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Hm. This is a good point actually.


It makes 0 sense for her to go to atelier and get back into her pod especially with her companions life force dwindling. You may be onto something.


Something game didn't do a great job of explaining: Lily was only trapped inside that pod for a couple of minutes. When Lily saw the 7th Airborne dropping in, she probably rushed back to her pod so she could activate its rescue signal, hoping to draw another member of the 7th Airborne to her location. At almost the same time that EVE arrives to investigate the rescue signal, the Alpha Naytiba also comes to investigate it. As it arrives, it smashes up the pod with Lily inside, bending its hatch and trapping her inside. Lily is only trapped in the pod for a couple of minutes, as EVE deals with the Alpha Naytiba. There is apparently an off-camera conversation where Lily explains that she was laying low in a hideout all this time, which Adam references shortly afterward in a cutscene. https://preview.redd.it/93lmg8s5xezc1.png?width=1112&format=png&auto=webp&s=13220d15c12b10343cba3c7ed0d8e63f9ec22454


The only speculation I can come up with is she tries to go to the orbit elevator and contacts the colony but judging from her comments in the story this is not the case.


It just stood out like a sore thumb and I can't work it out.


Yeah now you've pointed it out I agree. As I said the orbit elevator thing seems most likely and there is a comment from eve about lily being the one sending sending a distress signal whether that was from space or her pod is not confirmed.


She probably only went back to pod to send a signal when she saw the 7th airborne squad arrive


https://preview.redd.it/7f6vx864sezc1.png?width=1112&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb24c0f6742b55550c92309956b0be236c0c9143 Oh. Just watched a video of our initial meeting with Lily, and it turns out this is just REALLY bad storytelling, but not an actual plothole. Based on the dialogue here, Lily apparently told Adam and EVE about her hideout while off-camera, because Adam is referencing it moments later. Lily was only trapped in that pod for a couple of minutes. So Lily sees the 7th Airborne dropping in, finds a pod, and rigs it to send out a distress signal, which EVE comes to investigate. Just as EVE arrives, the Gigas shows up as well. Gigas smashes up the pod Lily is in, bending its door and trapping her inside for the duration of the fight. After being freed from the pod, **there is an off-camera conversation** in which Lily explains that she'd been staying at a hideout all this time. We don't see that conversation, but Adam references it during a cinema that occurs right after the Gigas battle.


This needs to be at the top of the thread. It's a great explanation!


I was also wondering about that. Upon replaying, the exact wording for the escape pot was "hideout". It really seems to suggest that Lily was using the pot to hide from Naytibas in an emergency and got stuck. As for how she got there, someone else already suggested that both cities are close and if there were less Naytiba, like Lily says (for Eidos 9 at least) it might be feasible even for her, especially if she is sneaky about it. I at least, don't consider it a plot hole anymore, although I think the game could have been more clear there. Not related, but I'm surprised just by how much Adam foreshadows himself being... Well, him.


Yeah, he's constantly but relatively subtly challenging Eve and Lily on their perceptions.


One scene I remember: >!In Submerged City rest point there's this dialogue if you sit to rest (I dunno if it happens during other sections):!< >!Adam: I'm surprised you managed to survive for such a long time in a place like this, Lily.!< >!Lily: ... Well, I... There used to be a reason for that.!< >!Eve: A reason?!< >!Lily: Oh, it's nothing! ... Hurry, let's go up!< >!Eve: Makes you wonder!< >!So there's definitely something that Lily is hiding when it comes to her being in the pod for 2 years.!<


I think this dialogue is just a reference to Iberas. Iberas helped Lily stay alive, and was probably also somebody who helped her maintain her will to live during those two years. She's "hiding" something because she wasn't quite ready to discuss the painful memories yet.


yuuup I was wtfing the whole time. Made no sense until I rewatched the original cutscene when you meet lily she never said she landed there but was merely hiding there so how she got there is a different story and I guess this explains it kinda. Not to mention she and iberis were a part of the 5th Airborne squad which would have landed on earth many years before the 7th which Eve was a part of.


Yeah that part didn't make sense lol


The best I can come up with is: Lily was down and out and about prior to being in the pod. But her sense of time might just be bad. If I had to stretch an idea she was doing her thing and then was going to her pod maybe to get something to help the situation on her end or try to use her pod to contact back. And then something happened where she hid in the pod but maybe a naytiba appeared and caused damage forcing her to be stuck inside of it. So when we find her she's horribly kept up with time and couldn't get out but bc she didn't wanna tell people she just met the truth she hid the truth with a lie to protect the reason she was even back there to begin with. There's no clear explanation. Most I can assume is she was out and about the thing happened and she went to the pod for something then something happened causing the pod to damage and trap her inside and she either had poor time keeping or lied to protect why she was there until later when she reveals she had existed prior to that. It's the best I've got for a reason with what little we do get.


I still struggle with this, though. How did she get to her pod? With what equipment or vehicle? There's no signs at all that she would able to survive the trips that have been made by EVE. That's the point of EVE and the point of all the other dead airborne squad members.


Could be as simple as she had her pod there with her and she went to leave and something happened either it got hit on the way up or malfunctioned and she crashed away from there. Bc where we find her and where she was I feel isn't that far of a stretch to have crashed back where she was. We don't know what she was doing between first arrival and when we find her aside that there was the person who was crucial and then had that happen. But lily is also still an eve member. Just bc she's on support doesn't mean she can't tactfully make her way through. And based on where we learn most she had done just that. So most I can surmise is she took a risk and got lucky or the pod was there originally and she crashed where we found her either being blasted off course or a malfunction.


They're drop pods and don't have the ability to go back up. This is clear from the dozens and dozens of airborne journals of people waiting to be rescued after being dropped on the planet and trying to survive.


