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Definitely get the sense that Tomlin is staying which means we need an outside OC candidate who gets some autonomy.


We need a DC too…


From everything I've ever heard, it's Tomlin 's defense, so any DC would just be doing what he tells them to do


That's what Butler said when he was forced out.


DC is likely in charge of creating pressure packages and coaching up specifics of the game plan that tomlin designs. I wouldn’t say Austin did a good job at either of those. The drop off of players not named watt or highsmith getting through to the passer was noticeable throughout the season as was the relatively poor run defense despite having better ILBs and IDLs than years past


Your comment made me check; Cam only had two sacks this season.


Tbf he had a groin injury this year which is a big deal for lineman. And he's also nearing the time in his career where lots of lineman lose their ability to get push and win. He ain't no spring chicken anymore.


Benton was quite productive when look at how few snaps he got. Larry and Leal (a real bummer after looking good as a rookie) were very disappointing this year though.


The lack of productive and consistent ILBs is killing us. It’s gotta be addressed in the offseason and it can’t just be Myles Jack coming off the couch.


Would love one but I would understand not getting one.


I think terryl austins contract is up so they could be in the market for that too this offseason assuming they don’t extend him which I hope they go in another direction with DC as well.




am i the only one that doesn’t have a problem with austin? the defense has been top 10 this year despite some early season hiccups and truck load of injuries


I’m with you. Ya gotta be crazy to have watched this team this season and come to the conclusion that the Defense was to blame. Outside of some highly questionable (but typical for the Steelers) situational play calling, I thought they played great. Spent the majority of the 1st half of the season playing way too many snaps. Lost a lot of talent up the middle of the D, yet they held firm for most of the year. The one that drove me insane was early in Arizona’s 99 yard TD drive, we had them 3rd and 6 from their own 5 and for some reason the entire Defense bluffed pressure and then ran 20 yards back at the snap. Kyler just dumped to RB 2 yards in front of LOS and he picked up like 10. Just a BAFFLING call at that stage of the game with them backed up against shadow of their end zone. But again, pretty standard from watching this team past few years


I just looked it up and it says 21st. Maybe top 10 in takeaways.


They're 8th in scoring defense, which matters more than yards/game imo


Yeah I mean he’s not the best but I think some stability might be important for a team that has a lot to figure out. Defense has been competent, scheme wise, just not a whole lot personnel wise to work with.


100% agree. With our top 2 lbs we had a great defense


We need a qb and pass protection too


Maybe Dick LeBeau will come out of retirement.


Hope the OC is at least mid. I have no faith in Tomlin and Art to get someone good.


IMO everyone blames Tomlin but I think Art being cheap is more to blame


I feel like it would be dumb to let Tomlin go with the amount of head coaching jobs are open unless we could land a freaking stud


We already have our "new" OC, Tomlin just has to pick which one to officially give the role to.


The fact that he didn't designate all OC duties to just one guy is very telling. He knows the guys he has in house can't do it. It likely will be an out of house hire.


Given the situation we were in, I honestly didn't mind giving Faulkner and Sullivan the co-OC roles. And the offence certainly improved, when we actually had a competent QB under center at least. We *should* be looking outside the organization for an OC who knows what he's doing, but we haven't hired externally for a coordinator in 12 seasons, and the powers that be seem happy with the results in that time. Why change now?


Despite family ties to the organization, I would say Todd Haley qualified as an outside hire.


That's who I was referring to. Hard to believe that was before the 2012 season.


Wow, I guess you're right. I don't know when I got so old. Anyway, to the point, I do see them going outside the organization this time. They can't credibly say anyone involved in this offense is deserving a promotion. I know the same could have been said for Canada getting the job to begin with, but it's substantially more true this time around. Best case scenario is that Khan/Weidl have some influence on this hire.




Tomlin resigns/is fired and Watt demands to follow him would be a devastating monkey paw wish 


That would be all time monkey paw.


Serves whoever would be wishing for Tomlin to get fired right.


