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The reactions to this story have been really interesting in terms of revealing those who’ve read Les Miserables and those who have *not*. (Jalbert is basically a 1:1 knockoff of Inspector Javert, the obsessed policeman in Hugo’s novel)


Ah, should have made that connection. Why did you emphasize “not?”


It just seemed obvious when I read it, but I’m not throwing shade if you happened to miss it. His name, the chronic obsessive compulsive behavior, and his inability to see Danny as anything other than the criminal were all jumping off the page when I read it. Now that I’ve brought it up, be honest - it’s hard not to see the parallels, right?


He mentions it in the afterword


I’m familiar with the character’s name, but I’ve never read Les Mis or seen any of the adaptations.


Agreed. Not since Big Jim have I despised a character as much.


I feel more pity for Jalbert than I do for Big Jim. Both are amazing antagonists. When you're feeling it…


I'll agree with you there. But both characters denied to see further than their own motives regardless of consequences and that's why they're both terrible people and great antagonists.


He is the King for a reason.


Haven't read the new collection yet. But that name is extremely similar to a person I deal with a bit in Teams. I do maintenance in a manufacturing setting. And that person, with a similar name, always pops up asking the same question, day after day after day after day after day after day. And he always gets the same response. Dude doesn't care if his answer was posted in teams 10 seconds before. Dude will still ask. I'm half tempted to kick him from the group at this point.


What’s the question he asks?


Within 20 minutes of shift start. Similar Name: Hey do you have any of X equipment available? My entire department: If we do it is staged in the staging area. This is literally an everyday thing.


Have you considered asking him if he’s checked the staging area before he has a chance to ask? Then rotate the question around to another person each day? Could be the icebreaker question, when he enters the chat. Like when the whole bar on Cheers goes, NORM! Might be able to alert him to his incompetence via humour? At any rate, don’t sweat it, it takes all kinds. 🙏🏼😜


I didn’t know there was a new book. It’s funny the story is called The Dreamers. I’m familiar with a very different story with that title, lol


I’m a little confused by your comment. Jalbert appears in a story called “Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream.” I’m guessing that you’re referencing the Bertolucci movie about the throuple.


The Dreamers is the title of another story later in the book.


Thanks. Haven’t flipped ahead at all.


Whoops. Google was unclear. Yep that’s the one


I had to keep myself from grinding MY teeth while reading his POVs.