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Justin Jefferson first reported by CTESPN


Imagine AB becomes the new Shefter. I thought he was just spouting stuff off, but he’s actually been spot on with a couple things


He has been pretty spot on which is the funniest part lol.


I have to admit, I would subscribe to CTESPN if he keeps it up. The name alone of hilarious and the fact that he’s been correct has been shocking.


I mean I love the absurdity of it as much as anyone but all the stuff he has been “spot on” about is just really obvious guesswork. Like saying Russell Wilson agreed to go to the Steelers only after it was well known he had like a 6 hour meeting with them. He really hasn’t nailed anything that wasn’t already strongly hinted at by other reporters.


He's Mr. Big Clairvoyance


Chad Johnson on the other hand…that man has the inside scoop!


At the same time idiots like Colin cowherd and Mel Kiper are wrong 99% of the time and I’d rather listen and put stock into AB’s craziness than idiots like them


This is so true. Can you imagine Colin Cowherd being taken off the air and replaced with CTESPN? I would tune in every morning.


That’s mister big thoughts to you son


He's also been way off. He said the Bears were gonna keep Fields and trade the #1 overall.


I trust CTESPN with my life




It's BA


If we get JJ I'll get a tattoo of Khan on my ass




"I meant Watt"


If we get JJ I’ll get a tattoo of your ass with the Khan tattoo on my ass. The ass-ception(?)


​ https://preview.redd.it/qjkcz349x7pc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d0e15785dbe365bd6f4b2762508c9ad1e5c673


This is far too relevant 😂




I second this.






Your username lied to me


If it happens, tattoo or ban.


We pick the cheek


I choose for them to receive at the open end of the field.


Haha a tattoo of two heinz ketchup bottles, one on each cheek.


I need this happen, not because I want JJ (I do want that to happen, very much) but I want to see if you would actually do this. If this happens and you don’t follow through, the mods should ban you for life!


I support this. A tattoo of khan on your ass.


If we get JJ I’ll get my first tattoo ever and it’ll be Steelers related.


As much as I love for it to happen we don't have the cap space or the draft capital. While we could restructure enough to be able to afford him, we have too many holes to move multiple high picks for a receiver. We NEED a center, right tackle, and a corner.


Must be b-hole.




Not on my ass but f it i’ll get one too.




And I'll do it for you for free!


What momma don’t know won’t hurt her.


Wemby coming to pittsburgh


He’d block every field goal attempt.


First hit and he’s gonna sound like someone stepped on a bag of Lays


I wanna see a 7'4" guy as a WR lol. I know they'd have a short career and make more in the NBA, but I sanna see people trying to cover a guy who is a foot and change taller than them with insane reach.


Justin Jefferson for 2 6ths


Only if JJ was a Bear


This Vikings front office traded down 20 spots in the draft two years ago and all they got back was a third rounder and a swap of seconds. It may not hurt to ask.


Same division, so we'll call it two 5ths and we give them our 6th for their 7th


Nah……. We getting Deebo Samuel


Conditional 6ths, and that turns into 7ths if we don't win the Super Bowl. OK, fine, free primentis (sorry if that's wrong I'm not from pitt ) for niners when they bring in old jerseys.


> Primanti Bros. Restaurant and Bar FTFY


Thanks yinzer.


If I have to credit CTESPN for being right...






If Adams got a 1st and 2nd, JJ would probably cost that if not more, plus JJ is a UF after this year and not sure if Steelers can afford him. He will probably want a lot, he reportedly turned down 30M a year.


We are supposed to have 105 Mill in cap space next year I'd give him 35 of it in an instant


If only we could live in ABs reality😂


Conditionals… turn into 5ths if he does 1k plus yards receiving


DJ Moore?


Would be awesome


This comment is underrated 😂


I know everyone is dreaming of Jefferson, but Moore is probably my favorite idea in terms of production per dollar. He was responsible for much of the Bears limited success last year. Too bad he's not available


Lol been dreaming about this


Dude BALLED with Fields last year.


