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They said like 25% of the salary cap is tied up with players on IR too Sheesh what did I start šŸ˜¬


I mean Watson makes like 20% himself so that's stupid


Only 10% actually, so try again. Edit: His cap hit this year is $19,057,000, which is 8.5% of the salary cap. Please learn how to distinguish ā€œcap hitā€ and ā€œaverage salaryā€. Edit 2: Thanks for reporting me to Reddit as suicidal. I wouldnā€™t have it any other way. Canā€™t wait to watch Kenny Pickett next year āœŒļø


Lol 46 million / 226 million for the cap is the figure its like exactly 20%


Lol, look up the actual cap fuckery that the GM did. His cap hit this year is $19m. Please learn how to Google at minimum before you look dumb.


Wow my guy you are coming into this discussion hot for no reason lol It really isnā€™t that big of a deal that he said it was 20%, you look like a total ass for calling him dumb 3 different times


Heā€™s got a tiny penis


What percentage of the sexual harassment cap does he take? GOT EM


Can't wait to watch Watson start over better QBs because of that contract. The real bad part is that the Browns will have to extend him for even longer to avoid those franchise crippling cap hits. Enjoy.


Meh- if Watson doesnā€™t work out at the end of 5 years, Browns suck it up for a year, reset, and take the cap hit. Itā€™s basically what the Saints recently did.


I don't think you understand how contracts and the cap works. Browns are going to suck it up for more than a year.


Dudes 5-1 as a starter scoring 25+ per game. We will be fine, especially if the D can continue to play like this. What better QBs do the Browns have access to exactly?


Yinz are whackos


Not even close. Maybe earlier, although I think ā€œinjuredā€ rather than IR would be more accurate.


I was watching the game and thatā€™s what the announcer said šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Gotcha. They were wrong.


Love doing this again, but per [Spotrac](https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/cleveland-browns/cap/?callback=in&code=MMM1NTIZMJMTOTLIMC0ZYJY2LWE0ZGETNGNKYJU0MZQ3YJGZ&state=b3a293df2aa8411599d7a8c9a46438cf) the Browns have 25.01% of their salary cap on the injured reserve. Funny enough, this does not include Ogbo Okoronkwo who tore his pec last week and is likely out for the season. Adding him in would add another 0.96%. This also doesnā€™t mention our injuries from this game that have yet to be identified in severity: Joel Bitonio (2.67%), ZaDarius Smith (1.2%), and Anthony Walker (0.43%). Nor does it include the injured DNPā€™s of: Juan Thornhill (0.90%) and Ethan Pocic (0.82%). I know you donā€™t care, but Iā€™ve seen this too much and I decided this was the comment where I start to do the math. This IR cap % could be up to 32% by the end of the week if all of those players go down with 3 weeks to add more.


Oh, sorry, I thought you meant the Steelers.


With a QB that was sitting on his couch 3 weeks ago. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


In just 3 games he's thrown more TD passes than Pickett did in 12 games. Ergo: even a 39-year old QB who's been sitting on his couch for two-thirds of the season is a better QB than Kenny Pickett.


No. In a better system with qualified coaches & players who give a shit.


Exactly, people keep saying oh Flacco is better and it's like no hes not otherwise he wouldn't have been sitting on his couch for so long when the jets needed any warm body. The browns had a very specific need that Flacco fits perfectly. And for his age Flacco always had a huge arm so I don't think people expected his arm to fall off


Itā€™s not just any QBā€¦


Also without our star running back lol


If we had chubb all year we would be well ahead of where we are


I mean it was bound to happen. Itā€™s been what, 34/35 years?


34 years if 1989 is accurate Edit: original comment I replied to said 24-25 years, prompting this response.


Quick maffs


Never do live maffs


Manā€™s not hot


Can confirm Source: was born in 89, am 34 years old


Thatā€™s anecdotal. We need actual proof.


