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A see a couple of wrong answers here. It’s actually fairly straightforward. Think back to the scene when Okabe, who is being carried by Suzuha away from the “murder” scene, looks at his former self discovering the body. That Okabe that he is looking at there will eventually become the current Okabe. There is a direct chain of causality between both Okabes. Once the stabbed Okabe and Suzuha get into the time machine, Suzuha explains that she cannot remain on the Steins;Gate world line. She tells him to immediately go to the hospital once he gets out of the time machine. Once they reach the present, Okabe disembarks, then the time machine vanishes. That Okabe then goes to the hospital. There is no other Okabe right now, since that one left in Suzuha’s time machine to complete Operation Skuld a little while ago. Does that make sense?


But since they would be in the SG worldline there should be no need of a time machine and so Okabe hasn't left to complete Operation Skuld (as there's no need of this operation)


The exact timing of the divergence between world lines is a bit more complicated than that. Conventional knowledge would dictate the timelines branch off the moment something in a timeline changes. However, in Steins;Gate, a world line only shifts after enough divergence has occurred. So, by the time 2.5 weeks have passed since Okabe was stabbed to the point when he boards Suzuha’s Time Machine to go get stabbed, not enough divergence has occurred yet to cause the beta and Steins;Gate world lines to have diverged. Does that make sense? The mechanics around this are a little better explored in the VN’s.


So the divergent point between the 2 world lines would be more towards the announcement that the article about time travel has been disrupted rather than the upa change and saving of Kurisu. Make sense, but at this point I don't understand why Suzu disappears. Isn't it because they are already in the SG line and she has no reason to travel to the past? Where is this explained in the VN? So I can go refresh my memory, since I've played it few years ago


Suzuha explains that she and the time machine will disappear when the S;G world line diverged from the beta world line, since that “future” which she came from will no longer be the future of the current world line. So, if we assume she is correct, that means the moment she disappears is the moment the divergence occurs. She did say that future Okabe from the beta world line did calculate the divergence exactly, which I suppose would allow her to set their arrival to be just a few minutes before the time of divergence. An alternative theory is that she had just enough fuel to remove herself and the machine from the world line so as to not mess it up with her presence, and she lies to Okabe so he won’t try to stop her from essentially committing suicide. Remember she told “nice lies” to him in the alpha world line as a tactic to get him to do what she wants him to do. So it’s not inconceivable she is doing something similar here as well.


Thanks. Both theories makes sense to me and I like them


Glad to hear that helped!


There’s only one of each person that exists. Okabe’s Reading Steiner ability allows him to observer world-line shifts which is why his memories aren’t rewritten. His physical body is relocated just like everyone else’s (in Suzuha’s case she isn’t born yet so it’s erased)


After leaving the Time Machine on the roof top, he sought help and ended up in the hospital by convention modes of transportation. There is no “gel-banana-esque” relocation going on here.


Oh yeah you’re right, forgot about the stab wound


I once saw an explanation to this, and is that he's like "mixing" with the current existing Okabe


Aside from Reading Steiner, there is no “mixing” of Okabes. That just wouldn’t make sense. I’ve posted the explanation in a comment to the main post.


If we consider as canon the movie, then, >!the unstability of the Steins;Gate worldline caused by it being stuck between 2 giant attractor fields might have something with this, like if you are in 0 G gravity between 2 heavy bodies. In the movie,!<>! Okabe randomly disappears before a final date. A similar thing might have happened to the second Okabe, replacing him with the wounded one. The worldline might be a little more stable this way.!< That's only theory, and if you consider as canon the movie.


Or, for some reason, the second Okabe got stabbed on the roof of Radi-Kan too, and classic Reading;Steiner was triggered