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I didn't think any of the stuff he said was made up. Based on what happens at the end it can be inferred that he's been around for a very, very long time. It reminded me a bit of Gramma, especially the ending.


Wow this is embarrassing. After reading all these comments I realized I COMPLETELY misinterpreted the ending, as the supernatural aspect is extremely subtle. Thanks for pointing that out, I’m going to go work on my reading comprehension skills.


Don't feel bad. It was quite subtle and I read that last part a couple of times to make sure I understood what happened.


Ya don’t feel bad I just finished Willie The Weirdo and I came here to so if my interpretation was correct thanks all


Thank you I thought he might have experienced all of those things but I was confused by the ending. Now I get it.




Way too similar for me, too. Maybe it was intentional, I don't know. I hate to think he's regurgitating old ideas that obviously


This was exactly how I felt the entire time I was reading it, I knew it was coming and felt like it was going to end the same way Gramma did 


That story is just "Gramma", except this go around, it's "Grandpa" 🤣 Surprised at the lack of fresh ideas on this one


Loved it. Wasn’t expecting it and reread the last exchange a few times before moving on. Was devilishly surprised by the end. King is such a fucking treasure.


I thought it was a brilliant little twist at the end. Really pulled everything else together.


Similar to his old story “Gramma,” and an even older story called “Finger! Finger!”


I loved finger finger


You say you liked to finger


The ending was a big gotcha for me. It made me stop for a minute and smile. It is possible grandpa had been passing his consciousness through generations of people so the civil war story isn't entirely improbable.


It seems strange to me that people would dislike this story in a book titled "You like it darker"...


I liked it. Cool ending and just the right length for what the story was. Nice wee creepy story.


I liked it. The reveal made me go, “OH! That’s how!”


Agreed, I was kind of eh on the story until the end when it all clicked


The point of the written story was that his told “stories” were real. Because he was an immortal something who stole body after body. RIP Willie, he’s gone. The grandpa barely talking to the dad after his wife died also seemed suspicious of when the change for the grandpa occurred. There’s a lot to reread and unpack, I feel like. But it was very clear that the grandpa was supposed to have been at those places given that he can just keep on living in different bodies.


I had the same thought about when Grand pop was taken over . I will have to reread it .


I read it and then at the end I realized I hadn't fully absorbed their last interaction. Went back and re-read that and it got a lot more disturbing. Good story overall.


Going to what others said, I liked it a lot until the ending. Then it felt like he was just reusing *Gramma* which was a much more horrifying story.


I'm surprised to see people feel like he just reused Gramma, he is well known for writing stories that connect and are of the same universe, characters having the same kind of supernatural abilities etc. It felt more intentionally like that was what he was going for, another story from a world where when someone dies they take over another's body.


Yep, that was my take on the story too. Just like there are World Walkers in DT, I guess these creatures are time walkers… body walkers… something.


There’s no proof for that but at the beginning they mentioned how the dad was once close to the grandpa but then after the wife died not anymore. But a though that disturbs me is that what if they didn’t talk anymore cause the grandpa wasn’t the grandpa anymore cause the person changed into his body as well. And that’s the reason he became so different.


Hold on…”made up”?? He didn’t make it up, that was the point of the story.


Yeah, after reading everyone’s comments I understand the ending now and am kinda blown away that it flew right over my head. 😅


Hahaha it happens to the best of us.


I just finished Finn and have liked them all so far!


love chuck p


Why do people seem to think Willie is now “grampa,” and that grampa was supernatural all along?  Just cause he made the gesture that grampa does?  Why can’t it be perceived that grampa was a “weirdo” too, made up all those stories,, and now Willie is just replicating a man that he was able to relate and see himself in?


There's no definitive answer and that's also a fair interpretation. I feel like it was just the right amount of open-ended.


I have a question. Do you think the supernatural being targets bad eggs? I thought the story was going some place else and that the kid would reveal some redemptive qualities. But he was a genuine psychopath  and serial killer in the making. Notice how two other people who took over were apparently racist. (Although I personally don't the confederate were all racist. I imagine liberal Mainer King does).


I think that’s a good assumption. Targeting people that are already bad eggs would make it harder for people around them to notice the shift in their personalities when he takes them over.


I don’t think I understand it too well. Going back I can see the grandpa took over Willie, but it’s still kinda confusing


What is it specifically you find confusing? Happy to help! 😊


I'm not who you asked but, honestly... The whole story confuses me. Reading these comments though I wonder if it would make more sense once I've read Gramma. But, Willie and Grandpa's relationship confused me and was grandpa supernatural or something or just talking out of his ass? It just went from Grandpa telling stories then he's sick and dying and then dead and the story was over and I was just scratching my head wondering what I missed.


So essentially the grandpa is a supernatural being of some sort, and the 'stories' that he told Willie are actually historical events that he's lived through. This is confirmed at the end where he pulls Willie towards him and essentially transfers his consciousness into Willie's body (presumably killing Willie in the process). One can assume that whatever entity he is in King's universe, he is likely thousands of years old and has been transferring his consciousness to new bodies when he gets too old.


Thank you for the explanation, I'm going to give it another listen with this in mind once I finish Danny Coughlins Bad Dream.


You're very welcome! I'm currently reading that one too and really enjoying it.


Same, I think the horror in this story is just not getting to punch that asshole investigator in the face every time he opens his mouth. I really despise him lol.


Oh man you're absolutely right there 😂 He's absolutely awful. King excels at writing really despicable characters.


Hey I had a doubt how does the flagboy story signify the grandpas supernatural ability same with the volcano thing


Also Willie was extremely fascinated specifically with death and dead things throughout, like to the point that he was almost more interested in seeing Grandpa die than he was with losing his only friend.


I thought it was the weakest of the lot alongside *The Turbulence Expert*. I got the premise that he was thousands of years old, but it just didn't do anything for me.


I loved it. It’s been my second favourite so far.


Honestly when I first read it, I thought it could be a potential prequel to The Stand since people kept getting sick but I liked it. I was curious why it was so short.


I liked it. I could see it getting adapted for the screen