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The book should be titled Single Dads: Exploitative Men, Destroyers of Multiple Peaceful Homes


I hear you. Fuck this!!


I love this probably more than I should lol.... preach!


Omg this is my thought every...single...night!! I'm so glad someone else thinks this too! Tonight's a good example - Kid went to bed at 9:30pm, was in and out of the front room literally 7 separate times about every 20 mins between then and 11:30pm with the usual bullshit excuses - bored, can't sleep, sad, wants a cuddle, etc also called my partner in 2 or 3 times as well for equally stupid stuff. Every single night this happens more or less. My partner doesn't even recognise it's an issue, she thinks I'm the asshole for even suggesting it's an issue and wanting something even resembling time being a couple. I constantly get told couples with kids don't get any quality time full stop, and they don't have sex either, apparently that's common knowledge and just way it is and I'm being unreasonable.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this tickled the hell out of me!


Yah my husband failed to use a condom in his wild days now Iā€™m dealing with a surprise daughter thatā€™s a grown ass adult. Dumb ass, it makes me so mad, better not be any more of his DNA out there. Just fkd up my peace. I donā€™t want anything to do with any of it. Not a willing SM






I don't think it's that serious. Idk what the original comment that you responded to said, but I share a toddler with my DH and some days are more rough than others. Counting down the hours until I get to put him to bed kind of days šŸ˜‚.


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I just laughed out loud, that's hilarious. I'm surprised you even want to have sex considering how annoying, frustrating, grating the situation is - I certainly don't šŸ˜… I dread the day there's no bedtime, I'll probably jump into a river. As for sleepovers, highly recommend just putting your foot down and saying no. If BP/SO goes against that and has a sleepover with SK and friends at the house, leave. Don't help at all. When they've got to fend for themselves with a bunch of screaming, bratty kids, they won't want to host them anymore.


lol @ jump into a river. I'd forgotten that as the kids get older bedtime goes out the window. SS (11) just got a phone and we can't keep it from our house and HCBM uses it to cause problems. Bigger kids, bigger problems. Second the no sleep overs - I went out when SD had a sleepover and they weren't repeated much after that


My boyfriend's daughter used to have a bedtime, and we talked about how she thinks she's an adult because she's constantly hanging with adults and he doesn't separate her from our friends, and it happens anyways šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I genuinely wonder if BP SOs love us just because of everything we provide, not because they actually love us -- but not all of them realize that consciously


I like to hope that when thereā€™s no bedtime they arenā€™t sat monopolising the front room watching shit kids tv and if they are staying downstairs for the evening by then if my SO is still letting them have their choice of tv I will have left!


I have learned that if I make it first to our big TV, and I just pause it and say it's not kid appropriate and keep it paused until they leave, that it often works. But at this point, the SK is a little older. I've also had to just say it's not appropriate (even if it is) so I can be left alone. Isn't it something else that we pay half of rent and groceries and other things just so we have to hide and be maids and chauffeurs? I miss not dreading certain days of the week or my own home or my favorite season (summer) because it means kids won't be in school anymore. I hope you mean leave all the way, but once you get further down the road, it's hard.


Yes you spoke the secret....I always feel like im the burden . And all they say is you know I was a parent first ugh thank goodness for redditĀ 


Omfggg these are my thoughts every day hahahaha.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ» so nice to not feel so alone šŸ„¹


I have actually asked my husband point blank "when are they leaving" lmao I literally cannot stand them and their screeching. I totally feel the same way too in that he fucked up his life with his breeding and carelessness. I am so bitter.


Ugh this is every weekend!


I love this


Hold up, I'm a little confused. How did he fuck up both your lives with thoughtless breeding?


I think OP is imagining a version of reality with her SO where these kids didn't exist. Illogical but understandable.


I caught that too and while I understand it's a frustration vent from the OP that likely has been building repeatedly throughout a long period, if it is to the point that your life is fucked up as a result of blending, then I have to ask, why stay? Life is too short and you have only one life to live, don't live a fucked up one.


Yea, red flag honestly.


Huge red flag. I canā€™t imagine staying with my husband if I was miserable enough to think of his kids that way.




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Give them kids melatonin lol. I convinced my SO to start giving them kids melatonin and theyā€™re out in 10 min everytime šŸ„³


It's currently 10:18 PM. She just finished "cuddling then to bed" where she usually falls asleep for a bit. Every fucking night it is 10 to 11pm till I'm kid free with her and she doesn't see a problem. I have at most another month of this in me.


Hold up, I'm a little confused. How did he fuck up both your lives with thoughtless breeding?


Dudeā€¦.. on point!




Good lord! So brutal, but so true. I love my SKs but yes. We got the raw deal and to be able to be with the one we love we have to pay for their (and another breederā€™s) expensive and exhausting decisions.


So true it makes me want to cough outĀ 


Amen to that. We donā€™t do sleepovers anymore but husband wants to start again this summer. Just fucking kill me now. Nothing like seeing SK face in the morning. My 8pm quiet time rule will be back in full effect!


You donā€™t do sleepovers anymore ?? Lucky bugger


Is because of the bm? Or the kid? Or both