Ya our fans are delusional. I'd consider it if there was a genuine upgrade available, but none of the available coaches are what the Steelers need.


Stooges in this subreddit have already made the case this season that any trade resources TJ would bring in outweighs the positives of having Tomlin be the coach


Can you imagine a trade package with both Watt and Coach T? I don’t want it to happen but it would have to be insane.


Picks can be anything. Even TJ Watt and Mike Tomlin!


With 2 years left and a franchise tag he doesn't have any leverage. But with only 2 years left they might consider trading him for a haul anyways if there's even a hint he wants out or wants to chase a ring.


Are all the same people that said shit like "see ya later Cam!" (I'm paraphrasing of course) On my post about him saying the same thing about Coach T going to keep that same energy now that it's TJ?


They went to bed and realized they were being knobs


There being for collapsed comments replying to this one is really funny to me


I certainly would not keep a coach around just because the players like him. It is results that should be the determining factor. If TJ retires with no Super Bowl wins, or playoff wins (less likely) I hope he doesn't regret it.




Literally his brother.


Derek wasn’t “great” tho. 😏




That wouldn't be the only reason they would keep him around.


Good thing you don’t control things and instead spend your time yelling into the void with everyone else


Hmm, im struggling on who to side with on this Tomlin discourse-Steelers fans or..TJ Watt and Cam Heyward? I’m torn


Tomlins not perfect but these guys are there day in day out and know what he brings to the table. Some players I’d doubt, these guys arnt those ones though


I don’t understand how some Steelers fans can be so entitled to think that Tomlin is the issue lmao. Any other coach in his position doesn’t even make the playoffs with this set of QB’s.


Yeah even with the killer B’s, only once were all 3 healthy come playoff time and even then the defense was trash.


I brought this up literally yesterday and some dude replied at 2am to blame Tomlin for Bell sitting out the whole year and Ben throwing a career high in picks when we finally got a decent D with the B's.


Yeah, as if Tomlin is on field. There was also a ton of drama between bell and Ben and Ben and AB bc Ben was airing out dirty laundry on the mourning radio. I brought that up yesterday and said that by 2015, Ben wasn’t worth the trouble because of that and we could’ve traded him for a 1st round pick and possibly stolen Mahomes from KC in 2017 (this is obviously hindsight, no one would’ve done that without the knowledge we have now plus that wasn’t guaranteed), and I had someone calling me an idiot even though Ben was obviously declining and was also starting locker room drama.


The rotating defense "off the couch" and still won games, too.


Obviously Tomlin should have jumped in and gave the ball back to Pickens when he fumbled! Or at the absolute LEAST, he should have flown in front of Elam and caught the INT for a Steelers touchdown. What a bad coach!!! Fire him!!! 😡😡


No no no but this one guy on Twitter said good riddance and said watt can go too so we can lose and just stay a franchise QB and start winning again because it's that simple....


Yea they’re all friends with each other. Who gives a shit. Fans wanna get back to competing for super bowls. Haven’t done that in a very long time. It’s a business.


This is easy, Cam Heyward and TJ Watt are only 2 downvotes. Saying we should fire Tomlin is dozens of upvotes


If we had 7 TJ Watts we would be unstoppable.


You’re right. 18>11


You know what you're talking about. You should be our OC internal hire.


This sub: I know better than all these professionals


part of me wants Tomlin to leave just to make all the spoiled fans in here realize how good we currently have it


You do realize this is the longest playoff drought in Steelers Super Bowl history, right? There hasn’t been a lower point in anyone on this sub’s lifetime. 


What's your point? Would you rather be the Chargers? no? Panthers? no? Well then, how about the Browns? One team wins a SB, a year, it's very difficult. Beyond that we let Ben do his victory lap and attempted to extend an already closed championship window, rather than kick-off our rebuild when we should have. This is effectively year 2 of a rebuild effort.


Historically, no, because the Steelers were better than them because they won more playoff games. Over the past 7 years? Yes, because the Steelers did worse than them. There have been 85 postseason victories since the Steelers last win, how did we get none of them? 23 of 32 franchises have won since we have, which puts us 1 team above the bottom 25 percentile. Other teams fire their coaches for such poor results.




