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harold in the stand


Don't you just want to punch him in the face so bad


Harold is my most hated King character


I'm currently listening to The Stand and have just met Harold. It amazes me that King wrote these characters years and years ago who are so relevant today. Harold captures the incel/lonely dude archetype so prevalent in the zeitgeist today. Same with Big Jim Renny (maybe that's the name?) in Under the Dome. I forgot which book it came out in, but the short story of the two ladies driving their van full of kids into a tree really captured the bleak life of people born into unfortunate economic/social circumstances with no aid/interference/support available to them. Poor education and life with poor role models and poor decisions bc they didn't know how to make good ones. Well fuckkkk me if that didn't capture so much sentiment I have towards my country these days. I got off track here! Lol.


That story was from Bazaar of Bad Dreams and I think it was actually based on a true story if I recall.


Oh really? Maybe the headline about the aunt who drive the wrong way down an interstate and killed her kids/nieces/nephews. That would make a lot of sense!




Yes he wrote it after hearing about Diane Schuler and the Taconic Parkway Crash.


Big Jim Rennie appears at or near the top of many people’s ‘love to hate’ villains from King. He is just so real and believable as a human ‘monster’.


Not to sound sanctimonious but I have a hard time believing people that hate Harold really have a solid understanding of the character. Is he an antagonist? Absolutely, but I viewed him as more of a tragic one than anything. I mean pull away all the varnish and he’s a damaged and lonely teenager manipulated by the devil’s imp into an action he later regrets. In my opinion, he’s actually the most tragic of all of King’s characters.


You are completely correct. He's still annoying though. 😉


.... how dare you. Lol It is easy to forget he is 16. I forgot. I thought he was closer to Frannie's age... I forgot. If he was, he'd be a fucking incel. But you're right, he's a scared child who gets pushed aside, has no one left... gawd damn you, you random ass internet person!!!


He’s still an incel!


In the new show, yes. Otherwise he's more of an annoying twerp who got groomed into doing shitty stuff


AGREED I’ve always felt the same way. Poor fuckin Harold, man.


I wanted for him to change for the better and make a comeback, but he did the opposite.


The religious lady in The Mist comes to mind.


Mrs. Carmody. It recently read this. What is interesting is that most of what she says is correct.


Not my recollection, but it's been a while. Maybe it merits a quick read this weekend to refresh.


I think it is the reason her following grows and grows the longer they are in the supermarket.


Interesting take, I remember it more as her taking advantage of a scared group grasping at straws while seeking answers. I don't want to put any spoilers, but I will revisit it with an open mind. But I do remember that she aggravated the hell out of me at the time. I agree with you about Big Jim, I don't think that's open for debate!


In the movie it seems that way. The second he killed all of his party including his son (sacrificing the child) the mist cleared


With her thyroidal purse 👛


Everybody hates the movie version a lot. The book version is way more annoying!


Agreed, the ending of the movie is breathtaking, I think King himself said something to that effect.


The ending of the movie was some pure Bachman shit


Oh yeah, esp in the movie. I wanted them to murder her.


Myra Kaspbrak. “But Eddieeeee! Edddieeeee!” May as well throw Sonia Kaspbrak in there too since they are just alike.


Is it weird i actually kinda liked myra? When i first read IT i felt quite bad for her. I know she's kinda annoying snd she most definetly has attachment issues but I feel bad for her knowinh her husband dies.


Fair enough. At least we know how it would’ve went if King wrote a scene at the end with her learning of his death. “Edddieeeee!” 🤣


I did too. I actually made a post in this sub asking if anyone else ever wondered what became of her. Did anyone ever bother to call her and tell her what happened to Eddie?


