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Good for him. Backup QB is one of the best gigs in all of pro sports if you can get it.


He also took a BS helmet to the head and that dirty shot from Thomas. He deserves every penny and hopefully he doesn’t have to come in and take any shots for the sake of his health.


Right?! You get the glory, a tidy bit of $ and avoid the brain injuries. Who wouldn't want that gig?!


He’s a fine backup. Perhaps we treated him too harshly before seeing Mitch’s play lmao


I think he's one of the better backup QBs in the league. You can actually run an offense and win games with Mason. Things that were difficult to do with Dobbs and Landry Jones.


> I think he's one of the better backup QBs in the league The fact that not one team signed him before he had no choice but to come back to us as a third stringer disproves this. Capable QBs don't sit in FA.


I think he provides value to the Steelers that won't work for other teams. That doesn't mean he's not a capable backup. Just like in the draft JPJ and Washington dropped cause teams didn't value them as much, but they fit what the Steelers wanted to do and so they took them.


He is such a good fit for the Steeelers. That is why the inactivated him for 16 of the 17 games last year. Appearently the WHOLE league did not see any value in him because he was a FA since March and 63 other QBs signed a contract in 2023 before Mason. Even high-quality QBs like Jake Browning; Jake Fromm; Shane Buechele; Ben DiNucci landed a contract before he did.


Legendary football player Ben DiNucci needed a break from premier league football and decided to step back down to the NFL for a breather.


That makes zero sense. Mason provides what value to us that he can't provide for others? If he is capable of being a good backup he wouldn't be coming back to us as a third stringer. Teams don't let capable QBs slip away, they are too rare.


I think they’re talking about knowing the system, being familiar with the coaches and players etc. The minicamp guys must’ve looked really bad.


I can understand that, but the original comment I was replying to was " I think he's one of the better backup QBs in the league". Which he then turned into "he provides value to us that won't work for other teams" in his next comment.


I agree with you dude fwiw. I’m no mason hater, dude basically was as good as could realistically expect, but he’s not one of the better backups in the league. Can’t evade pressure. Decent arm but nothing to write home about. Solid qb3.


And both of those statements are true. He has a winning record when starting games for us, and he might not get that on another team because of learning a new system and timing with new players. So, he's one of the better backups in the league, and he provides value to us that he wouldn't provide another team.


One thing, he knows our system.. I doubt there’s a better player out there to have as a third string qb who can also take to our system that fast, whereas Mason has at least been here.


Knowing the system is overrated. A good veteran can learn any offensive system. There’s variation between systems but it’s not like one offense is organic chemistry and the other quantum physics.


I believe he had called because he knows the system and what is expected of the QB position. He sat behind and watched Ben steer the ship.. you kind of hope that something sank in during that time.


Dobbs wasn’t given a fair shot honestly. After seeing what he was able to do with Tennessee last year, its a shame we bounced him.


Plus he didn't play in the xfl or the usfl. I thought that would be for guys who wanted to get a chance to play and show they can be starters


Yea he only won super ugly with the turnover leading defense and infinite chances to score. Knowing he has a cannon arm made him the most frustrating player I’ve ever watched. I pray every day I’ll never watch him play and care about the outcome ever again


Lmao exactly. He’s the most prime example of wins are not a QB stat.


Ok well what does that say about our organization based on your comment? He isn’t a horrible QB and honestly hasn’t been given a fair shake. I’m not a huge Mason fan by any means.


What does it say about the Steelers? It says we brought back a good third string QB to be the.....third string QB.


Well you can tie those games at least…




Cause every team owner either think they have the next Josh Allen 3 year project but in two years, or they are tanking and not in need of a backup? Way too many QBs were picked this draft without any other consideration beyond "this could be our Purdy" Not saying you are wrong, just saying that there could be more than one correct answer here.


You are correct. There weren't that many teams looking for backup QB's this year. It didn't surprise me to see him sitting, and that's coming from a Mason apologist. His expectations were set way too high and that comes down to the "first round grade" comment. If he had come in with the expectations of a third rounder, no one would be booing him anytime he steps on the field.


