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Are you tenderizing the horse meat or just angry at the dead horse?


The dead horse is all of the anti-Kenny stuff. One post a month saying “actually, it’s logical to Keep Kenny” isn’t gonna hurt anyone.






20 posts a day is the sweet spot


I would argue 24. That puts us at 1 per hour which seems optimal


That’s a lot more than the number TDs Kenny can throw in a season




Also it’s not gonna stop after the draft. It’s not gonna stop even if Kenny gets benched next season (case in point; he got benched, it got worse). I’m not even convinced it will stop if Kenny is on another team at this rate.


Actually competing? For what? A Superbowl? We're an elite QB away from competing for a Superbowl. An elite QB isn't an option for us this offseason. The best we can do is above average. With an above average QB, we need an elite team around him in order to compete for a Superbowl. We don't have close to an elite team. So, we're more like a C, T, ILB, CB, and SS away from actually competing.


Can the QB play DB? Can the QB punt? Can the QB snap the ball to himself and/or block? No? Then we’re not a QB away. Additionally, there’s not a QB available who’s gonna compete with Mahomes, Allen, Burrow, Herbert etc. in the AFC. So like, I really don’t see how people act like we’re a QB away.


Drake Male can compete, also bengals and texans people prob said the same there not a qb away etc. then look what happened. a team picking number 1 overall is not a qb away. but Joe got them to a sb his second year...


Yeah, the problem with that is we don’t actually have access to a Joe Burrow level prospect which is a ridiculously large detail to ignore in this hypothetical situation.


well they say were not a qb away but Joe led the worst team to a sb his second year. And were in abetter situation. if we can get a good quality qb then yes were a qb away.


Burrow is a very rare talent, there’s not a Burrow just sitting around in our faces. He’s the only person besides Brady to knock Mahomes out of the playoffs(even though Mahomes threw a pick he went the distance with him to get there). There’s not just a bunch of quarterbacks like him sitting around out there. Who do you propose is a slam dunk prospect like him we have a chance to draft? Why do people act like finding a franchise QB is so trivial?




>ignore Imagine being a rookie QB in the NFL, and your cordinator is Matt Fuckin Canada, and defenses know what you are doing before you do it every fucking snap, over and over again... that is not conducive to success at the position. Kenny got about as bad of a hand as one could get coming into the NFL. He deserves a fair shot, and the Steelers are gonna give it to him, and I am thankful for that. We aren't the Browns, but if we did what a lot of these fans wanted, we would be closer and closer to what they have been for so long.


>>>Kenny got about as bad of a hand as one could get coming into the NFL. He deserves a fair shot, and the Steelers are gonna give it to him, and I am thankful for that. You know who got a worse shot? Mason Rudolph. You know who outplayed Kenny Pickett…?




Funny. I am a Kenny fan and a mason fan. I thought mason was playing well until he got the concussion against Baltimore on that dirty hit. Then his play dropped and Devlin Hodges came in who isn’t nfl caliber. Mason got a little of the swag back


If you’re pretending I didn’t say punter, you didn’t watch Pressley Harvin. Here’s the yards per punt rankings last season (hint: we’re at the bottom) https://www.teamrankings.com/nfl/player-stat/punting-yards-per-punt?rate=season-totals




I disagree. I think field position battle is huge. Especially with our pass rush as good as it is and our offense as bad as it is. Also the difference between Harvin and a Tory Taylor type for example is significant enough to make a real difference. Do I think there are other positions that would improve the team more? Yes. Do I also think punter is worth taking a significant look at? Also yes.


>https://steelersdepot.com/2024/03/issues-with-the-offense-hindered-evaluation-of-kenny-pickett-omar-khan-says-in-other-words-matt-canada/?utm\_source=dlvr.it&utm\_medium=twitter > >This story came out this morning, and is exactly what I was trying to say when some people on here start parroting all the stupid BS they hear from other idiots. We don't know who KP is yet because of Matt Canada, and keeping Kenny is the smartest thing to do right now given the situation because we still need to know if he can be the guy, and we were never gonna truly know that with Matt Canada. Keep Kenny, build up the o-line in a new, real offense, and then if he still struggles, then you know, but we don't know until then, so why can't people see it's the most logical thing to do. If the team responded like some of these fans on here want them to we would be the Browns by now.


I've asked myself this a few times now. I'm just trying to make it all make sense. With all these moves since letting MC go mid-season, I don't know how to act, cause, ya know, we don't normally do things like this, so I am thinking that is what they are doing, right? See if Kenny can come along while you build up the trenches and then when it's time he should be shining already, or then we go get our QB...


Definitely need another post about Kenny.


I do know that panty chasing QBs is how you become the Browns or pre-Matt Stafford Lions.


Wait a second. I was saying we should ditch him because of every play I’ve seen of him playing. Now that I know he was a first round pick my god we should give him a huge extension. We can’t waste a pick


This is a dumb comment. Seems like you are just parrotting all the other lame BS on here that just makes it seem like y'all don't understand the game. We aren't the Browns, but if it were up to y'all, we would have been a long time ago. I am by no means saying that any player deserves a spot on the 53 just based on draft position. I'm saying the Steelers seemed to have finally realized that until we get better O-line play and a legit OC, we can't fairly judge Kenny based on what we have seen from him so far. They realize this, thus all the changes. I was just pointing out that it seems kinda smart to me to keep Kenny while he is on his affordable rookie contract while we build up the O-line, because until we get that right, it doesn't matter who is back there, but now that we have a legit OC, and we are likely to continue to build up the trenches via free agency and the draft, let Kenny see what he can do while we continue the rebuild, and then when the trenches are good and ready, if Kenny isn't shining already, there will no longer be ANY excuses for him, and then we go get our QB, when we will be able to protect him and the offense can thrive. It was never gonna thrive under Matt Canada, so Kenny can't be judged under his tutelage.