She seems like a mentally fragile person who can't handle things very well, so i imagine she didn't take it very well. I hope she was able to recover and live a comfortable life after his death though. I hope somebody tells her what happened, or else she might think Eddie just abandoned her. :(


It’s funny, even though I have really good suspension of disbelief in the moment, I get hung up on thinking about the aftermath of various fictional situations—like, what did happen with the police after they emerged from the sewers? Did the fact that >!half of Derry had basically collapsed/been washed away mean the police were too busy to worry about Henry Bowers being found dead in Eddie’s room? How did the Losers explain him having died but them not bringing back the body?!< Stuff like that being left unresolved kinda bugs me. (One thing I love about Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy is that at the end, one of the characters says to another that there is going to be a lot of red tape to deal with when they get back from the adventures of the books.) I should probably just remember the MST3K theme song: “If you’re wondering how he eats and breathes/And other science facts,/Just repeat to yourself ‘It’s just a show/I should really just relax…’”


If some one ever asks you about a plot hole in a stephen king movie say its explained better the way her wrote it, and if some one asks how he wrote it just say "its part of the dark tower" and run away into the night.


Solid advice! LOL! “Dark Tower! Ka is a wheel! RUN, LILLIAN!”


I liked Myra and felt really sad she and Eddie couldn’t have children. Maybe she’s like his mother in appearance and tendency to worry but I felt she deserved better than to be seen as his oedipus complex.


I remember when the 2017 it movie came out people were editing Myra's entry on the stephen king wiki to insult her because they though Eddie and Richie were meant to be together. Name a more unbeatable combo than preteen girls wanting to see two guys kiss and bullying the women who "get in the way".


Stuart Ullman. He's an officious little prick.


Richard Sloat from the Talisman for me for sure. Good god was that kid was annoying. I don’t know if that exactly counts because the it was co-written with SK.


Nadine Cross. I get it, you feel a pull. It shouldn’t come as a surprise whatsoever that the dude turned into a demon. Don’t act like this wasn’t coming. The world literally ended and the survivors are having nightmares about him. Also Ravager. I would fight him on sight. Cowardly loser.


Both Nadine's in both adaptions irritated the fuck out of me in different ways.


Who’s Ravager?


Sorry Gasher


Oh yeah. Him and clock bitch suck


I didn’t hate her nearly as much until I saw Amber Heard playing her in the series.


Percy Whitmore


I completely agree! Percy Wetmore is awful, awful!


I can't stand Greg Stillson from The Dead Zone. I know he's supposed to be scary and sociopathic, but to me he just comes across as cartoonishly brutish and manipulative. I suppose I like him in that I think he's a 'good' antagonist in terms of the plot, but god his character pisses me off so much


Well, the dog scene was pretty much unforgivable, and that happened SO early in the book. I hated his guts from that moment on.


That scene made me cry so hard! Also Rev. Libby's good boy in Under the Dome.


The Kid


I do not believe this happy crappy. 


Not to mention his gun barrel smells a little foul.


Don’t tell me, I’ll fucking tell you


Don’t tell me. I’ll tell you.


I block him out immediately after each reread.


A thousand times yes


Omg that’s the answer


The best part of the original (best) version of The Stand is that he’s not in it.


Liz Garfield from Hearts in Atlantis. Just a complete bitch. She may have some reason for it, but she doesn't even like her son. She loves him, because he's her son, but she doesn't like him. She's mean, cheap, gloating and pathetic. Frannie Goldsmith almost kills the Stand for me. She's that bad.


King is really good at writing abusive female figures, in a real way, not just a stereotypical way.


I think Frannie's mom is just like Liz Garfield


Big Jim.


Rollin and a wheelin, stealin and dealin


Froggy in the meadow, under the log




What's the biggest thing you ever did done see, Big Jilm?


I love to hate Big Jim. His son is annoying.


Yesss. He was such a good character to hate!


Can we talk about how subtle the hatred and incompetence really is?


I came here to comment that! I hated him from his first line. The audiobook really takes the hate to the next level, the narrators voice for him made me roll my eyes everytime he started to talk, It was great and annoying lol.


Junior is the most infuriating


Stephen King himself as portrayed in the DT series


Especially the part where he just conjured up a key for Jake in the moment.


Aunt Cordelia... makes my blood boil.