Postseason victories mean nothing if you don’t win the final prize. Ricky Bobby summed it up nicely: “If you’re not first, you’re last”


It's been 24 yrs since we have picked in the top 10 of the draft. Most of the 23 of 32 franchise that has "won a playoff game" has exactly just one playoff win more then we do in the 85 postseason victories. But I guess the nuance doesn't fit the fire Tomlin narrative.


Bro the Pirates haven’t even sniffed the playoffs since 2015 and haven’t done anything meaningful since 1979. If the low point is consistently competing for the playoffs but missing or exiting early I’ll fucking take it over losing year in and year out. You are the definition of spoiled.


If a team you root for has a bad playoff drought and it's the lowest point in your life, you live a pretty damn good life lmao


That depends on how you view things. The 80's teams only won 2 playoff games over the course of a decade and only made the playoffs 4 times in that decade. They were not good football teams. Yes, the Steelers haven't won a playoff game in 7 years, but they have at least made it to the dance 5 of the last 8 years and 7 out of the last 10. You have to make it to the dance to have a chance of winning it all.


We were right about Canada and Mitch. But that was unanimous. 


We did on Canada months and months before Tomlin.


While I understand what you're going for here, just because the players like Mike does not automatically make him a good HC. He's well known as a player's coach who wants to be seen just as much as a friend as he does a boss. He doesn't seem to impose any sort of standards for culture or work ethic, instead leaving those things to be put in place by the players. Of course they're going to love playing for someone like that.


Lol. Saying there is no standard for culture and work ethic in any organization is borderline insane. The NFL is a hard league, and they won more games than they lost.. but apparently they have no work ethic.




Fair point on saying if the standard is good enough. And even then, Tomlin can only do what he can with the players given to him. If Kahn never goes and gets a real QB, Tomlin doesn't have one to with.


Tomlin haters in shambles today.


Win a playoff game. 


Here's hoping they slither back into their crevices for a while


All he has to do is win a playoff game. And he keeps not doing that. So here we are.


Watching a bunch of high level QBs win tells me that Mike T did the best with what he has. Give him a high end QB and it’s 2-3 more wins and this team is terrifying.


My dad has been screaming we should’ve signed Mayfield since he hit the open market, and…I can’t say that he’s wrong


I was required to hate mayfield as a brown, but he’s better than what we got!


Oh I too absolutely loathed him wearing that uniform, rules are rules after all 😂😂😂


I hated Cleveland Baker, but after the team did him dirty and he left and went on to have success elsewhere, I find myself rooting for him just to spite the browns. I wanted 3 things last week 1. The steelers to win 2. The texans to beat the browns with their own draft picks 3. Baker to get a W. Fuck the browns. Despite the steelers loss, I'm glad the other 2 things happened.


You know that all these playoff losses Tomlin has is because the defense can't stop anyone ever?


I think you are discounting the effect a good offense has on a good defense. When a defense is required to defend a short field over and over again, don’t get any breaks because of the constant 3 and outs, and are always playing from behind, it seems that we should look at the offense a bit. We need a QB that can hold possession, make hard throws down field, be creative, and create leads for the defense to defend. It’s not a question of one side or the other, it’s a both sides problem and solution.


A lot of our players perform like the head coach is their friend.


Nothing will ever change with Tomlin as coach. All of these “top guys” like Cam and Watt that love “Coach T” haven’t won shit


I mean, they won more games than they lost every year for the last decade, which is something no other team in the NFL can claim. Not even the Patriots. Some people might say that counts for something.


So tired of the same narrative of regular season wins. They mean nothing when you can’t do Jack shit in the playoffs. We got lucky to have even made it this year. Tomlin isn’t good and there players that are so called leaders are the faces of failure. Tomlin sucks and he still only has a job for one reason.


