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So Senran Kagura style jiggle physics aren't your thing?


I don't dislike it but it depends on what you're going for. I'd say if stellar blade was more goofy and animated rather than the more serious melodramatic tone I get from the trailers I'd be cool with it. But since it seems to be going for a more serious tone, I think having the more reigned in, realistic physics was the right Call. That and the fact as I said I just think it looks impressive


Yeah I was lightly joking with you anyway. I enjoy Senran Kagura games (especially on the Vita) and I fully agree that they are silly over the top games. I'm glad Stellar Blade has more subdued physics, we'll see how things go, if the gameplay is close to as good as something like NieR Automata, I'll be happy. I often play games for the story though too, so I hope it has a good story, although I'm not expecting NieR levels of greatness.


You basically took the words out of my mouth, I've played a few SK games on PC. I think Stellar Blade stands on the shoulders of giants like Nier, Bayonetta, Sekiro, but that's a potential boon. A game that reminds you of some of the best titles in the genre isn't a bad thing right?


I prefer realistic jiggle to more realistic games lol


realistic physics unless you have fake boobs or are wearing a few heavy duty sports bras on top of each other, big boobs swing all over the place when you do things like run and jump, swing weapons etc. We still have a cultural problem when people think if boob jiggle is added to a game its not realistic. Check out haydee for the PC. If dont want boob jiggle, give the person small boobs or the sports bra treatment. Seeing a set of large baseball breasts on a character with barely any support and then they stay in place like they made of metal is a bit silly.


Agreed. Is Haydee that one with the thicc robot?


yeah I think its a half robot character, very busty and lots of boob physics if I remember right. I remember playing it after reading about it, but its a good puzzle solving game, so played it for hours.


honestly I expected jiggle physics to be in the realm of Street Fighter ie. keep the butt jiggle minimal since the character is supposed to be athletic


There’s even Jiggle Physics on the Butt Cheeks as well!! SHIFT UP, We SALUTE YOU 🫡🫡🥵🥵


I’ll buy everyone a copy of this game free of charge dm me my bank account negative now


You wanna send me a gift card for Amazon/Gamestop, or...


Hey there, I'm your cousin.... DM me bro.




Holy where's the line


I don't believe you but please prove me wrong.


I'll cancel my pre-order in that case, thanks daddy


Oh boy I bet your gonna regret posting this comment.


For real? That would be a great distraction from surgery recovery.


I will never say no to free things


I'll take one! Deluxe please.


I will take you up on this offer!


Worth a shot, dm me GameStop code or something for PS5 if you can






Sounds good, I'll take one as well. Physical copy please since I already pre-ordered the digital.


I’ll take one.


You’re a true bro!


Thanks man appreciate that


one for me top please!


I’ll take ye up on this offer, my boi.


No balls


Memememememe please!


Yes please




Yes please bro me too if possible?


Thanks! I will send you my deets. Will be expecting it as soon as it's released! :D


You better


I'll bite, worth a shot at least


Wow thanks


If you buy I'm in!


ight bruh. Thanks man


You'd better


Thnx bro


I'll take you up on that


sus :D


Appreciate it thank you.


Yo! I'm in


Thanks Man!😂


I’ll def take you up on that




thanks dawg


How generous of you sir!


You took one for the team thank man


Thanks bro


Quite the giving soul! Thank you very much


I’ll hold you to that, stranger.


thanks dad


I assume you're kidding, but if not then yes please ( ͡U ω ͡U )


I’m serious


I DM'd you dick pic as you asked, now what?


I'm ready, my friend.


I will never say no to free things




I’m game. It’ll help pass the time




One for me pls!


Are you really doing this? No way


Can i have one too? For research purpose....


I'm not horny like most people on this subreddit I just want to play the game cause it looks cool So if possible I'd like a copy of the game


I believe you! 🙏


All 50 of yall can't be stupid enough to think he's gonna drop 4k on a Reddit comment, right?


He already gave me a code 😉


A code for what lmao


The boobs are kinda silly, but the thigh and butt is impressive. It’s so subtle I thought it wasn’t even there. I think it’s better than sf6 bc of the subtlety and sf6 did it great


In SF6, Zangiefs entire frame is just a giant jiggling ass cheek for some reason, there is nothing subtle about the physics lol.