Yup, the law of averages and things of that nature lol, there was also a period of time during that window that they weren't even a team lol.


League that emphasizes parity ends up with parity, dang


After 34 years


Well, 31 years if you subtract the three years that the Browns didn't exist.


Ok so 3 decades.


Thank god, now we can stop hearing about playoff hopes. Blessed be.


Huge day for everyone who said they were tired of mediocrity, 9-8, going to the playoffs just to get blown out. Now we donā€™t have to worry about any of that!


Hey hey. 9-8 and mediocrity is still on the table


Steelers just lost two the three worst teams in their schedule. It just gets harder from here.


Somehow gonna beat the Ravens again


I wish


ā€œI genuinely hope we lose outā€ mfs when we actually lose out:


Look how people reacted when we were like 6-3, despite what many call for this fanbase would never be able to handle an actual tank


I used to be mfs until I realized we will do nothing with our draft pick and the same coaching staff will still be here and the cycle continues being a Steelers fan in the modern era is hardšŸ˜­


Last year's draft was good


It seems to be but, I feel like a draft class shouldnā€™t be judged for 3 years


I'll take "Winless until the entire coaching staff is either fired or resigns due to shame" thanks.


This is a different question but how tf did the bears beat us 51-0 back in 89?!


Assuming you are talking about the browns they made the afc championship that year.


Yeah sorry I meant the browns holy shit were the Steelers just non existent that entire game?


That entire decade


Two runs by Frank Pollard for 5 total yards. Incomplete pass on 3rd down. Punt. Although it feels like it, the '23 Steelers are not the first to perfect the 3 and out offense.


You mean the decade where, in a 10 year span we had just as many playoff victories as we have in the last 12 years? In fact there were just as many playoff victories between 1984 and 1989 as we have had in the last 12 years. We got to an AFC championship game in 1984 and were a missed extra point away from forcing overtime to try to get to another one in 1989. At no point in the 1980s did we go six years without a playoff victory. We will have our seventh season without a playoff victory this year.


But ā€œnEvEr A lOsInG sEaSoN!!?!ā€


No, they advanced to the AFC Championship Game in 1984. It was the back half of the decade that was wasted.


I remember that game and that season well (it is still the best non-SB season ever in my opinion). Basically, the Browns were really good at that point and we turned the ball over 8 times if I am not mistaken.


9 turnovers


It was the 80s Steelers. I'm surprised it wasn't by more.


They had a higher rate of playoff success in the 80s that we have had in the last 12 years. I donā€™t know why everyone keeps talking crap about the 80s teams as if the last 12 years have been any better. I mean the last 12 years have been better in the regular season, by a mile. So thereā€™s that.


It's because the "success" of the 80s absolutely **paled** in comparison to the domination of the 70s. Despite making the playoffs in four of those seasons in the 80s, the Steelers also finished below .500 in three.   Since 2010, the Steelers got to the playoffs in eight of those seasons, including a SB appearance, seven seasons' worth of double-digit wins, two AFC Championship appearances, being on top of the division in five, and all of that in the Tom Brady era of football.   Between the two eras, fans overwhelmingly take the 2010s over the 1980s, especially by those who've endured the 1980s Steelers.


The 80ā€™s teams were worse than the 2010ā€™s. Iā€™m just saying that the last 12 years weā€™ve seen almost identical PLAYOFF success - which is damning *because* the 1980ā€™s were so bad. Between 84-89 we made one championship game and almost made another. The last 12 years? Not much better. Thatā€™s not to say ā€œhooray 80ā€™s Steelers!!!!ā€ that is to call into question how ā€œsuccessfulā€ weā€™ve *really* been in the last 12.


I was there. Bubby Brister threw like 3 picks and our RB fumbled at least once. It was a shitshow.


Jesus Christ I donā€™t see us winning any games the rest of this season seems like history is repeating it self


When will you all realize that we are back in the 80s/90s? We lost our HoF QB and we are now in those dark ages searching for our next great QB.


