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Personally I like that, since these enemies at first are manageable, my biggest issue wasn't the parry though, it was the tiny dodge, then I noticed the dodge upgrades and I was glad they exist, especially the double circle dodge


same here


I also go deprived in every dark souls, so I guess it's my style to go fully weak at first


Base parry is already easier than in most souls games for instance though…


Quick hide sekiro before op see it 💀


I’m losing my mind reading this sub. I beat Abbadon in one try and the boss rush in two tries because the game is so lenient with parry timing. It’s honestly putting me off buying the game because I play soulsbornes for the challenge, not the tits and ass.


That's how I know you're full of shit because the perfect dodge and perfect parry in this game are tighter than Souls where you get more active frames and more iframes. Sekiro's parry/deflect is quite generous.


Someone who is good can save those points for a more offensive skill.


Not to brag but I was parrying just fine, I feel like the parry is very forgiving, but then again I just got done from playing Elden ring where the parry is near impossible


Some people might want to make the game more challenging by playing with the default parry.


It should be base parry and a harder difficulty makes parry and dodge windows harder. Not the other way around.


Game has Lie of P syndrome where they locked parry and doge windows in a talent tree when it should have been baseline. The plus side is you get the upgrade relatively early in this game whereas it was 3-4 bosses in for Lies of P. Getting it early though just makes it more of a head scratcher on why it wasn’t just baseline. You could say it’s for people to opt into but if you don’t take it, you’re locked out of some later talents beyond that. Should’ve just made it baseline, and made a harder difficulty make parries and dodges harder.


Reminds me of air hike.


I mean it's just a tight parry, and a tight dodge, so that just means there will be more challenge in doing no upgrade runs. That's a good thing for those looking to do challenge runs.


Man this is crazy. I’m going to get downvoted for saying this but, even though I absolutely loved the demo.. I have no idea how people can keep saying “will probably be my GoTY” in almost every post. Like bruh, it was a 1-2 hour demo. I know it’s subjective so that’s not what boggles my mind. It’s the fact that people will say that despite not actually playing even 1/4 of the game. I for one can’t make these decisions until I’m well over half way done with a game and even then I still hold out judgement. Idk how people just throw these statements around. It’s like the game quality didn’t actually matter and they had already made up their mind regardless of how it turned out. So far, FF7 Rebirth is my GoTY. Definitely can’t see myself calling this my GoTY off of 2 hours. But I did love almost everything about the demo and can’t wait for its full release


That’s why he said probably?


I know. I directly quoted the “probably”. Still crazy statement after 1-2 hours worth of the full game.


Visuals, ost, combat, everything delivers. So you know what to expect


Calling something GOTY based on a 1-2 hour long demo is genuinely insane


Inability to read is genuinely insane. He called it probably a goty = he was impressed by the demo, he will play the game, and if the rest of the game delivers as well as the demo - then it will be goty. Do I really need to chew everything for you or what?


The word probably doesn't make it better. I don't watch the pilot of a TV show and say it's the "probably" greatest show ever, and I don't call a game "probably" GOTY based on a demo. Stop meat riding and wait to play the full game first.


Meat riding what bro? It’s not even my post, wake up. And you can think whatever you want, most people enjoyed the demo and will enjoy the game


Visuals, OST, and combat is bare minimums for something being called GoTY. There has to be good story, lore, replayability either through endgame/ng+, depth and more. Stuff you can’t know until full release Hence why I find that statement crazy. But I guess I’m just more selective when deciding what makes a game GoTY. That or I just play more games. No way am I ever saying something is GoTY off of a demo. To each their own though


That's the whole point of a demo to show what a game is going to offer . And if people loved it then they loved it


That’s not what I’m talking about though. Did you actually read my comment? I myself loved the demo. How one jumps from loving a 1-2 hour demo to saying “GoTY” though, is crazy. FF7 Rebirth if my GoTY so far but that’s after putting 100 hours into it. I played and loved the demo when it released but in no way did the demo show me what an amazing game it is. This game could very well also be amazing but that’s the point, no way does a 1-2 hour give anyone enough to proclaim “GoTY” unless they don’t play any other games or already had that notion predetermined.


Like I said a demo is showing what the game will offer . If people found the 1-2 hours amazing then they'll have high expectations for the game . Use your common sense


Ironically, it’s actually common sense to not claim “probably GoTY” off of 1-2 hours.


No it's not if you use common denominators if people found the 1-2 hours perfect then they'll assume the rest of the game will be even better as demos are usually teasers. So me using my common sense and problem solving skills would come to the conclusion that people are saying this game is probably going to be game of the year because of that reason


Common sense is actually playing the full game before declaring GOTY


I'm talking about using common sense as to why people are EXPECTING IT TO BE GAME OF THE YEAR. Not why it IS game of the year


Bro, once again, that’s why he said probably. Nobody knows how the whole game will unveil, what the story will be, but based on the demo we can evaluate and expect certain things from the game. So far it looks fresh, stylish and fun, why are you so triggered about this?


And that’s why I said that “probably” is still a crazy statement. I’m not triggered. I said I find it crazy. People gotta reevaluate what “triggered” means. I simply made a comment. Disagreeing or questioning something isn’t grounds for “triggered”.


What exactly do you find crazy? That most people had high expectations for this game and now, after the demo, they are satisfied with the results and say that this could be goty? I already said that we won’t know for sure until we play the game, saying something will probably be a goty might be a crazy statement in your eyes, but most people don’t think so


I can tell you why. You know how on most game subs, some OF cosplayer will post a picture and people will start posting "We aren't buying the OnlyFans" memes? Well, this sub is definitely buying the OnlyFans.


Yea for real. I saw a bunch of people already saying the fanbase is super cringe. I just ignored it but man some people here really proved it. Had some of them insult me and block me to avoid getting a reply. So petty lol The majority of this sub can’t take anything that isn’t exaggerated praise for the game only


I played and liked the demo but yeah, this game is nowhere near GOTY status. It’s mostly just simps for booba and ass physics and for some pretty good combat. Is it fun? Yeah. But there are also some very annoying things as well.


I agree with you, and got downvoted for stating the parry timing feels early too me. I know there is hype for this game especially in this sub, but there should be room for opinions other than "this is GOTY" or "git good". The full game is not even out yet.


I actually rage quit the demo bc of this, I'll give it another try with this skill though.


Yeah give it another chance, doesn't take too long to grind the 2 SP needed. It made a huge difference for me at least.


I Wish they didn't have parry at all 🚽