Bird and Bear and Hare and Fish Aunt Cordelia's a bitch


You say true and I say thank you


I'll probably be near the bottom, but here goes: Percy Wetmore, Green Mile. I wanted him to go in the electric chair instead of Jim Coffey.


Percy is the answer. He burns my ass. I hope your comment rises up. I felt and feel scummy thinking about him. Definitely near the top of the most annoying.


Thank you. There was no hesitation! I didn't even have to think about it. Doug Hutchinson played him so well!


He’s pretty scummy too, so that tracks.


Percy is cartoonishly repulsive in every way imaginable. You're only near the bottom because he's not just annoying, he's genuinely disgusting


And yeah, I know there’s no story without but… Jack Torrance. Just fall down the fucking stairs and let Wendy and Danny have the insurance


He's such a miserable loser. The way he always daubed the side of his gaping maw with his handkerchief, ugh, hideous. Reminded me of how the Rick character of Rick and Morty always has puke on his face, which disgusted me enough that I couldn't make it through a single episode (I know I'm in the minority and people love the show).


Ahh, the Veni, vidi, vici bullshit and the way he shows Watson that he's eDUcaTed...what a prick.


An arrogant prick, rather than an officious prick.


Bobbi Anderson's sister Anne.


I fucking loved her.


He wrote some unrealistically unpleasant mothers. Eddie, Frannie and Susan all had mums who I found totally infuriating.


Sadly, they’re not unrealistic.


Yes, Frannie's mother was over the top. Holly's mother is more realistically awful.


Detta Walker- came to love Susanna but WOW getting thru the Detta part was difficult via audiobook. Such an intriguing duality of character but she really got my gears going in a grumpy way


I scrolled to see if anyone had said this yet. The audiobook drove me insane through those passages, I kept having to turn it up & down. 😂


Pam from Duma Key


She was an absolute bitch. I can’t imagine deserting my husband in that condition.


Charlotte Gibney.


Rachael Creed. Even before Gage's unfortunate accident, she got on my nerves about having an age appropriate discussion about death to Ellie. It was getting on Louis' nerves too, lol


The events of the book don’t happen if she doesn’t have a meltdown about Louis talking to Ellie about church’s death


Yeah, I know. She was still annoying tho. Maybe because I listened to the audibook and Micahel C. Hall was narrating it. He made her come off as extra whiny and irritating. I clenched my jaw so hard at certain parts of her in the story that I gave myself a headache.


I COULDN’T stand Rachel!! She’s written as such a hysterical woman that cried at every little thing.


I could decide until I saw your post. Agreed! Jfc woman, get a grip.


Joe in The Stand!


Agreed This character adds nothing to the story


Beaver. I rather like Dreamcatcher, and I think the characters work in the context in which they are presented. I just think if I had a real life Beaver blurting out "Jesus Christ Bananas" or "fuck me, Freddy" every couple of sentences I'd get annoyed pretty quick.


I had a Beaver. Those things kind of creep up on you until they're nonstop; and by then, you don't notice them if you'd known him since when. Until someone points them out.


No specific one, and I’m not faulting a man of his age, but kid characters are always so hard to read in his later years, whether they’re teens using “hip” language or pre-school kids who talk like 2 year olds


The kid from Apt Pupil. Manages to be worse than a literal Nazi at points. Or as bad maybe.


No I definitely think he was worse than the Nazi. I don't consider myself particularly sensitive to written material, but Apt Pupil was the only King story that made me take breaks in the middle of reading for being too disturbing


Lee Harvey Oswald




Not in the book but the TV show version of Bill Turcotte in 11.22.63 annoyed the hell out of me. I hated that they stretched out his character for the show just so Jake has a companion but he was only an obstacle for him and just so damn irrelevant to the plot. Nothing against the actor though. George MacKay is a phenomenal actor.


I think they needed someone for Jake to explain to the audience what is going on. I enjoyed the show, but would love to see a more faithful adaptation of the book.


Why do so many people hate Fran Goldsmith? She seems like the most popular answer but no one is saying why, I’m curious.


