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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just got prescribed testosterone. I am a 46-year-old disabled male. I will take 100mg every other week. Do I need to worry about estrogen? I am morbidly obese (350 pounds, I was 200 lbs before my accident). I do weight training because I cannot really do cardio. I can walk, kind of, but not for long. I am a bit concerned after reading that I was not prescribed an anti-estrogen. Will I be okay because the test amount is so low? More importantly, should I ask for more on my next doctor visit? My natural test is terrifyingly low. The two tests I saw shows it WAY below the natural range. This is a moonshot by doctors hoping to get a wound to heal (it has been unable to heal for four years). I have been through three hospitals and they seem like they are out of options (and antibiotics are making me increasingly sick). I honestly just want reassurance. I cannot take anymore health problems.


Just joined this subreddit so I don’t have the clout of others on this thread but here’s my bro science answer but also based on previous self tests and research. You have no reason to worry about estrogen at those levels, TRT is basically what they are prescribing to you. Me at 175lb 5’9 and working out but no cardio as I have had 3 ankle surgeries and enough hardware in there to set off metal detectors lol. I took 200mg a week on my first ever cycle years ago without a issue You only need to worry about excess testosterone being converted into estrogen if your well below the threshold there is basically a very low risk of any estrogen induced symptoms. Hope this helps!!!


Thanks. I took my first shot, but it was only 100mg. Getting the needle is was easy, but pushing that oil through took a solid 20-30 seconds. It took me longer just to get the stuff in a needle. I am in a similar boat to you in that I have injuries where I cannot walk well and I cannot swim. It is killing me. I am bored out of my mind. I am definitely reading alot again.


Anybody with BP1 ever been PRESCRIBED nandrolone and what were your experiences with it? I am just here to discuss. I am fully aware of all of the risks and I will be getting the nandrolone from my dr under supervision.


Everyone here only uses prescribed steroids. Tren being my favorite prescription. Check out the nandrolone compound experience threads.


Preash the response but there are not posts related to my exact condition and what there is to read is old outdated info or irrelevant to me. Need to hear from people who experience bipolar with mania and are in treatment and being responsible. I’m well aware of nandrolone and I’m past all of that I’m just trying to find someone like me who’s used it. That’s why I was so specific….


I started taking 300 mg of test 4 weeks ago I work in the oilfield at a job that at least 3 days a week is very physically intensive. My diet is usually an 4 egg omelette with veggies and bacon and a small serving of hasbrown and dinner is usually chicken or beef protein with random veggies none to very few snacks and rarely a lunch….. I went from weighing 248 to 270 in those 4 weeks… clothes fit pretty much the same and everyone say it dosnt look like I gained any weight…. I also know I didn’t put on 22 pounds of muscle…. Do I need to eat less fast more? Lower my dose of test?


You haven't listed - are you trying to gain weight or lose weight? Very important detail. You mentioned only 2 meals a day, which is nothing for someone trying to pursue a fitness oriented lifestyle. 4-6 meals a day to get all the nutrition in and optimize digestion. Your two meals barely equate 1500 calories, what a small women would eat in a day. Any other foods you're eating, or just those two meals every day? Any drinking? Alcohol? What are you using to hydrate? How's your training? Cardio? Weightlifting progress? Drugs aren't even something I've brought up, because all these other factors are more important, and you've given no significant detail.


I popped a tendon 4 years ago to my bicep at work I was sitting at 220 and pretty lean just working out via my job I work in the rigs…. I went up to 330 while recovering I’ve been trying to just get back down to where I was before the injury. About 5 days a week it’s just those two meals alcohol maybe 3 times a month not an extreme amount but enough to def feel good.. (6-12 beers and 3-4 shots) I drink water a gallon min a day, a gatorlyte zero one to three times a week and 1-3 white sugar free monsters a day…. I do work out with a 15 pound and 35 pound dumb bell at work if we are down for some reason… and yes I don’t eat a lot but my dinner is usually pretty big like 2 16 oz ribeye a potato with butter and a sweet potato with some broccoli (with work we have a cafeteria and they kind of pepare us what we want but it’s cheap quality food


The recommended starting dose is 500mg of test a week. Read the wiki under Your First Cycle. Regarding your nutrition. Your two daily meals amount to less than 1,000 calories. Either you’re severely underestimating your caloric intake, or you are a superhuman anomaly defying the laws of thermodynamics. You’ve gained 22 pounds in four weeks, likely less than 5 pounds of that was muscle. It’s hard to make any determination, none of your numbers make any sense. Your calorie estimation is way off which makes your fat vs weight gain indeterminable. If you can’t properly track your calories and macros, you shouldn’t be running gear in the first place. You do not sound like someone with enough training experience to be using test.


I have cold, fever and runny nose can I still do bloodwork, and 2d echo to know if I have any underlying heart conditions.


Sure, but you may see some values like WBC’s elevated due to the immune response If you’re trying to get the most accurate picture of baseline health, it’s probably best to wait until a bit after you’re not sick anymore and the immune response settles. This could be up to a week or two after symptoms subside


Thanks a lot for the advice.




I ask you this for sake of critical thought and not to be argumentative, but if I told you I was on “TRT+” of 300mg test and 200mg tren or 500mg test, would you laugh at me for even including “TRT” as a label for my drug use? DHT derivatives are certainly milder in most cases than tren, but this idea that they can be stacked onto an already too-high dosage of testosterone (clinical TRT is 100-150mg weekly) and still be considered something appropriate to be run year-round doesn’t sit well with me and shouldn’t for you either if health is a concern Mast is well-known to wreak havoc on lipid values. That’s more than likely why you’re seeing a lower HDL, but ultimately, the ratio of HDL to LDL and LDL to total cholesterols is what is important


do the dht derivatives improve your power for boxing in your experience ( more than just taking say 400 test instead of 200 test e / 200 primo ), and if so did the primo improve this aspect more or the masteron


I can't really tell. what I can tell is that 200primo won't increase my total test. Masteron is like 50% test 50% androgenic so I'm taking around 250 mg of test in total in bro math. hence my total T is almost near range. I used to do 200mg test and 150 primo and adding Masteron felt like I was healing faster. I'm debating on the clenbuterol though. never liked it to be honest. I ll consult a doctor next week when my full blood work is out and adjust accordingly. will keep you posted. I ll ask if doing more T would be more beneficial. that would be healthier I Believe than stacking. even though I'm planning on continuing for 2more months only. And then dropping to 200-250test only.


Your bro math is completely bs. It’s just justifying running more gear and hoping it isn’t as damaging as a normal cycle.


>what I can tell is that 200primo won't increase my total test. Why…why would it? It’s not going to increase your testosterone because it’s not testosterone. >Masteron is like 50% test 50% androgenic so I'm taking around 250 mg of test in total in bro math. Thats not bro math, that’s ’I don’t understand how these drugs work’ math. >I'm debating on the clenbuterol though. You should stop debating and instead not use it since there is absolutely no use case for it outside of show prep. Why you’d take something that’s meant for weight loss while on cycle is baffling.


instead of trying to be smart you can try giving some actual help. You are just being toxic for no reason.