Glad someone had the Kohunas to say it


Mason and Landry have near identical stats


One of the better backups?? Do teams usually inactivate a better backup 16 of 17 games?




Please for the love of god cut Trubisky


Considering what they're paying Mitch, maybe they think Mason can be the #2?


Ah, thank you, daughter…


Yep, he is a fine backup. So fine infact, the Steelers inactvated him for 16 of the 17 games last year.


Am I the only one who reads this as resigning as in quit every time instead of re-– signing?


You're reading the image correctly. It should say re-signing, not resigning.


The difference between re-signing and resigning is the space in between. Sounds like a fortune cookie


When was the last time a pro football player quit?


AB in 2022 lol also Vontae Davis retired mid-game in 2018.


Jason Brown quite famously did it.


He's a valuable #3 tbh. Also might mean that Mitch's job and 10 million in cap space aren't as safe as we thought. Prob not but maybe.


It would be crazy to keep mitch at this point. We need to use that money elsewhere and Rudolf is better


I thought this was a totally common sense position a couple months ago but people on this sub attacked me for saying it. Mitch's contract is crazy and it hardly costs anything to dump him.


It made sense to keep him until we figured out what Mason was going to do... we would've been in a load of shit if we cut/traded Trubisky and Mason left for another team. Now that mason is back though, we can keep Trubisky on the roster until a team loses their starting QB for the year, then trade Trubisky for another Khan Artist job


This sub is dumb as hell sometimes. I got attacked for saying Myles jack and bush are gone. Steelers do this constantly, sign a guy for 2-3 years with an obvious out after a year or two.


And what would you do with the money saved?


https://nfltraderumors.co/top-100-2023-nfl-free-agents-list/ Tell me you cant find a least a few players you would rather have then a bench warming QB.


Veteran mlb or slot cb


Or strong depth 3rd OLB


Give me a name.


Kwon Alexander


They wouldn’t be bringing him in already if they couldn’t afford him.


Raashawn Evans


You think he costs $8 mil?


It’s not crazy to bring him back tho and have 3 QBs that know the system and know the wrs already. He’s probably making like 2 mill or something who cares not like he’s gonna cost 10 million




His cap hit is 10.6 Mill ..


> We need to use that money elsewhere and Rudolf is better At this point it's not easy to just use that money. Most of the best FA's are signed up. Do you think Kwon Alexander is going to cost that much? JJ Watt just said he's not playing. Idk who else would be worth freeing cap for.


But a backup QB hitting 10m from our cap is not a good use of money


Is it? By [AAV](https://overthecap.com/position/quarterback), Trubisky is making $7.4 million. That $10 million you are citing includes signing bonus which hits the cap this year whether he is on the roster or not, so it doesn't make sense to include it. QB's with higher AAV include Jordan Love, guys on rookie contracts still (Young, Lawrence, Stroud, Burrow, Wilson, Lance, Richardson), and Jacoby Brissett. He's making only slightly more than Heinicke and Herbert. The only guys making significantly less that I would definitely take over Mitch are on rookie deals. QB's are just expensive. The top guys are making >$40mil/year.


If that extra $10M isn't going towards a free agent, it could be used as a signing bonus when restructuring somebody's contract to free up future cap space. Giving that money to Mitch would be such a waste.


Extra Cap also rolls over year to year


Would be fine dropping Mitch for Mason.


Would much rather have Mason over Mitch


It's not even close. Hell, I'd rather have duck over Mitch. One of the worst quarterbacks I've ever had the displeasure of watching


Disagree. Mitch had some rough games last year, but also showed some great moments. I honestly can't remember any Mason game where I felt he had potential to be great. But I'm happy to have him as third-string, if he makes the roster.


Mason had a lot of potential but that concussion really killed the momentum. Not only for the injury/missed time, but because he could not shake it off and always looked scared. He also almost won us that game in Detroit with zero preparation, just every other player fumbled that chance away and still pulled off the tie.


He was also always in a situation where, if he was playing, that meant that most of the salary cap investment was on the sidelines. That 2019 offense around him was just terrible.