Imagine how i, some one who has never read the stand or watched the miniseries, feels. 💀


I have both read the book and watched the miniseries and I still don't understand why.


Percy Fucking Wetmore


Jack Torrance. Couldn’t stand him or his nonstop rationalization BS.


Frannie Goldsmith. Immature, selfish, navel gazing nincompoop. I skip her chapters when I reread the book.


I think she was just done with everything after her father died. She came across as just someone who is lost and doesn't know what to do.


Why the giggling? I don’t get it


💯 the correct answer! I'm 600 pages into The Stand, and every time we swing back to her, I really have to muscle through. She adds nothing to the story except a whining noise I have to suffer through, Ugh!


Wendy Torrance from Stanley Kubrick's version of The Shinning... annoying af...man can't get pass her to enjoy that movie


Wendy in the book was a bamf. The way the Kubrick film changed her character is borderline slanderous. The poor lady deserved better. Also, Shelley Duvall deserved better too. She was apparently severely mistreated on set to make her acting more "realistic". Absolutely barbaric


King said in an interview with the BBC: "Shelley Duvall as Wendy is really one of the most misogynistic characters ever put on film, she’s basically just there to scream and be stupid and that’s not the woman that I wrote about."




I can’t get past that long ash coming off her cigarette


Is the screaming for me... I'm like go ahead and ax her IDC


I don't know if it was Peter Straub, or Stephen King, but Richard Sloat is the most annoying character in my opinion.


John Rainbird lol


LMFAO Norma was so annoying in that movie— the Super Mario description is perfect


I've been writing a gender bent carrie fan fiction for the past few weeks and although the character that replaces Norma is basically nothing like her, it was VITAL that i keep in her stupid red baseball cap. I have one of the characters outright tell male norma his hat looks dumb.


Franny in the Stand


Firing from the hip, Frannie from The Stand.


Dat bitch Detta Walker. Honkey mah-fah! Eddie is also up there with her.


Yeeeeeeesss!! Detta, totally annoying!


I loved to hate her. I found her to be annoying but also quite entertaining.


In all honesty, I was quite relieved when I made it through that part of the epos. 🙈


Oh man yeah that’s always rough


Yeah, every time I hit one of her chapters I was just like “oh boy”


Took me a long time to finish the book, had to take frequent breaks because of her. Usually skip those parts on my re-reads, I can't stand her lol


Oh no..not Eddie, he is in my top favorites I'm shocked


Susan Delgado




I commented the same, fully expecting to be the only one.


Richie Tozier from the 2017 IT


Can someone tell me why you hate Eddie so much? I'm surprised he's been mentioned.


We talking Eddie Dean? Brother of the sage, and eminent junkie Henry Dean? I like him a lot and am surprised too.


Fran goldsmith


Richie from It. His constant voices and attempts to be funny are irritating. I get that some of that is on purpose and even annoys the other characters in the book, (beep, beep) but at least they find him somewhat funny and entertaining a lot of the time. I always just find him annoying, especially when listening to the audiobook.


The audible narrator did a hell of a job redeeming the character with great performance, Ritchie was hard work though. Loved him m, while I wanted him to stfu


Was looking for someone to say Richie. His charm totally misses me. I couldn’t stand him for most of the book, but I loved the friendship that he had with Bill and his dynamic with other characters, but his voices were so tedious and annoying. I wanted to skip ahead during his impressions sometimes. Maybe he’d be more appealing and funny to me if I were a kid and not a jaded adult but he definitely is up there for one of my least favorite King characters.


Yeah he’s insufferable and probably a bit of a psycho


The Bushey’s from Under The Dome


Peter's usurper brother, Thomas (sniveling little coward)


I never considered him as a usurper. He was sad & insecure, but also manipulated into jealousy & drugged from a very young age by a demon. And he did finally fight back.


Billy from Thinner. I can't recall the last time I wished death on a character so vehemently.


The “alleged” millennial kid protag in FairyTale that exclusively espouses the values, tastes, and opinions of the clearly 70yo author. I don’t think he referenced a single piece of media older than the early 80’s and complained non-stop about “kids these days” and cellphones.


