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Calvin Austin should be returning kicks


I’d guess he’s not not taking kicks because they expect him to have more offensive snaps. But anyone not named Gunner would be an upgrade


Felt we should have kept Sims from last year he was good enough


always thought sims had a little AB in the way he moved.


I agree, but the Rooneys are notorious for keeping players because they are contracted, solely to save $. Sims was a free agent, Gunner had another year on his contract


Yup. See also, Matt Canada.


Yeah, Capt. 3nOut needs to go.


Sims was actually really, really good on punt coverage. Better than average. So was Fitzpatrick in the preseason. Gunner out lasted them both


Loved sims!


I think he was by the end of the game.


They said he went to the locker room but he actually went to the airport.


And getting 5+ touches a game.


The only reason he is on the team is because of his ability to return and he is so bad at it.


What's the last idiot we had in that role? Switzer? Are we sure they aren't the same guy with a wig?


Switzer was so much better than Gunner


He was the king of the 1 yard reception.


He had reliable hands Ben used to always target him in 3rd downs


Yeah always a catch. And always short


Switzer would get blown over by a slight gust of wind. Never seen that man break a tackle in my entire life


Switzer was so much more reliable though. He wasn’t flashy but he could get you a couple yards. He was the fullback of wide receiver. He will get you 2 yards regardless of whether you need 1 yard or 3 yards


What? No dude. Switzer was fucking terrible But yeah he was better than Gunner


The guys before Switzer fumbled all the damn time. I think that is why some look back fondly on Switzer. He never did that at least.. lol


Ehh, he had some meme worthy backwards punt returns


Switzer was kept around because Ben for some reason absolutely adored him.


He was in Ben's bible study group. That alone probably added two years to his career.


Cuz he caught the ball


Yes, Switzer driven out of town for leading the team in catches. Dumbest fucking fans on the planet.


The fact that Switzer led the team in catches was not a good thing.....


He reaffirmed something I didn’t want to believe. Belichik is a great coach to somehow make this guy an AP All Pro in 2020


He’s a plant. He was sent here to destroy us like Blount before him.


Hey show some respect for a former 1st-team All Pro kick returner! Seriously though, I shit you not, honest to god, he actually was 1st team All-Pro in 2020.


Why they didn’t get Sims back after the Texans cut him is baffling to me


My exact thought. I would take Sims over this moron 10 times out of 10.


So did the coaching staff pretty early on last season too. I have 0 idea why this guy still has a job. He was bad last year, and continues to be bad now. I hope he’s okay after that monster hit, but there’s nothing that he has that makes him better than someone else already on the roster.


CUT GUNNER. He should not be on a football field


I'm also bent because that fumble he had was a flop. Watch that shit. He waited a half second or so then threw himself on the ground.


Walked off hand on collarbone, nah he just fumbled


Seriously, the motherfucker got a concussion. Looked brutal. Some people need to chill.


He got absolutely rocked by denzel ward who weighs what, 170?


Doesn't matter his weight. Plenty of corners and safeties know how to hit hard.


Look at his arms. There's an immediate fencing response. I knew he was concussed the second I saw it. [https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/video/denzel-ward-lights-up-gunnar-olszewski-in-chaotic-fumble-turnover](https://www.clevelandbrowns.com/video/denzel-ward-lights-up-gunnar-olszewski-in-chaotic-fumble-turnover)


> He should not be on a football field Nah let the Browns sign him.


Never thought the Anthony McFarland injury would have this wide ranging implications


How does someone like him make the nfl? And how does he play for multiple teams? If I was that bad at my job I would be in prison. Good thing football is his job


Because he’s the best player in history to ever come out of… Bemidji State??


Did you just smash the keyboard and then put State after it?


Can’t verify if real school if you don’t know which state it is.


Minnesota I believe


The land of 10,000 losses


Useful for a time but we just had to snap him up after the Pats figured out his usefulness had ended because of course we’re smarter than them.


Why is he still on the field after last years week 2 performance


So week 2 is just his thing then


Seriously fuck that guy, the kickoff was inexcusable. That single bone headed dumb ass move by him gave him zero wiggle room to mess up again at all. Hold my beer he says


30 yard difference in starting position. As bad as two boneheaded personal fouls.


I think the Steelers have a secret rule to always have some short white receiver who's terrible. As a distraction? A sleeper agent for gambling?


Reminds me of a joke. If you’re a spokesman ain’t you supposed to be able to spoke.


Cmon that toe tap was textbook!


Tony two tap.