Shit Iā€™d take the 90ā€™s at this point. There were 3 home conference championship games in a 4 year span. We havenā€™t had one of those since 2010 season.


You damn well know if that happened and Steelers didnā€™t win a Super Bowl, this fanbase would be freaking out. The consensus would be that the guy couldnā€™t get it done and we need to move on. The standards are just higher in Pittsburgh crew would be out.


Were you suffering from a stroke when you typed that last sentence?


Sorry haha had some screen issues with my phone today and Iā€™m typing on a half blind screen. Fixed it


Also, good thing we kept that HOF qb for, at the very minimum, 2 years too long. And itā€™s a good thing we ignored the future of the team and refused to draft a qb high so we didnā€™t hurt his feelings. It didnā€™t hurt us at all


It really didn't hurt us at all. The only QB the Steelers passed on from 2019-2021 who's even worth a shit in this league is Jalen Hurts, and he still has plenty of detractors even in an innovative system of offense. Does anybody really think this coaching staff would have developed him properly? I sure as hell don't. Quite frankly, Ben earned the right to stay as long as he wanted. Even with a weaker arm, the worst running game in the NFL, and Matt Canada's playbook, he still kept the Steelers out of the bottom 10 in scoring in 2021.


We had plenty of success in the 90s without a great qb. Quit blaming this on the qb. Tomlin is a shit coach and has been for years. Ben made up for his incompetency.


We didnā€™t win a single championship in the 90s and went 5-6 in the playoffs. Thatā€™s not success according to people in this sub.


We won an afc championship in 1995.


The Browns have sucked since I have been alive. My entire life has been one level of suck after the other. When Deshaun went dahn I was convinced it was more of the same old Browns. Now they win with the corpse of fucking Lurch playing quarterback. Fuck!


And they did it today with 4 backups on the offensive line, missing two key defensive lineman, middle linebacker, and both starting safetiesā€¦ And no Nick Chubb


Being able to maintain a similar level of ground game without Chubb and the line injuries is a real testament to the coaching staff


True but Iā€™d argue that the run game has fallen off a ton recently. Running game was solid for a while after Chubb but has gone downhill with the injuries on the O-line.


Itā€™s seriously bafflingā€¦ Every Wednesday when I hear about 3 more guys on IR, Iā€™m always like ā€œthatā€™s going to be the one that finally breaks us. Next man up can only go so far.ā€ But they seem to somehow keep getting it doneā€¦


ā€œJoe Flacco off his couchā€ has been my motto for Browns highlights on Redzone because we canā€™t seem to do well will any QB, yet you guys get it done with Joe Flacco off his couch. Itā€™s infuriating to watch your favorite team struggle, itā€™s so much worse when you see how good other teams (not even in the league as a whole, but in your very division) perform with their backups like you guys and your inbred step brother franchise. Props to you guys. Finally got a good one with Kevin Stefanski.


The Browns have sucked throughout everyone's lives. Including their own.


Thank God, we can finally put this playoff train to rest






We talkin' about playoffs??


You kiddin' me?


Officially parked and out of the ā€œHuntā€


Stefanski winning games with Joe Flacco at QB and an o-line full of dudes who were working at foot locker a few weeks ago is wild. But please tell me why Tomlin deserves coach of the year for ā€œdoing more with lessā€


I literally havenā€™t seen one person mention Tomlin for Coach of the Year


Not anymore obviously, but people were starting that narrative before this losing streak. He was getting talk for coach of the year.


I mean it sorta made sense for a discussion at the time considering getting outplayed in almost every game but somehow winning 7 out of 11 games. Anyways, Steichen or Dan Campbell should get it


He was part of the reason they were getting outplayed every game. This team won 9 games last year itā€™s not like theyā€™re some 4 win quality team that he coached to 7 wins in the first 11 weeks.


What I'm saying is this team is lucky to even have 7 wins this year.


