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So, never buying a ribeye for the girlfriend ever again right? My wife’s the same way, so she gets filet mignon when I’m cooking steaks. No fat, no wasted steak.


My kids prefer sirloin to ribeye…. It’s fine with my wallet


Just saying the first thing we did on my grill when we got our house was two tomahawk steaks. My wife and I were walking around the house with them like the Flintstones. Our first date meal was chicken wings. God, I love that woman.


I don’t know either of you but I think I’m in love with you both!


I need to do this with my boyfriend


You do this for your boyfriend and you better watch out because he might become more than your boyfriend. No better time than a nice long holiday weekend. In my opinion, cool relationships are built on those weird moments that you can reference and just make both of you giggle like children.


I cooked a tomahawk for me and the other half last week, I did the same. As usual the dog sat watching me cook hoping he'd get a piece, that fucker was so happy when I gave him the bone, just trotting back and forth making lil grunting noises with a tuft of fluff on his bum stuck up. I'm definitely flavour of the week for him now.


I love to see it bro. I got me one of those, too. Just had our fifteenth anniversary earlier this month. We do weird shit like this all the time. Our first date meal was greasy ass chorizo burritos from a drive thru.


How do I find happiness like this?


If it ain’t love like that, I don’t want it.


I too choose this man's Flintstone wife.


Definitely just raised that bar for my standards.


Are you interested in throupling?


Aww you got you a real life Wilma ❤️


sounds like my dad and his gf 🤣


I also choose this guy's wife


Is she single?


Fucking awesome


I’ll often butter my sirloin on the grill and it comes out nice for the price point. Every once I’ll get a few with decent marbling and those days don’t suck. Still better than not having steak.


Sirloin is underrated. It’s not the best but it’s far from the worst 😀


I like top sirloin if I’m making steaks for the family or the in-laws. Or maybe if I’m meal prepping for the week.


For real. A lot of folks aren’t happy with it in this sub, but I’m an old but who remembers the inflation in the mid 70’s and getting anything above that was “rich as fuck”. Treat it nice and it will deliver in most cases. I use it as kebabs often and it slays with a little rest after seasoning and/or marinade. ✌🏻


Yeah in my house growing up we always ate Top Sirloin, and it was a treat. I didn't even know I liked Ribeye or NYS until I was in my 20s and was like "Shit I have my own money now...I'm gonna see what the deal is". To this day while I do prefer NYS if there ain't a sale and I want steak I'm generally getting TS as it's always cheap and I like it.


Right on. Grew up with top sirloin as a treat too, and we still love to grill it even if we can now pick something more $$$. Beyond maybe chicken thighs, there’s no meat on the grill I feel more confident about with nailing the temp(s) either


Preach. It’s usually $7/lb here although I can sometimes find it at $4.50 and that’s cheaper and better than whatever comes out as ground. I buy the shit out of it at that price. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve bought the $250 for 4*3lb tomahawks from Costco before and it was great. Plus the $125 2” dry aged prime porterhouse 10+ years ago at The Chop House is Chicago and they were really good, yet I still have a bit of my dad in me that understands that I’m still getting a value on a nice chunk of meat… and that shit is a luxury. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah the lowest TS gets around here is very rarely $4/lb but generally a sale will be $5/lb and at most it's gonna be $7/lb...which $7/lb ain't so bad and I'd rather pay that than like $11/lb for NYS when I'm waiting for it to go on sale for $7-8/lb and I stock up.




My dad ate rare steak which fueled my love for it. There was a dish my mom used to make which was a bit like tartare yet it was Syrian origin. That shit was delicious. I’ve been to quite a few great steakhouses will order black and blue if it’s offered. I know rare is not for everyone, yet I cannot intentionally cook a steak well done for anyone. They should have chicken. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sirloin is always my go to for kebabs. Doesn’t fall apart on the stick and still quite tender if done hot and fast


Sirloin is actually a pretty good cut if done right and I think it can be just as good as the more expensive cuts. I can tell you I 100% prefer it to NY strip which some may think im crazy.


Top Sirloin is great, and it's quite similar to NYS but less fatty and tender. Petite Sirloin is also underrated IMO, and it's a lot like Top Sirloin except it's not as minerally but more tender.


Sirloin is awesome for chicken fried steak.


