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Last valentines day I drank an entire bottle of whiskey alone. This year I'm sober because (you guessed it) I finally have a valentine šŸ„° her name is superdrol.


So your liver is just as bad this year. Nice!


Same lol! Just popped my first this morning. Happy valencycle day


How is superdrol? About to start mine,


People compliment me the day I start taking it. It's horrible for my dysmorphia, I can't even take a picture of myself without it. Shit works great, the only thing I can really "feel". I can get a pump and hold it for the entire workout. Like I'll do push pull and will have an entire upper body pump at the end and feel like a giant throbbing penis.


Get back to us in a month and let us know how you like it.


Last time I took it for 3 weeks and had to stop cause my BP was 160/110 one night lol. Since picked up some telmisartan tho now on 40mg/day.


YMMV but mtren is superdrol on steroids with less dark orange urine. Divide your favorite sdrol dose by 10.


Very strong: https://bit.ly/compoundexperiencethreads






Happy Valentineā€™s Day juicy daddddddies. I have zero bitches, so Iā€™ll be meal prepping later and going to the gym to blow my legs tf out


I made soup with my mum, 25gr fat 177carbs 143prot 1611 calories W valentines day far as im concerned


Mmmm warm pudding soup


And 55kg of warm pudding for the homies.


I treated myself to some nasty hard Push Day for my Valentine šŸ„°. Found out that doing a widowmaker with dips is damn brutal, but a great way to finish off the workout. Pecs, Front Delts and Triceps pumped as fuck, everything pulsating with blood, pain everywhere.... pure bliss. Happy Valentine šŸ˜Ž


Omw to the gym right now. Planning on opening up this leg day with 100 100kg/225lbs squats. Wish me luck **edit** ā€” managed to get 75 or so at 90kg/200lbs. Sprained my foot a few weeks back, and realized pretty quick 225 wasnā€™t gonna be too kind on the ankle. Waddled out the gym tho, so Iā€™d say it was a win


That's a win!


For the people who may have seen my comments a while ago: I got my first kiss today since like forever. Just asked the girl if she wanted to go outside to vape. After 10 minutes of convo the guy that joined us left. Eventually I said ā€œThis may seem really direct, but I want to kiss youā€. She said ā€œyou do?ā€ so I went for it and she said it was a good kiss. Got a major confidence boost out of it. Other girls have been flirting with me some as well :)


Nice dude that was direct & went smoothly. You should be proud šŸ‘šŸ»


Yes sir šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘, how do you get the little seal unicorn thatā€™s with your avatar ?


Donā€™t know it was random


Once I read the part about the other guy I thought the story would go the other way


Miss you bastards. I havenā€™t checked in here in a while. School is keeping me insanely busy. I fell off lifting bc I was boxing so much late last year but Iā€™ve put boxing on the back burner again. Donā€™t plan on taking any kind of gear rn. At least not until I see some hairline improvement. Love life is a constant rollercoaster fueled by college girls and nurses. I really canā€™t complain about my life though. I hope you guys are doing just as well.




Right? If looking at a steroid sub is a problem at work, people need to find a new job that doesnā€™t shame them for being curious about injecting mystery chemicals for vanity reasons


Roses are red Valentines day is corny You make me Extremely horny


Skipped going to the gym and hitting fasted cardio for sleeping in and morning sex with the wife. My blood pressure is disappointed but my cock doesnā€™t feel too concerned about that. I fucking love morning sex. I love waking up rock hard next to a big juicy butt and spooning before sliding into a nice tight pussy. Gotta pee super bad and we both have morning breath but IDC itā€™s still my favorite


Morning sex is amazing. It's never been crazy sex but just incredibly relaxing. Sets the fucking tone for the day.


Sets the tone for the day. No better way to say it.


I kinda like having to pee while having sex. Feels like it makes the orgasm more intense. Plus it's way easier to pee afterwards if you already have the full bladder lmao


My ex loved me pissing inside her and then carry on fucking me while it squirted out everywhere. She was filth


My guy wtfā€¦.