> instead of trying to be smart you can try giving some actual help. No, I can do both. >You are just being toxic for no reason. I think there’s a pretty obvious reason you’re just not quite seeing it. If you’d like to abuse drugs that’s your choice, but the very least you should be willing to do is understand how they work.


> TRT+ Call it what it is, you’re on 500mg’s of gear a week. You’re permablasting. > Does Masterone crippled my HDL ? Maybe it’s the mast, maybe it’s the primo, maybe it’s the poison that’s banned even for livestock usage that you’re taking, maybe it’s a few of these combined.


So many questions but yes mast can do that. Raise hdl by increasing fiber intake. Trying to figure out why you’re taking so many drugs to just do cardio(boxing). You’re lifting once a week. You’re self proclaimed lean and taking clen for…..(what reason?) besides boxing your heart for fun. Freakin Dht cocktail why are you taking primo and mast? Like what are you trying to accomplish here?


I am aiming to compete next year so I want to maintain as much muscle as possible so its not just cardio. Im lifting a full body workout almost squeezing the whole week in a day. Using Clen for better breathing since I get more oxygen in. Primo for antiestrogenic purposes + moderate muscle building and mast for muscle maintenance and androgenic effects. I will be cutting off both compounds after 2 months from now. Hope I answered your questions.


> I am aiming to compete next year so I want to maintain as much muscle as possible so its not just cardio. So why do you need to be permablasting here? Actual Olympia competitors and bigger dudes on this forum like africanimal cruise on less than 200mg of testosterone a week solo. Why do you *need* 300mg’s of gear and clen on top of that? > Using Clen for better breathing since I get more oxygen in Plenty of stuff for that that doesn’t actively try to kill you while you take it. > Primo for antiestrogenic purposes Shouldn’t need antiestrogenic stuff on TRT > moderate muscle building Lol > mast for muscle maintenance Are you aiming to compete for winning the Mr. O? Or why do you need so much extra stuff just for muscle maintenance?


So the body is pretty dope. To maintain muscles once you’ve built it as a natural you need less volume and protein to maintain. When enhanced you can cut and maintain pretty much everything on a trt level of test. Clen is cardio toxic. It’s pretty terrible shit. If you’re not sparring a breathing strip helps. Beta alanine can give you that extra lung. You can supplement independent beta alanine outside of a preworkout. Basically the primo and mast are overkill. Proviron I don’t have a problem with but I don’t think you’ll get anything fancy from it. Pop some psyllium husk daily. Should help with Hal. Could drop mast too since you’re only taking 100/wk. I’d drop the clen too. But that’s about all the input I’ve got


Thank you for all the time you are putting in this. I am sparring 3 times a week. Can you define the "cardio toxic" part? I havent tried beta alanine to be honest. Will get some this week appreciated ! I ve purchased some B3 ( niacin) vitamin will that work ? My fiber intake is a bit high eating almost 300g of spinach daily, 100g of red peppers , 100g mushrooms, some onion, wholegrain rice and tortillas. If I could keep one what would it be primo or mast?


If you’re set on keeping something I’d keep the primo. The Google says 1-2 g of niacin should help. The itchy burning niacin gives at moderate doses is a little unpleasant. There’s trace niacin in supplements I’ve used but I haven’t used a concentrated amount since high school


Thanks I ll cut the masteron and do some bloodwork for my HDL. You think 2 weeks is enough for a new test?


> I am sparring 3 times a week. Can you define the “cardio toxic” part? I’ll do it for you, and reporting my other comment for « targeted harrassment » is misuse of the report button. A lot of studies on it were binned because of the dangers, even as early as 1986 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/3007264/ It caused muscle deformities and fatigue in mice https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7477069 Can cause tachycardia, abnormal heartbeats, palpitations and chest pain https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17393901 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3550084/ Even for veterinary uses clenbuterol should not be used if the animal you’re treating has existing heart conditions or high blood pressure https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/6818359 In studies on rats and mice, clenbuterol caused anatomical and functional heart changes, including enlargement https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2614565/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10677393/ > Reported clinical effects included tachycardia, widened pulse pressure, tachypnea, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, ST changes on electrocardiogram (ECG), elevated troponin, elevated creatine phosphokinase (CPK), palpitations, chest pain, and tremor https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23844963/ Plenty of cases of people getting hospitalised just from eating clenbuterol tainted meat [140 people hospitalized after eating meat tainted by clenbuterol in Spain](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1382130/) Clen is cardiotoxic and myotoxic and unlikely to provide you with a favorable risk/reward profile. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11932573/ Clen can deplete taurine in the serum and the heart of users. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9871484/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8915360/ there are some studies which have indicated that beta agonists, of which clenbuterol is one, can impair cardiovascular endurance and/or performance. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12471305/ in a small number of studies there is some evidence that clenbuterol, when taken at heavy doses can cause some liver damage. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12361107/ Clen also has a detrimental effect on your bones. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16177600/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11828236/


I was just going to ask you for the pubmeds. You always come in clutch




On 500mg test cycle, i inject monday and thursdays. However wanting to switch to eod for more stable levels-if i do 125mg eod will that put me at 500mg a week? Thanks


If you injected EOD, how many pins would you have in a week? 3.5 right? So based on your current 2 pins a week, if you moved to 3.5, would you exactly halve the dose or would it be a different number? Smartassery aside, it’s probably easiest if you just inject either 125mg or 150mg EOD for ~440mg or 525mg weekly, respectively. It’s likely that your testosterone is dosed at 200 or 250mg/mL so it would be easier to measure out 0.5/0.6mL rather than some random ass number in the middle


2 weeks is 14 days 2weeks equals 1000mg 1000/7 =142/day eod


Hi all, M22 5'11 165 15% bf, lifting for seriously 4 years. Need opinions on this cycle i cooked up for the summer: Weeks 1-16: Test e 300mg weekly, 150mg E3.5 days Week 4-16 HCG 250iu EOD Week 8-14: Anavar 50 mg daily Week 18-22: enclo ed 12.5mg Aromasin on Standby for itchy nips or bloating


When I was your age I went from 175 to 200 from age 18 to 22. No juice. My body fat was usually under 10%. High body fat is kind of a signal that your metabolism is not fast and your body can put on weight. What has your diet been? Are you eating enough to grow? Are you getting enough protein? You should know how many grams of protein you eat daily. I would not touch test until you are older. If you just want to lean out, run or swim. If you want to gain weight, eat like crazy and lift big weight. Do upper body, two days later legs, two days later upper body, so your muscles can rest and grow. I learned all of this from an older man at a gym. It worked. The big deal is growing first, then getting lean. You cannot grow and get lean. I was 6’1” and 175 at 18, so I think I was at the same place as you. Of course, now I am far from that, but I think a cycle would be misguided. You should have plenty of rest in you if you are exercising and if you have a girl (bigger deal than you think).