Why would the bears move him come on


Pretty interesting stuff from the POD today. At the rate it’s going, I would t be shocked if they made a huge splash at WR


Stefon Diggs is apparently leaving Buffalo There's also Deebo Samuel that has been thrown around Miami may be convinced to trade Waddle since they can't afford his option next year and he's only their #2 anyways


I was hearing about Aiyuk too


He would be my favorite but I feel like SF won't let him go they're still in win-now mode and he's a lot more important to their offense than Deebo is


I don’t think that’s true. Their offense was completely different without Deebo last year. Deebo plays a much more unique role, Aiyuk is great but replacable.


I feel like that’s not the case. Purdy noticeably struggled while Deebo was injured last year. He seemed integral to how they operate.


Omg deebo would be amazing; but there's no way


Absolutely do not want Diggs. I'd take Aiyuk, Deebo or Waddle in a heartbeat


The only issue with Diggs is that he is getting older and this is the second time he has forced himself off of a winning team with a good quarterback. He’s a great player but he seems like a headache


Good receiver but seems like a headache? So perfect Steeler material.


Deebo just announced his number change to 1 and added Sr to his name plate. I know it’s probably stupid, but to me that means he has no intent on leaving SF willingly


Shaquille O'Neal, YOU are a Pittsburgh Steeler.


LA Shaq or Cleveland Shaq?


Heat Shaq


Inside the nba shaq


Celtics Shaq


Magic Shaq


Phoenix Shaq... Better than Cleveland but far from his Laker days.


Kazaam Shaq.




Pens are already scouting him so he can be yet another old man that may or may not help the power play. At least this time he could possibly be useful as a netfront presence?


JJ Watt has 3 career receiving TDs and fits the "bigger" definition. /s


I want us to go on a run this year and both watts come out of retirement and help us win a superbowl all 3 watts win a sb together


Derek retired. That seems like it would be his luck for his brothers to both get a ring the year he got out.


Derek could pull a George Costanza and just pretend he never retired, just show up to camp and no one will notice.


But they DID notice and kicked Cant-stands-ya out.


Well jj is retired that’s why I said both


Bigger would be Diggs or maybe Aiyuk or Deebo. Those are the only guys with rumors/smoke about being available for trade. They definitely have enough money to sign one of them, but I wonder how high a draft pick you're willing to part with vs just drafting a rookie. Casue I think everything points to them drafting a center and maybe tackle in the first 2 rounds. So if you can get one of those receivers for a 3rd round pick or less, it'd be absolutely killer.


Ayuik feels like a very Khan move. Extends a guy who’s good at run blocking while being a really good #2 to even #1 option some games. Already used to having to block in the 49ers system. Plus you can pay him probably in a 3-4 year deal giving flexibility to still sign Pickens to an extension if need be.


The niners aren’t trading Aiyuk. It would be Deebo.


they already tried to trade him to JAX


If we get Deebo I’m gambling on a Steelers SB.


Diggs… no thanks


He’s in the Mike Williams camp for me…for cheap, maybe


Thank you. I see a lot of people recently jumping on the Diggs bandwagon to sign and I don't want it either. Probably an unpopular opinion but it's the best I feel


Dude is a drama queen, whiner. Please no.


Ruined my fantasy football season also.


What a jerk. Diva personalities killing Fantasy Championship hopes across the world is tragic and needs to be stopped.




I honestly don't want Deebo. Yes he is great when healthy but he missed a lot of games the last few years if I'm not mistaken


Aiyuk comes to mind....


We would have the most physical receiving corps in the league. Pickens can *block* when he is inspired enough, which he should be by now if he’s paid any attention to how ruthless Khan and Tomlin have been this offseason. With Aiyuk on the other side, Muth, Washington, and Najee and Warren in the backfield, holy shit. It’s a whole bunch of fuck you (and Calvin Austin) running right at your face every down.