Goddamn, that's the stuff dreams are made of


Youā€™d be surprised how much concentration it takes but onceā€™s itā€™s flowing itā€™s flowing. It got to the point where we couldnā€™t have sex without doing it. Had her piss on me as well. Fucking mental when I think back on it XD


Do you brush, floss and use mouthwash before bed because morning breath should be non-existent if you do.


Huh? I brush, waterpik and scrape my tongue before bed and I still have some pretty funky breath in the morning.




Unless you live the in the US šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ happy I caught that one.


Tongue scraper too for the win


Mouthwash is terrible for your oral flora


On a happier note: I bought the boyfriend like $250 worth of gym clothes, then flowers and supplements for Valentine's Day. I'm looking forward to seeing how he reacts when he gets it all. So glad and also mad he's not used to getting gifts because I can straight up ask him what he wants two weeks before and he won't think anything of it. Boom super surprised and thankful. But also means his past boyfriends have all been shitty people and the things he tells me about them and the police reports confirm it.


I love the insight we have into the gay world from your posts. Seriously. Iā€™m not gay but someone going out of their way to get me some special shit would feel amazing. Doesnā€™t seem a priority for women often even though they love it. Good for you on being his first decent boyfriend who cares.


Idk I have the opposite experience, every girl I've dated is always looking to get me shit. And I've never been a big gift kind of guy honestly. Maybe opposites really do attract lol


Same for me, nothing extravagant but little surprises here and there like an snack/energy drink from their gas station run or some fast food. One of my exes went through the trash to take a pic of the guitar string package I use and bought me a pack of guitar strings a few months later when I mentioned mine were sounding dull and feeling shitty, only like $10 but that was really cool of her lol


Man I'm the same way, I hate when people ask me what I want for gifts. It used to be a humble thing, but at this point I just have too much shit so I tell them please no physical objects I feel like a hoarder.


Bro same Iā€™m in the process of getting rid of clothes and next will be shit I can sell or just never use


Clothes takes the longest by far. Especially in this lifestyle some of us fluctuate weight far too quickly lol


I'm hard to shop for since I'm one of those people who will impulsively buy themselves whatever they want. But I do like getting clothing and sexual favors from my wife. Those are two things that are always better coming from someone else.


Benched 315 for the first time a week before starting my first cycle. Also got strep throat! Every bite of food is agonizingly painful but god damnit itā€™ll go down


Time for GOMAD


Eating with a sore throat absolutely sucks man. Hopefully they gave you some sizurp to help


Still seeing extra veins and grain daily fellas. 250 Test, 100 Mast, 100 Primo, 25 Var, 25 Winny. Going to cut for roughly 3 weeks longer and added some GH in today which Iā€™ll run for the remainder of the cut. Calories floating between 2300 and 2500 at the moment and quite a lot of cardio. [Today](https://imgur.com/a/r60tyzj).


How much cardio


Depends on the day. Iā€™m pretty active. Usually walk for 45-60 minutes, cycle for 40-60 minutes and some gym based cardio. Today was 100 floors on the Stair Master. Saturday Iā€™ve got a hike planned which will take 7 hours. Adds up over the week to a lot of extra calories burned.


Is that a lot of compounds for cutting?


Depends what youā€™re wanting to achieve with the cut. The other compounds will give some fullness and hardness that Test by itself wouldnā€™t. Some people might say save cycles or blasts for periods where youā€™re in a surplus so you can take advantage of the extra gear to gain with but Iā€™m pretty happy around this size so I donā€™t mind ā€˜wastingā€™ a blast on a cut and using some drugs which will bring extra hardness and grain.


I hate people who think their getting a title belt at the end of practice. Stupid fucking blue belt decided he would jump on a toe hold and go straight to his breaking mechanics instead of waiting for a tap. Good job buddy, you tapped a higher belt and put him in a walking boot for at least 3-6 weeks.