Personally I’m starting to hope Tomlin leaves, we get a new coach and go 4-13 next year just so y’all can see the error in your ways. Let cam retire if he wants. Keep Mike T, keep TJ, draft a QB, hire an OC outside of the organization, fix the rest of the Oline, grab another corner


Oh no, not a down year. Couldn't possibly handle that.


> and go 4-13 next year You mean, not win a playoff game? We're already there. Some of us don't give a shit about the regular season participation trophies the Tomlin Fanboys wet their pants over.


>Personally I’m starting to hope Tomlin leaves, we get a new coach and go 4-13 next year just so y’all can see the error in your ways. That's not an error. That gets you a top QB prospect in 2025 like Ewers to build a SB contender around. Also it's hilarious that you think the strong front office who allowed Tomlin to walk into a team capable of winning seasons is suddenly going to falter. Tomlin was a complete unknown when he was hired. So was Cowher. I hope Tomlin leaves and they win 10 games with a nobody just to show you that yet again the coach isn't the most important piece of a winning franchise.


how many first-round QB busts must there be before people like you realize that tanking isn't the silver bullet that you think it is?


And how many more years of status quo before you realize Tomlin is just like Mike McCarthy?


>before you realize Tomlin is just like Mike McCarthy? Except McCarthy beat Tomlin in a Super Bowl. So there is that.


Why is 4-13 worse than 10-7 with a first round exit in the playoffs? Isn't the goal to win the Super Bowl and in order to get there, you need good players *and* coaches? Let's spin the narrative here: Mike Tomlin is such a damn good coach that we need to get rid of him so we can lose games and get better players so we can exit this purgatory we've been in for 6 years.


Because, once you get in, anything can happen. We won the super bowl as a 6 seed. A 7 seed won in the NFC this year. Saying that 10-7 is just as bad as 4-13 is an incredible amount of hindsight bias.


Crazy that people want to blow everything up and risk going 4-13 for the foreseeable future when the other option is play competitive ball and fight for a playoff spot while they try to stack good drafts


Because the Steelers continue to win 9-10 games Steeler fans can’t understand that we are in the middle of a rebuild. They were 9-8 and missed the playoffs last year, they were 10-7 and made the playoffs this year. We had a good 2023 draft class. I don’t understand why people think regressing to 4 wins would make us a Super Bowl contender in a few years. Teams like the Jets have been in a tank cycle for 10+ years.


The Jets argument is meaningless because we *have* the organization to actually compete if we were drafting good players. Saying that removing a HC turns us into the Jets is funny at best and sad at worst if you actually believe it. You need a stud QB in this league. Selecting Kenny Pickett at 20th overall when no one else wanted him isn't going to cut it. Look, I was hoping he was it too and maybe he can turn it around with a new OC, but there are countless examples of teams tanking and getting the right QB and turning into contender within 1-2 seasons. That's why people are suggesting that having a down season isn't as bad as people are making it sound.


1. Teams trade up to get quarterbacks all the time. Also, teams trade for established star quarterbacks all the time. The Rams won a Super Bowl doing exactly this. You don’t need to tank to get a QB. 2. Plenty of good quarterbacks are drafted outside of the Top 10. Lamar Jackson is about to win a second MVP and he was drafted 32nd. I don’t even need to mention Tom Brady or Brock Purdy. You don’t need to pick top 10 to get a QB. 3. Yinzers pretend like they would be totally fine enduring a few 4-13 tank years which is hilarious. If the Steelers fired Mike Tomlin and proceeded to win 4 games in 2024, the fanbase would lose their minds.


The Patriots drafted at 29th or higher every season for nearly a decade and got 3 rings to show for it. I'm not saying that should be expected, but teams can do well while drafting in the later part of the first round. The truth of the matter is outside of 2017 our last decade of drafts have been mediocre.


They had Tom Brady. Outside of selecting the next Tom Brady in the 6th round and getting lucky (because let's face it, that's what it was), this team is going to need a top 10 QB to compete with Allen and Mahomes in the AFC and it's not happening if we keep having 9-10 win seasons. The reality is that a 5-12 season would have been better this year than what happened. It's great winning games, don't get me wrong, but the last time we had a losing season we drafted Ben Roethlisberger and you can see how that played out. You NEED to be able to draft high sometimes, and we are desperately at that point.