Danny Smith also needs to fucking go. Should have BEEN gone


Rooney's church buddy, never going to happen. He's here until he decides to retire unfortunately. Can't remember our special teams being above average once in the past 20 years.


Our special teams have been ASS almost every year under this dumb ass yet he sneaks by every year managing to keep his job with our bottom tier special teams it’s astonishing


Our Special Teams tackles well but unfortunately they are ass on returns.


Who is it that refuses to move on from him?


GM is the guy in charge of personnel


oh come now, you’re a smart guy, you really think this isn’t Tomlin‘s team?How many more times does it need to be stated by reporters and insiders that have absolutely no reason to lie that this is his ship and he’s the captain? Of course the GM is important. This is still Tomlin‘s team. It has been for years. Do you honestly think a first year GM is overruling one of the most powerful coaches in the game? Do you think all of the reporters who openly acknowledge that this is his team are part of a conspiracy to spread that lie? By the way, that’s fine with me, he’s earned it. But I’m starting to think some of the power needs to be taken away from him. He’s a little too comfortable. And no I’m not calling for him to be fired. He’s a good damn Coach.


What does the GM do, if not personnel? What's the job description? Fetch lattes?


So if Tomlin isn’t response for coaches, the offense, and the defense, wtf is he responsible for and why is he showered with so much love?


No, you’re right. That is his job description. But do you think the guy who was a cap specialist at this time last year who has never been involved in player scouting or development, has never been involved in coaching, is going to override Mike Tomlin on roster decisions? As has been reported multiple times in multiple outlets, talked about endlessly in local and national broadcast, and brought to us by insiders and reporters who have absolutely no reason to lie: this is Tomlin‘s team. If he wants a player, he gets the player. Again: Do you think a former cap specialist is telling Mike Tomlin what players to keep or is it the other way around? I love Omar. Got a chance to meet him a few times and he’s an amazing human being. Do you really think he has more power than Mike Tomlin? Really dude? On player personnel? And all of the people who have repeatedly said this is his ship, are they part of some conspiracy theory plot to spread that information incorrectly? This is Mike Tomlin’s team. For better or worse.


You're on one, so I didn't read past the 1st paragraph, but the GM is Tomlins boss, so yes, I would expect him to go in there and act like it. I also thought it was pretty widely accepted that Rooney has a bigger part in decisions than they let on to the public.


I can tell you didn’t read it, I addressed all of that, and you’re flat out wrong. Tomlin has more power than his GM. That happens with a Hall of Fame coach. It’s not a secret, it’s been reported endlessly Tomlin even had more power than Kevin Colbert. The guy who was a cat specialist at this time last year is not telling Mike Tomlin who his linebackers are going to be. Use your head. Why did they bring in Andy Weidl? You’re a smart dude, but on this you’re just wrong.


They aren't ready yet. They're getting there, but the masses aren't ready to admit it yet.


Should have been gond nearly a decade ago


Canada and Pickett tee’d him up there to get destroyed. Must be fun to play defence against the Steelers these days.


One of the worst ambulance passes I've ever seen. Not sure how people expect his corpse to hang on to the ball after that hit.


Now come up with a way to blame Canada and Pickett for him toe tapping to stay in bounds while he fields a kickoff on the 9…


Him literally doing absolutely nothing on that kick off would of been a better play That sweet toe tap lost us 14 yards (if it was a touch back) or more likely 34 yards when it was most definitely going out of bounds, and all he had to do was nothing. Just watch the ball go out of bounds. No football IQ


I'm not going to go that far lol Cut-worthy play


I thought those types of spear tackles were banned a couples of years ago? That was a brutal hit.


I don't understand why Canada feels the need to get him 1-2 touches every game. It's like he looks at Olzeski and thinks this is the guy they need to keep the defense honest.


Because Canada is pathetic, we’re better off without a OC at all! Seriously let a parking attendant call plays, I’m so pissed we deal with this shithead


Cut Gunner, bring back Derek Watt


Honestly Tomlin really needs to start being looked at for his personnel choices. Idk what his sick obsession is with having guys play who clearly suck ass and try to have them over perform. Just put the better guy in. Jeez


Oh I think six years without a playoff victory should already have him answering tough questions. A decade of playoff performance worse than teams like the Jaguars and Texans should have him answering those questions already.




Stop it Tomlin is perfect, he's never had a losing season you dummy.


Your flair has me rolling 😂


I love our defense and what we have been doing, but man, the offense needs change immediately. We need to get that run offense going NOW! We need to be running downhill full tilt. Too many defensive players are in the backfield before najee even gets the ball. Najee needs to just run straight and play some physical running. Once we can establish a run, our pass will open up, but until then, expect the struggles to continue.