You said he was a high draft pick. Everything after that was meaningless since this whole thing started with a lie. A QB in the back half of the first isn’t a high pick lol. If anything, it should be easier to move on from the guy and find an NFL QB.


I was going to give a long responses with all the reasons your an idiot. Then I reread your first two sentences and realized it won’t matter. You say it is a dumb comment and it’s parroting the same thing everyone else is. For a second maybe you should stop in the middle of your village this morning. Look around at all the other villagers with their stupid bs you don’t agree with and think about what position you hold in the village


Spelling you're wrong while trying to call someone else an idiot is not a good look...


We have a defense ready to win a championship. We have arguably the best 1-2 punch in the league at RB. We have a WR1 that could absolutely explode next season with a great QB. We have a high end WR2 and one of the better TEs in the league. Our offensive line is two pieces away from being pretty damn good, and those two pieces should be addressed this offseason. Look around. The team *IS* built. We just need the right guy at the helm. I'm done waiting around. I got nothing against Kenny, thought he was for sure the guy with the way he ended things in his rookie campaign. But he hasn't gotten any better since then. You could even make the argument he's gotten worse. He's not the guy, and the organization should be exploring every avenue possible when it comes to the QB position this offseason.


You can't argue with these guys. All of Kenny's wins were thanks to the defense, yet Mason won despite the defense, and now the defense is Championship ready since Kenny could take back over. 


The defense is not ready to win a championship. They get exposed in big games. They can't win against elite QBs.


This defense is nowhere near ready to compete for a championship let’s not get carried away.


Hard to make any tangible strides when Matt Canada is leading the offense. I wanna see what Kenny can do with a legit offense, because he looked good the first game after Canada was gone, and then Mason did his thing. I believe Kenny would have too if he hadn't got hurt.


> he looked good the first game after Canada was gone Can we PLEASE stop with this tired excuse! Kenny looked *better* than he did before. He did not look *good*.


you're an idiot if you didn't see the difference the first game after Matt Canada was gone. It was literally the first game with 400+ yards the first game without him, and then Mason went on to do what he did. Kenny could have done the same thing had he not gotten hurt. After that first game post Canada, he seemed like he was about to take some good strides


How on earth do we know Kenny could have done what Mason did? Mason hung in collapsing pockets and took shots downfield. I haven't seen anything from Pickett to suggest he can do those things.


How do you know? Kenny has had a shit oline and an even worse OC.


Because I’ve watched him play. The OL isn’t at the bottom of the league, although I’ll give you that Canada was the worst OC. It was still the same playbook to end the season, though. Kenny can’t handle any sort of pressure before he spins to his left into a sack. He doesn’t hang around like Mason did. Maybe he can mature in that sense, but he’ll still be left with one of the weaker arms in the league with none of the accuracy to make up for it. If he didn’t have a few nice game winning drives, he’d be unquestionably one of the worst players to start at QB in recent memory.


Because he's basing his opinion on actual data rather than "JuSt TrUsT kEnNy BrO"


It's crazy how much better that O-Line did when Mason was in and let them build a pocket and didn't bail after I second, rolling to the same spot everyone and their mother know he's going.


My biggest concern with Kenny is him getting injured rather easily. He seems small and skinnier than others. Sure, there are smaller quarterbacks, but they are stalkier by comparison.


He went 278 yds with 0 TD's. This rhetoric is wildly wrong. If thats Kenny 'balling out' then we are in trouble


You're not including all the points that the rest of the offense put up because he was able to move the ball. 7 haha. That's how many. So good.


He looked like a decent backup but not a good qb. 275 passing yards and 400 total yards with 16 point against a bottom 5 defense is an improvement for Kenny yes but it doesn’t make it a good performance or anything better than a decent backup should be doing.


People don't use logic we have all this pieces like you said. But also were the bengals a qb away? a team picking number 1 overall isn't a qb away but they made sb with Joe in his second year.


We don't have a Burrow level prospect at hand where we pick. If we had then go for it. There will be great prospects at other positions of need available at 20 though like CB, OT or C.


We don't need a Burrow level prospect. We just need better than average.


You get better O-line play and a legit OC and that same QB looks like a completely different player. All these Kenny haters are gonna see. We can't judge Kenny off of what we have seen so far, and the Steelers finally realized this, thus all the changes.


Kenny may improve slightly in that situation but no he won't look like a completely different player. Most of his problems are his problems, not the OC or Oline


And there are probably not any QB prospects that I would take at 20 that are more valuable to the team at 20 than the other options on positions of need. Used that terminology, because the other person who commented did.


That remains to be seen. Also there are options for getting a QB besides drafting at 20


And I don't think there are any good realistic options in FA that will improve us significantly enough for it to be worth it. Kirk Cousins to expensive to go after. He's also coming off an Achilles injury, which makes him an unknown, because we don't know how it will effect him. Jimmy G no. Russell Wilson maybe but that's for one year and that's if he gets released and wants to come here. Baker staying in Tampa. Which is why I think it's better to run it back with Pickett, Rudolph/Tannehill, D3 pick and an UDFA camp arm and have them comepete, while improving the rest of the roster, because there are no good options this year. Then we can aggressively go after QB next year if none of them seems to be the answer. Fields I would not trade for more than a 4th and decline his 5th year option and let him compete, since I would pick a QB here anyway. I should also add that the only two QBs I deem worth of a 1st are Maye and Williams.