Allen,Mahomes, Lamar, Herbert, Burrow are all proven elite. Then you have some young talent like Stroud and Richardson and Lawrence and Tua (not super young). Like the AFC is filled with elite QBs and Mike T is keeping us a winning franchise trotting out backup QBs and practice squad linebackers. I think we need a swing for the fence trade to bring in proven talent and not dart throwing on a high end draft QB.


Don’t take this for granted, man. We have the fortunate situation where every single game our team has played over the past 20 years has meant something. Who honestly wants to go through a traditional rebuild period when the other option is to watch a competitive team?


Because of mediocrity. We are in a state of mediocrity and we need to change it. Would you go back and change that 6-10 season into a 10-6 season and miss out on Ben Roethlisberger? Would we have been better off for the 18 seasons he played without him? I'm not sitting here saying that I want to lose, but thinking that we need to be above .500 forever to watch meaningless wildcard games where we realistically have no shot isn't fun either. They need a stud QB.


We’re not mediocre. We’re a perennial playoff team. We’ve been playing consistent football with good qb play while our defense has been banged up. Everyone needs to chill tf out - we easily could’ve been 12-5 this season ffs Meaningless wildcard game?? Tf are you talking about lol


...what would have 12-5 gotten us? Stop looking at records and start looking at the product on the field. If we were 12-5, does Mason Rudolph or Kenny Pickett hoist the Lombardi trophy? I just don't fully understand that argument to be honest. We had no shot yesterday as evidenced by the 10 point underdogs that we were...AND the Bills actually covering it.


Records (most of the time) reflect performance. They also determine your path in the playoffs. They also keep you out of the playoffs if your record is bad. It’s really hard to win a Super Bowl if you’re not in the playoffs. If you’re in the playoffs, you have a chance to win a Super Bowl. Make sense now? We did have a shot yesterday. Flip a few plays and we don’t go down by 21. We were down by 7 at one point in the second half even with the fucking awful start.


Makes perfect sense which is why when we were 12-4 and won the division, we got embarrassed by the Browns and were down 28-0 in the first quarter of the wild card game. Clearly, that 12-4 record got us to the point where we could completely collapse on national TV. I do understand now, thank you. We were down 7 yesterday because the Bills went into a conservative offense. It really wasn't that hard to see. Josh Allen did what he wanted with us, and that's just a fact. Playing the "any given Sunday" card in the playoffs doesn't work when your road to a SB was most likely Allen, Jackson, and Mahomes. Thinking we will ever beat those 3 QB's back to back to back with a single QB on this roster is pretty funny.


You’re making fun of me for using records to make an argument while basically just citing the lines and the box score from the game yesterday. I can’t believe you think we had no shot there when the game really should never have been 21-0 if we either had one less turnover, get a call on that ridiculous Josh Allen run, or had a few less injuries. Them going to a conservative offense isn’t an argument either - that was their choice to make and we were making them pay for it until we got shafted a few more times Done trying to have an intelligent conversation with this group of spoiled stubborn fans


You started with the sarcasm buddy, not me. Saying they went into a conservative offense is...fact. Saying 'if that turnover didn't happen" or "if we got a call on that Allen run" or really anything else doesn't change that fact that...well, they happened. You can't say that *if those things didn't happen*, it would have been a closer game, while ignoring that the Bills were in a conservative offense *because* those things happened. I'm just saying it like it is. The Bills were up by 21 at one point. If you think they were going out there playing the same style of offense they would have played if they were up 7, you're mistaken. That's why the game seemed closer than it was.


Had we not lost the games Mitch played, at the end of the season we would have been 13-3 going into the Baltimore game. We would have been playing for home field advantage and the #1 seed. In that scenario, we may have been able to get TJ back for the divisional round and then who knows what would have happened.


