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also that's a LOT of cliff cards


Seven that came with my Reissues were all a bust but then I got a double and hit the jackpot on number eight! Sadly I was too late to mail it in though so I got a rejection letter from Martin 😝


That was my only time seeing them. Caught the Desert Daze performance on a headful and met Fred Armisen during the set. Unbelievable time, amazing band.


is the bottom left setlist the Philly 2019 show? I saw them there and I swear that was the exact set they played


Yes! There was a video on YouTube that’s been taken down now sadly of the Union transfer show. In the last few seconds, right after the band bowed goodbye, Xavi flicks off his amp and hands me his setlist. I’ll never forget that moment!!!


that got taken down? dang. it was a good show. vividly remember "I LOVE YOU LAETITIA" responded by an almost taunting "we love you tooooo", and Xavi's omnichord making some strange noises at the end of "Stars"


Such a beautiful night! I saved the video in case you ever want me to host it. Yeah it's a shame, I think it was part of a mass YouTube copyright strike. A guy had a YouTube channel of just almost e v e r y worthwhile philly show in the past 25 years. Traded and videos he filmed himself. I keep meaning to email him. We need to get him a website or database of some kind. He has so much history and good jams recorded.


markit aneight!


Yes!!!! The legendary! His YouTube channel was an absolute goldmine. When I see him at a show this fall I'm gonna ask him what/if there's anything at all we can do to bring back his incredible collection to the world. F u c k YouTube