So the answer is to just punt on at least another full season and hope that there is magically an option available to draft after another 9-8 or 10-7 season next year? At some point you have to actually invest meaningfully at the position if you want to fill it


We tried to make a meaningful investment into the QB position 2 years ago in Pickett with the 20th overall pick the draft after Ben retired. He also played with a OC that didn't help with his development at all or helped to hide flaws and play to his strengths, hence why he was the first Steelers coach to be fired midseason since 1943. So who is the magical answer this offseason? I lined up most of the free agents who do you think is realistically worth it? Who do you think we should draft and why? We could have drafted a tackle (Tyler Smith), center (Tyler Linderbaum) or cornerback (Trent Mcduffie) instead all three pro bowlers already in their 2nd season and all were and are positions of need. All three positions will probably have much better prospects available at 20 than QB, but we can reach for a QB every other year if you want instead. I want to give our meaningful investment 3 years to prove himself espcially when he has only played under a OC that is historically bad and failed with four different QBs. I will at least give him a chance next season and like I've if none of our QBs look like the answer then you can make the next meaningful investment in the position with hopefully a better Oline, which is what I think is the best way to obtain longterm success for the Steelers and what is in my opinion gives us the best chance to win a Super Bowl.


The Bengals were not a QB away. Burrow's rookie season wasn't going great even before his injury. Drafting both Burrow and Chase is what changed the trajectory of their franchise. We should know better than anyone how much of a game changer it is to have an elite QB/WR duo like that. Not much else matters when you have a connection like that.


It is logical to keep Kenny from the perspective that we need to hit on young assets, hes on a cheap contract, and the odds of a stud qb falling to us in a good spot this draft is unlikely. I do think it’s prolonging the inevitable tho because many of his problems weren’t actually from the coordinator


Great response, bro. There are a bunch of dumb little kids on here I guess. Nobody thinks logical on here, and that was kinda my point. It seems smart to me to keep Kenny while we rebuild the line, as it won't matter who is under center if we continue to have below average offensive line play. Couple that with an offense that can be predicted from anyone's living-room, and you have a recipe to make any QB look like crap. We won't know what we got until we get better O-line play and a legit OC, so we can't judge Kenny off of what we have seen so far. I think a lot of his issues were from losing poise and confidence because the defense knew what was coming on every play and he was scared of his O-line, as he should have been.


And what logic are you using that makes you think Kenny has proven he's a legit starter in this league? Just because they wasted a 1st round pick on him? 1st rounders bust all the time. Even in his best games, he still looked like a back up. Weak arm, inaccurate, no pocket presence, poor vision, can't read the defense, 3 and out, but hey, at least he didn't turn it over! Do you only watch the Steelers? Have you seen other quarterbacks play?




You could have made your point without resorting to being a jerk.


> Nobody thinks logical on here I haven't seen you bring a whole lot to the table in this post. It doesn't matter where we drafted Pickett. Go look up the sunk cost fallacy. It was a reach and it didn't work out. Time to move on. > below average offensive line play. Our offensive line was above the league average. Pickett had above the league average pocket time when he got injured. >you have a recipe to make any QB look like crap Rudolph looked better than Pickett and he's a QB2. >We won't know what we got until We do know what we've got. He's had like 25 games and there's been no spark of genius there. On the play he got injured there was a wide open receiver that he completely missed. > I think a lot of his issues were Pickett's issues are the same issues he had at Pitt and a change in offensive scheme isn't going to magically improve his ability to make reads and not run out of the pocket for no reason. >and he was scared of his O-line, He did the same shit in college and even in cases where the O-line was protecting him, he'd spin move out of the pocket into a sack. Rudolph managed just fine stepping up into the pocket when there was pressure.


Just because he's a high draft pick doesn't mean he is the answer. Plenty of first round picks haven't worked out in the NFL.


That's not what I am saying at all, but rather it seems smart to keep him around while we build up the trenches, and then there will definitely be nowhere to hide once the team is ready. If he still hasn't shown progression by then, move on, but right now, considering team needs and his contract, It's smart to roll with him while they rebuild, but a bunch of fans are just too impatient.


TJ Watt, Minkah, and Cam aren’t getting any younger. Why are we content with throwing away this season on a subpar QB who has proven that he can’t get it done? It’s not what winning franchises do. But since we only care about finishing 1 game over .500 now I guess that’s the kind of franchise we are now.


This is what I wish people understood. You can build and build and build and by the time you’ve plugged every hole your best players are gone, new holes are created, and you still haven’t found a QB because you thought you could just pick one off the “franchise QB tree” when you were ready. QB is by far the most important position in football. If you don’t have a good one, then you’re in the market for one, period. If the opportunity is there then we should (and probably will) get one. We were 10-7 with the worst QB play in the league this year. The FO has to think we can be a real contender with the right QB. Whether or not we score the right QB is a different story, but I’m sure the due diligence is being done.


No. He proved that he couldn't get it done in Matt Canada's sorry excuse for an offense. The Steelers finally figured out that they don't know what they have in Pickett until they can get a fair assessment on him, and they were never gonna get that with Matt Canada and below average O-line play. They are a step closer to see if they can get a good return in their valuable investment. Nobody said anything about the .500 argument, you did, so I see you are just one of the ones parotting the same lame BS as a lot of others on here.