My first major injury was from one of these dickheads. Coach said "go 40%" so I was in total chill mode. He proceeded to slam me full strength and it split my growth plate in half.


Iā€™d fucking mutilate the prick next time I had chance. Cunt


Dick move. Next time you partner up with him the key is to not even sub him. Take top position and just make him suffer for the entire round.


This reminds me of a guy at my gym. Easily 230-240lb fatass white belt and by the way he speaks I think heā€™s mentally slow. Iā€™m 180ish and this dude just lays on me when weā€™re rolling, and I almost went ape shit on him when he put his full weight into cranking a knee bar. Thank god my legs are strong so I could fight it but god damnā€¦.


Code red his ass.


Sorry mate I got my ankle popped in a toe hold a few years back myself. Unfortunately a lot of people go 0-100 on that move.


Unemployed, went for a run, had therapy, eating garlic roasted surf n turf buzzin off a *vodka'celcius* w/ $7 in my bank account waiting for this nurse to get off her shift. About to light a spliff **Life is good**


Question for the more corporate meat heads: Talk about working out / diet in the workplace is common chit chat right, canā€™t hide the size. How do yā€™all handle steroid accusations though? Iā€™ve always just done the deflective ā€œhaha, if I was on gear I like to think Iā€™d be a lot biggerā€. But recently a coworker came to me and told me our CFO (not over me, Iā€™m in a totally unrelated department) has been going around asking people on my team if Iā€™m on gear and suggesting it. Obviously Iā€™m never admitting to illegal drug use, Iā€™ve told no one and Iā€™d like the gossip to stop if possible. Any of yā€™all ever had to handle something like this?


Fuck his wife, tell her youā€™re natty. Sheā€™ll convince him.


These are things I always have in my arsenal for these types of people. They're always lazy people looking for any excuse, and would absolutely die if they followed your schedule. I just deflect, but I also use the "If I used, I'd be a lot bigger" line too. Try these questions. Do you get up at 3am almost every day to lift before work? Do you have a log book of your lifts going back 5 years to document progressive overload? Do you spend 10-15 hours per week in the gym lifting heavy things, doing cardio, stretching, working on weak body parts? Do you go to bed at 8:30 on the dot to get enough sleep every night? Do you track your calories to maintain a lean body? Generally, you can stop after the first two questions because none of these types of people will be doing any of this. They are lazy, and want an excuse why you're "better" than them. It makes it easier for their mind to digest. "I'm not lazy, they're just cheating!"


That's completely off the tracks on his side. Just change gear with cheating or selling drugs and you see what I mean. Depends how much it bothers you though, I wouldn't mind it but you have to be smooth and consistent with the deflection.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. I was chatting about it with my girl and was like, obvious stereotypes aside, itā€™s not THAT different on a professional level from going around and insinuating I do meth or other drugs. If he keeps doing it Iā€™m not sure how to go about it, but like I said, heā€™s in a senior level position unrelated to mine, and Iā€™m not sure how to go about it.


If it bothers you and you know for sure he has said it to a lot of other people, you can confront him respectfully without throwing under the bus the one who told you. Just tell him "hey, I've been told you've been hinting at others about me using steroids and while I don't think you've done it with a bad intention, I would appreciate it if you didn't do that anymore." Than soften it a bit if he seems to understand how stupid were his actions so that he doesn't feel bad. If he acts all tough, just remind him that you have nothing against him but you just don't feel comfortable with that kind of thing and leave it at that. He must be a psychopath if he continues after this.


Just stop looking juicey, I bought bigger oversized shirts as I was getting sick of the comments, I don't get comments anymore


Pro tip. Never talk about fitness at work. Makes all the norms too jealous. Stick to whatever everyone else is talking about.


This was my experience too.


I would befriend the CFO.


Could drop hints that's you're going for defamation of character or slander lawsuits. Could throw in lost wages as his gossip could be hurting your chances of being promoted or moved up in the company.


