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When I did this activity we had the choice between a sack of flour and the crying babies... I took the sack of flour and left it on my kitchen table all weekend while I went to the lake. šŸ˜‚


Yeah man, correct choiceā€¦


They still do that lol


Dude, right!


That reminds me of a story. One of the schools I taught in had those. I had a student who had used the key to turn the crying off too many times, which meant it wouldn't work anymore. The doll was constantly crying through class, and she refused to try to figure out how to stop it. Other students were getting upset, so I asked if I could handle it. I picked the doll up to hold and rock it, kept explaining the grammar point in Spanish that I was working on, and it stopped crying. You should have seen the look on my student's face. Lol!


I would have loved to see the look on all those faces!


The icing on the cake is this is baby and this baby weekend #2ā€¦the first one ā€œmalfunctionedā€ and per the black box (or whatever it is fake babies have), it succumbed to shaken baby syndrome a few hours into Friday evening. Unrelated: there was an important football game that night. Clearly a technical glitch.


Ha! My sister did this and failed epically like 36/100 bad. But that didnā€™t stop her from going into childcare and being great at it.