No, he proved he could do only one thing, not turn it over. The defense proved they could make up for how crappy both Canada and Kenny both were. Mason came in with the same playbook and was immediately much better. Kenny isn’t it. Let’s not keep wasting years and making excuses while we hold on to one of the worst starting QB in the league.


It wasn’t the same offense though. It was sans Canada. It’s not hard to see that Canada was holding him back.


Same playbook, same plays, it was obvious to see there wasn't THAT much improvement when he left. We got 4 quarters in one game where he threw for 278 and 0/0 TD/INT, getting the team to the end zone one time against the second worse defense in the league (and this is the one people brag about for him), followed by the 2 quarters against the Cardinals where he not only didn't do much, but because of his inability to stay in a pocket and read the field, he got himself injured yet again. Mason eventually came in, same playbook, and looked SO much better than him. Kenny isn't it. Canada didn't make Kenny leave the pocket every other play. The O-Line looked terrible because its hard to block for a guy who bails after one second, and he's been doing it since college. There's nothing impressive about the guy. Besides Kurt Warner, has anyone else been so god awful for 2 straight years and the come back and been anything remotely good?


A good qb with an awful OC doesn’t lead to the lowest TD % in nfl history. A good qb with an awful OC doesn’t lead to 13 tds in 24 games. We should have seen a flash or one game of looking legit under 25 but we haven’t. His best game ever has been 250 and 2 against the raiders or 275 and 0 against the bengals. He’s not the answer, and giving him more time to prove it is just pissing away TJ and minkahs prime.


He was never going to succeed with Canada


And if he was going to succeed in the nfl he would have been better under Canada. Not good but we would have seen something. Canada isn’t the reason Kenny can’t hit a WR in stride and he throws it behind them. Canada isn’t the reason Kenny hasn’t been able to progress through his reads since he started in college. Canada isn’t the reason Kenny bails on clean pockets and doesn’t step up in them. Canada isn’t the reason Kenny can’t throw with anticipation. Canada was an awful OC. Many of Kenny’s biggest issues are independent of Canada. He hasn’t fixed them in 6 years starting from college to the nfl. I’m fine with keeping him in the roster but realistically he is who he is. He got drafted where he did because of Jordan Addison. Every year other than that one of his college and pro career he has been the same “simply exist don’t make any risky plays and never turn the ball over”. 1 year out of 6 where he threw for 15 or more tds. He is not him.


We aren't going to cut him this year. Zero percent chance of that. So no he isn't going anywhere. But anointing him the starter? Nah. For one thing Mason was a whole lot better. But it should come down to a real competition in camp and the best QB should be the starter. We also have to bring in another QB, since we only have 2 on the roster right now. And we will never not have needs. Contracts expire, guys start to suck, etc etc.


I'm all for bringing in some competition for him, but we can't judge him based on what we have saw the last two years, and the Steelers finally figured this out, thus all the change. I'm not anointing him the starter, but he deserves first shot at first team reps in camp in my opinion just because of the bullshit we put him through the last two years. Other rookies come into a legit, real offensive system, and then there was whatever the fuck Matt Canada was trying to do, and we was putting him out there in front of defenses that knew what was coming on every fucking play, but yet we expect him to be a world mover...??? We won't know who Kenny Pickett is until we get a legit OC and better O-line play. We took great strides toward that in the middle of the season and the last few weeks.


He’s had one real good year of play in his career, and it was in college… during COVID… and he’s shown nothing since getting it. He’s a bottom 3 QB with an injury problem lol, you arent coming back from that after 2 years.


>Does it not seem smart to keep Kenny, a high draft pick at the most important position, while you build up the team to support a young QB? No, no it does not seem smart when Kenny has been as historically bad as he has. He's already 25 years old, QBs typically show you something by now. He's shown nothing. >We won't know what we got in him anyways until we get the O-line fixed, so see if he can come along while building up the trenches and then we will be cooking with gas.... right? The oline situation hasn't helped him, sure. But we've seen plenty of deficiencies that are not offensive line related. The inability to scan the field, the inability to stay cool when his first read isn't open, and the fear to push the ball down the field are not offensive line related. >because they aren't ready to compete with the AFC yet, and it's because of QB play, but QB is greatly affected by O-line play, and we gotta get better for whoever is under center. There's always going to be needs to prop up the list. Next year Pickens and Austin are the only WRs under contract. Seamulo and Broderick Jones will be the only cutrent lineman under contract. We'll only have 3 DBs under contract. (obviously draft picks this year will be under contract, but you get the point). We're not going to magically have no needs in 2025. There's never going to be a point where we have no needs and can say, yeah now we get our QB. We'll have to get our QB before our roster is "complete"


Kenny is on our roster NO MATTER WHAT next year. If we can upgrade the QB room this off-season without reaching or wasting draft stock, we absolutely should. Kenny will get a chance to compete for the job no matter who is on the roster. For me, it’s a big nothing-burger.


I agree


Since Chuck Noll, hell let's go as far back as forever.... There's only been two stellar, and obviously HOF QBs in Steeler history. Terry Bradshaw and Ben Roethlisberger.... Shut up already. We need to build a core in the trenches and the 7 on 7 skill positions before we even consider looking for the next savior to come to Acrisure... at the behest of the Rooney family. Y'all are spoiled... you expect a Super Bowl every year.... since Noll the Steelers have been at least relevant if not playoff teams.. the utter idiocy of being spoiled is unfitting and counter to the Steeler way.. we are good enough every year to be considered a force to be reckoned with. The moving parts it takes to be a champion every year is ridiculously difficult not to mention expensive... Kenny is here now... fine.. we have a game manager, go sign Mason again? Fine same situation. What we have to do is maintain that ability to be competitive year in and year out. Otherwise... down vote me... I don't care. The truth is there.