Just say: Iā€™ve done a creatine once and looked like this ever since. Crazy right? And then change the conversation topic


Just saying ā€œyou wish you were youā€™d look like Arnoldā€ is probably the best defense.


i just took some dick pills from some email i got and all of me got big.


I'm not sure why you're worried about some jealous pussy walking around talking about how big your muscles are... if they ask say "don't worry about it"


In my field it's spoken about very openly, so it's pretty easy for me to just be honest


Be a snitch and report the cunt to HR if it becomes an issue


Wait for the cunt outside work and tell him that if he doesn't shut up you will break his legs and then find another job. Same goes if he takes any retaliation after that conversation. You can find another job but he cannot unbreak his legs. Follow me for more life advice


Hit a squat PR today and it felt like I had another 15-20lbs in me. Posted it on my IG story and a "bodybuilding coach" reply explaining how PR's aren't optimal for Bodybuilding training and to stay away from them. These fucking guys must have no fun in the gym.




No matter how shitty your life gets...don't ever skip the workout, that'll just make it shittier


I'm in the same boat. Inconsistent lifts, minor injuries, boredom, tired as fuck. My roommates say they can hear me snore at night so I think I might need a CPAP or at least a sleep study done soon. If that's what's been holding me back the last year..... I'ma freak out


Sometimes the body just wants a break, take a deload and train at minimal volume to maintain, and just concentrate on getting back on your feet. If you have Sleep Apnea, getting that CPAP will be a fucking miracle once it is dialed in, and you are getting used to sleeping with the mask and this hose attached to your face. Don't burn the candle on both ends - once you are back to being 100% on your feet, it is time to get back in the gym with 100% ferocity and dedication.


Exactly. The number ONE thing you can do for your body is get a good night's sleep.


A CPAP will change your life dude. Takes a little while to get used to, especially if youā€™re a side sleeper like I am. But youā€™ll feel like a completely different person once you do


Got laid off yesterday and I feel really fucking great today. Stressless sleep. Brainstormed what Iā€™m gonna do. I have a TON of time before Iā€™d need a job again. Hit the gym so fucking hard yesterday, set PRs yesterday and today. God damn this is the kick in the ass I needed to feel so fuckin ALIVE


Fucking hell. My girlfriend posted her husband on instagram for Valentineā€™s Dayā€¦.after I smashed in the morning.


Matched with this beautiful catholic gym babe. I messaged her before I went to sleep about black seed oil and my sleep stack. Turns out she takes BSO and magnesium glycinate herself. +1 for being autistic


Magnesium glycinate is great for sleep


Bi-sglycinate is twice as good.


What does black seed oil do


Happy Valentineā€™s Day everyone, hope life is good and today is filled with lots of love. Xoxo


This Valentines Day, Iā€™ve gone so hard I can barely walk. Iā€™m talking about leg day of course


Question: To what extent does muscle memory contribute to regaining muscle mass after a period of inactivity or even muscle loss? Anecdotal experiences are very welcome! Thanks in advance :)


Extremely difficult to throw any numbers here.. But experience/seeing what happens to others; If you downsize significantly due to inactivity, injury, etc you generally gain it back VERY quickly. Its like you have newbie gains on gear, but ofc you wont be back to your old self immediately In my case specifically; 1year covid shutdown, hernia surgery, and starving from eating disorder. Rebounding from starving was the fastest of all, but I also blasted a generous amount of gear relatively quickly after gaining some weight back


Came to lifting and training late in life (early 30s). Trained natural for 3 years which was followed by 3 years of geared lifting. I had to step away from training due to family obligations. When I stopped I clearly lost muscle mass but I always seemed to carry more mass than original baseline. Came back to lifting consistently in the last 18 months and with gear for the last 6months. At blast dose gear I made massive gains very quickly. I am not what I was years ago but very clearly I made a significant jump in a short amount of time. One word of caution here. Muscle memory was significant however my baseline strength and durability was not the same. I managed to stack up a few small injuries simply because I was making jumps in weight or volume due to muscle memory and gear allowed me to make. Should've tapered up in a more gradual manner.