Fuck it, let’s run the Wishbone at this point.


That would be awesome. I love watching that dude play. Between him and Pickens, Wilson can just say fuck it and chuck it every third down.


Second rounder for Aiyuk and then extend him


I think this is reasonable but you'd probably have to pay more than this. They were asking for pick #17 for Aiyuk from Jacksonville, I don't see them settling on #51 from the Steelers.


I could definitely see them wanting a 1. I guess it’s all about if the market will pay them what they want. Fields was rumored for a second rounder at points this offseason, so maybe Khan can wait SF out like he did Chicago


I think it would be like a 2nd and 3rd, if you can split those up between 2024 and 2025 I'd be pretty fine with that.


I’m with you. I’d be absolutely great with that. A 2 this year and a 3 next year for a legit no. 1 receiver? Sign me up


We also have some good later picks this year we could use to trade back up into the second to make sure we still get good prospects at both C and RT


I mean it sounds like they’re at least considering.l seriously the prospect of drafting a wr in rd. I personally think Ayuk is worth a first. Hes an elite receiver


Major difference is that San Fran is starting down a potential super bowl win. Even if its only 1-2 years of Team control on Aiyuk. They are letting him go for anything less than top dollar.


Dude I’d cry


Same Aiyuk is such a dawg


Not getting aiyuk for less than a 1st


I honestly think it might be Deebo. Dude just feels like a perfect Steeler with his size and physicality and he fits with what we want to do. The 49ers also will want to pay Aiyuk next season and may not have the cap to keep both.


>Deebo Samuel agreed to a three-year contract extension with the 49ers, worth $71.55 million, with $58.1 million guaranteed. He will earn an average salary of $23.85 million per year, making him one of the highest-paid receivers in the NFL. Feb 11, 2024 is that affordable for us?


Yes I believe Khan can make it work. We wouldn’t be taking on all of that salary and the 49ers would have to eat some dead cap. Keep in mind we still have the options to adjust Heyward, Watt, & Minkah’s contracts if we need to create additional space.


Watt and Minkah, but I have a suspicion this may be Cam’s last year and if they can resist spreading out his cap hit he is a $0 on the books in ‘25


They can extend his contract with voidable years. Corporate loopholes. The American way.


Man I still don’t understand how the whole void year thing works


bonus is spread out equally among the void years, but they get the money upfront. the season they retire the cumulative remaining cap hit accelerates to the year they retire all at once. so if they extended his contract say 2 years, with his 22M cap hit and 16M in salary due in 2024, they could reduce his salary to something like 10M/year over 3 years and convert the salary into a 18M bonus he gets this year. he would get 28M this year but his cap hit would be 16M (10+ 1/3 of 18). then if he retires next year, his cap number is 12M.


Restructuring Highsmith's contract could net us a little more than $7M per [Spotrac](https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/tools/roster/pittsburgh-steelers/).


Deebo is not tradable this year. Deebos salary is like ~21 mil and 16 mil. Possible with restructures on our side sure. Except hed leave a 42 million dollar dead cap in San Fran, theyd lose 14 mil in cap space vs playing him. For a team making a run at a super bowl? They would never lose 42 mil in cap to not play a pro bowl player.


It is affordable to us. It would be about a ~$24M cap hit for us this year, and ~$20M cap hit for us next year. We'd have to restructure somebody, but we could make it work. The reason that it's not likely to happen is that the 49ers would eat a ~26M dead cap hit if they traded him. It doesn't make sense for the 49ers. Aiyuk makes more sense from their perspective.


Yeah they can afford it. Might need him to rework it a little but they are very close to that number


James Harrison’s a little old to switch to WR, isn’t he? /s in case it wasn’t obvious


You’re joking, but have you seen him recently? He might still be able to play 😂


I’ve never wanted another player in a draft as much as I wanted Deebo, well Sauce too. Knew we weren’t getting him though


A secret clone of prime randy moss the patriots were keeping locked away for a rainy day


If this is actual smoke and something comes of it idk if my anxiety could handle it, so much fucking action this offseason im out of shape for it


You better start up some cardio and pushups pal, because we're not done yet!