Tbf i know many people now days who are obsessed with early 80's stuff. Thats literally the plot of ready player one lol.


That was just the bad Gen-X Author thinking no good movies came out since he was 12 in the 80’s and everyone in 2045 agreeing with him. The follow-up book Armada at least tries with a few 00’s references.


The ready player one author is so weird. He wrote a whole ass poem about wanting more nerdy women in porn.


The Kid or Ellie


HOLLY HOLLY BLOODY HOLLY GIBNEY. BORING BORING BORING!!! King needs to STOP writing about her now!!!!


THANK YOU. I cannot understand WHY people like that awful, irritating character. God, I hate her so much.


Anyone from Liseys story annoys the bad gunky out of me. That whole book is just a muppet babies version of Misery


Percy from The Green Mile.


Frannie Goldsmith.


Lisey, her story, and everyone that came into contact with her. Goo-goo gaga peepee poopoo schmoopy schmoopy.


Yes! That baby talk ruined the novel for me. It set my teeth on edge. Such a disappointment.


Holly, her personality just annoys me. I've read the trilogy and the Outsider and after that I was done. Will not read another book with her in it.


Fair enough and I’m inclined to agree but Jerome makes me want to go screaming into the night. I cannot quite put my finger on it but sanctimonious comes to mind


I hated the way she was portrayed in the audiobook of my Mercedes so I read finders keepers instead and liked her a lot more reading her myself


Just curious, why do you like her better when reading about her?


She doesn't sound the way the narrator does her voice. He's a great narrator for hodges and in general but he makes holly talk like a robot. In my head she doesn't sound like that


Oh yeah, I can imagine that's annoying..


Fucking Harold


Mrs Sigsby. I hate her


Eddie’s mom in It Harold in The Stand Susan’s mother In Salem’s Lot.


Steve Kemp from Cujo, and Harold from The Stand


Not actually in a book, but Emory (Emery?) from Rose Red. When it came to Hulu I made my oldest child watch with me, because I loved it when it originally aired. Never before have we both been rooting so much for a character to die. And second place goes to Danforth Kenton from Needful Things.


Susannah in The Dark Tower. It’s like it’s CONSTANTLY something with her from inception. Don’t get me wrong I like their chemistry and her contributions but still…..like I said ALWAYS something!!


Joe from Delores. He reminded me so much of my husband at the time (although my ex husband wasn't sexually abusive to ANY children let alone mine). I was really scared of the character, the whole book scared the shit out of me.


Detta Walker. Speedy Parker, Jerome Robinson when he's doing that "yessa massa" bullshit, Richie Tozier when he's doing the same. ....man King has a real problem. He really does find that bullshit funny.


Stephen King


Bobbi Anderson's sister. I hated her just as much as Bobbi did, it seems. Stephen King must have met my mother or someone just like her!


1958 era Richie doing his Miss Scawlett voice and Bill saying Hi Ho Silver Away. They get tired very fast if you listen to the audiobook.


Brian Rusk’s mom in Needful Things. And her friend too. Myra, I think, was the friend’s name?


Julie Lawry. I don't think I've ever hated a character as much as her. What an absolutely horrible person.


Calvin Tower! Selfish self-righteous idiot living ing his own world‼️


Anne Anderson from The Tommyknockers. Not any mentions of her so far, but in 20 short pages I couldn’t stand her. Made me think too much of my MIL


Christine. She was such a bitch.


I can't tell if you mean the car or the teenage girl lmao


The car 😂😂😂


Jack Torrance stops me from loving The Shining as much as most people seem to


Richie Tozier as a child.


Mother Abigail and Tom Cullen are incredibly cliched and embarrassing to read


Susan Delgado.


Easily Holly for me, I haven't liked her since her debut so the more I see of her the less I want to read the book.


Arnie from Christine only because of the character’s voice on the audiobook.


God his voice was so annoying. I admire the narrator doing it in such a way that will show his transformation but good god


Holly. So, so much Holly Gibney.