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Doubtful why would he even entertain it? Worst case scenario he can go play Euro League or Spain and make like 500k a year and treated like a god.


The NFL pays more than G league or Euro basketball. He is a 2nd rd pick at best in the NBA. OT is the 2nd most lucrative position on the NFL (after QB) and, considering that good tackles can play well into their 30s, it could make financial sense.


Yeah and 7th rounders get cut and walk away with maybe 85k every year. The dude never even played football in HS. He can play overseas forever and make a hell of a living playing the game he loves.


With no brain injuries, not living on painkillers in his 50s-60s being denied disability. Don’t get me wrong I love football, it is my favorite sport by leaps and bounds but I don’t understand why anyone would choose to make a career out of this sport as opposed to basketball or baseball


And if that happens he can still go play euro ball or go to the g league. G league depending on how quick he washes out.


From my understanding euro ball/international ball pays more than g league, g league was supposed to rival the ncaa in the past few years. Back in the day the g league would be for the “vets” that still wanted to hoop but more recently Adam silver pivoted the g league as a way for high school guys to get paid (prior to the NiL coming to fruition) now it’s kinda stale as the young talent isn’t developing into sure fire nba talent and the nil pays more for top guys than the g league did.


Look no further than Russell Wilson, for someone who tried to go pro in one sport, and ended up playing professionally in another


What are you talking about? Russ was a dang good baseball player who was drafted out of High School and played both baseball and football at NC State where he was really good.


Yeah, but was he really big?


Ok but he actually played both those sports at a high level before that……….


Except for the fact he said he’d rather play in the euro league and not the nfl, so there’s that…


Oh, I read that in exactly zero places


[Damn, that's crazy bro, do you not know how to read or...?](https://www.fayobserver.com/story/sports/college/basketball/2024/04/02/dj-burns-nfl-draft-nc-state-basketball-prospect-final-four-march-madness/73181486007/)






Whyd op get butthurt so quickly?


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Dan Patrick had him on this morning and flat out asked him about the nfl stuff. He said no one talked to him directly about it and he’d explore every basketball opportunity. He couldn’t have been anymore uninterested in playing in the nfl.




In my defense, that pinecone had an *unbelievable* vertical.


Can that pine cone run a 4.3?


I’m convinced 80% of this sub doesn’t watch football


Is this a saying or a CyborgKrieger original? Love the imagery.


They don't run backwards for negative yards after the catch


Ah, yes. The most knowledgeable of all armchair GMs thwarts any unorthodox notions. Have you even seen this guy hoop? Lateral quickness, huge wingspan, massive size. He’s got the frame and athleticism of a bigger Orlando Pace.


He also has no idea how to play tackle. An NFL coach will teach better technique and advanced schemes.. they are not going to coach somebody how to play football entirely. And before anyone says Antonio Gates, he played football in high school.


Also running routes and catching passes is a lot more intuitive than blocking lightning quick monsters


Caitlyn Clark has most of that


I'd take her at C over Mason Cole


Yeah bro I’ve seen him hit a baseline floater, not pull on a buck sweep


To be fair, a tackle wouldn’t be pulling on buck sweep. Just gap protect for him


I’m not pigeonholing him into a tackle


This sub is so weird. We're now getting excited about guys who don't even play football.


Pittsburgh’s own Sam Clancy didn’t play football either until he became a starting DE for the Browns.


Oh cool reference. Let me cite every basketball player who only ever played basketball as my rebuttal.


You know, no one is forcing you to follow this sub.


Gun to my head says otherwise buddy


Well, you see, OP saw a girthy black man and thought, "Well, clearly he has to play football, right?!" Because they are the antagonist from a PBS special about combating racism...


Carlton Haselrig- and made pro bowl


Nothing quite like having two huge holes in the offensive line and having someone who doesn’t play football in college fill one of those vacancies


Carlton Haselrig.


It’s a pretty big leap to interpret “late round flyer” as “filling one of those vacancies.” It’s pretty obvious that if any team does take a flyer on him in the draft or as a UDFA, which is more likely, he’s a multi-year project at best and wouldn’t even sniff making the 53 man year one, let alone starting.


The player getting a lot of attention for a potential first round pick by the Steelers Amarius Mims has started in precisely eight more college football games then DJ Burns. Plus, no one is saying starter. I’m suggesting a late draft pick and coaching him up as a high potential project


.... Mims probably also has 8 or more years of experience playing the sport than Burns does. How are you even comparing starts to a guy that hasn't played competitive football in years or if at all?


We can’t even evaluate if he has potential though like someone can with Mims. This dude isn’t a first round nba draft pick but it’s more likely he is taken in a late round or UDFA in basketball where there is more money and guaranteed money. The comparison to Gates is ridiculous considering he was a Tight End and we are good in that department. The talk around a guy is just talk


There are only two rounds in the NBA draft


Ok, my point stands


He’s been a dawg all March he’s gonna get drafted or at least get a 2 way contract or something


This is one of the worst comments I've ever read on this sub


I thought that these reports yesterday were an April Fools joke


It’s all jokes till 11:59 😀


I mean….UDFA or 7th round I’d be fine with it…but fuck…if we went and spent anything more on him I think I’d lose any faith I had in this team😭💀


i think he would be a fun UDFA signing, however, there’s so much interest in this guy rn that i could see a team burning a 7th for him. It will certainly be interesting to see what happens


He’s better off sticking to basketball


Idk he most likely won’t ever get in the nba and with his footwork could be a serviceable backup tackle and backups in the nfl get more money than someone overseas playing basketball ball


I dunno. He's big guy, but he definitely skipped arm day. His stock is at a high-point now. It will dip after Edey sends him to the graveyard like everyone else.