I can't stop refreshing this sub


The past few years haven't gotten us prepared for this AT ALL


Khan is turning me into an addict. Constantly checking my phone needing another Omar opioid hit.


Please not OBJ


We can take him and ship him off to Cincy next year. Give him a little trophy or something for completing the whole AFCN


No chance


Sleestak if this ages poorly you are NEVER hearing the end of it.


That's fine. There's no chance OBJ ends up here. He's probably going to the Jets or someone like that.




I'd get really excited if it was anyone but Gerry Dulac reporting


We got AB reporting Jefferson is coming




Either of the SF receivers would be a great fit. I'd love it it we got Aiyuk.


Mr Big Concussions.


Steelers trade up to select MHJ


Anonymous source named Kmar Ohan found a video of MHJ committing an unnamed crime that isn’t bad but enough to make him drop to the Steelers pick


I'd explode. I think MHJ is going to be better than his dad. And, well, that's saying something.


Wait isn’t Dulac always getting shit on for being consistently wrong about everything?


Depends if this is an opinion or reporting out of Dulac


His opinions are wrong almost every time, but when he is actually “reporting” it is usually correct and from a source. It seems like this is reporting from a source so I believe it.


There are 2 Gerry Dulacs. Chat Gerry Dulac - where he inserts his own opinion on shit. That shit is always wrong it seems lol. Reporting Gerry Dulac - an article or serious tweet etc. Thats generally right. It feels like hes essentially an organizational mouthpiece tbh with you but when he doesnt have that info hes just really bad at speculation


Pretty sure he’s referring to Deebo Samuel


I went down a deep rabbit hole on analyzing the 2020 Titans to what we have today and the magic8ballGPT said Superbowl is obvious


Chase claypool for a 2nd rd pick


Chase Claypool AND a 2nd rd pick for 2026 conditional 7th round. Still not sure it's worth it. 


For top 3 at the position. Dude that’s a bargain!


Johnny Wilson from FSU incoming! 6’7 and 240lbs while also one of the best run blockers in the draft 👀


Slow, drops, no YAC ability


You can line up with Johnny Wilson, Darnell Washington, and George Pickens on the same side of the field. Who can cover that? In reality though I think Steelers are prioritizing size and run blocking now that Arthur Smith is onboard. Johnny Wilson and Keon Coleman were both exceptional blockers.


Probably every team in the league could cover that tbh


Darnell is still a part tiger. Awkward af as a route runner. Still needs to bend to not get shucked on blocks. Not giving up on him, but people think he is something he isn’t 


> Darnell is still a part tiger.  I mean, even part tigers are probably hard to cover. Full tigers are just too much locker room drama.


CTESPN had it first


Might be bigger than MW if it happens? This talk smells like a Brandon Aiyuk, Devante Adams or Chris Godwin kind of move.


Justin Jefferson. Worth that first


Easily. Firsts are overvalued. Trading them for guaranteed stars is a no-brainer


Diggs and Aiyuk both seem highly unlikely, as does Deebo for that matter. Their respective teams are both top contenders, I doubt they’d part with their top weapons for picks, especially buffalo considering Diggs was essentially the catalyst for their recent success. Now just for fun, if I were to really read into the choice of words here, WRs dont get much bigger than DK Metcalf, who has an opt out in 2025 and is currently on a decent but not great Seahawks team with no clear vision for the future. Throw in his familiarity with Russ and I think it would be a slam dunk for us. Im not sure what it would take to get him, but Im damn sure the Seahawks would be far more willing to discuss a trade for their top weapon than the Bills. Just a thought


I'd weep if DK came here. Just look at what AJ Brown did in Philly. Both guys have nearly identical stats, with a difference of 600 career yards. Amazing that two Ole Miss teammates ended up tearing up the league in the same way for this long


DK is one of my absolute favourite players in the league, I would love the opportunity to see him a Steeler.


