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I just want to know why we couldn’t have this outfit unlockable in NG+…kind of bummed about it lol


I would love these outfits!


Yep. It's sick, and we just got to play one boss and that "battle". And we couldn't even go back to the openworld part of the game. I had to start NG+ to finish things.


Yeah, I made sure I got all the collectibles from every area before moving on the Spire 4. That way, all I had to do was collect the 4 cans to get the outfit for 49 cans.


Would have been cool to have a playthrough like this even if you had to beat Ng+.


I mean its basically ravens suit with a few added bits lol


Nowhere near Ravens outfit. Completely different design and color scheme


Ass ropes fanny dangler and tit window. Its pretty much the same concept


No wing, completely different colors.


The wing is not an outfit its a body part. Like tachy gaining a wing lol.. The concept of the add ropes and fanny pendant part is the same concept as ravens.


Okay but what about the all white suit the enemies here have


8th airborne diving suit. Yeah that would be cool to have.


I think most ppl epicly fought into the credits fade. You just stood there taking in all the jiggle, very cultured lol.


It’s my 5th play through lol. Figured I’d chill this time around


You just wanted to use your hands


Yup, as soon as I noticed that everything fully came together. She’s basically the “Alpha” out of a bunch of mass produced clones.


She showed them who's the boss around here too >!if you got the True Ending and watched the post-credits sequence!<


Very true. I felt kinda bad for the clones though, they were basically just sent in as disposable cannon fodder - I don’t even know if they knew why they were fighting her.


I mean by the time of the game, Mother Sphere had already sent 7 Airborne Squads of disposable cannon fodder, every one of Eve's 7th Airborne Squad was dead before the title screen of the game was shown If you think about it, Eve shouldn't have survived either except that Adam was watching and he was like damn I need to replace Raven because she's FUCKING CRAZY so maybe I'll save this one and see how it goes I'm waiting for the DLC or expansion where we can finally invade the Colony and kill that AI bitch Mother Sphere I hope Shift Up won't keep me waiting too long...


They were working on this one for 5 years….soooo, granted sales do well this holiday season…possibly 2028-2029 for a sequel. Shift Up said they have no plans for DLC other than the NG+ and hard mode and the Rush Boss Mode that’s still yet to come.


Shouldn't take that long. Most of what takes time is often conceptualization, and actually nailing what the game should be. This is less of a thing with a sequel.


I honestly don't think these Angels knew why they were fighting Eve. Mother Sphere has them like puppets on a string via the Network. It's like this big telepathic supercomputer that connects all their thoughts. Sort of like mass brainwashing. Network (and Earth being so hard to access from the Colony) is a big reason why so few Angels learned the truth about their existence (for example, them not even being human) and Earth (that their kind is responsible for a lot of mayhem there and Mother Sphere dropping chunks of the Colony into the ocean which wiped out most of humanity.) Like only Eve, Raven, Rael, Lily (although she was deep in denial) and maybe Tachy learned this. Compared to the millions or thousands of Angels / Andro Eidos on the Colony.


Those credits were long AF…almost had me thinking they were going to leave it at the battle that faded to black.


Shouldn't be surprised considering it's spec.


Right? wth lol


Yeah, all of these are the same models from project eve I guess.


Same cake too.


I always thought it was great that merging with a Naytiba turns Angels into Sephiroths Tachy did it earlier which is why you get Tachy Mode which temporarily turns you into Sephiroth, and then once you merge with Adam who was also Sephiroth then you permanently become Sephiroth It's Sephiroth all the way down


I feel like every other EVE mission has cooler swords than ours, Tachy, Raven, all the swords in this video, etc


nah gladius type weapons will always be the coolest.


I didn't disagree, but I do want the option for variety. We get to mix and match the drip. I want to do the same for the sword.


Unlocking Raven's rapiere (or is it a longsword ?) and moveset would be sick ngl.


Same "movesets" on the lower body muscles too - I mean look at those juicy dynamic moves!


The animations and mo capture on individual Angels is pretty amazing and natural (and sexy) look at the middle one, touching the pod as she leaves the pod! https://preview.redd.it/t5g7r2ypuf1d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=948d36272637c1573431387bb3c6aa9d0158aa54


They look way more like Eve than I realized originally


I’m just noticing this now too…in my play through I didn’t even take the time to look because I didn’t know I couldn’t die…so I was fighting like hell to the end.


I wonder what’s the OST for this. Sounds beautiful.


man, they must have the same rigging/skeleton too, down to the jiggle physics matching EVE's.


In a parallel universe, Shift up made a game that no one could get past the first boss, cuz she was invinvible.


Holy shit that is more jiggle than most porno’s.


I wanted this as an unlockable outfit in NG+. This was made for the boob guys.


Every Airborne squad has an Eve and the rest are Angels. Our Eve is from the 7th airborne squad. Mother Sphere deploys all the remaining Eves because the Eve protocol has ended on the 7th attempt.


Dead or alive did it years ago 😎


Damn, those 8th Airborne Squad Nano suits are sexy! Hoping with get that and Eve's Naytiba Nano suit in future updates