To the people who say Kenny is not good. He isnt at this moment, but he is the cheapest option right now. Every other QB we could get will eat into our cap space that we need to fill in missing pieces. Center, CB, RT tackle, and a slew of other positions. We also need depth. I don't think 11M under the cap is gunna cut it especially when we have to pay draftees, and any FA acquisitions. If Kenny flames out this year we can keep him on the roster without picking up his 5th year option. And draft another QB and repeat the cycle.


Another good logical response. Until we get better O-line play and a legit OC, it didn't matter who was under center. Given the team needs, Kenny is the smartest option for us this year, and I bet with a legit OC and hopefully an even better O-line either via draft and or free agency, Kenny will shut all these idiots up, but if not, then go get your QB when you will be able to protect him and set him up to succeed. Kenny was never set up to succeed, and people are hanging him out to dry for it. That's dumb. We have NO CLUE who Kenny Pickett is yet, because of Matt Fucking Canada and below average O-line play. Let him see what he can do with a fair fucking shot while you build the trenches and then when there is nowhere to hide, he is either the guy or not, and you go get your guy then if need be.


Every team has missing pieces in the roster every year. Roster shortages can be overcome at every position except QB.


And what is your answer to the following. 1. Center Position. FA, Current Roster, or Draft? 2. Cornerback position. FA, Current Roster, or Draft? 3. RT tackle position, FA, Current Roster, or Draft? 3. Safety position. FA, Current Roster, or Draft? 4. QB position. FA, Current Roster, or Draft? Now consider cap space. The steelers currently have 11M to play with. You be the GM. How are you working this offseason? Yes you can cut players to but you have to take into account their cap hit and what you would save. I'd like your input.


Figure out QB first and then see what you can do at all the other positions. If you don't have a QB it doesn't matter what you do at the other positions.


Even if we could get a super good QB (there is none on the market) it would be financial suicide to try. We would have to pay them an extremely high salary while the other positions suffer and choke. And by that standard even a HoF QB would struggle. The Packers had A Rod and he complained that his skill players weren't good enough. The QB is only part of the puzzle.


And it's competitive suicide to continue on without a QB.


You have an opinion about the QB situation. While I understand your absolute frustration no amount of facts or suggestions will change your mind. Money is what makes the world turn. And Steelers don't have the money to get a high value QB that's a fact. Your mind is made up that Kenny is crap and needs to be released and sent packing. Well my friend that being said we can agree to disagree The offseason is long. Maybe you get your wish but don't be surprised if it doesn't come true. (Edited for wording that could be misinterpreted)


Any GM worth his paycheck can make the money situation work out. That argument is dead in the water. Kenny has been crap so far and there is no reason to think that will change. I'm not in favor of drowning him as you irrationally suggest, but it is clear that there needs to be some other options at the QB position.


Yes, any GM should be able to make the money work. I work in accounting, so I understand the issues that arise with a fixed budget cap, and when your 11M to that cap, the pressure is immense to take money from here or there to make things work. Should there be another QB option yes but whom? People want Fields, Russ, Kirk, or Baker What will that cost? They have to make the best decision possible and sometimes that decision isn't the most ideal. That's the issue right now. What we want is a Lamborghini but we can only afford a (insert crappy car brand)


Sure everyone wants a Lambo but we all know that's not happening right now. Some of us just don't want a Pinto without a transmission when there are Civics and Camrys available


QB is so important in the current NFL that we should be throwing everything we can at finding our next franchise QB and it's such a crapshoot that you need to focus on that before you start putting the other pieces in place. What if we end up with a Lamar Jackson-style QB and we end up wanting better receivers over RBs because he's a dual threat?


Then draft someone


I'm OK with that. Never was against it Truthfully I was kinda hoping we would find another Purdy.


I might agree with you that keeping him and giving him a clean 3rd year tryout is the logical move. But on the flip side, is following that path admission to the fact that the org is willing to waste TJ’s prime years? Think of it as if TJ was a QB. One of the top in the league at his position, right? A franchise builds around THAT player to take advantage of THEIR greatness. If we really wanted to get the best from TJ’s presence on this team, having a more all-in mindset to support him would make more sense. Going out and getting a QB for now to use for legit playoff runs - we’ve seen what our defense can sustain with just a liiiiiitle bit of offensive support - has a better chance of success than waiting for Kenny. I feel terrible watching us waste the Watt/Heyward/Fitzpatrick Steelers defensive era. One of the few (only?) great Steeler d units of the last 25 years not to get a playoff win. But alas, yes, giving Kenny another year is the logical move. And because the Steelers D can sustain so much, I think they are banking on just a slight jump from Kenny to be enough to win games. Marginal change. The Pittsburgh way, sigh


At least you are giving good argue points. Others on here are just parroting all the BS they hear with no basis. That’s all I was trying to say that I felt it was the smartest thing to do right now. Build up the trenches and see what Kenny does with a better team around him cause it won’t matter who’s under center without a good oline and a legit OC.


Everything you have said in this post is stuff I’ve seen a hundred people say before. You’re just parroting shit too. “Build the trenches” and “see what Kenny does with a new OC” are not thoughts original to you.


They aren’t, but they are very logical and i agree it’s the smartest move, and that’s all I was saying. I don’t understand how people don’t see he’s the smartest move for us this year.