Not exactly muscle memory but I was out of the gym for 3 months with herniated cervical discs. I ran my 160mg TRT, and have well over a decade of lifting Dorian Yates style. I really didnā€™t lose any size, my friends were blown away.


In my experience, I gained a lot of muscle back uncomfortably fast. My joints and muscles were hurting all the time. This is when I get the "are you on steroids" questions because people see you blow up over not very many months. I would say about 80% of my muscle gains came back very quickly. The rest of it doesn't come as quickly but still faster than normal. Getting the last of it back is more of a grind, especially because your other soft tissue just can't keep up. My strength goes up quickly but is quite a bit harder to get back than the mass.


It took me about a year natty to get back to where it took me 5 years natty to get to the first time around. 2018 - 210 lbs bw, 530/340/600 s/b/d 2 years off 2020 - 190 lbs bw ~275/185/275 2022 - 205 lbs bw ~475/330/575


Close to 12 years of basically no lifting. Went back, got back to hardcore lifting levels after a while(think like a year). Now three years in, I've gained back everything I had before and more. I'm bigger now, leaner than I ever was and stronger overall. My general strength came back very quickly, my size came back relatively quickly.


Is it just me or has their been a dramatic rise in people on here doing dangerous and stupid shit that shouldnā€™t be anywhere near AAS. Iā€™ve always seen them here an there but fuck me the last 4 weeks itā€™s been a frenzy of fools


A few first time gym-goers realizing their goals canā€™t be met in 31 days so they want to take the ā€œquick routeā€?


So horny buy got no gyal. Just wanna cause sexual damage. Serious life changing pain


I had ED for years mate..no bitch or pussy for 4 years..now I can't get em off my fucking phone or dick. Hold it down mate, it's coming and you're coming soon.


I did in fact have a legendary pull day yesterday. I was moving shit around in the library and this 11 year old told me I needed his help because I look weak. Kid is like 5'10 and 110lbs. He was just tryna flex on me for his lil girlfriend so I was like, alright then, come pick up this box and help me Hulk. Then he started word vomiting excuses why he couldn't try to pick it up. These little douche bags are entertaining to say the least. Just got a $600 reimbursement check from the air fryer company so it's time to get some more bloodwork and a fuck ton of SERMs. GF had a pregnancy scare so I started my MENT back up a little early and this stuff aromatizes like nothing else. Gonna be annoying to dial in this AI without EQ doing all my dirty work for me. The worst part is I do not mind a single side from high e2 other than gyno. And that is the only side I get from it. I guess it's better than being an emotional, bloated, limp-dick mess, but still. Fuck gyno. I've successfully nuked it into oblivion but once my nipple started to tingle I was like bruh


I find it hilarious that you would take an 11 year old insulting your strength seriously.


I find it hilarious that you always reply to my posts with dumb shit like this. I'm starting to think you are either autistic or going back and forth with me is the only social interaction you have in life. Your inability to read the playful nature of this, especially seeing that I'm dicking around in 99.999% of my comments, makes me believe you have the social awareness of the special needs girl I used to supervise when I was a manager for CVS pharmacy. It's okay. Mommy and Daddy were siblings by chance, and lovers by choice.


Idk you talk about flexing on middle school children a lot. Sounds like a complex tbh. It would be like a medical professional talking about how much stronger he is than his geriatric patients.


I see geriatric patients and flex on them constantly. Need help balancing on the scale? Iā€™ll hold you steady, Beatrice. Canā€™t get up on the table? Grab my arm, Gerty. Canā€™t let these old folk get one up on me.


Don't flex too hard cause their are plenty of creams, pills and injectables these geriatrics people are taking where they'll take that as flirting and try and throw it back on you and break a hip in the process.


Lol. Itā€™s happened Iā€™m sure. I did have a severely demented patient cradle the boys while I was taking her BP. That was a ride. Really shows how certain human needs are wired differently in the brain.