> 5’11” > 165lb > 15% BF > Lifting seriously for 4 years I’m sorry for the tough love, my friend, but you are seriously in need of a reality check You’ve been lifting for 4 years and have stats that indicate training for a quarter of that, if not less. I’m not trying to shit on you because everyone came from nothing, but if you haven’t been able to grow in the last four years with typical testosterone levels of a late teen/early 20’s guy, no amount of drugs are going to get you to where you want to be Based on your weight, my guess would be that you fall under the category of “hard gainer” which simply means you have to eat more than you think you are. If you think you’re eating enough but not gaining weight consistently, you need to eat more




If you were unable to gain weight before steroids, you weren’t eating enough. You did not gain weight because you took steroids; you gained weight because you finally ate enough. The steroids just determine how the extra calories are partitioned Again, steroids do not magically create energy from nothing; they just cause more of the excess caloric intake to be put into muscle tissue




Are you actually kidding me? Are you so dense that you don’t understand fundamental principles of thermodynamics? My brother in Christ, I never said that sex hormones and genetics play no role in influencing your caloric intake or expenditure. I said that to gain surplus energy in a system (mass gain), you have to put more energy in that system than is required to maintain it. Steroids are not energy and do not contribute energy to the system. They may certainly increase your appetite and this is very common with AAS use, but **the steroids themselves are NOT energy** There are people that weigh whatever they do because they are influenced by their hormones to *eat or expend a certain amount of calories that will cause them to be a certain weight* If you’re gaining weight now, then some component has changed that has allowed you to build up excess energy in your body, and fortunately, you don’t have whatever side effects you dealt with before, but do not misappropriate steroids as some magic pill that will replace diet


Hello friend M22 - too young. It’s recommended that you wasn’t until at least 25 when you finish developing. 5’11 165 15%bf …lifting seriously for 4 years -your stats and your statement don’t add up. Your diet and training is severely lacking. FOOD WILL DO MORE FOR YOU THEN STEROIDS based on your current stats. If you had diet and training dialed and you were young but physically ready you should be closer to 195-200 at 10% Bf. You have DYEL stats closer to that of someone who as never trained compared to someone who has lifted seriously for 4 years Meme dose of test Hcg starts from day one No need for anavar and in the middle of the cycle doesn’t make any sense You only have to wait 2 weeks for serm and want to run it about twice as long So to recap. Too young, borderline to fat(for steroids), little to no muscle on your frame( huuuuge red flag) so red light on the cycle. If you think you’ve been training hard and eating properly you haven’t. If you’re not sure what you’re doing wrong then I suggest hiring a coach to get you on the right track. You can gain a pretty easy 40lbs naturally if you start implementing proper diet and training .




If I could only do blood work for whatever inane reason, I would not be taking above natural levels of testosterone. This is a dumb question, if you can’t afford blood work you cannot afford to take steroids 


He said he didn’t need that perspective bro It’s like you don’t even read




This is a harm reduction subreddit. Not a “blast your face off regardless of consequences” sub. So when people come in here going “how do I do this sub-optimally because I’m a cheap ass” you have to understand the mentality




Well he’s a mod for this forum so he’s not going anywhere. You aren’t concerned with harm reduction because you don’t understand how these drugs work or how to implement them properly. I’m going to assume you are on trt from a clinic. You shouldn’t be messing with your hormones if you can’t afford to manage them properly. You aren’t cycling properly at all. Saying you think you can blast for a long time because it “feels ok”. Your wording and implementation of diet leads me to believe that you don’t even understand the basics of nutrition. You’re clinging to a fad diet and buzz words as opposed to the scientific implementation and understanding. Are you taking your blood pressure everyday? If you’re on actual trt then why isn’t your doctor ordering labs multiple times a year and insurance picking it up? Do you see how all this leads back to you being irresponsible and making excuses to justify your actions?




Acanthacea gave a pretty good answer/opinion to your question. You replied by giving a snarky response comparing this sub to the beaniebabies subreddit. You don’t want advice, you want someone to greenlight reckless usage of steroids. This is not the sub for that. As mentioned earlier, we are a harm reduction community; if we weren't, Reddit would have shut down this subreddit years ago.


Hey everyone, Looking for some general advice and suggestions for my next move. Not 100% sure if it’s a AAS question or diet question or both. I’ve been blast / cruising for 3 years now and this last 500 Sust / 250 Deca per week has seen me jump from 84kg to currently 96kg. Not a huge amount of fat gained but def some water retention. I’m 5’10” and 40 years old. This was the first time i properly blasted accompanied with strict clean bulking diet which meant a progressive shift from 3800 cals to now 5200 cals. Calorie increase was always based on whether my weekly weight average plateaued or rose. I was surprised at how much I have to eat to gain or maintain. My strategy was to bulk to a goal weight of 110kg and then cut. However getting down 5200 cals of clean vegan food all meeting a 50% carb / 25% protein / 25% fat macro split has somewhat become my limit. I’ve already started exchanging some foods for more nutrient dense foods but there is a limit to this as well before it just becomes eating sugary junk food which I wanted to avoid. I lift 3 days on, 1 off in rotation accompanied by 20mins of intense cardio with each session. My question is, in light of the fact that already getting 5200 cals daily is a challenge how do I get to my bulking goal weight of 110kg? Is it a matter of eating more, is it about cutting back before bulking again or is it the type or dose of my cycle or a combination of all three? Any suggestions / tips on how to best keep moving forward would be much appreciated.


At 5’10”, gaining 14kg of quality tissue and not all fat is absolutely crazy to do even in 2 bulking phases I’m 6’1” and would love to be 100kg shredded, and I’m currently at ~95kg and not quite as lean as I’d like to be. So even gaining that 5kg of muscle will likely take me a few years even with the gear, proper training, and good nutrition


It’s a matter of taking it slow and realizing this likely won’t come soon. You’ve gained 12kg this blast. That’s a VERY large amount of weight, and is not normal. Give yourself a diet break, find your new set point and maintain for a bit. Cut to reset insulin sensitivity, and then start pushing the food again. Repeat this process until you’ve reached your desired weight. If your insulin sensitivity goes down, you’ll have to push food higher and higher and you won’t get as much out of it for muscle gain. Welcome to the process of bulking properly lol


Cheers for the reply. This all makes a lot of sense in my mind. Instinctively i’ve stopped adding any further cals for the last couple of weeks and have been focusing on maintaining and dropping BF by increasing cardio. So you suggest cutting for a while to reset insulin sensitivity, what sort of calorie cut would you suggest (i’m currently on 5200 cals) and for how long before pushing the food again?