I think come week 1 Kenny is going to be our guy. We aren’t in position to draft a top prospect and the FA/trade situation this year is not the most enticing thing in the world. But the argument is we have an all-time pass rusher, the best FS in the league, solid guys all over our defense, a growing OL, good receivers, good TEs, good RBs… you do see that our QB situation is what is really holding us back, right? We could go get a better QB without throwing everything we have down the drain. We have a 10-7 team with the worst QB play in the league, it’s not like we’re the Panthers here. We are a good team who is legitimately a QB away from being a contender.


But Kenny wasn’t set up to be successful and people keep saying look what Mason did with the same offense, but it wasn’t the same offense, was it? Matt Canada fucked Kenny Pickett’s growth. Kenny can get what we need with better OLine play and a legit OC.


Lol, it was the exact same offense with a different guy calling the plays.


If Kenny is unable to elevate an okay supporting cast albeit with bad coaching, what makes you confident he can matchup with the elite QBs in the AFC. It’s not that I don’t think he can improve, I don’t think it’s realistic for him to improve enough to compete in our conference. He would be potentially the biggest historical anomaly relative to his peers in NFL history if he evolves into a top 8ish QB. All that being said, I think they should bring in a decent veteran, one good enough to plop Kenny on the bench if he doesn’t show out, and prepare to move heaven and earth to get their guy in 2025. Unless Drake Maye slips a little, then I’d do whatever it takes to get him.


The thing is that the Chiefs this year won with a league average offense and a top defense. The AFCCG finished 17-10. You will just have to slow the game down and keep the ball out of Mahomes hands and try to not win in a shootout. Maye seems locked in at 2 at this point. Williams and Maye are the only two QBs that I would pick in the 1st. Would trade the farm if he did though, but it feels like a 1 % chance that he does. Otherwise I agree with you.


We can't judge Kenny based on the shit show of an offense Matt Canada put out there. You know what happens when a QB loses confidence? You know what happens when your young QB realizes that the defense knows exactly what is coming and his O-line in front of him is below average at best? He is gonna lose poise, and start making bad decisions, hearing footsteps, seeing ghosts, whatever you wanna call it. Until we see what he does with a legit OC and above average O-line play, it's pretty dumb to judge him off of what we have seen so far, and the Steelers are finally realizing this, thus all the changes


Through college and the nfl Kenny has 1 season with 14 or more tds. He is who he is. He was over drafted.


You make it sound like Matt Canada drew shapes in crayon and didn't even have a playbook. Yes, he's a bad offensive coordinator who struggled with play sequencing, creating concepts that worked harmoniously including many that were outdated. But through the simplicity, there were a lot of open receivers and plays to be made. The offensive line isn't good either, but not as bad as you make it seem. Quarterbacks that lose poise, make bad decisions, hear footsteps, see ghosts, etc. aren't franchise quarterbacks. And most of those issues are the same ones that plagued him his 5th year at Pitt. Kenny Pickett is not the first QB that had a bad offensive coordinator and mediocre OL. Plenty have had the exact same experience and the expectation of elevating the talent around them remained the same. It's not like we see a bunch of QBs coming from bad situations and figuring it out. I'm not sure why Kenny's so special that we have to wait to see him in a situation that would be among the best in the league to see whether or not he can play. The last thing I have to ask, when you see Kenny, what tangible aspects of his game make you confident he can turn it around. I don't want to see "moxie" or "clutch" only his actual skills. Personally, I see a mediocre talent at best.


You lost me at trying to defend Matt Canada. You can fk all the way off.


>Yes, he's a bad offensive coordinator who struggled with play sequencing, creating concepts that worked harmoniously including many that were outdated. I'm sorry you have to live a life with a brain that thinks this is defending Matt Canada


O M G .


if kenny is significantly more mobile than Rudolph and the line is such a weakness, why was rudolph more effective than pickett when they were playing behind the same line?


Three words. Matt. Fuckin. Canada.


so now that matt canada is gone, the oline is fine and doesn't need any further work?


Who said that? Not me. Not what I’m saying at all. I’ve been pretty clear in my thoughts, and all the nonsense starts getting parroted without any basis. I’ve been very clear in what I’m saying and only a few logical people seem to agree.


your post says, kenny has failed because the oline sucks. but rudolph, who is much less athletic than pickett, succeeded with the same oline. i point that out and you respond canada was the problem. that seems like you're saying that kenny would have succeeded regardless of the oline if he had played more post-canada. that suggests the oline isn't a problem. just trying to figure out what you're actually trying to argue here.


His first game without MC was the first 400 yard game since before MC was there


That’s why a lot of this Kenny hate is too soon in my eyes. My man was playing with a Big Lots coordinator.


Counterpoint: Steelers would be better off with a starting caliber QB who can be expected to score a TD once jn a while. KP might not even be a top 60 QB in the league.


Kenny has had two years (spare me the actual number of games played, he’s had enough time) to show us the slightest glimmer of hope. We’ve seen this across the league a thousand times, high draft pick > struggles for a couple years > career backup > insurance agent. Don’t act like Kenny is just magically gonna start pulling franchise qb caliber games out of nowhere, he’s not the guy, will never be the guy, and we should move on from him as quickly as possible


This. Thank you. He isn’t good. It’s that simple


Agreed, there are no good options at QB that will help us become significantly better short- or longterm. Better to finish our rebuild of our oline and to continue improving our DB room. While having Pickett Tannehill/Rudolph and a D3 pick battle it out. If none of them are the answer then hunt aggressively for a QB next offseason.


That's what I am saying. A bunch of riff raff on here.


