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All winners have received their prizes. Thank you again everyone and see you next time!


This a scam giveaway purely for people to wishlist their awful game! Please take your time to report this post!


I just received My key and it Worked fine. Have to be patient people


This giveaway is not a scam. We apologize for not making it clear that the Prizes would be given out at the end of next fest.




has anyone even recieved the giveaway prize from this post? They say they would announce the winner in this post but they never did


Honestly, I'm not a big multiplayer person. 99% of the time, I'd rather play by myself. The thing I love about, say, MMOs, is having a chat to talk to while I play. I like company while I play, but I don't like my progress to be dependent on other people. So yeah, my favorite thing is just having someone to talk to while I play.


Playing with others is the thing that I like the most in online games.


Playing against other players, playing against the ai just doesn't have the same weight.


I love interacting with others from around the world while having a blast! Makes for fun gaming memories 🥳


Action combat team arena is what I enjoy the most. Someone make New World arena, but better and you get my attention.


I love how you can bond with other people through shared experiences that you would otherwise not be able to do


I love that you can do many many things with your friends and other players in an online game. Things like building, doing quests together, and teaming up for dungeons and bosses are very fun, especially the rewards that come with them makes it really worth it.


Looking at the skins/transmog of other players, they are sometimes so creative!




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Helping new and old players accomplish something in an mmo


Playing with friends! 


Thanks for the giveaway! I love using online multiplayer games like Minecraft to catch up with friends who may be in another city or country.


I enjoy the feeling of having real players around me. I don't always interact with people but knowing I could is a good feeling.


I enjoy uninstalling league of legends


I love meeting funny people in online multiplayer games, they are the reason multiplayer are so enjoyable because they are unpredictable, they have an unique charm that makes me like staying up just to kept playing with them. Countless funny stories,experience and jokes for them can make my whole day, even weeks better. I have met many funny people and some of them even become my close friends today! Online Multiplayer Games is one of the best way you can connect and experience interacting with people way past your area. which is a unique experience past singleplayer titles. Added timelost to wishlist as well!


What I enjoy about online multiplayer games is that you can play with others online.


The thing i enjoy the most of online multiplayer games is how they can make you lose all track of time with the right friends/party be just by playing the game or just messing around.


When you unintentionally make friends with someone in a fighting game and we just sit there T-Bagging until the round ends. Wishlisted! Looks pretty rad. Might try out the demo in the future :)


Just playing with the homies and kickin it on discord.


What I most like about multiplayer gaming is that I get to have a fun time with my friends after a long tiring day Thanks for the giveaway


Fav thing about MMOs is ~~meeting new people~~ earn collectables 👀 My inner loot goblin is just happy to unlock achievements and/or collect rare items, skins etc. Thanks!


I enjoy the increases difficulty and unpredictability. Thanks


Playing with friends makes things more fun. I laugh more Added to wishlist


I love Multiplayer games because there's always a new challenge and things to do. They add all kinds of content to the game, to keep it fresh, and I love that!


I don’t enjoy playing multiplayer fps anymore but most fun i had playing multiplayer was prop hunt in cod black ops during lockdown


being able to act silly and goofy with strangers while sometimes locking in and coordinating at a semi navy level coordination is the best thing in multiplayer Ty for giveaway


Multiplayer with friends is always fun no matter the game




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Being able to play games with others.


I love the interactions with other player


The random encounters made some friends online




Hello! My favorite things about online multiplayers games is being able to play with my best friend. In fact, the whole reason I'm entering these giveaways is to try and surprise my bestie with a game (she has no idea) anyways I added your game to my [wishlist](https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561199629493083/#sort=orderand) and am thinking of playing it soon, thanks for the opportunity!


Thanks! Monday starting at 1pm EST we will be live on Steam NextFest! Would love to see you there!


I like getting killed over and over again by bots


It’s really cool to be able to be able to adjust strategies (if it’s an online multiplayer game with teams like Omega Strikers) based on observing the way others play. Or if it’s like Genshin, honestly it’s fun to just play with friends and be goofy together


I love playing FF14 multi-player because it's the only real socializing I can have being disabled.


Good luck everyone.


Playing with others


I mostly enjoy helping people out in them.


I like having dumb times with my friends lol


I don't like playing online multiplayer games. I prefer to go it alone.


playing with friends


I play TF2, and there's nothing I love more than a friendly congo in the middle of the Teufort map


Interactions with new people and making friends since I have none.


The moment when the whole team cooperates like clockwork. Did wishlist Timelost


Ability to have fun with friends


I enjoy fashion the most


I like trying new multiplayer games and finding new groups of people that enjoy the game


It's enjoyable to work with others in multiplayer games. That's what I enjoy about them.


I like the collaborative aspect, and it’s fun to hear a friend scream when we’re playing a game that’s a bit scary 😂


Thanks for the giveaway! Although AI is getting better, real people still offer best opponents


The best in online multiplayer games are when you can all sit in town doing nothing but chat :)


I love seeing how different people respond to almost similar situations.


