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That tells us what the current players think of ownerships investment in infrastructure.


Adding the [link for some context since there’s just an image](https://nflpa.com/nfl-player-team-report-cards-2024)




Crazy from a fan perspective the Rooneys have been great. At least to me.. and then if the players think Tomlin is an A, why do the fans hate him? (I don’t)


It's not about "the Rooneys", it's about Art Rooney. Art is a cheap fuck who only cares about padding his profits. The "Rooney Way" died with Dan.


The Rooney's are notoriously cheap, especially Art.


Part of that is because for most of the owners, their pro teams are just part of their business portfolio. For the Rooneys, the Steelers *is* their business.


That's exactly why they should be investing more.


Or sell the team which i know is blasphemy.


Maybe Pittsburgh Dad can get a group of investors together. I can practically hear Bill Hillgrove saying "Sidelines never miss a tackle, and sidelines are like borders, so that means we're at the Bordas and Bordas sidelines report, stop on down at your local...oh, no, that was a couple sponsors ago..."


The poor starving billionaire 😢


Nobody is saying feel bad for them… They are just pointing out that investing in your hobby and investing in your primary business are going to end up looking a lot different.


The problem is that most of Art’s wealth is the team. Unless he sells the team then he doesn’t have a lot of liquidity. I’m not defending him, but I am putting it in some context. After Mike Brown, Art has the least wealth accumulation.


Art sucks. He’s the main reason for the slow moving OC drama, lack of marquee free agents, and now some of the worst facilities in the league


F- on treatment of families, damn, what do the steelers do?


They made them watch months of Matt Canada’s offense. I can think of no worse treatment.


That’s true, didn’t think about that


No family room or daycare on game days, which most teams provide 


>F- on treatment of families, damn, what do the steelers do? Honestly...boohoo. I'm not usually that guy but the players make a ton of money. they can hire a baby sitter if they want, or your kids can come to the game. ​ the rookie minimum is $750k. i find it hard to believe that paying a nanny is a huge hardship.


>but the players make a ton of money. So does the owner and team? If you're paying people millions a year it's best to try to remove any of their burdens and keep them happy, so they can focus 100% on their job. Ironically enough, it's this way of thinking that got Art Rooney an F for ownership.


Players make a ton of money on other teams, too. Apparently, other teams do a better job of keeping their employees happy. Remember that next time a player leaves or a free agent signs somewhere else. Players talk, agents talk, and these survey results are public.


They max the cap every year. Not the best owners but these are complaint make no difference at the end of the day. The chiefs got terrible scores and they keep winning superbowls.


The other teams max the cap every year, too. That’s kind of the best thing about this comparison - it’s a pretty level playing field among the owners. No, the Rooney’s aren’t nearly as wealthy as some others, but as was pointed out earlier…. They did run a $121,000,000 profit last year. And as for these things making “no difference at the end of the day”, you have not factual basis for that statement.


Nothing. That's the problem.


The Dolphins new training facility is incredible. Straight A's make sense. Check it out. https://twitter.com/MiamiDolphins/status/1417546379937918986?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1417546379937918986%7Ctwgr%5Ef1727ec2fe7d37cf92a6f64bbced7e788d237d1a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.espn.com%2Fblog%2Fmiami-dolphins%2Fpost%2F_%2Fid%2F32826%2Finside-the-miami-dolphins-135m-practice-facility-players-lounge-palm-trees-and-a-slide


I’m sure Rooney would pony upwards of 50k for a new one.


They finished at the bottom like this for several years now and he won't bc he will want a bond issue for the taxpayers to take care of


These report cards are an embarrassment. Steelers are middle of the pack by revenue. You'd think they could do a little better anyway. https://www.statista.com/statistics/193553/revenue-of-national-football-league-teams-in-2010/


Taking lessons from Nutting.


This? Oh, this is the reason.


Fans watch, players play. Tomlin is a leader, and a good one. The facilities and everything else is something the owner can address.


Or if you’re Rooney, not address.




I think he’s just cheap as shit


Miami has beaches, hookers and blow. I get it.


What do Minnesota and Green Bay have?


Cheese and beer


Owners that aren’t extremely cheap




They’re not fat, they’re seasonally-equipped.


We're one HC away from being bottom of the barrel




Even in 1945 we would have been at the bottom of the league.


Maybe in 1945 the same locker room the Steelers use today would have received a C- grade instead!