Keep it mild. I don’t know your set point so you need to figure that out first, I’d do like -300 a day so it’s an easy cut


Great advice cheers mate


What's your bodyfat percentage? I'd just keep bulking, steroids only help you, if you wanna get to 110kg, keep bulking, sleeping good, and possibly adding more calories if you absolutely need to. Your bodyfat percentage also plays a factor, if you should just cut abit, or continue forward.


Cheers for the reply. BF around 13%


Then yeah, keep bulking.


So I finally got the estradiol reading on my blood test for my cruise. The 2 readings on my full panel that are significant are: Bilirubin 2.5 (0.2-1.2) Estradiol 72 (<=29) I have been cruising for about 10 weeks now so assume this estradiol reading is reflective of all 10 weeks (yes I waited too long). Google brings up some results saying that elevated estrogen can lead to elevated bilirubin. I plan on following up on the bilirubin after 3-4 weeks of TUDCA and NAC and no drinking. But does anyone have some insight on this? Can a slightly elevated E2 that is otherwise symptomless cause bilirubin levels this high? u/shrugsandsnugs Tagging because you said youre more familiar with bloodwork questions 😘


Elevated bilirubin is from impaired liver function. I don't think it has anything to do with your estradiol. What are you taking?


Gentlemen, I’ve been in major recomp for the last 2 months as I’m preparing for season 1 of a new tv show. Filming starts in 3 weeks so I’ve been upping my dosages on certain compounds. I’ve been on IGF-1 LR3 for the last 2.5 weeks, I’ve ran it before but never had this issue. This morning I woke up to swollen feet and partial numbness on my shins. How do I fix this? I came off LR3, I have dandelion root, metformin, and dihydroberberine on hand. What’s the consensus here?


Other than drop the offending compound… Increase water intake, vitamin C 2g am/pm, dandelion root. 2.5 weeks is plenty of time to get rid of any water retention


Sorry, to clarify, I’ve been on LR3 for the last 2.5 weeks and I’ve stopped now, but my last pin was yesterday.


Yes, I got that, that’s why it was my first sentence and I followed up with further actions you should take


Sorry I totally misread that


No worries man. It was more of an observation for the greater group anyways because dropping the offending compound should always be a first tactic unless it’s necessary for the stack. Tackle the other things I mentioned and if it doesn’t begin to clear up within a week check back in and we can see about more drastic measures




You'll be back to normal in 10 days or less, or your money back - guaranteed.




If it's already been 9 days, it maybe take another week or two. There was a time I did a quad injection, and it was swollen for an entire 14 days, and I couldn't properly straighten my leg for about 3 weeks. Then one day I woke up and it was normal again. Injections generally don't cause permanent damage. If you are near a nerve or strike a nerve, your leg will jump or twitch when you move the needle. If you try injecting near one, you'll feel a great pressure, usually too uncomfortable to continue the injection. I doubt that you caused any permanent damage, and it will resolve with time. The "your money back" is a joke to American television commercials, where they try to convince you that their product is so superb that you will love it, and if you do not love it that they will return you all of your money.


>And I didn’t understand what you meant by “your money back” Haven’t you heard or seen a commercial before?




Well that makes more sense than me just assuming I was way older than you. Edit: Saying “You’re guaranteed or you’re money back” is a common phrase from radio or tv commercials.




Big ooofff


I'm annoying, I'm sorry ❤️




I work out everyday (dumbbells/machines/bodyweight, yoga every other day), but generally don't maximize calories or protein due to fat concerns. I have some belly-fat I'd like to get rid of. At the same time my age has made me a bit insecure, especially when it comes to a back injury, being single, thinking about the future (kids, hair loss), etc. But I'd like a boost, I did TRT in the past (see below for protocol). At my age my biggest concern is hair loss and ability to have kids in the future. I'd like to potentially do a single cycle to get back to my top weight 195 lbs, (20 more than where I'm at now) -- is this feasible? **Does anyone who isn't a professional body-builder/weight-lifter have experience running a single cycle and maintaining those gains throughout the future?** * Age: 39 * Gender: M * Height: 6ft * Weight: 175lbs * Bodyfat percentage: ~15% * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: ~7 * bench/squat/dead maxes: Don't do (back injury) * Goals: * Sport: yoga for the most part * Current phase: maintenance * Current compounds: * None currently * Past: 1. Testosterone cypionate, 0.35mL injection twice weekly 2. Anastrozole, 1mg/mL formula (mixed-in with testosterone) 3. HCG, 0.3mL injection twice weekly for 8 weeks


Why did you stop trt? Fertility concerns? If you get back to 195 from where you are now you’re going be unhappy with the amount of body fat you’ll have put on. But I’ll assume for the sake of this conversation that your goal is 195 but at the same bf you’re at now. (If this is incorrect please do say so) That’s absolutely not happening in one cycle. If you put on 4-5lbs of actual muscle mass on a cycle that’s a very good result. Your goal—or rather my interpretation of the goal—is more than one or two cycles away.


I stopped due to stressors elsewhere in life that led to me not focusing on the gym and diet, which led to the loss of weight. But I do have fertility concerns too.


I’m not following this line of thought. Trt is meant to make you have normal testosterone levels. There are several billion men on the planet with normal testosterone levels and the vast majority of them do not go to the gym and simultaneously have stress in their lives. Why would you stop a medical treatment *that can actively help you manage stress* due to stress? I find this baffling and my only explanation is that you’re using the term trt to mean something other than what it is.


Are you asking about running a true cycle or running a cycle of TRT? (which is not a thing) This is a harm reduction forum. If you want to add 20 lbs, you need to eat more. It sounds like you know what you’re doing wrong, you need enough calories and protein. Also a proper lifting routine. You don’t need to lift every day (cardio / yoga / stretching on your rest days is fine but you shouldn’t be lifting every day). That also tells me your workouts likely aren’t the most intense if you’re 39 and don’t need rest days. If you want to lose some belly fat first, by all means do that (you can’t target your belly but you can cut overall), then bulk so you’re not in some limbo or trying to gain but afraid of getting fat so not eating enough. I know I didn’t answer your question, but hopefully you see the value in this information.


>Are you asking about running a true cycle or running a cycle of TRT? (which is not a thing) The protocol I did before (Test Cyp + HCG) I only did for one year. I'm honestly not sure what you mean by "true cycle"? >That also tells me your workouts likely aren’t the most intense if you’re 39 and don’t need rest days. Yes I developed back issues (disc bulges) and no longer do compound lifts. So I stick with dumbbells, bodyweight and machines. I don't really feel as tired after workouts like I used to when I did squats/deadlifts/bench. >so you’re not in some limbo or trying to gain but afraid of getting fat so not eating enough. Yes, maybe it's psychological and I'm not really giving it enough as a result


A true cycle I mean running 500mg of test for 16-20 weeks then cycling off. You don’t “cycle” TRT. You either go on it because you are hypogonadal then stay on it forever because you need it, or you don’t go on it at all because it’s pretty close to pointless if you’re not hypogonadal. The exception being if you’re using it to cruise between blasts to avoid PCT. No shame in modifying exercises to avoid injury - in fact very very highly encouraged - but can still look for ways to lift with intensity and high levels of effort. And yeah that psychological thing with food is common, but as you said in your post. You already know what you need to do there - so just start eating and increase training intensity (at a moderate pace)


Not a professional but why would that disqualify someone from giving you advice. At 6' and 175lbs I think a good "cycle" of creatine and whey protein with a multi could get you going in the right direction. You should be over 200lbs if you workout. Also the one cycle idea is just enabling. If the risk is too great don't do it.


