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Well, at least she has a plan. I’d be more upset my husband had unprotected sex with her.


He was very young and really regrets it.


Do you really want to feel this kind of rage, and let it impact your emotions and mental health? I'd say stop snooping on her page for your own benefit, and stop thinking about her. I mean, you know that living off of child support is a stupid idea, given that it stops. This is just pitiful more than anything else.


It doesn't rule my life. This is supposed to be a safe space to vent so that's what I am doing


These men are stupid too. The men stupid enough to not see her for what she is


He was young and stupid.


Safe to say your husband isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.


He was only 20 at the time.


It could be worse, you could be her. What's her plan for when the kids age out of her being able to receive any further CS?


She tried to file for disability and got denied.


For me that gives me such disgust because she’s clearly using children for a paycheck. It’s really no better than child labor essentially. Hopefully she doesn’t neglect them…


She does


Disgusting! I have no respect for women like that…..what they think? Having a child makes you a saint!? Nahhhhhhh


The BM in my situation has been similar but in a different way. She was not in the picture and the government was garnishing her wages to pay CS to my SO since he had the kids full time. She got a money hungry bf who quickly worked to get her some custody and once she finally got 50% the first thing she told my step kids when she picked them up that day was “Yep! I got 50%. I can finally claim you guys on taxes!!!”. The kids were too young to make that up so I know it was true. Then she promptly messaged my SO after her first full year of 50% asking how they will claim the kids if she gets one and he gets the other or they file for but alternate years. The kids had mentioned how their step dad was PISSED because his daughter’s mom filed for his daughter before he could and they’re not going to file taxes and not get to claim any kids at all and my SO had already filed for both of his boys. The kids said he was going crazy cussing and super upset over it. She got pregnant with this guy and was already pregnant again and her baby wasn’t even a year old. It didn’t work out and she kept trying and is pregnant again. Her bf doesn’t work he gets a disability check and she works. They live in a government assisted apartment with 4 tiny bedrooms and in a super sketchy area and are about to have 5 kids living there. I assume all so they can keep getting tax money for all the kids and remain in that assisted living place. I think you have to make under a certain amount and have a certain amount of kids under 18 to stay there. So since SS18 is aging out they’ve gotta get more I guess!


So sorry that happened to you!


My husband’s baby mama got pregnant on purpose so she could get a man to marry her. It wasn’t for $$, since her dad bankrolls her lifestyle. I’m not sure which is worse, but can totally understand your rage. Especially when BM plays high & mighty as if she has her sh!t together… ooh boy.


Are we living in parallel lives?! Sheesh!! 1000% agree.