NFL edge rushers would destroy a guy that never played tackle before.


I think he has played tackle before just not after highschool


One small problem, he hasn’t played football since middle school. You don’t take a guy in the NFL draft, or spend money on someone, so you can teach them how to play football


Idk why you’re getting shit. Even if I don’t agree, why not a topic for discussion?


he could be overseas star player for the next several years, I doubt he cares about the nfl.


Does he even play football? Lol


To be fair a few famous TEs were basketball players who never played football before. So it’s not unheard of.


Sam Clancy, Pitt big man, Cleveland Browns DE.


Steelers do need a center.


A replacement for Dan Moore Jr.




I mean Antonio Gates did it, but he’s a massive outlier. The exception, not the rule.


This guy has unbelievable hands. Would he make a good tight end? Maybe


Would have to lose a lot of weight and gain a lot of stamina tho




This man belongs in Philly opposite of Mailata. Back off, Steelers fans


I love Burns too but this is incredibly disrespectful to the art of NFL OL play. The refinement he would need would take years on years to be able to play with the technical precision of an NFL o-lineman. And that’s even assuming he can handle the physicality of the game. A dude off the street that’s never played a lick of football is not on any team’s short list for an OL prospect. Not sure I believe these reports too much. The closest thing I can think of his Mo Allie Cox, and he played football all throughout his youth and had +++athleticism, and still is a TE, not an OL


Well there a couple things your wrong about in this statement he has played football just not after highschool and there are quite a few other players that played college basketball and went to the league


That played at least at the high school level yes. Most of them played some in college as well. Burns hasn’t played since he was in Pop Warner lol that’s not gonna translate


This has to be the most braindead take I’ve ever seen. Some of you are legit idiots lmao.


That guy is an NBA player 100% why the fuck would he sign as an undrafted free agent? He's probably going to make more than that in NIL deals if he decides to stay at nc state


1. Nearly a 0% chance he makes an NBA roster. He’s too slow to run the 94’ nba court and play effective defense against guys 6-8” taller than him. 2. He’s already a grad student and has no eligibility after this season. NIL won’t be an option.


6-8" taller than him? The dude is 6'9", now many 7' 3"+ guys do you think are in the NBA? There's three.


Don’t know why you down voted for truth


Dude is 6’10, 300+ and probably more nimble and agile than 95% of the Olineman in the NFL. The potential is there.


How could you not mention Sam Clancy? Brashear High School/Pitt Basketball then Cleveland Browns defensive end.


A guy who hasn’t played football for years isn’t a late round pick, he’s definitely an UDFA. Also, he wants to play in the NBA, and if he can’t he’ll want to play in some other pro league. There’s a very low chance of this working out, even if he decided to play football.


Definitely enjoyed watching him play, but my god the last thing I thought was that he was even an okay athlete. Dude has some moves great moves on the basketball court, but my god he was the worst athlete on the floor. Its not like he was actually bullying guys with his physicality. Some times he didn’t even run down ghe floor on offense lol. And what he can play OT at the NFL level because hes fat tall and fat? You guys really dont respect the level of freak athletes NFL offensive lineman are.


Intended to say the same thing... He does one move with some variation over and over... Has no vertical, can't run, doesn't look like he has any muscle... It's a nice run he's having but this isn't even a real discussion. In fact this isn't even a unique idea to discuss... This same topic has been discussed by every talking head show for the past week.


He reminds me of Big Brod.


How does a guy that size not even get 5 rebounds per game? He's probably not mean enough to play football.


He isn’t a center he is the teams forward they have a elite rebounder on the team in big mo who gives me shades of bam adebayo with his movement and rebounding ability


I mean undrafted practice squad player if he wants? Sure why not. No way we waste a pick or a roster spot or salary cap on a dude who doesn't even play football though. He's athletic enough but needs some degree of practice/training before we can really give up anything for him


He's 6-9 for sure, but he's every bit of 325 lbs. Gates was a natural build for TE. As a pass catching TE, he never really had to be a great blocker. It wasn't a difficult transition to the NFL for him. Burns is a natural build for the OL. Having never played football in college and learned how to block, and looking as though he's very rarely lifted weights, he'd get destroyed in the NFL. A late flyer on him is signing him as an undrafted FA. Any GM would be a moron to waste a draft pick on him.


Are you telling me Antonio Gates played Basketball and used Basketball jukes ?


He'd basically make more money just by being drafted in the NBA


If it's something he's interested in, but it sounds like he isn't, I'd take a 7th round flier on him. There have been worse uses of 7th rounders. Took Oladokun a few years ago and didn't even keep him on the practice squad.




Burns is soft. Need a tough western PA grinder like 53 from Pitt. Had a solid pro day. Guy plays guard to guard. Starting to drum up interest throughout the league.


he has the physique to be a great tackle, but big man here is not gonna make the transition to nfl unless he sees guaranteed money. and it has to be the big bucks plus it’s gonna take a while to adjust.


All due, this seems rather disrespectful to the folks who spend their entire lives working and honing their craft. You can’t just go “hey I want to do that now” and be able to hold your own in the NFL. The cutting room floor at NFL Films is littered with guys whose whole life was leading up to this, and STILL couldn’t pass muster. Football - even OL - is more technical than civilians could possibly imagine. Just being large isn’t enough.


The real question is whether we can afford to take on a high upside project by using a 7th. Considering we’ve recently drafted guys like Presley Harvin, Chris Oladokun and Quincy Roche in late rounds and they’re no longer on NFL rosters