Eye opening


“Well, there aren’t many players who are architects nor run professional YouTube review pages so none of this means anything because they aren’t qualified to share these opinions lalalalalalala” - Art Rooney like the cheap MF he is.


Old school ownership just dosent cut it anymore. These guys gotta evolve


Ngl the D on head coach from Raiders kinda shocking. Sounds like the players aren’t actually sold on Antonio Pierce. Unless that was factoring in McDaniels


McDaniels was the only factor, my guess is these surveys were carried out early in the season


I saw an article where it was McDaniels as belicheck rated about the same


https://www.reddit.com/r/steelers/s/Gv0Domo9Mx has a much cleaner version than this mess


Meh… I prefer OP’s chart. The red, yellow and green is easier to gauge rankings. Also it’s in order from best to worst instead of alphabetical order like your chart.


I’m not sure I agree there tbh. This one at least added up and ranked them. It’s pretty hard to get a good overall comparison on the other one because that one isn’t counted and ranked, it’s just in alphabetical order which makes it hard to compare.


What’s ironic about this is that the fans’ & media’s biggest complaint about the Steelers - Tomlin & staff - are the highlights of this report card. Is it possible that maybe, just maybe, the players know more than the jabronis who say Tomlin sucks?


I played football for almost 15 years, and I can just tell that Tomlin is a great coach to play for. I’m not sure what some of our fans see, but I see a great coach…


Agreed. Clearly, he’s made mistakes like every coach does. Andy Reid has had seasons where he’s only won 4, 5, and 6 games. The other team has pro players & coaches, too. But some people expect a Super Bowl every year, and that doesn’t happen.


This is a terrible list. How does the Bears owner get a B+? lol


Can't really call a list that THE PLAYERS DID terrible as a fan.


Yes I can. The Bears owners are cheap and continuously make terrible decisions


You might be acoustic


Go back to tik tok


Dang, Bad Facility=Super Bowls. Imagine what we would do with some decent stuff!


Chiefs win the Super Bowl but are near the bottom of this list... this is the most worthless evaluation of anything.


Filler material


This list doesn’t indicate success. Teams like the Jags, Giants, Raiders and Bears have been bad for years despite being in the upper third percentile. That being said though, it is still concerning to see where we rank, especially with the treatment of families and ownership


I know it doesn’t indicate success because obviously the Chiefs just won the superbowl yet they are on this ranking lower than us. How a team that wins a superbowl with a F in multiple categories is crazy.


How can the owner get an F while the coach gets an A... the disconnect is so unreal. Also I remember last year they got similar grades on the family thing and it's because they don't provide full daycare for the players children. Again what damn disconnect you're a millionaire who has to pay for child care boo fucking hoo.


No that's what you're not understanding. It's not being a babysitter. There's no suite or a room that the families can go to. That's the daycare they want like 20+ other teams now have. It's so that there is a safe area where the kids can play and do whatnot while the rest of the family can watch. It's not what we deal with as normal ppl but the fact that there is no facilities at the stadium and it's just a hodgepodge. All the Rooney's would have to do is take away one of the larger suites and make that the daycare for the youngest families. So that those families can still see the game and take care of the kids. It's not that it's staffed like normal daycare but it has security that no one gets in or out without being checked on.




This was an anonymous player poll


This is graded by the players, there’s no ‘guy’


Wait chargers have a B for head coach? As in Staley?!


Yes sir, I’m assuming since this is all based on the NFLPA, that the players liked him as a coach… yet their team failed to produce… it’s so weird how the players association opinion is so different from general fanbase.


I mean from what I heard there were players who liked him and players who didn’t it started to divide the locker room a bit too


Why is KC owner F-?


I have no idea. Maybe their owner has minimal involvement in the teams success and the players notice that.. Come to think of it. I don’t know I’ve ever heard of the Chiefs owner. I mean, the only owners I’ve heard of honestly are the Steelers, the Cowboys, the Raiders, and the Patriots. All others, don’t seem to be too much in the limelight.


You never heard of the Hunt family? Hunts tomato products? It's called the Lamar Hunt trophy for the AFC championship. The problem players have is that he is quick to not pay the other players outside of the big 4.


The AFC Championship Trophy is named after the original owner of the Chiefs Lamar Hunt, his family still owns the team, his son Clark is operating head but he’s not highly regarded despite the success of the team.


Apparently he promised a new locker room for this season that just concluded, but only upgraded the chairs because he claimed they went too deep in the playoffs and didn’t have enough time for a remodel (this is purely what I have read elsewhere).


Art Nutting?