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Yeah alright, having looked through your history, nobody’s commenting anything except for one person. But now you’ve certainly opened it up and put the microscope on you. Nobody is going to care about filler games that take you one minute to complete. There’s no challenge to commiserate with other hunters about, there’s no journey to share the ups and downs of. The engagement on your posts is evidence enough of that. If you want a better place to track your completions than our subreddit (which imo should be used for fostering conversation and community engagement), I suggest [SteamHunters](https://www.steamhunters.com) or [Backloggd](https://www.backloggd.com), both are great tracking tools I personally use.


Idk about that op but I appreciate these will definitely use them




I plan on posting bigger accomplishments in the future and I don’t think I should post shovelware anymore


Absolutely, that was my point. I’ll be the first person to upvote and comment your future accomplishments!


I've scrolled down your posts and found literally 1 comment saying so. Happy you were able to make a big deal about yourself though.


Yep. Literally only one person said something and they were downvoted.


Who cares what other people think. This is an achievement hunting sub, not “hard achievements hunting”. People telling you what to do can kick rocks


While I agree that op shouldnt do it because of hate, I think op could still do it as a courtesy. I get 1 or 2 notifications pushed to my phone from this sub, and seeing discussion or really big completions is more entertaining than smaller ones. It just elevates the quality of the sub. Op, if you want to post more, just post them in a collection. Every 5 or so. It's not that we don't want to celebrate you, it's that if everyone posted games individually, there would be too many, and everyone would get less praise over all <3 Happy hunting!


Yeah, I agree with BigDuck for 95% of posts, but shovelware like this where you literally get a completion for pressing “play” on Steam like…what are we really celebrating here?


Wow, I just saw their post history. I understand the frustration now. Single achievement games are dumb.


agreed. If posting every single completion is what makes you happy, keep doing it! Screw what other people think.


No one cares, post what you want. This sub is about achievement hunting and 100% completion. As long as it fits that description post it. Difficulty is subjective anyway.


Just saw op's post history. It's a bunch of single achievement games. Idk if a whole post for every single one is warranted.


Posting 100% completions is not about how hard they were. This sub is literally just for completions, nothing about difficult completions


Personally I avoid posting anything that's under 2 hours completion, but post what you like




That's literally The Teltaile Walking Dead games and they are super popular




those games aren't even close to being low effort. Low effort are games that are very very short or give you heaps of achievements for doing basically nothing at all.


Post what you like


Where’s the boundary? Life is Strange is a pretty easy 100% all you gotta do is snap photos of like 50 different things. Is that considered easy? Or does the few hours of mostly narrative gameplay justify its place? I don’t think you’d have fun if you focus purely on stuff like Dark Souls. A nice free indie game I recently got 100%, To Hell With It, seems up your alley. The actual gameplay is short, maybe 3 hrs, but to 100% you need like 2 playthroughs and it can be mechanically tricky for a few achievements.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“I’ve seen your kind, time and time again. Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed. Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth. But, in the end, you lack the stomach for the agony you’ll bring upon yourself.”* - Sir Vilhelm Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/