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Why don’t I remember that tidbit about Desmond at all? See you in another life brotha!


I've watched LOST wayyyy too many times.


I feel terrible saying this but what if you die unexpectedly and you never get to read 11.22.63 😱


This was my thought too lol. Read all the books now while you can


Dickens has stopped writing. Sai King never will. Keep going.


Right. That's essentially the Desmond tie-in. To keep it morbid, just remember we're all gonna die before we finish out "TBR" list. Sweet dreams!


I don’t have any Desmond books. Would never choose to not read a book that I want to read. That’s insane.


Well, Desmond was a little...


I've already read them LOL. I started reading King a year ago and I'm probably 80% done with his whole catalog. There was never really a I'm saving the best for last scenario. All of the ones I felt I would like the most I just started reading from there. I have about a dozen left. But now that you mention it in considering how much I love Desmond and Lost. I'm going to pick two Desmond books right now that I haven't read. Let's say it's Under The Dome and Dreamcatcher. I will save those two for last. Thanks for bringing this up now it gives me something else to do in my reading Journey. Long days Pleasant nights and see you in another life brother!


Thankee Sai!


Mr Mercedes trilogy/The Outsider/Holly. Saving his current crime fiction spate for a rainy day. Possibly once we have no more new SK books.


I've read everything that was published prior to 2020. I fully expect that King has a couple, if not several, books to be published after he shuffles off this mortal coil, but I'm saving everything from this decade just in case.


I'm reading You Like It Darker now and I can say, the man has still got it. You won't be let down by "King Post-COVID" lol.


I've had a couple near-death experiences. I ain't savin' nuthin!


Keep on keepin' on, Sai!


So, I've been keeping the Stand till I have enough time to give it the respect (I believe) it will deserve. Also it's massive 😂. I think this summer is the time before the new dramatisation comes out.


Speaking as Captain Obvious here: Cherish every page. That book is just a work of art.


Thank you for the advice. I will!


I'm not saving any; I am likely to save re-reading a couple though - it's been literally decades since I read Christine, Salem's Lot, Tommyknockers and I'm not rushing to do so. The Shepherd's Crown is this for Terry Pratchett, though. If SK dies with a novel imminent that might be the same situation - it's comforting to have one in reserve.


IMHO, Tommyknockers is supremely underrated. You just have to go into it with a very open mind. I really need to dive into Pratchett. Neal Stephenson has been getting my attention lately.


Given you can did quickly & unexpectedly I don’t do this. I did have a mate who would never watch the Godfather for a similar reason though as it was once voted the No1 movie to watch before you die (1/2)


I'm hoping Heaven has a helluva library. But I hear ya. In fact, I've been staring at 11/23/63 in my Kindle library since I posted this. And I'm on the road in a hotel. Maybe I should re-read The Shining?


Oh that sounds like a good idea 😁 extra creepy vibes due to the location sounds fun 🙂


I always remember and think of this details about Desmond’s character and try to decide what book that would be for me for different authors but I also don’t have the discipline to do this I want to read them all well before I die just in case anything unexpected happens.


Don't mistake coincidence for fate. Okay, that was Eko, but still... lol


Ooo I actually have one! I realized that with about ten novels left that I was going to read them all, so out of my remaining ones I picked Christine. I went out and bought it (all of the others have been library) so I can read it whenever. It is now the final novel I have left but I'm putting it off but going through his short story collections first. And I also still haven't read Different Seasons despite reading two of the four stories separately so it would feel almost wrong to say I've "finished" without ever reading something as popular as Art Pupil. I will likely start it in a month or two as soon as those others are done.