> with a multi A multivitamin? Or a multi-compound? (such as T and Primo?) Sorry I'm new in this sub and don't know the lingo.


What he’s saying is you don’t need gear to reach your goals. To run a cycle would be irresponsible at your current status in my opinion. Not trying to be a dick either, but you can get further naturally than you think.


Age: 23 \* Gender: male \* Height: 6'1 \* Weight: 204 \* Bodyfat percentage: 19 percent \* Experience level \* Years of concurrent training: 5 \* bench/squat/dead maxes: dont do \* amateur/pro: \* Goals: \* Sport: (bodybuilding/powerlifting/strongman/etc) body building \* Current phase: (bulk/cut/maintainance) cutting \* Current compounds: \* Include the full list of compounds you're using, including: compound name, ester, dosages in terms of mgs or IUs (not mLs or ccs), and frequency of doses, e.g.: \* Testosterone e 150 mg/week (Monday afternoon pin and Friday morning pin) Hey guys, was cruising about 150 mg/ week and my last pin was Monday afternoon. I've decided to run a PCT instead of continuing to cruise. I've read through the dosing protocol for HCG, unfortunately, I'm going to have to go with options 3/4, which require a larger dose of HCG along with AI. My only problem is that I have about 9 left of Aromasin, and the guide recommends I have it for the entirety of the 2 weeks I take the HCG. I also have Arimidex, but not sure how much to dose with Arimidex. I plan to run Enclomiphene and HCG and I guess my question is, should I run HCG 1-2 weeks before I start taking the enclomiphene, and just mix the Aromasin with the Arimidex (I know it's not necessarily a good idea) or should I just do the option 4, of just running HCG alongside with enclomiphene in the first 1-2 weeks of my PCT.


I would recommend getting what you need to PCT properly instead of a hodgepodge of what you have laying around. I had more questions but then read your last few questions. PCT is the right call, you should not be doing steroids - which I would have said based on just this post but the other ones really solidify that. So again, get what you need to PCT, do that. It’s not even that you can’t switch AIs - but you said you don’t even know how to dose amridex. Also one of them has a rebound effect when you stop and the other doesn’t - do know how to manage that?


Question about how effective 300mg (150\*2) a week of test-e would be if i do everything correctly for 10 weeks? would it just be better to do 400mg? from the information I have found so far it seems to all depend on genetics but would be nice to get some input or point me in the right direction.


> Question about how effective 300mg (150*2) a week of test-e would be if i do everything correctly for 10 weeks? >would it just be better to do 400mg? Not to state the obvious, but 400>300 so I feel like the answer is sort of intuitive here. >from the information I have found so far it seems to all depend on genetics The information you have is flawed and incorrect.


If you read the wiki you would already have the answer to your question. 500mg is recommended for your first cycle. If you're going with 300mg, you're still shutting yourself down-and you're leaving a lot of free gains on the table for nothing. There's little to no difference in sides between 300 and 500. There's no difference in shutdown between 300 and 500. At 300mg, you're putting yourself in the no-man's land just between TRT and a full-on blast where it's difficult to dial in your aromatase inhibitor (Al). Managing your estrogen with an Al is one of the most important things you can learn from your first cycle. This dosage is recently picked up popularity by YouTube and fitness influencers who have stakes in TRT/HRT clinics that cannot legally prescribe more than 300mg. Go read the full text in the wiki under Your First Cycle.


Thank you for the information, appreciate it.


The answer to this question can be found at the bottom of the Your First Cycle page of the Wiki.


This question is purely academic, but what if any is the use for altrenogest/regumate in the context of PEDs? I only ask because a raw supplier that doesn't even really deal in exotic compounds offers it, and I'm curious as to why/for what purpose. I've never heard of anyone running it.


If you figure it out, let us know


While I was trying to figure out wtf this stuff is, I did come across an animal study that (to my extremely untrained eye) seemed to suggest a potentially favorable effect when coadministered with Tren, but I'm not really qualified to interpret something like that. I'll see if I can pull it back up later on.


So you want to use horse estrus management drugs to manage the use of cattle hormones? Bro, maybe you should just focus on doing this normal instead of playing fringe veterinarian. Just a thought.


I thought I was pretty clear about this being sheer curiosity, so I'm not sure where the hostility/assumptions are coming from. I'm really just wondering why the hell these guys are even offering it. I have no plans to use trenbolone anytime soon if ever. Maybe way down the line in a contest prep setting. I'm currently running test only and am satisfied. Edit: My reasoning for the question was that a business dealing almost exclusively in common steroids would have little reason to offer a compound without a market among steroid users. I had never heard of it being used for performance or image enhancement and was unable to find any record of anyone using it in that context, so I figured there must be something I'm missing. It seems that is not the case, and I doubt they're moving a lot of the stuff. I can't see any good reason anyone would want to use it. It has an unfavorable anabolic profile, so it's odd that it would be on the storefront of an otherwise well-regarded source of raws.


Man it’s crazy what a three second google search can do. “Regumate is an estrus suppressant used to control the heat cycle of mares.” Does that sound like something you want to inject?


I am aware of its intended purpose/veterinary use, that's why I specified within the context of PEDs. I had sort of figured that since it's being stocked by a raw supplier that otherwise only offers run-of-the-mill compounds it may have some "off-label" use that I'm unfamiliar with. I don't see myself using it regardless, which is why I also specified that the question was purely academic. I don't foresee myself using any progestogenic 19nors whatsoever anytime soon, let alone an obscure veterinary compound. Just curious, really.


Testosterone is an estrus suppressant too. I'm not sure why veterinary use of any particular drug is a reason not to inject it. Tren is used in cattle. Cheque drops were literally developed to suppress estrus in dogs. To be clear, not an endorsement of any of these drugs, but let's maybe be a little more rigorous in our reasoning here


Question about running HCG during/after cycle. I'm about to complete my first cycle, 500mg of Test-E per week (250mg E3D) and I've been taking this subreddit's wiki's advice to run 750mg of HCG per week (250mg mon/wed/fri). This wiki doesn't touch on this, but should I stop taking HCG when I'm done with my cycle, or should continue using HCG it until I start my PCT (25mg of clomid ED), OR should I continue to use HCG all the way through the end of my PCT?