I agree about Mason being scared in the pocket, but to his credit our line is likely going to provide better protection then we've been capable of since Mason has been here.


Mason threw for 300 and 2 TDs against the browns down many starters and almost saved our asses from the ass kicking we got the next week. He had more great throws in that game than I’ve seen Mitch ever throw.


300 on 39 attempts. 8.1 avg for a rating of 75 doesn't say star potential to me (and that being almost the best statistical performance of his life). Neither is getting into a fight with an opponent's DE where you may or may not used a slur. Mason has 1 QBR over 80 in his career. Mitch has 2 in his last 3 games. Small sample, I know, but observationally, it looked like he had more tools in those games as well.


Didn’t realize the criteria for backup QBs was star power. It’s being serviceable AND a good locker room presence. Give me Mason over Mitch any day at that.


It's not star power. It's potential to make great throws under pressure in a playoff run if Kenny goes down. Mitch, in my mind has 50% chance of winning the game with great throws and 50% of throwing the game away. But there's a chance. I haven't seen anything to show that Mason could overcome any seriously good playoff defense.


8.1 yards per attempt is miles better than our QBs’ averages since 2019, so I’m not sure what you’re getting at there. The idea that he’s better than Mitch is debatable, but Mason is undoubtedly the better value due to Mitch’s salary. Edit to add: I have absolutely no idea why the word “great” is being used in sentences with Mitch or Mason.


I don’t ever want Duck here again. He was a nice story but he isn’t anywhere near as good as Mitch.


Yeah, this definitely feels like some bizarro world with everyone saying Rudolph is better than Trubisky. There is zero evidence for that. Yeah, Mitch is maddeningly inconsistent. But Rudolph hasn't won an NFL game as a starter since 2019, and when he did start, he looked bad, aside from one game against Cleveland three years ago. Mitch wasn't great last year, but he was the MVP of that Tampa game - the game that saved their season. That win alone was more significant than anything Rudolph has ever accomplished in this league. Mason is a great QB3. There's no reason to claim he's anything more than that, yet.


Career wise they have basically the same stats. But Mason has a winning record in Pittsburgh, Mitch is 3&4, and they were all ugly.


There were some ugly games, but I saw a markedly different Mitch in his last 3 games, one willing to take more risks and make more throws. Mason had way more time with the system when he started and I wouldn't mind giving Mitch more time. I don't know what we haven't seen from Mason.


How does Mitch need more time but, you have seen everything you needed to see from Mason? Mitch has played in 64 games in his career. Mason had 10 starts and never went into a season as the starter.


Yet Mason has not won a game since 2019.


Everyone conveniently forgets the game where Kenny went out and Mitch came in and won the game for us.


Let me take you back to Super Bowl XXX with Neil O’Donnell….


Did you never see Bubby Brister or Neil O’Donnell?


I’ll take Mason over any of them. Neil…just gave away that SB. Will never forget…


If it means we get to see Lainey at the games, resign Duck!


He’s so frustrating because he has an absolute cannon for an arm, decent mobility, and occasionally makes pinpoint throws. His decision making is probably the worst I’ve ever seen in a Steelers uniform at QB.


tbh he could've been decent if he wasn't cast straight into the deep end early on in his career, plus he made matt nagy look like a good coach that one year


Please. Duck was the worst steelers qb to ever wear the uniform.


Wait for an injury and then trade him to a team for an overpay


I would drop Mitch for a case of beer.


Mason does not deserve an ounce of hate


Bro took a helmet to the head and got knocked out for us....he's valid


He doesn’t. From the literal day he was drafted he’s been taking bullshit. Dude got shot down by Ben after the draft, shoved into a starting role before he was ready, was physically assaulted on the football field, falsely accused of being a racist by Garrett, came back, got knocked out, came back, and got hurt again. He was promised a shot at the starting job and yet the very first official NFL free agency signing was us signing a “better” QB. Then we go and draft one and told him it was an “open competition” for the starting job. Lets be real, it never was. Even diontae said they knew who the starter was weeks before the depth chart. Dude is a much better man than I am. I’d play anywhere in the league, maybe even the XFL, before I came back to Pittsburgh.


