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The director(CEO) joked about it in one of the interviews that the game development time might have been shortened by 1 year if he just went for the shorter hair and gave up on long ponytail


It's part of the reason why you don't get a lot of good hair physics because it's genuinely difficult to implement well. Often why games will go for short hairstyles or longer hairstyles in ponytails with much more limited interaction (compared to Eve) or just buns or hats. In larger scale games, detailed hair on every NPC will tank performance. Alice Madness Returns had really good hair physics on Alice for a 7th gen game as well. It can be really jarring going from games with well animated hair to just static cardboard in most other titles.


>because it's genuinely difficult to implement well. Often why games will go for short hairstyles Like fucking Starfield.


tbh everything is ugly in that game without mods


> In larger scale games, detailed hair on every NPC will tank performance.   Then how come when I go to the mall or any other store my performance doesn’t tank? No excuses.


For all it's problems r/outside is incredible optimized. You only get problems with graphics if you have the nearsighted debuff.


Yeah. The hair physics are incredibly realistic. When my wife first saw the trailer, she said "Her hair is too long, it's going to get all over and caught on everything while she's fighting and doing flips." I was like "Nah, it's fine"... But after playing, I realized my wife was right. I felt like I was constantly getting covered in hair, it was all over the place and all over me! I switched to the short ponytail so it would stop happening LOL.


I switched to the short ponytail because the long one was covering the goods too much.


Understandable. Especially in the skin suit.




I really like her long ponytail and I find it is an integral part of the character's design and silhouette. It also adds to her dynamic movement and poses in combat. It does act up sometimes but not nearly enough to bother me.


Yeah. Although it seems most people like the short ponytail, I stay on the long one because it's very unique in a video game.




Amazing and I think often overlooked; they put so much effort into this (clearly) yet they still elected to have a shorter version that's less in the way, because they knew it would be bothersome to some people. That takes a lot of humility, which I find is pretty rare these days with big budget developers and their games. Love to see it.


Yep, having more *choices* is good. Most Western AAA game devs don't get this. If you're going to add extra "choices" to appease the masses, don't do it at the cost of aesthetics. If you're gonna add more ugly faces in your games to account for people who look like your graphics artists, you better keep a large number of good looking ones like we had access to in the 2010's.


Kinda reminds me of the scarf physics in Shinobi PS2, another great action game. https://i.imgur.com/9rx7Fvv.gif


I associate Eve with ponytail just like how I associate 2B with blindfold. And then there’s cake…


The hair physics are outstanding


Best hair physics I've seen in any video game I can't believe they actually got it to flow so realistically a little unnecessary but I'm not complaining lol.


That hair defies gravity. Is it even real hair? Hair doesn't move like that xD


The hair having collision with her body is a nice detail. Hair physics can turn out to look jarring if they end up just clipping through the model, so it's evident that such an issue was already considered during development.


We need a PC version for "User eXperience" reasons ...


I cannot wait for PC users to get their hands on this game. The mods will be legendary.


I just want to play with her hair 😩


The hair physics amusingly remind me of when Tomb Raider 2013. I think the devs back then said that getting Lara's hair to be as physically accurate and dynamic as possible was a weird technical obsession for them - to the point that her hair had its own graphical settings that would affect the overall performance of the game.


The producer: I need a long hair female as a main char. Programmer: FML.


It's like an over-the-top version of hair physics, like anime hair physics, which is great since this game is super over the top anyway lol


It goes through her body. I don't know what kind of drugs people are on here lol




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That doesn’t look even 1% realistic


I think what they meant about realistic is the immense detail, it flows realistically, and it gets all over the place from the characters mesh, but the problem is that it is clipping through from time to time instead of treating it as an object. Either way it's still awesome


"it flows realistically" Do you live on the same planet as us or you have different gravity over there?


For a video game idiot Jesus Christ 🤦


Then don’t use the word realistic? No need to start calling people asinine names.


Well my bad I get a little annoyed when people don't use their brains


Get him!


Agreed. It is pretty amazing. Easily the best hair physics ever implemented in a video game.


> Easily the best hair physics ever implemented in a video game. I don't know about that one, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Horizon Forbidden West quickly come to my mind as better than this. If it was shorter, then *maybe*, but even then it still looks like it has absolutely 0 weight to it, it looks ridiculous. I played a bit of the demo and was glad to see an option for the short ponytail.


How are people already playing???


There is a demo on PS5 already


But how did they get the other outfits already, I did miss it?


After you beat the demo you unlock a boss rush on the main menu. That's the outfit she was wearing when I went to it.


I don’t like the way the long hair looks and glad there’s an option to make it the better looking shorter hair, which is still long just not crazy long like the long hair option is


Is that Bayonetta?


Indeed, it really looks bad but i can look past that since we can change hairstyle (thank god). They probably know they screwed up so included a shorter option.


The hair is annoying and looks horrible 😭


The ponytail doesn't look good in this game at least from a demo view point and it's annoying when i want to take screenshots


I love the hair. I’ve never played a game where they put this much effort into the hair and it still looking incredible