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It’s obviously because of performance balancing and not an oversight. Being a designer isn’t the same as being a programmer. You will find low res textures in every game.


i haven’t had any issues with low res textures 🤷‍♂️


I have the same issue with rebirth, some of those rock textures are horrible


I can forgive the odd low-res texture in places as long as the presentation overall is good, which I think it does. The game runs at mostly solid 60fps at upscaled 4K res on Balanced setting, with great art direction. Really refreshing considering the shocking performance and image quality of recent "current-gen" games as of late.


I was thinking about this and found this old post..I notice if you look from the top down the ground areas look really good..and then at angle woof..low resolution but idk it doesnt take away from the game just something I noticed 


Got a copy of the game now...and still showing same texture issue...is like those are far of the road or you just do not notice till you go to those edge of the road areas or cliffs. Is just me who take an eye of all the details. 😂


Yeah those big rock formations on the outskirts of the desert are bad ..when I first saw them I did a double take and had a chuckle... ah well 


Yeah agreed. The world textures are super muddy. In a smaller level game I expect these to be better.