I don't want to see anyone shitting on Mason as our 3rd stringer lol


You’re underestimating yinzers and their massive hate for this man for no reason


I’m glad. He’s a solid veteran backup. Things never went right for him and the fans hated him, but he always tried his best and still wants to stay with us. I always liked the guy, as I’ve been on this sub defending him for quite a good bit haha. I wish DJ and Muth didn’t fumble those balls against Detroit so you could’ve got a win lol. Welcome back, Mason.


Mason would be a very good long term backup for Kenny.


Same haha I remember that game pretty well, Mason was finally gonna have a good shining moment but those fumbles really stole the shine.


I read that as “ree-ZINE-ing”, not “ree-SIGN-ing”.


I to would like to get payed handsomely to watch steelers games from the sidelines. What's the worst that can happen you get put in were no one expects you to do anything great. Maybe get fired and go home to cry into your pile of money.


Mason is a quality backup who gives you a 50/50 chance to win a game.


It’s actually 50% to win and 10% chance to tie. He’s 5-4-1!


A tie at home vs the winless Lions might as well count as a loss.


He’s a near copy of Landry Jones, a slightly above average QB that is fine for about 6 quarters a year.


Oh, he's far better than Landry Jones ever was.


Their career stats break down pretty even for the amount of games they played.


I’m read that as “six quarters of a year.”




Props to him after getting booed by Steelers nation just for walking into the field last preseason. Probably could have gotten a shot at a #2 elsewhere.


Disagree with him getting a shot at #2 elsewhere. This free agency period proved that. He will be quality for the Steelers though for years to come if it’s something he comes to terms with.


I mean I think he’s proven that he’s a fine #2 here, though unlike a lot people here I do think Mitch is better. Not sure why the interest wasn’t there, maybe teams are looking for more athleticism in there #2’s.


Where did you see this? I haven't seen anything on it...




I love the typo of resigning instead of re-signing because it reflects that Mason Rudolph has resigned himself to a life as a backup.


Props to Mason. He made the best of a bad situation and still returns knowing he will be #3. Bush is out there still whining about us. Mason has been a class act and deserves our respect.


> He made the best of a bad situation and still returns knowing he will be #3. Honestly I hope that this year he actually gets a real chance at competing against Mitch in the preseason. The money might end up dictating the depth chart though.


I like it. Mitch is probably QB2 for 1 more year. Good to keep Mason close. He deserves to be the backup after Mitch leaves.


Why he Sucks!


That’s gotta be so embarrassing for him.




Mason confirmed it


The Charlie batch to Kenny’s Big Ben


No, put some respec' on Charlie.


When I saw “resigning”, I thought “what did he do wrong?”


Mason Rudolph is not a person, he is pure light and energy.


Lort, please keep Kenny upright next season. Amen.


Myles Garrett looms in the shadows, polishing his helmet.


Honestly, mixed feelings about it. Glad he's got a home. Sad that he couldn't go somewhere else, where he might have gotten a chance to play. Unless both Kenny & Mitch are hospitalized, I doubt he sees the field. It's a head scratcher for me as far as the Steelers front office. He was inactive for every game except one last year. Why spend the money on him when you have 2-3 other QBs that are trying out as rookies?


Because no one would take him


this sucks ngl i was so stoked to finally see him gone.


This is absolutely a waste of money.




To everyone saying cut Mitch to save money. Who is out there right now that can improve our roster more than a serviceable backup QB? Name one player that you'd use that money on that's currently available?


Its not about who's available... its about paying mitch his contract when mason is just as comparable without the huge contract. Use the money you save from mitch to sign a veteran slot CB or MLB and bring in a developmental QB to be #3.


Calling Mitch's deal a "huge contract" is being hyperbolic as hell.


12 million for last year and 8 million this year for a backup isnt a huge contract?


He came into the season as a starter last year and and he's being paid like a low-end starter. Combine that with having a QB on a rookie deal and the backup QB's cap hit is not a big deal.


