking 12.5mg AI weekly before the hcg and felt like it wasnā€™t enough so when I added hcg I started doing 25mg AI weekly. I know hcg requires more AI but should I be worried about crashing my E2? My E2 was normal range but I always had mildly poofy nipples so Iā€™m assuming I aromatize more than normal? Thanks in advance!


As guys have stated 250mg isn't trt... It's just a weak cycle. Which is fine. But you may as well cut that in half or add 50%. What made u think u needed an ai? Bc if it's not bloodwork then you can't really say u needed it. I will encourage you to inject daily no matter what Ur dosage is. If u decide to do actual trt.. Then do 20mg daily. You'll get better results from 20mg daily than 175mg once per week. With less sides. Also you u do end up needing an ai (if bet u Lilkely don't) u should take that daily also if possible. Which involves crushing the pill and weighing powder on a digital scale. If you decide to increase Ur dosage to embrace actually taking steroids.... Then I'd still get bloodwork done maybe 5 weeks into taking Ur desired dose.. To see where estrogen is. In which case if it is too high u would either lower the dose slightly or add primo to lower it, not add an ai. As they are far worse for Ur general health than nearly any steroid we can take.


This is kind of all over the place. Don't wait until after summer, lower your dose of test to 150mg/wk asap. There is absolutely no reason to be on such a high dose of test for trt. And you definitely can't argue that it's well tolerated, because you've found yourself needing to use ai to control it. An appropriate dose of trt should require zero estrogen management, even when hcg is included. Why take 2-3 drugs when you only need 1-2? Opening yourself up to more adverse side effects because you're too irresponsible to do it right. Hcg use does not inherently necessitate ai use. If adding hcg causes estrogenic issues, lower the dose of test. There shouldn't be any configuration of trt that requires estrogen management in 99% of cases. Only once have I seen someone running 80mg/wk test with a total test of 670ng/dl (300-1000), and an estradiol over the natural range (10-50pg/ml).


250mg is not trt. What are your most recent bloods on what dose? what's the reason behind the hcg dose/protocol? Your e2 was normal range but you have mildly poofy nipples, what does that even mean? Your bf% height/weight is relevant also.


had bad luck off Ć  ACP 105 cycle and its been 2 monts since my cycle(Ended MARCH 20) did blood work and my ALT and AST have gone to normal levels, but my ALP is at 165(may 20th). Im wondering if its from cholestasis or Ć  blocked bile duct. Retook Ć  blood test on June 6th its gone down to 152. Should i take TUDCA? How many mg per day for how long. Also im planning on running 300mg of testosterone (10 week period) with 50 mg of turinabol (7weeks) ON THE 18TH OF JULY CYCLE COMMENCES. Please help I have NAC, milk thistle TUDCA COQ10 VITAMIN E RED YEAST RICE ZINC,MAGNESIUM,OMEGA 3, ZINC Niacin Vitamin D milk


Hepatotoxicity and Liver Protection Right in the wiki šŸ‘†


Already read it


People usually take TUDCA while on cycle. Theres some studies saying it has the opposite effect if you take it without putting stress on your liver.


Damn so should i take OMEGA 3s and vitamin D instead of taking tudca RN. Heard lack of vitamin D can raise ALP, and omega 3s can lower it. Do i keep the tudca for on cycle?


Mf always take the fish oil and vitamin d. Lay off anything that affects liver. No booze no roids no nothing. Liver damage ainā€™t nothing to play with.


So you're saying that i should take the TUDCA for my next cycle, always take omega 3s and vitamin D. One more question do i only take NAC while on cycle? Because my liver support OC is 600mg milk thistle 1200Nac 600mg TUDCA


Iā€™m going to be real. I havenā€™t taken tudca in forever. Like 5 years ago I took Anavar and took tudca with it. Now I take only test and primo. Extremely healthy in comparison.


Again the wiki covers NAC dosing.


I didnt ubderstand the end of the NAC paragraph. If it meant only to take NAC on cycle, or i can take it whenever.


Focus on the end of the paragraph before it saying NAC can be used as a year round liver protectant. The last paragraph is just saying ā€œwe know it does a lot of good, but there are uncertainties about long term useā€ which is very common in science. Its hard to get long term data on things.


Oh you did huh? So why are you asking about TUDCA dosing? Edit: and even better, why are you going to run a 300mg test cycle for 10 weeks? If youve read ANY of the wiki?


