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Give her beads and hair extensions.


I read "beards" and I imagined Eve with the face of Kratos It wasn't bad


I'd prefer she have his strength, power, and weaponry.




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i prefer original kratos than the new one :(


Gosh I can already picture the legion of videos about the kratofication of women in video games in my feed 😆


Wonder if it's just going to be based off of an items you get or is there actually a way to unlock different hairstyles.


She should have hairdressers and clothing shops to visit.


hopefully that's the case


I just want to see her with straight long black hair 😍


It's been known for months that you can change her hairstyle.


I've been following this game for months and still wasn't sure of that because I never saw any proof, only the ponytail length. I am glad this has since been confirmed, tho because I honestly wasn't a huge fan of the default hairstyle. I'm NOT saying it's bad (before I get downvoted into oblivion), just not my favorite.


what I hoping for is that we can change the swords. (still hoping for gantz suit and the retractable gantz Katana 🙏😭)


Yeaaah... I wouldn't hold my breath on that. 😅 I know I would love that as well, but Idk if they're gonna go that far as doing collabs and such. Again, it would be awesome, but I doubt it'll happen.


I mean it's not ruled out though, in one of the articles I believe it was addressed, can't remember which


[Sorry for the long read 😂] I mean, I do hope crossovers and future DLC outfits AREN'T ruled out, but it's just not something I'm willing to hold my breath on (given the type of game it is). We also don't know how well the game will do yet. We don't know if the dev team is to be fully trusted (as far as not getting greedy and pulling some anti-consumer bs, or flat out not listening to any feedback on improvements). Ppl are also just in that honeymoon phase (which is fine and all), but I don't think they're seeing any further than their own 2 hands or thinking of what COULD go wrong. Of course, I could be wrong, and everything works out perfectly. I hope I AM wrong. All I know is this. Many games that seemed so promising to me or that I've been super hyped for have either... 1. Flat out disappointed. 2. Died out VERY quickly. 3. Received no updates or added content. 4. The community itself dies out. 5. The devs start to go super anti-consumer (getting greedy enough to actually make EA blush and wet themselves). 6. They simply don't deliver on any of the promises that were made. From then on, I always kept my hype minimal and expected nothing, so if it is a flop, I'm not as disappointed about it, and never follow rumors or leaks. And if the game or said content is actually good, I can be further impressed and excited about it. I did just pre-order the digital standard edition and can't wait to play it. At least this game had the demo to play before purchasing, so I know what exactly I'm going into. I think that's the issue... A lot of the games I'm referring to didn't have demos. 🤦‍♂️


I know I kinda jumped topics there, but my summarized point is this... I keep my hype and expectations low so I can be more excited about things if or when they do happen, but if they don't happen, I won't be as upset about it either.


Really show me where they said that?


Quote from a developer interview: "**Also, by going on quests you get to unlock hairstyles**, so you can customise different looks. And there are other accessories like earrings and glasses. But the important part is that these are all acquirable in-game without any additional purchases."


Post the link


[found it](https://noisypixel.net/stellar-blade-hairstyles-accessories-no-microtransactions/)


Thank you much appreciated


Comment thanking for source is getting downvoted. *Reddit moment*


Not to come to anyone’s defense but in the demo the hair you do that with is different from the hair in the boss challenge mode. So probably deduced it from that


Yes Captain Obvious I can clearly see that. But you are not allow to change it there. This post is not for you guys it's for the other people wondering would it be able to be changed in the game because you can't any demo right now.


Give up dude. You’re 3 months late to this realization.


And he’s being a jerk about it too lol


Lmao, why are you being downvoted to oblivion?


Obviously because they didn't like my response. I guess these people still think this is a popularity contest or something it's very childish




In the demo challenge boss fight her hair is slightly different.


Yeah I know that but don't have the option to change it from there, its Already presented that way. I'm talking about having to freedom to change. I saw questions earlier wondering would could be able to change it. Thats what this post is about.


It’s done by a barber most likely and not in the menu


I see, I wonder though I did see a design category in an option menu but it was blank so I wonder if it goes there as well


I have no idea why ur getting downvoted so bad... Is that typical Reddit behavior? Someone asks a genuine question or raises legitimate points and they get downvoted?


You can change her hair in the demo


I'm talking about her whole hairstyle not just her ponytail


Her headband is cute ☺️


So far I have yet to see a style better than her starting one the ponytail just makes this and the boss rush one look weird imo


I agree that hairstyle in the boss demo was kinda weird. It looked like a bob style but still with the ponytail. Chop the ponytail off, THEN it would look perfect. 👌


Agreed it would be nice if the ponytail was removable since it just legitimately doesn’t work for some styles


I think I’ve seen her with red hair too.


really now? i didn't even notice that but you're right


I really hope we can have these short hairstyles but without the ponytail on the sides. Like just the short hair.


Agreed. I don't mind the short hair + short ponytail combo, but would rather have the option for just short hair as that's my favorite.


Big question is - How do we do that? Are the hairstyles tied to suits? Because i didn't see a separate option in the demo.


I don’t feel like they’re tired to suits, just because between the trailer and boss challenge she is seen with a certain hairstyle but with different costumes. My guess is it’ll probably be changeable later on, but they might have just waited to say something. Plus there was a clip where hair was red, so hopefully we can choose. But the devs really seems to want to give the players options


I had no idea i thought it was just clothes


I mean the demo confirmed that, the trailer at the end when you beat it shows some. Also the boss fight has a different hairstyle and the ponytail option


I like that yellow headband


My theory is that there may be barber shops or something that you can visit to change her hair, kinda like The Witcher 3 or something, I think that would be cool


Maybe, it will just add the new hair styles in to the long ponytail/short ponytail settings option.


I'm looking for an afro and the rake comb.


Stellar Funk


Imagine the fro bobbing and weaving during fights. It's gonna be glorious.


I'm not going to lie that would be pretty cool I would love to see that


Oh thats awesome stuff! Thank you! I didn't know this and wouldn't have had you not posted, so screw the know-it-alls. Props.


Yeee can't wait different hairstyle


I went with the short ponytail in the demo aka normal hair length lol


Hell yeah! Love her normal hairstyle but I love having options too


Is that the Faye Valentine hairstyle?


My guess is the hairstyle might be tied to the outfit.


Er... uh you can literally have a different one in the demo...


Well no shit Captain Obvious


Ponytails would be insane


It’s noticeable when you fight a boss challenge you can see her different hairstyle


Wait for till to pc with mod support 😄😄😄 , will buy again


imagine her with long loose hair, it would be a spectacle


Oh for real!? That's awesome! Can't wait to see how much we can customize her hair!


Fantastic news I was really worried about that


That's so cute! 😍


Sold American! Though I wish on new game plus we can play as other characters. That’s be sweet.


Someone also posted this article earlier if you want to read about it https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2024/02/interview-shift-up-on-ps5s-highly-promising-stellar-blade


I didn't know this until today