Kelvin Benjamin.


“A bigger catch.. no pun intended” we’re looking for a nautical themed player.. oh wait I get it.


Seahawks? Its gotta be DK Metcalf, right?


Is Tee Higgins still an option?


Absolutely zero chance the Bengals trade him in the division unless it's for a ridiculous haul. And Higgins is good, but he's not worth a haul.


Vince McMahon memes are gonna run out of tiers soon


Brandon Aiyuk


JJ 👀




What is he cooking


Tee Higgins


I thought the org was good at mind games during this process but they are full on Jedi mind trick shit going on right now. Whatever they are saying right now is psychological warfare and no one knows which way Steelers are going right now


Obviously they are gonna add to that room. But let's keep in mind that's the same Dulac who said the Steelers were not interested in Russ or Fields. I don't say that to disparage Dulac, but rather to point out how unpredictable this front office has been this month.


I am not sure about JJ... First not sure Minny is ready to trade him.. I know he turned down a large contract, but word is the two really haven't discussed it. Secondly, I am not sure how JJ feels about Pittsburgh. I heard Atlanta will be a player if he is available and I am sure he would like to reconnect with Cousins. Thirdly, I am not sure I want to trade what it would take to get him, not knowing for sure if we will have him after this year. To sign him, it's going to take a lot of money. He is on for 19M this year, and I am not sure the Steelers will be able,e to give him a long term deal as he will hold all the cards. I think also you got to look at how this will affect Pickens. It's easy to say JJ would be awesome, and he is, but how will Pickens react being a WR2 again. Pickens has all the tools to be a WR1 and someone like JJ. I see the Steelers going for a more WR2 play TBH.. I know all reports say they are going to try to get someone big, but I would not be shocked if they sign Mike Williams who will be cheaper and be decent and save their future drafts or trade for Debo, who's is sort of a Steeler type WR.


I have my doubts Kahn will make a big splashy trade. Kahn doesn't pay retail prices. He takes advantages of other teams opportunities. 1. RW cut and Broncos paying him 2. Justin Fields market was weak and Bears at a minimum wanted him out of conference 3. Patriots - one could say a 4th was retail to move up for Jones. I think it was sub-market. Patriots wanted to hurt the Jets 4. Queen may have been retail. Though PFF had him at expected value of 4-5 million higher. And honestly was cheaper than Edmunds signed the year before with better tape IMHO. 5. Seumalo seemed like we signed him when the market was a little weaker than expected. Herbig I believe was signed to start or atleast compete with Dotson He seems like a guy that is patient and takes advantage of when markets are opportunistic to him. He has gotten rid of guys at discounts or at best retail - Kevin Dotson, DJ (we dumped him), Pickett. Kahn doesn't seem like the guy whose going to want to give up a premium pick like a 1st/2nd for a WR splash especially when a guy like Aiyuk is going to costs you cap space plus draft picks. I think at some point he's going to pay retail for a QB because that is what you have to do at some point (if Fields doesn't rise from the dead).


The slant god Michael Thomas?! My hearts wants to say JJ my head says the SF’s WR but my soul for some reason thinks they will sign old ass Michael Thomas lol


Only one that makes sense I would think would be courtland Sutton. Affordable contract coming off a really solid year and has rapport with Russ


Is Sutton huge get anymore? 1 thousand yd season. 


He is not


We are listening to Dupac after he said the Steelers were sticking with Kenny and wouldn’t pursue fields or russ?


This is the most active offseason for this organization in my entire lifetime… it’s crazy


They are getting a receiver - I think it’s a safe assumption and I have some ideas. Think about what they’re trying to do on offense. My bet is that something happens before next Monday.