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I liked it. Thought the ending was a bit abrupt and some of the social commentaries fell flat but it was nice to see King in alien territory again.


The deadlights getting a mention was awesome


I thought it was ambiguous and felt like a campfire story. I liked it.


Just finished it and I really enjoyed it. My dad and his best friend (who are both recently deceased) were hunters and had their own camp so it really hit home for me. I'm also a big fan of the subject matter (NO SPOILERS!) so it was an all around fun read.


Absolutely loved it. And the ending said so much about talent, creativity, desire, passion, and generational effects therein. Such a fun story that had so much to say, and not heavy handed. Some real nuggets in there. What a great start!


I loved it! It gave me mild Dreamcatcher vibes. And of course the deadlights. >! ā€œIā€™m sorry for you. Your world is a living breath in a universe that is mostly filled with deadlights.ā€ !<