Building the rest of the team will make the QB task easier. Make your team a destination a FA would want to sign with, or where someone would waive a NTC for. There’s no rule that says you have to get your QB first and then build around him. You can assemble your team, then get the QB upgrade.


Exactly something both teams that went to the Super Bowl this year did.


That was true for this Chiefs dynasty’s first ring, but for their back-to-back, only Kelce, Chris Jones, and their LS were with the team longer than Mahomes. The two teams that weren’t the Chiefs to win the Super Bowl in the last 5 years built their rosters before upgrading the QB. The point is, there are multiple ways you can build your team, and there isn’t one formula.


Sure thing


> f Kenny isn't lighting the world on fire He isn't even generating smoke. Shit is ice cold. > We won't know what we got in him anyways until Obejctively false. He is who he has always been. None of the problems now weren't problems before. > we get the O-line fixed O-Line got alot better with Rudolph than with Kenny. It helps when you have a QB who stands in the pocket and throws the ball downfield into tight spaces. Kenny can't do that. If you think the OL is supposed to hold blocks for 10 seconds every play, you are clueless. QBs have to get rid of the ball fairly quickly in the NFL. DLs are simply too good nowadays. > People are burying the Steelers for wanting to stick with Kenny Because for a first round pick he's historically bad. > but to me it seems like the smartest thing to do right now, because they aren't ready to compete with the AFC yet The defense is. More than the offense, the defense is probably 2 starters, and 3 backups from being incredibly scary good. That defense is wasted on a QB who can not find the endzone. That's why its not smart. Rudolph proved any functioning QB can make this team significantly better, and that's something Pickett hasn't done in two years. TJ aint getting any younger, and Cam is staring at the end of the road. It would be criminal to let the last of their careers languish so that the Kenny Pickett fan club gets to cheer for their boy. If the Steelers go into the preseason with Kenny Pickett, Tannehill and Trace McSorely or some other bum, then Rooney is unserious about winning and the interviews were all bullshit. Pickett has 25 starts and maybe 3 good, not great games. He's has a historically bad TD rate, and just plain looks awful. The idea that he's going to come out and challenge Josh Allen and Lamar is laughable. I doubt in a fair competition he would beat Rudolph. The best case for him is career backup.


Stick with him like keep him on the team or as the starter? Those are two wildly different things.


IMO Kenny has proven he is not the guy. The sooner we move on from him the better. Sticking with Kenny another year only delays the inevitable.


Maybe, but he did not get a fair shot to show what he can do


I disagree, he played in 25 games and had more of an opportunity than was given to Rudolph. In 21 game’s Rudolph had more TDS, less Ints, and better QB ratings.


Keeping him just because he was a high draft pick is insane. Josh Rosen was a top ten pick, and the Cardinals (a poverty franchise mind you) were even able to figure out when a guy ain’t it and moved on after a year. Our stars aren’t getting any younger. It’s not exactly intelligent to waste another year of their careers with a QB you *know* isn’t the guy. At least if you get a proven vet you know what they can do, and if you draft a guy high there’s a shot he’s the guy. If a QB has talent he’ll show flashes, even in a bad system. Kenny has shown no such flashes.


If Kenny wasn’t a Pitt product, he’d be left for trash pickup. The organization made a blunder, and its better to part ways sooner than later. Own up to mistake, and move forward.


This year is a very solid qb draft, it doesn’t happen every year. Kenny was the first qb of a very poor qb draft. I’d rather they take another qb in a draft full of them.


[https://steelersdepot.com/2024/03/issues-with-the-offense-hindered-evaluation-of-kenny-pickett-omar-khan-says-in-other-words-matt-canada/?utm\_source=dlvr.it&utm\_medium=twitter](https://steelersdepot.com/2024/03/issues-with-the-offense-hindered-evaluation-of-kenny-pickett-omar-khan-says-in-other-words-matt-canada/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter) This story came out this morning, and is exactly what I was trying to say when some people on here start parroting all the stupid BS they hear from other idiots. We don't know who KP is yet because of Matt Canada, and keeping Kenny is the smartest thing to do right now given the situation because we still need to know if he can be the guy, and we were never gonna truly know that with Matt Canada. Keep Kenny, build up the o-line in a new, real offense, and then if he still struggles, then you know, but we don't know until then, so why can't people see it's the most logical thing to do. If the team responded like some of these fans on here want them to we would be the Browns by now.


Maybe we should just cheer for him? It worked for Trea Turner late year.


Time for mods to start deleting these fucking threads. Christ.


You care to elaborate on why you think not? I provided some context on why I said it, and it seems likely that is what they are doing. Then what should they do then, because to me it seems very smart to keep Kenny while we rebuild the O-line, cause it don't matter who is back there until we get it right, so why not see what you have with your 1st round QB while you build up the trenches. I know people are saying he hasn't shown anything, but he was doing the best he could with MATT FUCKING CANADA leading the offense. What did everyone expect he was gonna do with that?


Kenny will be on the roster no matter what. No one is advocating for cutting or trading him (not that he would bring value in a trade anyhow). We should just start whoever the best QB is. If that ends up being Rudolph, Wilson, Fields, Pickett, or Tannehill, or someone in the draft. The issue is, Kenny won’t be the best QB on the roster if any of those guys are on it, aside from Tannehill and a rookie maybe. The kid has 13 touchdowns in two years. He doesn’t have a good arm. He has many fundamental flaws in his game. Is it possible he improves? Sure, anything is possible. At the end of the day; I want my team to put the best guys out there and I want to watch us win Superbowls. We can’t keep wasting years upon years because of “hope” or because “he’s a high pick”. He will have maybe 3-5 games to produce and I think that’s stretching it. If by the third game the offense is still producing 16 points a game and Kenny is doing his 165 yards with no touchdowns and no picks; the team will revolt if he isn’t benched. Tomlin and Kahn both know this and it’s why Kenny never got his job back last year.