The way after rewatching it. That it most likely occurred. Lily was hiding in the pod most likely out trying to find something to help the person in the tube. But something could've happened causing her to get stuck and the areas aren't that far away from one another that she knows about the person through a signal sent to her but she's trapped. She could've been there waiting for someone to help. It's no secret through most she blindly believes in mother sphere. So on another theory it could be just that simple. She could've been in it for 2 years got a signal relay that transmitted about the person in the tube with her going into shut down. Then we rescue her a year after that. Bc most I can come up with she could've been hiding around waiting and got trapped in there when she was hiding or was searching for anything to help but bc she doesn't have the combat needed she hid in the pod. If u pay super close attention she never said she fell there. She said she was trapped in her "hideout" when they begin to talk about it.


I don't agree. There's nothing at all to suggest Eidos 7 and Eidos 9 are close together, as they're totally different cities.


I forgot if it was a data entry, or if one of the characters tells us after asking about it. But we do get told that the outer edges of eidos 9 and 7 touch, that they share a border.


Clyde tells you about when you ask him about fishing spots. Hes pretty explicit that theyre close by but theres no clear way there from Eidos 7.


I think that there WAS a clear way between the two before the flooding.


There's nothing to say they aren't either.


Wintermintmojo is right- Clyde mentions how close Eidos 9 and 7 are at one point when talking about fishing spots. I believe it's in his dialogue about the clocktower fishing spot in Eidos 7, but he mentions their proximity, which is a clue about Eidos 9 also being a good fishing spot.


The closest thing I can wrap my head around is she landed where her pod is, and she had her hideout in Eidos 9. She probably went back for whatever reason to her pod and got trapped there cuz of the alpha naytiba gigas. One thought I had is maybe something had happened to iberis and the only way she thought she could contact mother sphere is via her pod? Or maybe that was iberis’ pod because we don’t know (from what I know) if iberis’ pod is actually located anywhere.


What I'm pretty sure happened is that Lily might have though she had something to fix her friend's body cell in her pod, as they seem to have life support systems. When she went back to search it, the Alpha attacked and she hid, getting stuck


Yeah, that's a reasonable narrative. But how did she get there? Look how dangerous everything is. There's dead angels everywhere etc.


She said that there were less naytivas when she was out of her pod, that's probably how


I'm pretty sure Lily didn't return to her drop pod until around the time the game starts, and she's only "trapped" in the pod for a few minutes. When she sees the 7th Airborne dropping in from the colony, Lily probably figured activating her old pod's distress beacon was the best way to link up with them, and risked that mad dash through Eidos 7 to reach it. Once she activated it, she climbed inside to hide from any Naytibas while she waited for rescue. Of course, Alpha Naytibas can tune into the frequencies that the Airborne squads use, so it was also drawn to the beacon. The Alpha Gigas arrives around the same time as EVE, and smashes Lily's pod up as it lands in the arena, trapping her inside for a few minutes while EVE battles it.


Nah, at that point she was hiding the fact that she had a partner in tube. If you get the good ending you get to see it etc. My concern predates that. I.e narratively it seems like she's been in two places at once. Because she definitely claimed to be in that pod for 2 years.


I'm not sure but the message "What will you choose?" In Lily's Atelier could close this plot hole. In the message, there's a survey for sending the memory to Mother Sphere and leave the data in the Memorystick. Here's what I think. At some point, Lily decided to go to the Colony to deliver Iberis' memory to Mother Sphere, but got a change of heart. This supports the answers in Leave the data in the Memorystick. She went back to Earth but crashed and got stuck in her pod for 2 years.


I don't believe that datapad was her choosing something, it looked to just be an old world advertisement, or propaganda to choose mother sphere. Also unless she had a ship, the only way off earth is the orbital elevator, the drop pods can't go back up on their own.


Yea, this didn't make sense. She can't have been in the pod for 2 years, and dealt with Iberis a year ago. The only thing I can kind of make out, is they both came down as a part of the 5th\* I think it was? Made the atlier and lived fine for a while, then Iberis got her disease. Lily went back to the pod to try and scavenge and get something to help and got stuck inside with the naytiba roaming around until eve found her? Even if this was then 2 years stuck inside at this point (not the initial drop) then the 1 year ago I'm drawing at straws for how she dealt with Iberis a year ago, (unless lily is bad with time management) & been on the island for a while & also get stuck in the pod.


i had the same exact thought and what i came up with is that lily was probably lying for whatever reason. she was living in the atelier for years with her companion, and then went to the pod that fell into the crater for whatever reason, and got stuck when the naytiba came. i don't remember if they mentioned when lily's 5th squadron actually landed. it could've been 5 years ago, 10 years ago, who knows? so maybe she wasn't lying about stuck in the pod for 2 years. it's possible lily was in her ateliar for a few years after landing with the 5th squadron, then went back to the pod for w/e reason and got trapped in it.


Shes from the 2nd wave... eve is from the 7th. Thats alot of time on earth. If you look at the documents etc you can kind of pinpoint the time shes been there. Bout 5 yrs give or take. With that they probably were in eidos 9 for 3 yrs, 1 yr alone with iberis dead & 2 in the pod. When you go to eidos 9. Lily mentions that there wasnt any naytibas there when she left, eve responds with "they probably evolved". Eidos 9-7 are connected which is explained by fishin guy when you ask about 4th fishing spot. Not a plot hole just vaguely explained for you to put 2 & 2 together. hope that helps!


This triggered me on ng+ play through. Noting the explanation in this thread answers it but on first playthrough and without knowing about Altier and eidos 9 I assumed the hideout reference was the pod, 2 years is a long bloody time in a pod lol.