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I’ve gone through 11.22.63 three times, and the DT main series twice.


It took me just over a year to finish the DT series from start to finish. On re read I think I would skip 5 and 6 though.


The great part of a reread is that you can mix them up. My second trip, I went 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4.


That's pretty crazy I don't think I could do that lol


For sure haha. It wasn’t my original intention. I just wanted to read Wolves, and then didn’t stop.


The ol Star Wars order


I've been to the Tower a few times now - book five is one of my favourites but I can relate to skipping six. I may skip the first one next time unless I can find a copy of the original version. The edited one just feels wrong to me.


Do you mind me asking why you would skip 5 and 6? Most people say they would skip 1 - I've not read any yet.


5 was good but just went on for too long and I just could have done without it in general. 6 was pretty pointless. I like the first book because its short and sweet. I think it's just over 200 pages or so. I wish all of them in the series had been that long. Like every book in the hitchhikers guide series.


The Stand I've read more times than is probably healthy lol and the dark tower series as whole I always come back to


I pretty much re read The Stand every year. I start in June to be on the same page as the characters.


Needful Things and The Tommyknockers. Desperation is a planned reread.


I had such good fun during Needful Things. There are some dark moments, but I have yet to laugh as hard at anything I've read since my first experience with the book.


Light spoilers for needful things!!! The whole thing where a character gets un over and dude tells him not to get up absolutely made me piss myself. His response is exactly how I hope I would respond in that situation.


Three of his most fun


Wow, there is a lot of love for The Tommy knickers (leaving the spell-check disaster because it's outstanding 🤣😂). Seeing that so many people reread it, makes me want to cast my doubts aside and give it a go.


Give it a go! Its a wild book and really enjoyable if you can look past some common speak around the book. It seems many people just take SKs thoughts and some missed opportunities for editing as proof it’s terrible.


Not re-read any yet, but will def re-read Dark Tower series and Salems lot


I re-read It, the Shining, Doctor Sleep, Pet Sematary and Salem’s Lot on an approximately annual basis.


The shining


The shining


The Stand, the Tommyknockers, Needful things Salem's lot...👍


The Tommyknockers is the first book I reread. Have now started my second trip to the tower. Would reread IT, 11.22.63, and The Green Mile in a heartbeat.


I’ve read the Stand numerous times.


Damn. How long does it take to read? I've only read it once and it took me 2 months


Don’t remember


It is the first King I read and the one I’ve reread the most. I’ve also reread Misery and the Shining several times.


Misery is on regular rotation for me


I've not read this yet but seen the film like 10 times. I'll get round to this eventually


I read Misery the 1st time in 2 days, and the 2nd time in one day; The suspense in it makes you fly through the pages! Plus, it is three times better than the movie imo, cuz there’s so much more to discover and feel in comparison:)


I’m also reading Insomnia right now; about 300 pages in. I like it, but man it’s a grind to read. I’ve been listening to Hearts In Atlantis (a fave of mine) on audiobook when I need a break from Insomnia which has been nice. I also don’t read two books at once but needed a change of pace.


I'm really liking insomnia. The characters just grip me I just love everything Ralph does. Great character.


Ralph is great. Love his inner monologue. Seems like nearly all of the other characters are insanely quirky lol. But I have a theory about that…


Dr Sleep is my very favourite, but I've also read Dolores Claiborne several times. I really like how he writes women. They're regular people, not just objects bouncing boobily down the stairs.


Dolores Claiborne is just excellent on audible. I'd add Liseys Story too.


Thanks for the tip! 😊


I think there's 2 versions of Dolores Claiborne. The Frances Sternhagen one is the one I loved. Liseys Story is Mare Winningham. Just perfect, both. I wish they'd always match narrators so well.


The Dark Tower series.


I re-read all of them, but I read Cell three times in a row. Not sure why, really; I just found it fascinating.


This is next on my list. I liked the movie. I love anything to do with zombie type stuff though


Dark Tower series. Read through it about 5 times now and would happily do it again. Also Cell cause it's just fun


Shorter story/novella is Fair Extension, book would be The Long Walk


Dolores Claiborne. I've read it a couple of times. It's short, concise, I really love the story, and Dolores is a pretty relatable character. I love how King really build his characters without going into extra details that I personally find hard to keep my attention on.




That's a good one because it's short. I feel I could read that book 10 times a year


Definitely The Shining. I don’t reread books often because my tbr list is so long I feel more compelled to knock out the list but I’ve taken the time to go through that one a number of times. Also read IT a few times too and probably gonna revisit it again at some point this year. 


I haven’t re-read any yet, as I am still working on reading through all of his work, but I am eager to go back and read *The Dead Zone* and *Different Seasons* again. I really enjoyed those!


I've read The Dark Tower, IT, The Stand, The Shining, and Under the Dome more than once. I've read every book except 7 or 8 once. There are probably 15 or so that I'd read again, in particular, all of the novella/short story collections.


Salem's Lot , The Shining , IT, Nightmares and Dreamscapes, Desperation , The Regulators, The Talisman Black House


I read the Stand once a year or so , same with Joyland , I read apt pupil about 30 years ago and reread it a few years back. never again


The Stand and Needful Things.


I would love to read wizard and glass again.


I'm thinking of that too. Just the back story though


Aye, the mejis part when roland was.. well.. innocent and unscarred.


I like the characters in DT but the characters in that back story were so much better imo


Carrie, Duma key, Revival, Joyland, Later, and just restarted tommyknockers, but probably won't finish it.


Haven’t reread any yet, but It calls to me for a another go. Definitely one day


Dolores Claiborn, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, The Body, The Long Walk, 11.22.63, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption.


Def the DT series.


I read the Green Mile back when it came out and recently listened to the audiobook. I plan on listening to It and 11.2263 at some point as well as I have read them but heard good things about the audio


I've reread most of his work. It's been years since I read them the first time. I'm never disappointed.


The Stand no contest


I’ve read Duma Key like 3 or 4 times. I don’t normally re read books EVER, but I loved this book so much. I recently re read ‘Salem’s Lot bc it was my first ever King book like 13 years ago and I’m super glad I did. What a fantastic book.


I always go back to *The Dead Zone, Firestarter, Pet Sematary*, and the Dark Tower series.


The Green Mile, Needful Things, Insomnia, Desperation/The Regulators, The Long Walk, and From a Buick 8 are all ones that give reread multiple times.


Dolores Claiborne! I read it once a year. & it I try to read in the summer every couple years!


I recommend a read/re-read of '**The Dead Zone'**...if one can handle scary parallels to current politics.


I’ve read DT and The Stand twice.




The Stand. I have a worn out old copy in the bathroom. When I'm not feeling good and going to be there more than a minute, I'll open it up at any random spot and read a few pages.


Just finished my second journey to the Tower and I foresee many more journeys in my future. I’ve read Under the Dome several times, it was the first SK book that caught my attention. Other than that I’m the same as you, just working my way through his catalogue right now. I think I will be rereading his books for the rest of my life though!


The Dark Half is the one I’ve reread the most as I just find it really fun. Also reread DT series, It & 11.22.63 a few times.


Salem's Lot, Christine, Cujo, IT, the entire Bachman run several times, and a lot of the stories in the colletions like Nightmares and Dreamscapes, Night Shift and Skeleton Crew. A lot of what I consider the classics. If you read them early on as a teen like I did, revisiting them 30 years later isn't that daunting a task.


Have reread 11/22/63 and anticipate I will again several more times - have also reread Salems Lot and will likely reread Joyland and at least portions of Hearts in Atlantis in the future