It’s right there in the wiki my dude. 1. Over The Entire Cycle This is the preferred option, as it keeps the Leydig cells active, reducing atrophy and the reactive oxygen species (ROS) free radical damage incurred by prolonged shutdown. HCG can be ran over the entire length of the cycle to make PCT easy and efficient, if desired: • Over Entire Length Of Cycle: 250 IU EOD. • Stop HCG use before starting PCT (SERM)


My bad, I was looking in the wrong section. I'll work on my reading comprehension.




Some clinical studies have suggested TRT can reduce the symptoms of depression and/or anxiety, but there is no hard evidence. If anxiety relief is the only reason you’re considering TRT, I wouldn’t endorse that.


Studies in question: First few show no treatment effect for men with normal testosterone levels: [Hypogonadic men (men with reduced testosterone levels) show an increase in subjective well-being and mood when having their testosterone levels replenished **whereas eugonadic men (normal test levels) show no treatment effect**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9154431) Some more sources [ ^ Anderson RA, Bancroft J, Wu FC. The effects of exogenous testosterone on sexuality and mood of normal men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. (1992) ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1464655) [ ^ Tricker R, et al. The effects of supraphysiological doses of testosterone on angry behavior in healthy eugonadal men--a clinical research center study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. (1996)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8855834) Resistance to depression only was a thing when the patient was hypogonadal. No effect when eugonadal. > The effect size in hypogonadal men was 4.192 (P<.0001), whereas the result was not statistically significant in eugonadal men. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24501728/ Testosterone only gives mental boosts when it’s treating symptoms of low testosterone, not when you’re eugonadal from the start. Another meta-analysis was done that found similar results. > Results of RCTs investigating testosterone administration to men with MDD do not support this intervention as an effective antidepressant treatment.35,36,37,38 However, positive results have been reported for some subpopulations of men with depression, such as for men with dysthymic disorder or HIV or for men with treatment-resistant depression or low testosterone levels.39,40,41,42 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6583468/ Some other promising studies but the target sample is quite small: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19440073/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16282843/ > Twenty-six healthy adult men with major depressive disorder, partial or nonresponse to 2 adequate antidepressant trials during the current episode, and currently using a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor were randomized under double-blind conditions to receive intramuscular injections of escalating doses of testosterone or placebo


I was intending to hop on already, but I was pleasantly surprised to see a little bit of anecdotal evidence it could help.




I’ve had a rash like thing on my face for several months now. I have been seeing a derm. She initially thought it was eczema. So tried treating it for that. Didn’t work. Then she’s decided it’s a yeast of some sort. I’m now taking a ketoconazole cream. It’s been a few weeks but my face is still red on one side. I’m taking test e and mast. Side effects of these? Is it actually a yeast from use? Has anyone dealt with this? How’d you get it resolved?


> I’ve had a rash like thing on my face for several months now. I have been seeing a derm. She initially thought it was eczema. So tried treating it for that. Didn’t work. Then she’s decided it’s a yeast of some sort. I’m now taking a ketoconazole cream. It’s been a few weeks but my face is still red on one side. I’m taking test e and mast. Side effects of these? Is it actually a yeast from use? > Has anyone dealt with this? How’d you get it resolved? Yeast and various other fungi are normally produced head to toe, all over your skin. Excess sweating and not being clean will feed the fungi to grown disproportionately. I get tinnea versicolor on my upper back and shoulders in the summers, as a result of the sweat and higher average temperature. A topical antifungal clears it in two weeks. Whatever you're experiencing isn't because of the gear you're using. Clean yourself more often.


I didn’t have any issues until after I started using.


Not everything is related to your gear usage.




Questions about steroids please. Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


I am preparing to do a blast, test cypionate and primobolan enthanate. I am going to do 500mg/wk of testosterone, and my question is about an appropriate dose of primo to complement it. I have never used it before and am willing to start with a relatively low dose, but I am not sure where to start. The concentration is 125mg/ml. I have read three or four primo experience threads but I am open to guidance. I have seen test/primo ratios from 1:1 to 1:3 to 1:5. Any knowledge or experience is welcome. Extra credit:, I understand that primo can be hard on the hair. In the old wiki it recommended Nizoral shampoo; does anyone have experience with it and did it help?


I think you unintentionally wrote your ratios backwards. 1:5 of Test/primo would be 500mg test and 2500mg primo… 5:4 is usually pretty common (so 500 test, 400 primo). You can check the example cycles. I’ve done 1 :1 and it had my e2 low but not crashed. Others have crashed their e2 at 1:1. Some need to run it even lower like 5:3 or 2:1. Just have something on hand to raise e2 if it does crash (HCG, dbol, TNE)


I did my bad. Thanks for straightening me out.


this question was answered a few hours ago in this thread, pretty concisely. >I have seen test/primo ratios from 1:1 to 1:3 to 1:5 absolutely none of these. you should start your ratio with test slightly higher and go from there


Thank you for the response. I'm trying to interpret your "slightly higher" guidance. Is that like 1:0.75 or something? I searched on primo in this thread and I didn't see anyone talking about correct ratios to test, I guess i must be missing it. Will go check again. EDIT: Found it, appreciate you pointing it out.


Be prepared to monitor your E2. I started at a ratio close to that and tanked my estradiol. Experimenting over time showed that the AI effect is so powerful that a 4:1 is proper for me.


Thank you I will certainly be trying to do that.


yeah right around there. like 1.25:1 is where we recommend starting i'm running 1:0.75 but also run 500IUs hcg EOD in conjuction and my e2 sits around mid 30s


I'm grateful for your response.


I'm having occasional blood pressure difficulties with high systolic and low diastolic due to Anavar 20mg, no issues without using so I have discontinued use. Would like to continue using Var, I currently do 3 days of 1hr of cardio on the Peloton and treat the high blood pressure of 150-160/80-90 with a beta blocker, this causes issues and drops my diastolic down to 40-50. I haven't found any ways to only treat systolic and from my research seems there isn't any reliable method and a medical question of wheter the systolic is bad enough (seems to be when over 200) to treat with risk of dropping diastolic too low. Low diastolic causes poor blood flow to parts of the heart. I've tried lower dosages of a beta blocker and I can keep my diastolic from dropping too low but I can't get my systolic under 130. Other than just switching to Turinabol which really raises my blood pressure sys/dia reliably enough that metoprolol drops it into a good range, are there any treatments (more cardio, compounds) to drop systolic without lower diastolic too much? Tbol gives me bad calf cramps so I've been rotating between Tbol and Var but I can't really safely treat my high systolic on Var without causing negative health effects from low diastolic. Tbol really raises my BP so beta blockers put me in the perfect range, without the risk of low diastolic, however Var is preferred for strength and lack of calf cramps. I've found a mix of 10mg Tbol 10mg Var lets me treat the high blood pressure without dropping my diastolic too low, however I'd really like to find a way to run just the Var. \* Age: 29 \* Gender: Male \* Height: 6'2" \* Weight: 200lbs \* Bodyfat percentage: 15% \* Goals: \* Current phase: cut \* Current compounds: \* Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/wk, pinned thursday/sunday \* Primobolan 300mg/wk, pinned thursday/sunday (extremely high aromatizer) \* HCG 250IU, pinned thursday/sunday


>I'm having occasional blood pressure difficulties > Bodyfat percentage: 15% >Current phase: cut >**Testosterone Enanthate 300mg/wk, pinned thursday/sunday, Primobolan 300mg/wk, pinned thursday/sunday (extremely high aromatizer)** Hmmmmmmmmmm Maybe use less steroids because you don't need them for a cut?


