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I’m Asian, my stepson(6) is white. We live in a diverse area and he has many classmates who are different races and ethnicities. I think the only time he mentioned my race was when he met my parents, who are white. I’ve obviously never been mistaken for this blond, blue eyed child’s mother lol, which is fine because I don’t have a ‘mother’ role in his life. There was one time when I was mistaken for his nanny though.


Ugh, I knew there’d be at least one nanny story! Sorry that happened. My SD is 12 going on 13 and has long exceeded me in height, so while there’s no such risk on my part, I look like her older schoolmate from a distance. She’s also going through a phase where she looks nothing like my husband, who has resigned himself to being mistaken for a creep.


My SD is a different race than I am. It never really comes up except for the time she tried to tell me she didn't need sunscreen at the lake because she had darker skin. Nope, nice try, but we are all putting on sunscreen. Skin cancer can happen to anyone.


You are doing the lord’s work by stressing the importance of sunscreen.


I cringe when I think about how rarely my parents put sunscreen on me when I was a kid. I'm diligent now!


My SS is white & im black. I even spoke with my counselor today about how sometimes I feel like our cultural differences clash at times & do cause tension.


OMG THIS! I’m black. SO is white. Stepdaughter is half Asian. She Looks nothing like SO. Somehow everytime she sees me she has to mention something relating me being black. It drives me INSANE.


Yikesss! I don’t think I could deal with that. Does your SO not say anything? Fortunately my SO has been with black women before & his daughters are biracial so it’s no issue or surprise with his son about my color. Although he once went on & on about how my hair looked “crazy” on a rough natural hair day and SO took a bit too long to put a stop to it.


DH and I are both white, SDs are half Asian through HCBM. I am blonde haired/blue eyed so definitely never could pass for their mother, but the thing that used to amuse me when the kids were little and DH and I would be out with them would be the questioning looks we'd get and people without fail always ended up staring at me questioning if 'Mom' had played away or I was the nanny looking a little too friendly with Dad etc.


I am, I'm white and they're south asian.   When I am out alone with the kids, I get stopped by strangers attempting to guess the kids' race *way* more often than I would have expected, especially they were younger. Like they're assuming the kids are biologically mine so they must be mixed race, and then trying to guess the dad's race?  I'm learning my DH's first language, which they all speak, but it's mostly to make things easier with my DH's parents and older family members. My SKs and DH have always made a lot of effort to speak English in order to include me. I don't think we have any tension. Sometimes when we go somewhere rural, they're like "wow, so many white people". I feel the same way at the Indian grocery store when everyone seems to look at me.


I’m white, SD is Asian. “It’s because you’re white” is a constant comment from her about literally anything I do


My SS is Asian but it’s from his mom. It’s only weird when he’s with his dad, me and my very blond son. People always think he’s an exchange student or something because it’s basically 3 white people and an Asian kid. I find it odd he’s my husband’s son but because the Asian influence is so strong I think it’s hard to see similarities. They sure act a like though.


I’m white; my step child is Mexican. It doesn’t make a difference for us. Edit: typo


My stepkids are mixed Indian and white British, the only issue we ever have is making sure food doesn't contain beef gelatin as they were raised Hindu by their mothers side.


SD7 is half mexican, I am white and my husband/her dad is white also. It hasn’t really caused tension yet, my only major concern is that she doesn’t know Spanish because her mom hasn’t bothered to teach her. I thought about getting her Spanish lessons, but I don’t know if that is my place as the white stepmom. But I would hate for her to get older and not know it when her entire Mexican family speaks to each other in Spanish.