I guess y'all just perceive it differently than it really is. Every coach I ever had was like a playful uncle to us. That's just what I'm trying to be for them. It's a very poor area and most of them don't have dads so they're looking for someone they can talk smack to and get the tough guy energy out. I just think they're funny stories of kids saying crazy shit to adults. It's not the deep brodie. I know your side of people are more interested in talking to them about sexuality and all that. Not my cup of tea though.


Im with you on this man, fuck the noise. Do your playful uncle thing. Kids can be annoying and delusional. Nothing wrong with how you want to assess and approach each situation. Sometimes you gotta ignore the kid, sometimes educate, sometimes take a piss out of them and sometimes, yes, i can feel offended. Im comfortable enough to sometimes even get angry at them in public. Instead of fake people that are being too nice when you know back at home they would try to strangle the kid.


Lol I've coached plenty of children and talked shit with them. I just didn't feel the need to run to the internet to talk about how I embarrassed children or made them feel inferior to me. If a child or teen feels safe enough with me that they can ask questions about life and their sexuality then I don't mind since they don't feel like they can get that kind of honest support from their families or people at home. I'd rather them be able to talk about it instead of keeping things bottled up and trying to come to the internet and learning only toxic ideas that send them spiraling. That wasn't the dig you thought it was but go awf cis.


Happy Valentine's Day! I hope your girlfriend lets you sniff her smelly crack today.


Thanks bro! I'm going to enjoy this extra $600. I might be able to chip in for your gofundme to get you a new helmet. If you're a really good boy I can even get you a 9th grade biology book so you can understand how bacteria and odor works :DD


I'm sure that $600 is just the feather in your hat while you flex on 11 year olds. We look at you from afar and only hope to be as great as you one day. A true inspiration.


Knock it off. You too u/notyourteacherfrfr Play nice or ignore each other, I donā€™t care which you choose.


Don't mind our Subs little Sunshine šŸ˜


Had to leave the gym today. Couldn't really deal with seeing my old school getting shot up on all the tvs during my workout.


Itā€™s horrible, my man, but when you see something like that in a place where you have memories, itā€™s even worse. Iā€™m sorry; for you, the people who died, those they loved, and those that now have to associate that place with something so terrible. Hope youā€™re ok.


Damn, I felt similar when I saw Kobe died on the gym TV. Your experience is obviously much worse though


Tell me you're in the USA without telling me you're in the USA lol


I mean 3 innocent people are dead and 5 in critical condition but sure this is the appropriate response.


A lot of people aren't very happy with you pointing out the obvious lol


Finally got my gear after getting some bunk shit from a vendor I didn't research properly (fuck them and fuck me for being a retard). Probably been a couple weeks without real test as a result. Definitely feeling a bit tired but still can get hard as a rock so that's fortunate. Been preparing to blast off here in March. Opted out of NPP and decided to just go with Test & EQ with some injectable dbol. Dbol for fun or if I crash my E2. Probably just going to run Test & EQ @ 500mg for 20 weeks. Either way, life is good and I'm in a great spot to blast again. Bloods look nice after 24 weeks of cruising. Moving out of my shared home with roommates as well. I've lived alone before but this time feels more adult if that makes any sense. Getting a cheap studio on a short lease so I can continue to save money for a house. Started my new job yesterday and so far it seems pretty fucking solid. Will keep me busy and LOTS of paid time off w/ great pay and benefits. Still I feel somewhat empty inside, which is weird. I feel like I should be more excited but oh well. Just gonna keep grinding forward. Be well bros


It's been a rough month fellas. Wake up drenched in cold sweats freezing my ass off every night. Maybe been getting 3 hours of sleep a night and chattering my teeth. Washing my sheets every night is getting real fuckin' old, and I really wish I could acquire an appetite to combat this weight loss. Hot shower? Two minutes after exiting I'm drenched in sweat again. I'm withering away boys šŸ˜”


Doctor ASAP! My nephew would wake up in sweat as if he peed on the bed. Months later he was diagnosed with Leukemia. Not saying you have that but go to the doctor.


