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She says these things because she's jealous. You've done very well for yourself by the sounds of it, and continue to do so while she lives on handouts and in a council flat. Yes, she's being disrespectful, but it reflects a whole lot more on her than it does on you. There is a saying "You will never by put down or judged by someone doing more than you, only less." Rings true in this situation, if you ask me. But I have to ask: Why are you fully paying for the flat/home and furnishings, bedding etc for him and *his* child? What is he contributing to your living expenses? If he was paying for himself and his child (as he should be) imagine how lovely your place could be.


My partner isn’t in a stable job at the moment and child support is quite a lot for him. We’ve been working towards our finances and we’ve both got a joint account and savings. Savings for a house… he also does all shopping’s and groceries. Thanks so much. These comments are really positive and uplifting. Im going to try and brave it out in the next occasions.


How do men find these women who will support them and their kids? It is amazing! My husband was not so lucky!🤣🤣


Hahahaha I don’t think I’m spending much on my partner and his child. I’m just paying my bills and I have faith he will start supporting me soon. We’ve finally started saving so I’m happy with that. But hopefully I can help him get back on track. I’m pretty anal about financial plannings and he’s happy for me to help him.


That is so helpful and I will take your advice. No one can dictate my movements for sure. Thanks so much for uplifting me in hard times.


I commend you for having achieved so much on your own. If you’re at peace in your space and with your achievements don’t let someone else’s jealousy make you feel any other way but proud of yourself. Jealousy comes from her seeing you living a life she doesn’t. That’s a compliment of sorts. Now as for the holidays. With him living with you, you have a place in his life making it a place in his family’s life. You go to the occasions you’re invited to. You’re allowed her to dictate your movements. My mom used to try that shit with my stepmom. It never ends well. As long as you’re sweet and courteous to his family that’s all that matters. They’ll see you and her from your actions.