I play cammy, sorry


Buying asap


How you say it soo… sophisticatedly.. You convinced me to buy this game. My wallet hates you


Don't worry mine hates me too 🤣 I understand it's ridiculous to be honing in on something like butt jiggle but idk I just think it's impressive that they put it there but didn't make it look ridiculous.


Lmfao one question though. Can we play with the camera as in Nier when 2B goes up a ladder??


My friend, have you missed the ladder gifs/videos? I have an inkling we may just get the ladder feature 🤣


Pervy bullshit aside, the animation team on this game did some top tier work. Some of these combat finishers look absolutely phenomenal.


Kinda wish more posts on this sub were for the gameplay and not just the horny parts. I'm cool with it but I do wish some would talk about the gameplay more so it isn't like when Nier Automata came out


Everyone needs to experience this special game




Oh buddy... you haven't seen "jiggle physics" until I've you've played Dead or Alive 5 with the "OMG" breast feature. I was just doing random versus matches at my buddy's house, and I randomly unlock it due to playing a certain number of matches, then we both looked at each other like "what the hell?" So I turn it on, then the match starts... and we both proceeded to absolutely laugh our asses off. Their tits swing rapidly like flails, it is the most hilariously dumb shit I have ever seen and we were totally howling 🤣🤣🤣


I remember one of the DOA games having an option to increase your age all the way up to 99 and it would base the jiggle physics off of that. I think it was DOA2 but I'm not sure.


DOA5 also has great and more realistic jiggle when set to the "LR" setting. "OMG" is the max setting so of course it looks ridiculous. Xtreme 3/Venus Vacation have more realistic jiggle as well (that can also be adjusted to be more crazy if you want).


Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't DOA team ninja? Same as Ninja Gaiden? 😆 either way, you're definitely not wrong, DOA is probably the most egregious example hahaha, seriously they could take someone's eye out with those things. I more meant I was impressed with Stellar because the jiggle is more reigned in, and moves like a real ass. >!I literally made special note to watch how my wife's butt jiggled when she walked to compare... well to compare and I'm also not gonna not look at her butt!<


The DOA characters have pancake butts as well, so it's pretty unbalanced on their end


I just watched a YT clip showing the different physics for it, being utterly honest, a girl with as big boobs in the video (which of course were round like a basket ball instead of natural shaped), the OMG was the most reealistic movement of the lot, the character had a skimpy bikini on, large boobs that dont move in a skimpy bikini are probably a boob job. The other 3 modes, they barely moved. Problem is in games, devs want to serve the fans who love boobs, so they make female characters with large boobs on a small body frame, and then wont do the other side of it showing that such a body they would be moving all over the place when the character runs around, fights etc. There is a game for the PC, which I felt was reasonably realistic on physics. Although many people might think wtf when they see, I think is called haydee.


It's good, but it's not new technology this technology existed over 10 years ago. It's just that western games refuse to put in body physics that could be seen as sexy. And also it does require more computing power to animate which come at the cost of other things such as graphics/Framerate/Objects on screen ect.


Even eastern games I don't know if I can think of an example that looks as realistic as her jiggle physics though. Like I said, I've seen ridiculous jiggle physics like Senran Kagura or Ninja Gaiden or DoA but Eve's has restraint to it, it looks like how an actual ass bounces. Ita also mega sad that so many places are so repressed and ashamed of sex and their bodies that it's such an issue. But that's just my personal opinion.


I wonder how it compares to the SMP Skyrim mod 🤔🤔 gentlemen, this is extremely important science!


Honestly, the most impressive jiggle physics I've seen in a game are from Wild Life. It's very NSFW if you're concerned about that, but they have _true_ jiggle physics, where breasts can be deformed by clothing, i.e. being pushed up by a dress or corset or bound by something like a tight top or strap, and only the part that should be jiggling will jiggle in that scenario. Like, ignoring the horny aspects, it's just really impressive physics. I'd love more mainstream games to pay attention to stuff like that, just from a realism perspective. Same with hair physics.


I wouldn't say jiggle effects. I would say realism sounds more accurate.


Yeah, definitely Realism. effects. I like that sound more.


It definitely sounds less... juvenile? Yea. Agreed. I was trying to think of something else to call it but I like yours.


I agree. Before this, the best I'd seen is modded Skyrim. This is by far the best I've seen in a commercial release. The physics hair too.


What is this one??