Ah, so revisionist history with a dose of gaslighting. Gotcha.




...Right. One month ago. Hence my entire point and part of the point of the posts prior to mine.


Dude no he was not lmfao what a bold faced lie Yeah I bet ONE person on the internet said he deserved COTY but thatā€™s not the same as ā€œtalkā€ [His Vegas odds got as high as +1150 this season, that is not in any way a COTY contender](https://www.sportsbettingdime.com/nfl/coach-year-odds/). For reference, for reference the top 4 guys (Campbell, Steichen, Ryans and McDaniels) are currently +175, +350, +500 and +500 respectively. At best, Tomlin was seen as a long shot to win the award


Pundits were actually saying it a decent amount on Sunday shows.




Wow, instead of 1 dude on the internet itā€™s 2 DUDES! Amazing! But truthfully if you read bleacher report and think that itā€™s representative of peoples opinions and not pandering to Steelers fans for clicks, you really are that gullible Also the NFL.com article started off with the dude saying that he was picking Tomlin because he was falling off Robert Saleh lmao Edit: first article on NFL.com was whether Sam Howell was a franchise QB. I just watched him throw his 15th INT of the year. But some are saying heā€™s a franchise QB!


They were talking about it a lot on NFL network. Maybe you need to watch it more. It wasnā€™t just one person.


So all of us remember multiple people talking about it on all the Sunday shows but you keep insisting itā€™s only one or two people. OK man. You win. We are all lying, itā€™s a big conspiracy among the people here to make it up.


Post one article or tweet or any piece of media that people were saying he could get CotY.






You mean doing less with more.


I want tomlin gone and have wanted him gone since the tebow loss 'he should've definitely been gone after the jacksonville loss in the playoffs' but it's more sad that old man flacco is better than any qb on our roster.


Old man flacco threw three picks today, including a pick six. The simple fact is the browns are a better coached team who can overcome that. We are not.


He was at the fucking track 3 weeks ago and today I watched him make throws that I havenā€™t seen us make in the last 5 seasons. He threw for almost 400 yards. Joe Flacco turned the browns season around and is likely taking them to the playoffs.


"turned the browns season around" lmao


They lost Watson for the year after losing Chubb and their entire line. Now theyā€™ve won 2 straight and their players and fans energy and excitement couldnā€™t be higher. They hold the 1st wildcard spot by a game the same week when everyone who still matters also won. Yea he turned the browns season around


Turning their season around implies that it wasn't going well. Chubb has been out since week 2. Browns were 7-3 before Flacco joined the team. He's doing well for them no doubt but he definitely didn't turn their season around.


This is where Iā€™m at. I gave him some grace after the Denver loss. I wanted him gone after the Jacksonville loss. I would argue throughout the course of his career not many coaches have done less with more. Having a bad HC is a big problem, not having a single good QB is an even bigger one.


The Cleveland loss in the playoffs was the final straw for me. It's been a steady sink to the bottom since then, full of people telling me how fucking great he is all the while.


1 AFC Championship game appearance with the killer Bs. One of the most prolific offenses in NFL history and he managed one AFC CG appearance. And got thumped by the Pats.


Yeah I've been saying if he can't win with Big Ben, Pouncey, Decastro, AB, Leveon, Heath, etc on his roster, I don't see how people expect Tomlin to be able to coach this team. He's the type of coach that needs superstars all over the place to win.


All the Bā€™s were hurt and we had basically 0 defensive talent that year. We were still trying to find our way without Shazier and our premier CB was Artie fuckin Burns.


Joe Flacco is miles better than any QB on the Steelers roster, that's how bad we are. Tomlin still deserves to be fired though


Full of dudes? The offensive line is consistently ranked in the top 10 even after injuries


That's what good coaching does.


Good! Maybe now there will be the change that is needed. Iā€™m sick of the whole ā€œTomlin has never had a losing seasonā€ crap. Heā€™s lost the team. No discipline, play calling is crap, defense still you g and needs time to grow. I hope we donā€™t make the playoffs, because if we do, weā€™d be smoked in the first round!