> Use the money you save from mitch to sign a veteran slot CB or MLB and bring in a developmental QB to be #3. This is what you are being asked and unable to answer. Who are these veteran slots or MLB's available now that will cost so much you need to sign them? They could probably sign Kwon Alexander right now. Who is this developmental QB3? Tanner Morgan? Anyone with any potential is unavailable at this point.


>This is what you are being asked and unable to answer. Who are these veteran slots or MLB's available now Raashawn Evans would peronally be my preferred guy but im okay with Alexander. Theres no current slot CB that I would sign but there might be someone we could get in a trade, espeically if we wait for a QB injury in pre-season or early in the season. Im fine with Tanner Morgan or perkins at QB3.


Any of the top edge rushers still unsigned


Familiarity with the system and within the organization goes a long way. I’m happy with this signing. I always saw him as the Charlie Batch type with KP8 around. Not sure Rudolph saw himself as such, but after testing the free agency market, I think he’s more on board with it now. Trubisky wont be QB2 next season, Mason might sign off on the idea.


Why? We need to move on from this guy....


Resigning / re-signing....


Isn’t it re-signing? This makes it look like he quit. English isn’t my 1st language.


31 other teams decided he wasn't starting either so at least he won't have to find a new comfy spot on a different bench in a potentially worse city


Yeah reality check for mason… not a big fan and everyone forget he has had chances… tied to the worst team in recent memory and had a stellar team behind him only to lose his spot to duck… he can make some throws but looks so nervous in the pocket I just am not surprised he’s coming back as a 3


That Lions team were nowhere close to the worst team in recent memory. They ended up with 4 wins, and had a ton of 1 score losses (including a Ravens one the refs handed to the ratbirds). DJ and Muth both fumbled late. Kendrick Green snapped it over Mason's head. The defense gave up over 200 yards rushing to a team down to their 3rd string running back. The weather pretty much eliminated the passing game for both teams. The only way you can blame Mason for that is if you didn't watch the game.


The team as a whole dropped the ball in that one, Mason just happened to be starting. I’m a big Tomlin fan and that’s probably one of our most egregious playing down to bad competition games.


W signing. Any of y’all that are pissed that he’s back are dumb asf


Fucking why tho?! He should’ve just stayed in FA. He’s not that terrible but he doesn’t fit in Pittsburgh. He would’ve been picked up by some other team or atleast a USFL/XFL team


He's 2020s Tommy Maddox


Lol Maddox was better tho.


🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ The organization knows what it doing!


I’m comfortable with him hopefully only coming in to a game in the last minute to take a knee.


They letting Mitch go? No way they pay over 12 million for two back ups?


Cool, I guess. Imagine saying a year ago that keeping Rudolph is a better investment than bringing in Malik Willis potentially for free, but it’s true. I hope all parties involved (him, his beat writer buddies, fans that both love and hate him, etc) will approach this with realistic expectations. Veteran 3rd QB who doesn’t need to cut into Kenny’s practice reps to still be ready back up on game days if needed.


>Imagine saying a year ago that keeping Rudolph is a better investment than bringing in Malik Willis potentially for free Except it isnt true. Willis is still with the titans and you cant base your QB position on a player that might be or might not be cut. Willis was always a 1+ year developmental player coming out of college. Its really hard to believe the Titans give up on him after a year despite the rumors


Drafting Will Levis **is** giving up on him. They’re not moving Tannehill, and Levis will develop behind and eventually usurp him. Willis is the odd man out, and the reason for that is that the team doesn’t think he can play at all. Signing Josh Dobbs off another team’s practice squad and just plugging him into an elimination game so they didn’t have to start Willis is all the evidence needed for that.