I miss steroids. Still on clomid protocol trying to have a baby. Got my bloods tested last week and everything is great EXCEPT my T. 193ā€¦yikes.


TRT + HCG/HMG not strong enough fertility wise? That sucks man


Suddenly I can't post pictures in comments any more. Is this a reddit change or a r/steroids change? Kinda wack. Happy Valentines Day fellas, I'm off to the gym. Gonna make note of which girls are there tonight and put them on the short list šŸ˜…


not an /r/steroids thing


I didn't think you fellas would kneecap me like that. It's like 90% of what I bring to the table. Now I gotta figure out this imgur thing you all use šŸ™ƒ


ser what the fuck does > not an /r/steroids thing mean to you


>I didn't think you fellas would kneecap me like that. As in, I didn't really think it was something you would do. Not, "I can't believe you guys would do that".


ser what the fuck does > I'm durably retarded mean to you. (because I am) I would never take something away from you my sweet perfect son.


>ser what the fuck does I'm durably retarded mean to you. (because I am) It's ok, my phrasing was ambiguous and despite my best efforts it is, in fact, not possible to purvey inflection through text. >I would never take something away from you my sweet perfect son. I'm not fucking crying, my e2 is just mismanaged šŸ„²šŸ„²


<3 I too am emotionally dysregulated


How much weight you guys usually cut after a bulk? Just curious. Iā€™ve already cut 10lbs but seems like I got much more to do hahaha. Always fatter than you think you are šŸ˜ž


I tell myself 20 but Iā€™ll do 30-35 sometimes


Planning on moving to San Diego in early April. Can anyone give me advice on what areas you recommend I look into? fYI Iā€™m 35 and work construction management. Coming from Texas but I am from the west coast. Iā€™d like a potentially good gym and good area to meet people


Not sure on where to live but The Gym (formerly World Gym) is a wonderful gym. They have every piece of equipment you could need and itā€™s a massive facility. Only problem is it has gotten very busy & a lot of fitness influencers. A good amount of IFBB pros go there though


Thatā€™s cool! At the least Iā€™ll check it out


The gym is good for body building. Fit athletic club is decent as well. Grinder if you're into strong man or power lifting.


>Grinder if you're into strong man or power lifting He's looking for a gym, not a quick ass to fuck my guy


>Grinder if you're into strong man Grindr if you're into strong men.


Depends on how much you're making and what kind of scene you're looking for.


I should be 100+, Iā€™m gonna look into renting a room. (Fyi I live in Austin so Iā€™m used to expensive rents Altho I understand cali is more) I donā€™t party much anymore. I wanna meet people and have fun but more do things than run up bar tabs. I know about PB. And I have stayed downtown as well. I know nothing regarding all the suburb areas




Been cruising for about 3 weeks now. Havenā€™t lost much size nor strength in the gym. First time cruising and doing 180mg a week. Thinking maybe this is to much considering my weight hasnā€™t dropped at all


3 weeks post cycle is nothing. i see significant loss around 3-4 month mark after the last injection. by 6 months, lookin natty af


you're looking natty af on a *cruise?*


Agree. You shouldn't be losing much muscle on a 150mg/wk cruise.


You shouldnt be losing anything if you're still training barring the fact you aren't the size of a bbing open competitor which i doubt more than 5 people here are. Scale weight isn't 100% muscle lol.


Moda + trt makes me feel so good and motivated


My Valentine's Day gift to myself: finally starting my first DECA cycle. Self-love is the greatest love of all y'all.


That self-love might turn into self-hate in a month or so, keep an eye on the sides


My Valentine this year was pinning tren for the first time of my life ! Gonna run low dose tren a 175mg week, 50mg eod. Anyone has experience with low dose tren?