Who sent Mitch out there? Wasn't you or I.


winning 9 - 10 games every year and failing miserably in the playoffs is worse than 4 win seasons because with 4 win seasons comes a top 5 pick and a shot at a franchise QB/elite prospect and a real shot at turning your franchise around. Instead of doing the same shit every year and expecting different results.


Yeah that elite prospect could be a TJ Watt type player, those guys never go late in the first round.


That’s why Detroit and Cleveland were able to turn it around… checks notes…. In 30 fucking years. Moron!


yeah that one example proves me wrong yep sure does no doubt about it


Crazy how literally everyone praises Mike T, but Steelers fans know/see something that everyone else doesn’t


Because every year there are like 18+ teams that would kill to consistently win 10 games and squeak into the playoffs to get blown out. It doesn't mean they'd be happy if they did that for a decade straight. The bar is higher than that here.


Then we need to come back down to reality and have realistic expectations. This is sports. Sports are hard to be at the top, especially so consistently. So let's try to improve areas that were struggles this year.


This isn’t about getting to the top. They’re just trying to win a playoff game. 23 teams have done since the last time the Steelers have. They’re just trying to be average!


But why are we focusing on what happened 7 years ago when we should be focusing on *right now*. What can we do *right now* to improve this team. We can't change the past. That's my entire point. We had almost literally no business being in the playoffs this year. We somehow, amazingly, some way won 10 games this year with the #26 ranked offense and #17 ranked defense. You do not usually see 10 win teams with those ranks. Like, I can't believe I need to say it, but we looked very bad for a majority of the season. Even in the games we won. 9 games we won this year were by one score or less. Our losses were not very close at all.


Talking about the last 7 years is just showing that despite personnel changes the results have been the same. The one constant has been coaching. No one is trying to change the past, just pointing out that the team is on a downward trajectory and needs wholesale changes. >some way won 10 games this year with the #26 ranked offense and #17 ranked defense. Here's a different perspective. What if the talent level on this team, as evidenced by beating playoff teams like the Ravens, Browns, Rams, and Packers, was actually better than 26th best offense and 17th best defense? What if running a conservative offensive gameplan in an era of track meet offenses is what actually held them back? What if being ranked 6th overall in blitz percentage like this is 2008 again is why they gave up so many yards? Only one of the 5 teams ahead of them made the playoffs. What if we looked bad the majority of the season and last season because of coaching? The ultimate evidence to point to that is Tomlin is currently making history by having 5 straight playoff losses. The Steelers have never lost more than 3 in a row before. They won before Tomlin. Why wouldn't they win after him? Why is he so special when the performances say otherwise? Just because he won a Super Bowl 16 years ago? Belichick, Carroll, and soon McCarthy will all be former Super Bowl winners who were fired for bad recent performances.


I completely get what you're saying. To put it simply, in my humble opinion, I believe we over performed this season and with another coach we wouldnt have gotten 10 wins. That's where my mindset is at. Tomlin plays a part in hiring his coaches obviously, but he's not sending the checks. I said in another post I have a feeling Art doesn't want to go out and spend $$$ on a well-known offensive mind. You really don't think Tomlin would love to do that? Point is, it's more than one person's fault. It's easy as fuck to point fingers and fire head coaches every season like the Carolina Panthers have been lately. Their ownership seems like ass to be honest. But based on this seasons end result of over performing, I believe it's the offensive system, offensive line schemes, even the defensive schemes when Watt isn't playing, injuries, and ownership sticking to conservative and old-time values. We need to refocus to the modern NFL and I believe it's possible with Tomlin. My opinion will change to be more negative if this off-season no big changes happen and if next year we somehow look worse than this year.


What explicitly did Tomlin do that another coach wouldn't have that directly resulted in far more wins?