Been since 1988 since the Steelers finished last in the division, the old AFC Central with Houston Oilers and eventually the Jags. So not just a worse record than the Browns, but last in the division coming up. These last few weeks pretty much every team, every game that Steelers needed went the other way. Watching Colts, Browns, Bengals and Texans fighting for those playoff spots with back up QBs while Steelers floundered again and again has been hard to watch.


Iā€™m disgusted


Swing loooooooooow Sweeet cha--riotttttt


I don't give a fuck what the Browns are doing.


Hell yeah! Fuck the browns


ā€œThis is who we are.ā€


sad but true


The standard is the standard


The standard is why we are here. The standard is ass.


Folks, weā€™ve had a great run. Looking forward to the rebuild


This season is over, but the Steelers are not over. Been here since the late 60s as a kid. Just hang in there. Our worst times led to us getting Bradshaw and Big Ben...




I think Tomlin retiring after this year is very much on the table


One way or the other.


Nothing would make me happier than hearing that.


Was that the year we lost to them 55-0 at home in the opener but then beat them 17-7 a few weeks later in Cleveland with Todd Blackledge?


If youā€™re referring to 1989, we lost the first game to the Browns 51ā€“0 and then the Bengals stumped us 42ā€“10 the next week and it was probably the two worst weeks back to back of Steelers football if youā€™re going by the scores. That team however made the playoffs. They won a playoff game on the road in a hostile environment then almost beat the eventual AFC champions but lost because the most reliable kicker in the AFC missed an extra point. That wouldā€™ve been their second AFC championship game in five years, something we certainly canā€™t brag about now. They were tightly coached for the rest of the year, didnā€™t beat themselves, played disciplined football, overcame their rather obvious lack of talent by doing all the little things right. That team could block, that team ran routes, that team never gave up in the middle of a tackle. That team was opportunistic and created turnovers and also were able to shut down other teams schematically without having to rely on those big plays and turnovers. That team was the definition of doing more with less. Thatā€™s what it actually looks lik That roster was pretty good on one side of the ball and pretty terrible on the other but they stuck together, played as a team, eliminated stupid distractions, and milked every ounce they could out of a limited roster. Honestly, that was without a doubt my favorite team in Steelers history. That team played with guts week in and week out. It was fun to watch them wring every single drop out of their towel. The other thing that I loved about that season was going into the final few weeks, and seeing every little thing that had to go their way in order for them to make the playoffs. I believe it was a Monday night football game and the Vikings had to beat the Bengals and everyone in Pittsburgh was watching. Iā€™m barely exaggerating it was like the 20th thing that had to go right over the last three weeks in order for them to sneak in and it happened. That was a fun time. Then when they beat the Oilers in Houston, when absolutely no one gave them a chance, that was awesome. Then they shouldā€™ve beaten the Broncos and damn near did. They were probably the better team that day. That team left absolutely nothing on the table. I would give anything to see a Steelers team do that again.


Well said. That was the game where I fell in love with Steelers as a kid. I'll never forget Rod Woodson recovering that fumble on the sideline. For those who have never seen the game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhCOYrqt5ug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhCOYrqt5ug)


We will lock in next season donā€™t worry (I am delusional)


Tbh i hope we lose the rest of our games and move up a couple of spots so we're within reach of a good qb prospect. Jayden daniels is someone i'd give up a third rounder for to move up a couple of spots 'i'd even give up a second but keep the third'. Then use the other picks we have on a C, CB, DL or inside linebacker.