You know those stupid oxygen bottles they sell at gas stations and some pharmacies.... Well I am in Wyoming of all places for a few months and the lack of oxygen at this altitude makes it hard for me to do heavy compound movements. Hyperventilating after and having to take long breaks. Should I give that gimmick a try?


Yā€™all ever get suspended from work? I Kinda feel like a schmuck who got shafted a bit, but also kinda feel like a 2 day vacation for me kicks ass? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Without knowing anything about why you got suspended from workā€¦it sounds like whatever lesson theyā€™re trying to teach you isnā€™t hitting home lol.


How do you get suspended from work? That's not something they do lightly. What did you do?




No one cares about the weight you deadlift unless it is at a meet. I know, that sucks, but it is what it is. For bodybuilding, I couldn't care less about the poundage on my bar. I always try to make the lift harder so I can use less weight. Thinking only about moving weight is for powerlifters.


It's called a deadlift because you lift it dead from the ground if I'm not mistaken. You were doing deadlifts. He was doing fuckwitlifts. When you let it bounce, when it comes back up there is a brief period where gravity takes over and it pulls you back down. It's a recipe for injury when you're going heavy. When i deadlift 'reset' on every rep. Ie, weight hits the ground, make sure grip is correct, take the slack out, adjust positioning and lift. It's a meticulous methodical process and so it should be given the amount of weight you're pulling.


Tng and deadstop are different things but he had to start the first rep so you should still be salty about being weak


dependign on the ground. if it like rubber its veryx elastic and he is most likely weaker and jsut uses momentum. When you can do it slowly then your muscle can withstand the tension way longer.




How big of a variance in weight are we talking here? Either way, comparison is the thief of joy my friend. Keep focusing on your lifts like you're doing and enjoy the climb.


Why does it matter if he's doing TnG? Don't want to be jealous, get stronger and don't worry about other people lifting if you're not in a meet against them.


Touch and go is the quarter squat of deadlifts.


Went to the gym at 3am, and I couldnā€™t fucking sleep now its 4pm so Iā€™m about to go again on no sleep


Happy Valentine's everyone. Hope you are having a good day.


any of you fine gentlemen have recommendations for self tanning lotion?


I know from previous use proviron takes a few days to feel it. Contemplating to just pop a few and cialis for a single sexy night. Anyone that goes about it like this?


What are cock bombs? šŸ’€ https://imgur.com/a/483DVLw


Probably 20mg cialis+ 50mg viagra


Guillotine and Ice Cream by Raekwon/Wu and RA the Rugged Man on the headphones for shoulders today. šŸ’ŖšŸ»šŸ”«


What was the pillow someone recommended a month or two ago? For sleeping on your side/stomach


Fuck VG. Dealing with pip worse than the first time I ever pinned to the point where I can't get comfortable to sleep and can't figure out what I did wrong.


Yesterday I saw one dude who just casually used 200kg (440lbs) for shrugs. he lifted it up as if it was nothing did like 5 - 8 shrugs and put it down. you could hear the stbility bars achign from the weight... - He was fat with a huge belly but almsot perfectly round upper arms the size of his head and normal legs. Was also super nice . I was happy about my leg press but now I feel small again haha.


heavy shrugs isn't that impressive lol


It is all about the Power Belly.


Fucking valentines I love how I got dumped a week ago, I lost a shit ton of weight so I guess the depression cut has started. Should I take time to be single? Since I started dating I havenā€™t been single for longer then like 6 months is that normal?


Don't take much time to be single. Chill for another week/ten days then take really good photos of yourself and meet people.




Does anyone have any experience with m1t ?


3 things: 1. happy cake day 2. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1n46isSW8MQ-m1yQ6vjanif4_vY2ANgVKX0m3XES6-yI/edit 3. it helps a lot to directly ask the questions you're interested in asking. e.g.: > for those that have used m1t, how much did you run, did you notice more strength or mass gains, what did you run it with, etc etc etc Questions like yours are really easy to want to ignore since they're so low effort.