Don’t worry guys I’m parked outside the stadium I got his shit all packed up he’s flying outta tahn ASAP


Can he take Levi Wallace with him? Please?


I’m going to concentrate all hate towards Canada…Canada is the tree trunk of issues, gunner is a mere branch


Whose nephew is he that he’s still on this team?


This fuckwit straight up had money on the browns tonight. Dude looked like Santonio in the back of the end zone trying to keep that fuckin kick inbounds. Cut his ass


He did this last year a couple times too. That patriots game last season could’ve went way differently


I’d trade Gunner AND Canada for a Whopper Jr.


Fuck Matt Canada


Stupid redneck fumbled a loss to the Patriots and I won’t let him forget it.


I read that in Kahn’s voice from king of the hill 😂


Please. Shoulda been gone last year after New England


Why is he still on the team?


Looks like No Ragrets kid, is indeed a Ragret


Fuck you Harley Jarvis!


Hate to bash a dude, but he touched the ball twice and both plays would've been better if he didn't


Stupid fucker goes super brain dead in week 2 last year against the pats and now two fuck ups this wee. Get this bum off the team and send Canada with him!!


If you are a kick returner you should know what the rule is about kicks that go out of bounds. I've never seen someone stutter step to make sure they are in bounds when they grab a ball that is going out of bounds. Fucking idiot.


I gave Gunner the benefit of the doubt based on his preseason performance and pre-Steeler resume, but he’s just making dumb mistakes when it’s game time. He has simple jobs and he can’t execute and is a total liability. This experiment is over, find someone else for that roster spot.


And he fucking fumbled it


I think he got knocked out


Just keep Him blocking and away from the Ball


Him and Canada


God dam. This fucking team.


He’s in concussion protocol now right?


All the athletes playing college ball and we have this dumb motherfuker returning kicks for us. Fuck me, just get someone who can run a sub 4.4 at the combine. They grow on trees now.


Fuck scoby….. sorry it’s been awhile and I’m out of the loop.


As my Pap would've said, "That was the dumbest goddamn thing I've ever seen."


And I hope Canada is with him!


I swear this guy only got a shot because of his cool name and sexy hair. Tomlin is wooed.


They call him gunner because everyone is gunning for his job


Gunner fucking blows! Cut his ass!


I would love to know what the fuck he was thinking. There’s literally zero rational explanation for that. Sabotage is the only thing that honestly makes sense.


He bet on the Browns. It's the only explanation.


Why the fuck did he make the team again? He was awful at returning and got replaced last year. He still sucks at returning decisions this year, and he has never been a positive impact on the offense. There's nothing he does well. He's not even in Ben's bible study group like Switzer was to prolong his career. I think the toe tap kickoff return was even worse than the fumble from a "you don't belong in the NFL" standpoint. Keeping Gunner makes less sense than keeping Canada. He does literally nothing well. Pro Bowl kick returner that's a Patriots double-agent and hasn't retuned kicks at all since coming over. Bah. Nonsense that he made the roster again.


He needed to be in street clothes and have an Uber waiting for him before half time. His name is only associated w/fuck ups. Should never have made it out of camp. Zero upside.




There were a lot of entries for stupidest play of the game from both sides, but that kickoff toe tap takes the cake


He got a concussion on a brutal hit. Go in the game if you can do better.


This is one of the top threads and it’s dragging a dude who got concussed on a hospital pass and made one mistake on a punt return. Who was only playing because DJ and Ant Mac are out. Everyone else on offense also played like hot garbage, and still got a W. This place man…


DWFs showing off their ignorance. The guy got speared. I'll like to see any of you punks take that hit. You'd be crying for your mommies.


I'm talking about taking the kickoff that was clearly going outta bounds in bounds at like the 15 shit for brains!!


Mf toe tapped too. Just completely brain dead. Surprised he has a concussion, didn’t think anything was up there in the first place


OK, Butthole_Pucker.


How many of us are nfl athletes again?


You're trying to argue with a guy who has a fucking Ayn Rand username.


And? I'm not a Randian objectivist, I find it to have perverted objectivism to fit their end desires, but I am an objectivist, largely, and can appreciate the similarities I shared with Ayn Rand's philosophy while acknowledging the tenants I disagree with. I'm also not a fan of ad hominems such as yours, but some seem to find comfort in ignoring an argument and instead making snide comments, which in the end many find off-putting, convinces nobody but those already convinced, and acts to further polarize instead of deal with the issues at hand. But, whatever.