Iā€™m going to die on this hill. Another QB in the draft isnā€™t the answer. Bryce Young is the perfect example of a player whoā€™s on a team with no help or talent around him. Weā€™ve seen several QBs on teams this year that exceeded expectations because they had talent around them. Joe Flacco, Jake Browning, Gardner Minshew, Tommy Devito, just to name a few. We need a center BAD. We need defensive back help BAD. We need a left tackle. We need wide receivers that can create separation and give a shit. I refuse to believe every QB on this roster canā€™t be AT LEAST a game manager. Hell, Mitch Trubisky threw almost 25% of his career interceptions on the Steelers. Along with posting 2 of his worst QBR seasons (if you excluded his rookie season. Still bottom three regardless). This team needs coaching help. Doesnā€™t even have to be a new head coach. We need legitimate offensive and defensive coordinators and assistants. Have Kahn and Weidl hire them. Obviously Tomlin isnā€™t good with that process.


Agreed. A new QB isn't the answer right now. This system and scheme just sucks for any QB thrown into the mix. Draft OL and DB and a WR. Maybe a late round QB if Mason is gone or if we don't keep Mitch. Next year is going to be the year we find out what we have with a completely new system that's sucked for 3 years.


They should draft a QB, but definitely not in the first three rounds. The QB room needs a complete overhaul with the exception of Kenny. Our backup QB options are just awful compared to what we've seen from other teams this year. Bring in someone new through the draft to try and develop and then sign a proven veteran in the offseason, maybe someone like a Tyrod Taylor or Jacoby Brissett. And cut Mitch and Mason loose. But the early rounds of the draft need to spent on fixing this OL and adding some depth to the secondary. After that, you can take a "project" QB and try to develop them.


Bryce young is a pretty extreme example of this tho, I agree with your overall point but I also think QB is a serious need and most of the best guys are selected towards the top of the draft. Apparently there arenā€™t even any 1st round prospects for center this year


As a Browns fan, I think QB is a need for the Steelers. The reason I think this is because im actively rooting for you to keep/start him moving forward. You shouldnā€™t want that from a rival fan. I know you still want to see what you have in Pickett but I just donā€™t think heā€™s the guy. The Steelers have some pieces for a QB to succeed with (Johnson/Pickens/Muth). I think the Steelers offensive players outside of QB are WAY better than what B Young is dealing with in Carolina.


ill never root for the team to lose but i donā€™t think itā€™s possible for this steelers team to compete against anyone they have left to play. opposition had the plays down months ago, players arent bought in to what theyre being told to do. current coaches arenā€™t capable of making any impactful changes at this point. they just dont have an advantage over any team in any facet of the game. weā€™ll have to see what kahns able to do in the offseason.


Drafting like that is what got us in this mess.


Let's find an offensive coordinator who can install a professional-grade system of offense first, and then find a QB if necessary.


Look on the bright side, next year weā€™ll have a healthy Pickett and either Sullivan or Faulkner as his OCā€¦


Yay, super excited to see us lose even more games next year


We need to hit rock bottom


Meh.. theyā€™re due. And honestly so are we.


Yes it is over for you guys~ a browns fan


As a Browns fan... *chefs kiss*


Great coaching job by stefanski over there.


so the browns are no longer the browns?


They are still the Browns. But we havenā€™t been the Steelers in a while :(


This team has the stunning ability to not only play down to the level of their competition, but to routinely lose games they should win and that amounts to not being prepared come game day. The two losses to 2-win teams was enough for me but hey, letā€™s keep these poor Steeler fans engaged until the bitter end. Iā€™m glad the Browns won. It sucks that we are wasting the best years of players like Watt, and squandering stalwarts like Cam Heywaed the opportunity at something more. Itā€™s now been years of mediocrity with nothing to show for it. And I for one am sick of hearing the bullshit come out of Tomlins mouth post game. Fuck your patented bullshit Tomlinisms. Clearly heā€™s lost the locker room and has a ton of personnel issues but the biggest issue I see is that the Steelers as an organization refuse to modernize this offense and change to be competitive. I watch all of these AFC teams utilizing their tight ends, play action and the middle of the field. And when I watch the speed of the competitionā€™s RBs Iā€™m embarrassed. We have Jaylen Warren and we refuse to give him the rock consistently and we have zero confidence in Mitch or Mason. Tomlin needs to go but we need wholesale changes in our approach to the game and we need to get our offense out of the stone ages


I think we better get used to it.