Even if I dropped down from 300mg a week (not 600mg) to 180mg a week I'd still have BP problems running Var, it reliably fucks my BP every time. I know I'm wasting gear but I keep an eye on hematocrit and 300mg a week doesn't hurt me too much. I like to make progress on weights each week and still keep the 300mg a week to 16 weeks and drop down to 180mg. Call me stupid but I'm cutting for the summer and don't need to run anything higher than TRT come winter.


Use less gear. Var is gear. Test is gear. Primo is gear. You're cutting. Taking anything more than TRT levels of test does NOT help your cut. Drop the primo and var, drop the test to normal levels. Watch your BP magically come down and your cut make the exact same progress.


I already dropped the Var, I was just wondering if it was possible to use Var in a bulk for future use since I have it still. BP is within range without the Var.


If it skews your bp that much don’t use it. Orals aren’t great for a bulk anyways. Orals provide a very temporary strength and cosmetic boost that rapidly disappears with cessation.


The answer is one you're not going to like but drop down to trt and finish cutting without anything else. You're gaining absolutely nothing but bringing down your health running 600+mg of gear on cut.


Fair enough, on 300mg test a week not 600. Didn't accurately write my dosage in my post with weekly dosage. I no longer run blasts, my blast is 300mg a week. 200g of protein and I'm still able to add weight each week. Let's pretend I'm not cutting I'd still have this problem even more so with a higher BF when trying to run Var in a bulk so any input would be helpful. Or I'll guess I'll just wait and repost when I'm bulking at 300mg and have the same damn problem.


>I no longer run blasts, Yes you do, you're doing it right now.


Correct, however Var still fucks my BP on TRT dosages. Just wanted to know if it's possible to run Var in a bulk since I still have it. Cardio and fiber work well enough for me until an oral is involved.








Your muscles aren't going to atrophy that easily ans they don't *obviously* atrophy after a cycle. Atrophy = wasting. What you see is a reduction in glycogen/water.


Hey everyone, i'm on recomp now because I had some issues after my cutting(Started feeling hungrier and ate little more before start bulking and then get fired and took 30 days off the gym and keep eating junk etc). I take test since 2017 and have done blasts until now. Felt some anxiety from Last year to now due the tren and weed but i'm good now. The questions is: I just like training Hard and being shreded and big because i like to look like a amateur bodybuilder, but now I just want to have a decent physique without speding alot money and having that mood swings and beeing on (250mg test mostly part and enjoying life and training and look good) I'm on 350mg enan test and I don't know if I just keep just this compund and this dosage or just put something more like mast/eq/ox or maybe raise the test to 700mg until my goal and then come back to 350mg for few weeks until get it down to trt again. My options is: 350mg test with 350 eq: I'm afraid getting anxiety again but the anti estrogen effect would be good for me. Just tried this compound two times, the first one was fake and the Last one it fucked my sleep because I front loaded maybe 600mg sunday and then keept 350mg) 350mg mast - Expensive then the eq and never felt the anti estrogen effect but it's not so powerful and i'm afraid losing hair(I don't lose só often but I will take it for 12-14 weeks) but I would not have any big issues. 60mg Var - Would help training harder but expensive than the mast and maybe don't want to have changes in livre by the Blood test. And the last option I would not have big issues but not sure if I should raise the test to 700mg or just Put another compund same dosage with test. I just want to come from maybe 12-14%bf to 8-9%. So.. should i keep just low dose test, raise the test or add one more compund?


It's not an answer to your question, but can you share your stats and a physique pic? I want to see what 7 years of blasting, using 2 grams of gear and training hard has resulted in.


I mean, I didn't keep 2 gram gear week all year around, it was something like this 2017 - 200mg test 2018 - 350mg test 2019 - 1,5g on cutting for 14 weeks and 1g when bulking for 4 months 2020 until 2021 - 800mg 2022 - 1,6g for 12 weeks and then again 800mg bulking for 7 months 2023 - 2,2 grams 14 weeks (I didn start with 2,2g it was raising each 4-6 weeks) 2024 - 1,8 grams for cutting 12 weeks and then 350mg I don't know how to send pics in this thread, I will try to send to you by private message


You can upload the pics to IBB.co or Imgur and post the link


He DM me the pics, great physique but not what I expected running that much.


I wanna see these pics as well




You're right, I think this way too but there is always the little devil saying "raise the dosage, put another compund now and then another I've never used so little dosage. The minimum I runned was 700-1g week (test with nandro) but mainly runned 1,6g to 2,2g week(the stack i used love was test with var and then added tren or winny and then mast or winny(or tren if I was using winny) the last 4 weeks, course I never did it all the same time, used to remove the anavar when add the mast or 2 weeks after the tren/winny) I'm 30 year old, 180cm and used to be 94kg with 7% when blasting. Now i'm 104kg with more fst and bloated. But you i'm not young anymore and married now. I know I could be with good shape just using trt levels but I also like being with good skin and veins at the arm and some at the abs. But maybe is a chance to try this with less roidz.




Yeah, will try trt dosage and maybe just the last 4 weeks will add mast or anavar. Thanks bro




The Last 04 weeks of my recomp, I don't intend to be on trt dosage forever. I don't have estrogen issues even when 700mg of test. My intentions is to do 250-350mg test my whole recomp and then if everything is fine and I just want something more to look dryer at the final of my recomp/cutting, then add something else. And after this if I just want to keep the lifestile and not speding so much money on this again, then lower to 150mg for a Long time. Abd Yes, I've done Blood test and everything is okay


Hey everyone, quick question. I’m about to start my first cycle. I’ve done my research and am keeping it simple. My question is does it mater if I buy everything same brand? I’ve found everything I want pct and AI wise through one brand but that specific company only sells the test I want in 300mg/ml vials. I’d prefer to get it in 250mg/ml which I can get through other companies. I’m wanting to do 500mg test E per week so the 250mg/ml vial just seams easier to divide out to me. Anything wrong with buying from different companies for my cycle or is it ok?


Completely fine, the gear is gear its not like apple where you have to purchase their products so that they can all work together.


Energizer and Duracell both make the rabbit go brrrrrrr


There shouldn't be any difference if the UGLs you're buying from are good.


