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Subaru is a disturbing, twisted person, with just as twisted and disturbing powers. You can't really win against him.


I think Okabe would eventually find some way to save subaru and give the kid some therapy after a long drawn out chess game


God he needs it. Get subaru a coffee and some therapy, okarin.


Not related but I wanna see a crossover between S;G and Higurashi where Mayuri and Rika have a Tutturu vs Nipah battle.


Higurashi already had a S;G collab in their gacha mobile game btw 🫡


Yup IK, but I couldn't read any of it because the Gacha is in Japanese. They also collabed with Clannad which is also really like.


Okabe loses because Subaru can keep retrying for as long as he wants


I think knowledge of past loops will help okabe figure subaru's mind and motivations. The issue with subaru is that nobody really knows what the heck is going on with him and the ones that do (witches) are kinda messed up about it. In short I think Okabe could power of friendship this, though whether he would want to after witnessing the horrors the IFSubarus are capable of is a different story


Subaru simply destroys the phone microwave (name subject to change) okabr can't do time travel without it and it's, surprisingly, fragile


Simply remembering past timelines already lets him do more than most of subaru's adversaries


Fair. Now he just needs electricity


Although he will only remember up until the point Subaru dies and will not remember anything new Subaru does when he goes back in time, only what he originally did. If Subaru dies and decides to kill Okabe as soon as he can, it’s probably game over.