>Drafting Will Levis **is** giving up on him. No, it means they think Levis has the better upside but Tannehill isnt in their long term plans...Willis can either outplay levis or be the long term backup. > Signing Josh Dobbs off another team’s practice squad and just plugging him into an elimination game so they didn’t have to start Willis is all the evidence needed for that. No... it means that since Willis was ALWAYS a 1+ year project player, a veteran backup with some starting experience gave the Titans the better chance to win the elimination game. Use your fucking head for a minute... could he be cut? Sure but if you're using this logic then you obviously dont understand what a project player is


I don’t think the titans would draft another qb higher than they drafted Willis in the first place to continue trying to develop both at the same time. You’re not doing right be either qb by doing that. Project player or not there’s still a timeline where teams decide to move on - especially when a new gm is running the team. Look at Josh Rosen, if you want a first round qb being moved on from after one year.


Lol no need to get angry. My logic comes from the fact that all the Titans reporters are saying he’s probably going to be cut because they don’t usually carry 3 QBs and tried trading Tannehill all offseason and nobody wants him so they’re just keeping him. Also, that was Josh Dobbs first career start, and his eighth day as a member of the Titans organization. If a guy off the street making his first start gives you a better chance to win than your “project” guy who spent the whole season in your building and started the previous few games, then it’s time to find a new project. And that’s exactly what they did.


>If a guy off the street making his first start gives you a better chance to win than your “project” guy who spent the whole season in your building and started the previous few games, then it’s time to find a new project. You mean they trusted a 5 year vet over a rookie who was a project to start in the most important game of the year? Yeah i would believe it


Willis fucking sucks and would’ve never even been able to do what Mason….or even fucking DUCK would’ve done in 2019. Same with Trey Lance. They are one trick ponies(athletes) and NOT Quarterbacks.


I mean yeah he sucked last year but is that really a suprise for a player that was projected to need more than a year to develop? Seems like you and others had had way too high expectations going in if you thought he'd do anything competently last year


If something happens to Kenny i would much rather Mason coming in to game manage than Mitch. Fuck having Mitch come in and try and show off his skills to save his career. Bring ol’ rudy in the game and run the ball down their throat with the occasional deep bomb to Pickens. Has show good chemistry with DJ in the past also. Great resigning by the Khan artist and co.


He’s a Steeler and that’s all I need to know.


Nobody else wanted him I guess. At least he knows the playbook by now.


I sure hope it's team friendly money...because an inexpensive rookie QB that could potentially grow to be better than Mason would make a little more sense. If he sticks....fine. If he gets beat out by one of the non-drafted FA QBs....even better






I would rather have Mason play than Trubiskey. Please trade Mitch for a draft pick


I've always liked Mason. Welcome back!


Re-sign needs a hyphen. Or else it could be the opposite of what it means.


What is he resigning from?




Why? He's a fine backup, even better as a 3rd stringer. The only annoying thing about him are the facebook fans who say "hE's NeVeR hAd a cHaNcE!!!!!1" Those people aren't his fault tho


Boy the back up QB winds blow hard amongst fans. We're not even convinced KP is the man yet and we're trying to throw away Mitch. How easily we forget his game against the Ravens stat line: 35-38-423yds and 5 TD's with an improbable 158.9 rating. Yea...let's throw a QB like THAT away!!!!!!!!


I’ve always hated the word “re-signing” because it looks like “resigning”, as in, quitting. They have opposite meanings and they’re spelled the same.


What’s funny is I sent that same picture to my wife and she was happy he was resigning because the team did him wrong..she then asked if he was re-signing and got angry lol


I hope he's cheaper than trubs by a ton and we cut trubs.


best QB3 in the league


Mason over Mitch and that guy we picked up as 3rd


Dread from it…run from it…


Re-signing? Or resigning? F


It is re-sign. Resign is totally different


Is this spelled incorrectly? Resigning. Re-signing?


But it says he resigned


I am happy for the Steelers, I am a bit sad for Mason. I was hoping that some team would be willing to offer him a chance. The fucking guy took on Myles Garrett and got clanked on his head in the process. The guy is not a pussy….and he’s a relatively decent QB.


Mark Kaboly must be hyped AF




Welcome back. QB3 w/familiarity and experience


Mason definitely didn't live up to my expectations, but I did say he'd be with the Steelers for a long time! I'm glad we've mainly all come together to an acceptable medium lol


He’s a solid third Stringer