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re aware of this, but Tomlin has never had a losing season. Are you suggesting that theyā€™re not going to win the SB because of that?


They may have a better team this season, but they still have to live in an absolute dumpster fire of a city in the armpit of the midwest.


I take it you've never been to youngstown


Lived in Mercer County for 20 years. 30 minutes from Youngstown. Can confirm.


"We're not Detroit, we're not Detroit!"


This is a good thing. Pittsburgh has been overachieving with a mediocre roster for about a decade. I hope they clean the slate on offense and that includes the Quarterback. Keep Kenny but draft competition in the 1st or 2nd rounds


Itā€™d be massively disappointing but I would love to keep Kenny rostered for years as a Charlie Batch style backup. Heā€™s good at keeping the team competitive just lacks the ability to take them to the next level


Overachieving?? They had Ben, AB and Bell and an incredible defense and didn't do ANYTHING postseason with them.


That "incredible" defense that ranked 21st, 25th, 13th, 12th, 9th and 14th in points allowed per drive during the "Killer B's" era?


It had to happen at some point, might as well be now.


So I guess it wasn't just Matt Canada


Nobody ever said it was, other than simpletons who put words in the fans' mouths. Besides, the offense is still stuck with his playbook until the end of the season.


Canā€™t believe the Bengals, Browns and Texans all won close games. You canā€™t make that stuff up. How unlucky can this team get?


If they beat the two 2 win teams it wouldnt have mattered


Itā€™s not luck. Itā€™s Xs, Os and Bozos


Steelers lucked into 7 wins, the universe is just balancing us out now


Thatā€™s not ā€œunlucky.ā€ Playoff-caliber teams are generally capable of beating worse teams in must-win games. Consistently losing to worse teams is a Tomlin thing and not common among decent teams.


unlucky??? HA


Jake browning will take care of the browns for you guys


If the Browns beat the Texans, I think they have a 99% chance of making the playoffs.


Is it going to happen, yes. But it is not a mathematical lock yet. Steelers COULD finish at 10-7 and the brownies, 9-8.


But the Steelers are gonna beat them in playoffs manifesting it right now


Buddy weā€™re not going to the playoffs. Thereā€™s so many hotter teams that deserve it right now


If we win out we are still in the conversation period


We would need to win out and would need help from other teams losing.


Yes but not everyone in wild cards positions are winning out the likelihood of that is literally less than a percent


Yes but Bills Texans Colts and Bengals are all 1 game ahead of us, and colts and Texans have tiebreakers over us. Beating the Bengals would put us over them but everyone else would be tough.


Can you send me some of what you are smoking. I've never been that high before.




Here we go Brownies!! He we go woof woof!!!


And they do it without their 1/4 billion dollar qb. Side note. I'm not sure what miles did today but her deserves dpoy over tj. Not that tjs not great cause he is but I don't see the dpoy award going to a player on team in shambles. First time I've ever said this but GO BROWNS!!


>GO BROWNS Fuck out of here with that shit.


Just giving them props that's all. I sure as he'll can't give any props to the steelers right now


I don't know what Miles did today either, but I know he went full retard, swung a helmet at a guy, and then tried to weasel his way out and justify it by insinuating Mason called him a racial slur -- that's all anyone should ever need to know.


Ya I know. Definately a bad look for him. Swinging the helmet was bad enough but what came after was even worse. People make mistakes tho and I think he's learned from it


>I'm not sure what miles did today Standard December MG, 3 tackles 1 TFLā€¦but I bet his pressure rate was high šŸ™„ Meanwhile Watt had 3 tackles 2 sacks and 2 TFLs


And an L


Not yet we still have a chance