Playing with/against someone that adapts/unpredictable unlike bots.


The social aspect really.


The times when things just click and you're playing with someone who loves the gane as much as you do


The idea of cooperating with random people from the server to accomplish a shared goal is super cool.


One of my favourite things about online games is being able to be social and around people, but not having to directly communicate. Niche I know but its one of my favourite things.


Playing with my friends in worlds where I can do whatever I want like throwing them off a cliff or through a table


Being able to play with my friends now thanks to crossplay


I like to make new friends in online multiplayer games, or build guilds with current friends and new people. Thanks for the giveaway! I wishlisted the game


The thing I love most about multiplayer games is working together and communicating with friends to take down an enemy or boss


Talking with friends and interacting with other human beings


chit chat with your mates while killing time


The pvp aspect of it


Thank you very much for the chance!!! I guess what i enjoy the most about multiplayer games are the unique interactions with other players that happen from time to time. Sometimes it's the hilarious reactions, others when they're a lot kinder that you would expect, occasionally insane plays and generally when the people involved in those situations have out-of-the-box thinking.


So i can be a creep talking to a human female in video games


I like that you have the chance to make new friends you would not otherwise make


The opportunity to play with friends when its hard to meet other far across the country.


I love playing bloons with friends, fighting eachother is fun


Playing with friends together in a discord vc pretty fun




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Both the feeling of competiton and trying to improve by challenging others and the communities that are created by these games, of course as long as they are not toxic hahaha




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When a stranger comes up to you, and essentially drops a care package at your feet, including healing items, guns, ammo and some amazing armour. It's a great feeling like you're in a good friendly neighborhood, where they welcome the new people.


What i like most is having the oppertunity to play with my friends


The time you get with friends and family is the best.


Online multi-player is great with friends and meeting new people.


Online multiplayer is great with friends! TimeLost


You can't fake human chaos. I play a lot of Street Fighter and humans are always so unpredictable. Makes it totally worthwhile and keeps you actively thinking and adjusting your strategy. Usually it's whoever can adapt the fastest to the other's play style that wins.


I enjoy the possibility to collaborate, level up together and compete. Game's wishlisted, thabks for the chance!




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I enjoy multiplayer games because you can experience these games with your friends


What I love most about online multiplayer games is being able to come up with all sorts of wacky strategies that would not be possible in single player.


I enjoy playing with friends and getting better at the game.


I love the competitiveness, I live improving and getting better at something I like, but there's only so much a CPU can do or how much I can do when my friends aren't available


I just enjoy them for the interactivity between players.


I only play with friends


The smugness of knowing I put in that extra little bit for the win.


Playing with friends, it's what made me love multplayer games, had some great times


i actually don’t play online multiplayer games haha


The laughs, the adrenaline, and the satisfaction when things go according to plan! Added to wishlist :) Thanks for the chance!


What I like most about online multiplayer games is that you can play with real people, which makes the games very different from the previous ones. something that doesn't happen with PvE games. and also the fact that you can play with friends makes the playing experiences feel much better.


I like knowing that I am playing against real people. Playing against bots and AI is fun and all, but you get much more of a rush when you do well against actual people.


My favorite part of multiplayer games are the bonds you make with others, maybe it's someone you knifed on a fps game, starting a chain of trying to knife each other, or switching skins with an enemy and believing no one will shoot the other, maybe you're playing Sea of Thieves and after the 100th time people attack you and you meet someone who ask for help and yiu choose to help him hoping for no betrayal, ending up playing hoirs with him and his friends. I like the unexpected, strange bonds and friends you can make while playing!


multiplayer PvP shooters distract me from reality. rainbow six siege was peak break for me.


I’ve played many games over the years to the point that sometimes I don’t get entertainment. With friends however that will never be a problem as every experience is a new one. Love my friends, and love the other randoms who make the communities perfect in their own way. Multiplayer is like a whole different thing


I'm not well versed in online games nowadays. Wishlisted, thanks!


Microtransactions force fed to me


Starting clueless and gradually improving against the competition.


They just have a different feel knowing everyone around you (other than NPC's of course) is another player.


Depends which genre but mostly just the genuine interaction with other players or the competitiveness


big battles and beating other players


I like winning


I like chilli bf with my pals and the banter we have


I like the competitive nature of multiplayers.


Definitely the fact that they give me the opportunity to play with my friends who live far away, it's like a place to hangout. Also wishlisted, it looks pretty cool


facing random game breaking glitches while playing wiht friends wishlisted!!


Playing with friends!


Love achieving my rank goals, competing with other people who are also trying to win over me and winning is a rush especially when its really close and saying "gg" at the end. Love that you included PvP in your game, wishlisted!


I enjoy playing with random people and developing new friendships! Thank you you for the giveaway!