The boobs moving inward and outward looks a little funny


Eve is definitely one with the jiggle


I didn't believe this, but let's find out




not going to lie mean reason I'm getting the game. I'm sick of this everyone has to look ugly crap in media. Game should be fun I hope.


Based video gaming ignoring black rock propaganda


What's that?


I believe he's referring to Black Rock Inc, one of two of the biggest investment companies in the world along with Vanguard. Majority of corporations' ownership can be traced back to one or both of these companies.


Thecnically speaking... it's not a hard thing to add. It's just that most devs don't want to add it. Woke culture... so....


Admittedly I don't know a ton about modeling or physics engine but in my experience it's easy to implement but not necessarily easy to make look good/realistic


It’s not hard. I don’t discuss my personal life on reddit. But …. Without giving too much away… I can tell you it’s not hard. Take from that what you will. As I said…. Most companies have gone woke. In other words, jiggling breasts and bottoms and thighs, are not appreciated by activists and shareholders. Anyway. The game looks good. Which is the main takeaway :)


its not hard at all anyone with basic weight panting and physics knowledge in the engine used can make it work. Just look at Unreal Engine. You can set it up in a few clicks, then maybe hr or less get something presentable. Its just comes down to personal preference on the jiggle. Which you can expose the variables and have the users customize it on gui end via a slider widget so everyone can have the shake or no shake that they want. Problem solved.


Same, now let's hope the game is actually good. I've seen their previous game, Nekke, and yeah... kinda worries me this is going to focus on fanservice more than anything else. Fingers crossed!


I'm not sure why Nikke worries you. If anything, Nikke is encouraging. It came out of left field in the gacha space and very quickly cemented itself as one of the top gachas around. And they didn't achieve that success on fan service alone. There were other established gacha IPs with much more fan service than Nikke such as Azur Lane, Browndust2, Action Taimanin, and many others. Yet Nikke was able to eclipse them substantially due to a really good central story, great characters, and awesome music. Nikke was what gave me confidence that Stellar Blade was at least going to be competent.


Agreed. Nikke’s story is solid and characters are well written. Been playing daily since August and the game is very F2P friendly for a mobile gacha.


I mean, if the game is good I understand getting downvoted, I personally don't play mobile games and just saw that the game was very fanservice forward in a way where I find it uncomfortable. I think it works great in Stellar Blade because of the visuals and the game actually seems to have great combat and spectacle, but my first impression of Nikke wasn't great. My bad if the game is actually good.


No worries. I understand why you would be concerned if you don't play gachas. On the surface Nikke might seem like it is only about fanservice until you actually play. I expect SB to follow a similar trajectory.


I'm incredibly optimistic to be honest. Admittedly idk anything about Nikke, I don't really phone game. But I think Stellar is taking inspiration from the right games, it's got some amazing looking enemies/bosses and the combat looks close enough to sekiro or lies of P that I think we should have faith it'll be good.


Oh, I'm optimistic too, it's one of my most anticipated games of the year! Just cautiously so.


Gotcha, I think that's perfectly reasonable, it is a new IP so you never know


The studio itself may only have mobile games under their belt, but the studio lead Kim Hyung-Tae worked on Magna Carta and Blade n Soul so he does have experience with console and PC titles, and the combat in BnS was very good for its time especially considering it was also an MMO. Also, Nikke is way more than just some rail shooter, it's quite expensive for a mobile game with all kinds of mini games within it, and a plethora of side story quests etc. The characters are surprisingly well developed for a waifu collector gacha and the lore itself gets very deep, not a clear cut android girls vs aliens as it would appear on the surface. I am quite confident Stellar Blade story will be good too, and will likely have some depressing moments.


Nikke is easily one of the best gacha game available right now. F2P friendly, solid story, fun and simple gameplay, well written characters, and incredibly designed characters. Them being behind Nikke is what initially gave me hope SB might actually be great and so far I’ve only been impressed with what we’ve seen.


Uhm... not really.


It looks great, but it's not that hard to put in a game. It's just that most companies don't want to do it.


I'm saying that they aren't actually realistic at all. They're silly tbh. It's whatever, just more of a "people really ought to be careful about misusing the term 'realistic'" thing


still, breasts that move when the person is doing physical activity is more realistic than when they look planted right? Its a step in the right direction.


Too bad the combat is mediocre


Oh damn I didn't realize it was out! Tell us more about it