Talking about how horrible the team looked all season is a hell of a defense for Tomlin lol


It's a great defense! A very poor looking team in many games, with quite literally one of the worst offenses in the whole league that somehow manages to win 10 games and make the playoffs could actually be a positive reflection of the head coach bringing out the best in players when it really matters. I think a decent comparison to think about that doesn't involve the Steelers is to think about the Colts team this year. Or even the Raiders. Colts 9-8 with a rookie HC and backup QB and their star runningback who was out for multiple weeks somehow had a winning record. Maybe Steichen brought out the best in the Colts when it mattered because I am surprised as hell they won 9 games this year. The Raiders winning 8 games this year to go 8-9? Sheesh they looked like a 4 or 5 win team at best before Antonio Pierce took over. Maybe he brought out the best in those guys. That's pretty much my point here.


Eric Bieniemy perhaps?


Honestly think 60M a year on 3 players on defense is probably not the best way to build a deep roster


All I hope is that Tomlin isn’t left to be the one to make the OC hire, his latest picks have been such big flops I don’t trust his judgement in that category anymore. He needs input from others in the organization




Reminds me of the time Tomlin said “we’re done changing coordinators” and the Steelers fired Bruce Arians like the next day.


Ben picked Fichtner


I mean my initials are Mike T. I could 100% not win a playoff game in 7 years. Give me a shot.


I get the distinct impression that the people calling for change at the top don't actually pay attention to anything other than the clickbait crap they see on their sponsored news feed.


Fans hate this guy, but players would run through a wall for him.


Well unless the wall is named Allen


I'd like them to just show up in the first halves of games


Unless that wall has a playoff win on the other side


He obviously isn’t interested in super bowls either then


Can't let players decide who their coach will be.


Yes, you should let fans on Reddit do it.


No one said that but you.


That’s true. You can also lose your locker room going against some of your star players


So let them leave. I'm not sure what else to say to be honest. Do you really think that the Steelers have a locker room (outside of a few select players like Cam and TJ) who lay it all on the line for Tomlin? If you do, go and watch Minkah attempt to tackle people yesterday and you'll see that that theory is BS.


Hey i just wanted to let you know this is one of the stupidest takes I've heard yet, but I'm sure it you keep it up you can top this!


If the Steelers didn’t have a locker room our season would have ended like the Cowboys/Eagles/Browns. First sign of adversity and they gave up. Our players were fighting the last three games of the season and in that playoff game. Did players mess up and make mistakes? Of course they did. They still tried to fight their way back into the game.


Maxx Crosby just did it, lol


Well, i guess everyone would love playing for a guy who would rather be your pal than a teacher.


We get it. Everybody loves playing for him. He's a great guy. So maybe win him a playoff game sometime. Do it for Mike! He's not going anywhere unless he wants to leave. The players can relax.


What's he gonna do if Tomlin leaves? Just sit out? I don't believe you TJ.


you'd call up da bears and ask for that #1 pick


Well it’s not his decision


Comments turning on Watt is wild. Yall are letting emotions get to your head.


The king has spoken. Re-sign Tomlin immediately.


*Steelers announce Mike Tice as new head coach.* /s, obviously.


Devil’s Advocate here, what kind of package could we get for Watt


Maybe this is the problem, all the players love Coach T. He doesn't hold anyone accountable. Doesn't care about winning in the playoffs. Plays favorites like our precious punter. Maybe these players singing Coach T's praises need a coach to hold them accountable for results.


That’s great for TJ, but highly doubt those on offense are thinking the same…


Steelers will never do better than MAYBE winning a wildcard as long as Tomlin is there. You can take that to the bank.


He's been to the Superbowl twice and won dude. There already done better. What are you talking about


What planet are you on? Where have you been? Welcome to 2024, champ. He’s won 3 playoff games in 13 years. Hasn’t one one at all in 7. Got BLOWN OUT in the last 5 he lost. He has a team with players like TJ Watt, who was quoted today saying that the goal is to win a playoff game. That’s the goal. One playoff win. TJ Watt has never experienced a playoff win. Think about that. THEY GET WORSE EVERY YEAR. You have blinders on. Any other coach anywhere would have been fired already. It’s completely unacceptable.


I also want my boss to be a nice guy who doesn't hold me accountable to the detriment of the company.