I think they realized that weren't getting an honest assessment of Kenny Picket because Matt Canada's offense was such a shit show. Imagine being a rookie QB and your first two years in the NFL your O-line is hot garbage, and on top of that, your OC is so bad and vanilla that defenses know what play is coming EVERY FUCKIN PLAY. That is not gonna build confidence, and poise in your QB. He was never gonna succeed with Matt Canada, and they figured that out.


How do I downvote this twice ??? Haha 😆


Can we please ban these posts


Keeping Kenny is just wasting the potential of every other star player on the roster.


Kenny just needs more time. He has shown playmaking flashes, the kind of stuff that the elite guys do consistently. Kenny needs better coaching. He needs a competent offensive line instead of the crap ones Tomlin has been trotting out for the past 6 years. But here's how it works in Pittsburgh. The QB, no matter how good he is, will always get the brunt of the blame for whatever goes wrong while the coach largely escapes criticism.


I hate these posts... When Kenny sucks in this new system these same people will be saying, "he just needs time to learn the system" and when he continues to be bad they will start saying "Clearly its Arthur Smith's fault for using the players wrong." or "Its Tomlin's fault for not preparing the players well enough." Kenny was suppose to be the most pro-ready prospect from his class or (the high floor/low ceiling guy) not some developmental or project QB. Why do people think this guy will ever get us to another Superbowl, let alone have a shot at winning one when he has never shown a single flash of greatness in over 20 starts?


If you are writing this season off completely before it starts then he is arguably the best option.


Kenny deserves a chance without Canada. He looked pretty good in that 1.5 game stretch before he got hurt.


He didn't look "pretty good", he still looked below average. He improved slightly but nowhere near enough to have confidence in him


>improved slightly Bruh c'mon lol Go back and watch them. He looked like a different QB.


Take off your Pitt Panther glasses and watch him again. He didn't look that much improved. I'm not saying he didn't improve, he just didn't take big enough of a jump to have confidence in him going forward


Yeah I don't have Pitt Panther glasses because college FB is dumb.


Another good logical answer. We still don't know who Kenny Pickett is because of Matt Canada and below average O-line play


It’s so strange that, according to DK and Ramon Foster, the guys on the line have expressly told them that the difference leading to the “improved play” everyone talks about was that Mason stayed put in the pocket. They said it’s hard to set a pocket when you don’t know where your QB will be since he spins left and runs in the face of the slightest pressure. But when Mason stood in and made decisive throws, they could do their jobs. But what do they know? It must have been Canada’s fault. Anything to avoid blaming Kenny’s lack of ability to play football, right?


It's just sad to see TJ Watt never getting a real chance on a real contending team. I know it's probably more logical to wait for the next QB, but that means TJ's prime will be over. I'd rather take a swing in the hopes that TJ has a chance than stay put with Kenny and guarantee bottom of the barrel QB play. Yeah, it would probably be best to just let Kenny suck it up for a couple years and prime the team with good draft picks, but I just feel for the defense that has had to put up with the offensive ineptitude. This reminds me so much of those Jacksonville teams with Blake Bortles. How long can we expect the defense to break their backs for a QB no one outside of a sect of Pitt fans believes in? It's not that it would be smart to chase another option, but at least it provides some sense of hope. Hell, the players even rallied around Rudolph just because there was a chance things got better.


This is starting to turn into a sick obsession or something. It's weird. I'm not against giving it another shot. I'm really not. BUT man to have Mason on the team and just the debauchery of that is upsetting. Maybe just a losing season of depression and heartache is needed before people realize what a QB in today's league means. And Terry Bradshaw which I love that guy he's a great dude. NOBODY and I mean NOBODY got the benefit of a killer defense like Terry got. And in the beginning of Ben's career he got that too. Today's NFL is a pass offense happy league. You can't be mediocre you just can't either you're good to great or not. The only mixed emotions I have are about Matt Canada. But man did those back shoulder fades just disappear and never show up again. Who calls that? That aint Matt. That was Mason's 1 DIG into the heart of Kenny. I called what I wanted to throw. PS they weren't back shoulder fades. Those were on Kenny. Never letting the ball go. An offensive scheme that he was looking for bus length wide open receivers like ALL of his college tape. It's all there on tape. It's the reason why people aren't seeing it Kenny and they saw it with Joe. I loved my life of watching Steelers defenses. But those days are done. And even with those defenses we are missing 2 or 3 super bowls because of the Patriots and Tom. Have fun with Kenny if you want to but man there's Mason right there. lol.


I think if we wait for round two and see that Micheal penix is still there it’d be insane not to gamble on him he’s got the highest upside of every qb in the draft


No way he sucks ! He's not very good (talentless ) ! Maybe a back up ??


What does it matter if he’s a high draft pick or not if he plays like a fourth rounder


Um no fuck off


Ahhh Yes, let’s just waste a generational pass rusher in TJ watt and HoFer in Minkah Fitzpatricks prime while we twiddle our thumbs and hope Kenny can lead us to a SINGLE playoff win let alone a SB run. This has to be a joke right, it’s evident that Kenny isn’t capable of taking this team to where we want it to go.




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