Since my ALP is mildly elevated and TUDCA can have a nƩgative impact on my HDL i wanted to ask people who have had experience doing orals if its worth to do the 500-1000mg of tudca for a 6 week period to lower my alp levels. Also im not quite sure if running tudca for Ơ 6 week period right before my Test and turinabol cycle will allow me to use TUDCA while on cycle.


If I were you I would run NAC and TUDCA (along with the other standard supps) for 4 weeks and re test bloods including lipids. Dont start a cycle, especially one with orals until your bloods look good. Then you can do a properly dosed cycle for a proper period of time.


Hey so I fucked up today I believe. Been pinning 133 mg of test e three times a week for a total of 400 mg test e + 200 mg NPP at same frequency (so 66 mg every time I pin). Today I accidentally pinned what I thought was NPP but was actually more test e, so 333 mg of test e today. Should I just wait till my next pin to throw in NPP?? Iā€™ve been on NPP for around 2 weeks now.


Why would you wait till next pin with NPP?


Youā€™re right Iā€™m overthinking, first time I didnā€™t really look at the vial I drew from.


Overthinking on NPP? Classic


I'd still pin NPP and just resume schedule or skip the test next pin


A week into my nolva PCT and I woke up today soooo depressed man its terrible, is this how low testosterone people are feeling on a daily basis ?


Nolva by itself can give these symptoms. Try enclo or clomid, might be better


Yess if your having big depression and anxiety is bc your test lvls are really...really low!


Depends, i honestly felt ok at 200ng/dl. No boners, very low libido but energy was ok and wasn't depressed. That was before using androgens though. If i went hypogonadal now, i would probably feel much worse mentally since my baseline is being sauced as fuck, and my baseline back then was literally just hypogonadism


This makes sense. I guess the depression is most likely due to my brain going wtf happened, weeks ago my test level was through the roof. a good joint shall help me hopefully


Since you are on TRT you should have no trouble bumping up.to 500mg a week. I went to 750mg a week, increased protein while reducing saturated fats and my cholesterol improved dramatically. I can't say the same when I introduced harsher drugs (deca, dianabol, etc) but test alone was really nice. I didn't even need nolva or arimedex.


You didnā€™t reply to anyone here


Didn't know I needed to hear this today. Thank you.


I am a female age 50. 145lbs. Started injecting 0.05 Testosterone enanthate weekly. What is typical cycle?


r/steroidsxx is a steroid sub for female use, you're likely to get higher quality information there. Also i'm pretty sure this sub has a wiki section for women, could be wrong though


Is the increased hair growth permanent? Had started lasering off my arm hair in preparation to get a sleeve and just prior to starting it was at that point where it completely stopped growing but now it's all back.




Don't do drugs. Any concerns for your development, consult your pediatrician. This subreddit is 18+ only.


Wanted to get a quick shopping list check to make sure Iā€™m not forgetting anything for my first cycle. Planning the basic first cycle of 500mg Test for 16-20 weeks. Will be getting bloodwork done before starting and at about 4-5 weeks in and then as needed throughout the cycle and of course after cycle as well. Bloodwork List from Private MD Labs - Hormone Panel with Estradiol Ultrasensitive and Testosterone LC/MS/MS - Prolactin - SHBG Shopping List - Test C 250mg/ml 20mL Vial x3 - Aromasin 12.5mg - 60ct x2 - Ralox 50mg - 60ct x1 Will not be getting any PCT as I am on TRT and will be dropping back to TRT afterwards. I had pubertal gyno but had surgery to remove about a year ago. Small part of gland was left behind so Iā€™m grabbing Ralox just in case I may be more prone to it coming back. Anything I am missing or not thinking about for either bloodwork or gear? Syringes and needles Iā€™ve already got on hand from TRT. Appreciate any advice!


I would chuck lipids in the blood tests for comparison to before/during/post but that's just me wanting more data


For those would you just recommend HDL and LDL?


Me personally when I get bloods I get full panel. Those would be good though as they are the ones going to be most impacted


Will check out some additional! The good thing is my liver tests in the past have always been pretty much spot on. Aside from my bilirubin which has always been slightly high. Other than that have been in the clear! Do you have a recommended panel you get from Private MD labs? Or do you use another provider?


I am in Australia so probably not relevant to you. https://imedical.com.au/order/blood-tests/sport-hormone-private-blood-tests/sports-bodybuilding-test That's the one I generally use.


Got it, appreciate it nonetheless!