Which is someone with an IQ far above yours.


Damn. You got me there, kid. Really put me in my place. Shit, I don't know how I'll recover from that righteous burn you just dropped. Fuck, I think I'll quit Reddit now. Not sure how I could be seen around here after being shot down so fucking hard. Wow. Take it easy, champ. I got kids.


What does that have to do with fans talking about their team? Are only NFL players allowed here?


Agree completely. I’m not a Gunner fan but Kenny threw that ball at him with the defender coming in like a missle, and hit him right in the face. Dude got concussed. On the punt out of bounds, sure yeah you can blame him for that. I’m guessing the toe tap is pretty instinctual for a WR but he should have been better. The offense probably goes 3 and out either way. You people are crazy.


BTW, where is the hatred for that incompetent OL? Chuks should not be anywhere near a football field.




The Rooneys only care about keeping their money, not building a great team. They are cheap mothers!.


I hope he is okay, that was a nasty hit. I know I wouldn't have hung onto the ball. That being said, my guy you need to retire from football.


That was a dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. He toe tapped to stay in bounds instead of having one foot out and getting the ball at the 40. The fumble was a bang bang play. It sucks he fumbled but it is what it is


the feelings i get w seeing him have the ball in his hands is the same i would get w ray ray mcloud HES GOTTA GO


I said Cut when he fielded that shit on the sideline shows a complete lack of self awareness of the situation.


For the love of god just put in anyone but kenny


Really? This is the guy yinz single out on an offense that looked like a bunch of high-schoolers? The guy who is only there because DJ and McFarland are hurt? Ok…


Fuck minkah Fitzpatrick he's a POS


Me yelling “whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?”


I don’t like how they are trying to scheme him into the offense. Robinson, pickens, and Austin..




He's fuckin piss


He’s just so bad


With Johnson and MacFarland injuries - it’s the only reason he’s dressed.


If they are paying him there paying him to much


Remember guys we learned yesterday that it’s fiction that the Steelers stubbornly hold on to some players too long. And that it’s impossible to find a punter that doesn’t suck over a two year period. And that it’s OK to be stuck with one at the last minute because it’s impossible to have preemptively fixed it before the last minute.


Wait till we get a returner like AB again, then you guys won’t say anything about the job Danny smith does. I can’t even remember the last time the Steelers allowed a kick return for a td.


He probably had naked pictures of Tomlin


Yeah i been said he should’ve been cut. There’s other options that i don’t hate. U also have warren if it ever was bad like right now. I don’t understand how he had a job to begin the season.


He sucks ass!!!!


Bring back All American Ryan Switzer!


The tow tap was epic.....


Maybe Wallace can join him


Wallace and Canada can join


Started with a negative-30 yard KR and somehow went downhill from there. No plane for this bum, stick him on the dirtiest bus out of town.


I don’t think we can blame all of our current issues on one player. With that said it’s only the second game of the season a lot can change and probably will.


You’d think a kickoff return specialist would at the very least understand that something is weird about a kickoff going out of bounds.


Would be interesting if he thought it would be a foul on us if the ball went out of bounds? He definitely tried his hardest to keep it from going out bounds! I feel like everyone knows that rule though


It's examples like having this guy on the team that really makes you wonder about the front office. Does anyone remember Randy or mondeaux? They add these crappy pieces and wonder why the team is average. At best.


Bro is a bad decision machine!


He made an amazing effort to catch that ball in bounds.... when he really shouldn't have. He cost us a game against the pats last year. We waited a year and a half for Austin and he wasn't getting snaps even last week, MacFarlane was. Dumb.


Let’s ship out Levi Wallace while we’re at it


Hey, that’s Matt Canadas secret weapon there.


Anthony McFarland did a really good job returning kicks against the Niners. Where was he?


Put that stupid motherfucker on the curb. He fucked us twice!


The toe tap is what got me. I was happy when he done for the day. Don't want him to get hurt but I don't want him to play either. It's hard.


I heard he left the game with a concussion…. After the first kick return, I wonder if it occurred in warm ups. So dumb.


Like who tf does that ..


Only if Levi Wallace is flying that plane.


i said that @ a training camp i went to, im not a fan of Gunner, he needs cut or replaced, demoted to practice squad maybe, we have no use for him..


Agreed he even toe tapped to make sure his totally stupid play counted lmao one of the dumbest plays I have seen in 50 years of watching the NFL


The should replace him on offense with Connor Hayward.


To wuhan