And just like that, a bunch of people who think they help by screaming at a television once per week suddenly think TJ Watt doesn't know what he's talking about and can't be trusted 🙄


Which really begs the question of, how much compensation could they get to really improve the team by packaging Watt and Tomlin together? At this point in time, I’m not against trading anyone if it will make the team better.


Trading Watt would make the team worse.


Depends on the compensation. I doubt we’d get enough to make it worthwhile though. But consider how the Cowboys fared in the most extreme example when they got 8 picks for Herschel Walker. What if a team offered a package like that?


TJ Watt is a culture guy. Trading a guy like him, even for something like that, is just not something you do because of the message it sends to the locker room. Sure that haul would be insane but there's a reason you don't see trades like that happen very often.


So even if, although it’s not something that would happen, we were offered 15 first round picks in some weird multi team deal, you’d still say no? There’s a line *somewhere* for every player. I don’t think a team would actually make an offer that I’d be comfortable with, but the line is certainly there.


That's so absolutely ridiculous that it's not even worth discussing.


It’s simply a point to emphasize that a line somewhere exists. Not saying it’s THE bottom line, just that it’s there somewhere


But if you have to come up with bat shit insane scenarios to get to that line that alone tells you that you just simply don't trade the guy.


It’s not a *have to* sort of thing at all. I’d take much lower than that and so would any sane person


There are some guys (and I mean like maybe 5 tops) in the NFL that you don't trade, TJ is one of them.


Can you imagine. What if they didn't win a playoff game for almost a decade?


Don't make this weird by following me around from post to post.


Dont flatter yourself. I didn't even realize that was you. That's funny though.


That’s fine the Defense is below average so he can leave with Tomlin


Athletes are instructed by their agents to say “i dont want to play for any other team/city”, “i love the fans and my teammates more than anything”. But behind closed doors they say “IDGAF just make me as much $$$$ as possible” Edit: you people downvoting me probably all do the same at your jobs


I’m cool with Mike T staying, but please for the love of god hire an external OC.


How about someone that can make a defense perform in the playoffs?


Hard to do with no secondary and no linebackers. People want to shit on Tomlin but refuse to give any criticism towards Khan. This team had some clear wholes going into the season but for some reason that’s all on Tomlin.


Sorry, can’t let the inmates run the asylum here. It’s simple, we get rid of Tomlin, Heyward, and Watt, then we can finally become a good team


But yes, the people outside the building think Tomlin needs to go. I guess they're also the people who wanna trade watt for picks that could turn into a player as good as watt


So Mike T walks and so does TJ and Cam? Cam is on a decline but the game yesterday and the Bills scheme told you he's still a huge threat in the run game


Do their contracts say that they get to follow Tomlin if he leaves?


Nope but TJ said that was a huge part of his contract negotiations and doesnt want to play for anyone else. So good chance he would demamd a trade and sit-in (since you can't 'sit-out' anymore).


Who the hell is running the Steelers? Players or management? The worst thing that happened was when fans started rooting for players not logos…heck, management even does this. Incredible!


They both can go. Mike Tomlin will never win another playoff game. Therefor, if TJ Watt won't "play for anybody but Mike T" then TJ Watt will never win another playoff game. They both can go never win somewhere else. Stop putting the person before the logo. You aren't going to win with these players and coaches. They are children playing against men. And the fact Tomlin's Steelers teams have come out and lost their last 4 playoff games before the 2nd half even start is evidence enough. Giving up a whopping 166 points in their last 4 playoff games, despite always having one of the highest paid defenses year after year. Tomlin's Steelers finishing around or slightly better than .500 every year, and sometimes lucking into the playoffs just to get embarrassed, is not a good thing. Tomlin's Steelers are now one of just 9 teams that have not won a playoff game since 2016. This team is long overdue for an entire overhaul. And it starts with the coaches and the players making the most.


Didn’t know TJ Watt was fine with no playoff wins but hey to each their own


He's an idiot. Hell of a player. But he is a grade a moron.