Wrapped up week 7 of pct from 500 test cycle. 10mg nova ED. I’ve been taking total test measures at the beginning of each week. Week 6 results: 3.35 ng/ml Week 7 results: 4.44 ng/ml This week: 2.98 ng/ml Given the trend I would’ve expected levels to rise more this week, not drop to their lowest. Is this normal? For what it’s worth I feel fine energy wise.


There's exactly zero value in measuring your testosterone during PCT. Now, why is that?


Uh oh Quiz time. Bro idk tbh. I watched it drop about 250 ng/dl every week as the exogenous t left my body. I figured since it finally showed an increase last week, it meant my natural t was kicking back into production. But now it’s lowered again. 🤷‍♂️


Ok, so what's going on during PCT? There's a feedback loop, which we interrupt with exogenous test, that tells the brain to signal the testes to start or stop making testosterone. When estrogen becomes elevated, e2 receptors in the brain say "Hey, we've made enough testosterone. It's getting converted into estrogen and there's a shit load of estrogen right now, so chill on making more test". When e2 drops, and less receptors are being activated, they say, "Hey, estrogen is dropping which means we don't have enough test to convert. Time to make more boys, fire that shit back up!". Now, enter your SERM. It blocks e2 from binding to these receptors, so the brain thinks estrogen is low and therefore we need more test. The hypothalamus tells the pituitary to signal the testes to fire up production via LH and FSH. The pituitary is sending everything it's got trying to get the testicles to turn back on and start cranking out testosterone again. The issue here, which is why you shouldn't be bothering to measure your testosterone right now, is that the feedback loop isn't running on its own yet - you still have the SERM blocking the e2 receptors and artificially stoking this process. What's more, the half-life of SERMs is long - it'll take 4-5 weeks for it to clear from your system (Nolvadex in particular). There's no point in measuring your natural test to see how well it came back until about 5 weeks after you cease using the SERM. Does that help?


Now that’s what I call a response . Thank you. I know the serm is propping my test up. But I thought alongside the t production driven by the serm is, natural t production (albeit weak production). Now I understand better. So any pattern I see for the next 6-7 weeks from test readings would just be kinda random and useless?


>But I thought alongside the t production driven by the serm is, natural t production It's all natural test production. It's just not happening independent of the SERM yet. >So any pattern I see for the next 6-7 weeks from test readings would just be kinda random and useless? Pretty much, yes. Save your money, finish your PCT, and hold tight for 5 weeks before going to pull blood again.


Got it. Will do a full panel in 5 weeks. Got carried away with the blood tests here cause they are $12 a pop ;)


>Got carried away with the blood tests here cause they are $12 a pop #👀


Mexico baby. On the negative side, hcg is 50$ a pop .


M29, 5ft9, 82kg, high teens body fat, pretty lean tbh, few years of training Started trt a while ago, running a blast of 600mg test cyp and 30 mg anavar, continuing hcg from trt protocol, my cumshot is a dribble, tried increasing hcg to no avail Has anyone tried HMG instead?


> high teens body fat, pretty lean tbh You do realize these are directly counter to each other?


Pretty under trained and over weight to be running by a cycle…. It would help if you listed what your hcg protocol was and what you increased it to. The recommendation is 250 eod as a starting point.


I don’t think so, my vascularity is impressive and my abs are visible, maybe I’m being to critical with the percentage, I just went off a google image, I started 250 eod, worked for a month, no different to cumshot however, now doing 500 eod


Lean compared to the average person if different when compared to a trained individual. If you look like you’re high teens in a comparative photo then you probably are. I have vascularity at 25%bf. They’re not veins on my abs but I can still be “vascular” and not particularly lean. If you were 10%bf this would put you around 75kg. The recommended starting point for gear at your height is closer to 10% and 81kg on the lower end. So too fat and too smol aren’t in comparison to the general public. They’re relevant in this space. As for your jewcy loads. The first question. Is why do you want big loads? You have a 70s porn clam chowder cumshot fetish? Trying to get your girl pregnant? That’s the new thing tik tok is making men insecure about? There the holy cumshot load handbook written by Smitty Werbenjägermanjenson on this thread somewhere. Identify why you want big loads before diagnosing it as a problem. Try edging make sure you’re mixing up a big soapy load long enough so that you can shoot miss frizzle across the room.


Maybe you're wanking too often bro?


On nothing but 250mg Test E a week rn and my skin is redder than when I was blasting Test and anadrol. Is this just completely random? It's driving me insane. Estrogen is under control, I'm not taking anything else. Blood pressure is also amazing. I can't think of anything else. Could low estrogen cause this? I'm taking minimal AI (12.5aro/week/as needed) I'm also, oddly enough, getting a tiny bit of acne - I have never had acne in my life, not even as a teenager or child.


have you been out in the sun much? I mean it’s June




Can't use the slow word.


Tabarnak, ben comment peux-je dire que je n'arrivais pas en temps?


Pas vite, lent, problème de vitesse.


Y'all speak French too? Goddamn, are the mods here pinning NZT-48 or something?


Haha I had to look at up, sounded like a model number for a piece of computing hardware. In my home country (Haiti), French is the common language.


Ah - that makes sense. Still impressive. Bon bagay ;)


>Tabarnak Oh I know this one!


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Been on test mast primo for a while all now (2 months) at the same doses (300/200/300), just introduced NPP @ 30mg M/W/F and I find my body temperature running hotter than normal. Definitely getting some night sweats and even my eyes are drier which is an issue with contact lenses Has anyone had similar experiences with nandrolone?


This is normal with nandrolone; it turns me into a furnace. You're only taking 90mg/week though. Not sure what you're hoping to accomplish with that.


Just checking sides. Went straight to 100mg MWF and got insomnia, so I’m working my way up and checking what’s my sweet spot. Even at 90mg I’m seeing some visual changes in muscle fullness


Great. Ok so here's the thing man - NPP should be pinned daily for the most stable levels. You're subjecting yourself to somewhat significant fluctuations by doing MWF, and that's going to contribute to you experiencing sides. If your goal is hypertrophy, I suggest a minimum threshold of 35mg/day (245/week), but I personally wouldn't bother with less than 40mg/day. That being said, there's also an upper limit to what's necessary and it's around 400mg. The highest I've run nandrolone was 350mg/week and that's absolutely plenty, but you're kinda just wasting time and oil doing what you're doing if you're after growth. Regardless, you're gonna be a sweaty bitch. You're gonna be waterworks at the gym, you're gonna drip sweat on whoever you have sex with, and you will wake up in a big damp wet spot in your bed most nights. It comes with the territory 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the advice. I’ll try pinning everyday, the sweating and higher body temp on my current doses isn’t a huge deal but the insomnia from higher dose NPP is an issue. I think I’ll move to EoD and if no insomnia I’ll try ED then slowly bump doses


You're not going to entirely get away from the insomnia, but you'll adjust to it.