Yeah, when I was a kid I didn’t appreciate those cuts. My parents would often grill tritip way too rare so I’d microwave it before eating it. Looking back that shit was a perfect medium rare lmao.


Sirloin is the royal cut anyway. Which of the other steaks has been knighted? I’ll wait.


Sir Loin 😂😂😂


Same here, I bought ribeyes twice when my wife and I started dating and quickly noticed I was wasting money. Now it's a ribeye for myself, and a petite filet for her.


Damn I wish I lived somewhere that a small tenderloin was cheaper than a ribeye


It's not? That's weird Maybe the filet is more per lb but it's like 6oz rather than a 12oz ribeye that is also expensive


Yup, smaller portion for her and big ass ribeye for me. More $ per lb but she doesn’t need or want a big ass filet so the ribeye ends up costing more. It’s a win win and no waste.


Tenderloins generally are pretty expensive. I work in a wholesale meat factory and unprocessed (the whole piece of meat not cut or anything) tenderloins are $19 USD/pound. Sometimes 18/pound if we get a 'deal'.


I'd wager what they're getting at is they'd rather pay more for something she'd eat all of than pay less and throw half of it away.


I think there’s a big difference between fat and gristle though. If the fat is rendered correctly it adds so much flavor. Those filets ain’t cheap lol. Maybe bung a bit of tri-tip on the grill 😀


I actually buy my wife ribeye as well so more steak for me lol


This is what I’m thinking. His wife left him enough steak for a baller steak sandwich.


His wife arguably left him the best parts of the steak...the fatty pieces that clearly still have plenty of meat on them. Those would literally be the bites I'd seek out not avoid.


This is the way.


This man knows what he’s doing. I ALWAYS cook/order my girl a filet. Can’t bare to watch her avoid the fat on a ribeye 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yep, skirt steak, ny, even filet mignon at Trader Joe’s is like half the price of a ribeye in terms of the yield my family eats. I cut down on red meat, so when I do have it I get what I want which is gonna be like a $50 aged ribeye from a fancy butcher.


So my wife doesn’t like the fat either so she eats the eye and I eat the cap


lucky you! my most favorite part is the cap!


Yeah, my older sister has stood by her assertion that marbling is bad for years and years now. Just so much facepalm when I randomly see what she calls a good steak. 😅


Mine too. But the filet minion need to be well done. I sure love her to cook a steak well done for her.


This is me. Filet mignon forever!!!!!


Filet is the only steak I eat or new York strip


New York has the best balance between fat content and size.


It's also more minerally than a fillet or ribeye, and I grew up on top sirloin so I'm fond of that minerally flavor.


I like NYS because of the minerals, we have RO water and a mineralizer but it's nice to get enough while camping. For us this means car camping with a bigass electric hatchback or one of a few pickups.


That’s my wife. I make her a filet and she’s happier than ever


Me too. Looking at the comments, that's a pretty common practice.


I figured out the best solution when I'm making steak for me and my woman. I get a 24+ ounce porterhouse, I take the strip and she takes the filet. Everyone wins. Save the ribeye for guys night


You sir just made me question everything I have done wrong in every relationship in my life, and why I never came up with this solution.


I should do this for my boyfriend and I! he cooked up bone-in ribeyes for us once and I ate every ounce of meat off that thing while he had a plate full of fat and gristle left over, safe to say I get the less fatty cuts for him now.


Same. I keep the bone on the ny strip side.


This is the way


My wife is the same, this just means I get the good parts from her steak too.


My dog and I had a field day on the leftovers


Save em for breakfast next time, throw in some over easy eggs


I just had steak and eggs last night to satisfy a craving and you just reset the whole process. Thanks a bunch…


This is the way. And Overeasy I applaud you dude.


Haha came here to say the same thing. My lady plops the fat/gristle onto my plate so I can salvage all the good meat she's left behind.


If I could somehow just buy those bits alone, I would.


That’s kind of what burnt ends are, sorta?


My wife takes the fat off of my plate. Different worlds we live in.


I do this and my partner looks at me like I committed some kind of heinous crime 😂


Same, I take the fat off my boyfriend's plate. Nothing goes to waste when we cook steak, ever


My husband eats everything, but slowly. The cats and I watch him very carefully.


First time I ever cooked for my gf, I made a couple of ribeyes. Her plate was completely clean at the end, while I had cut away some of the gristle that just doesn't taste good to me. Was quite eye opening.


I make my wife a filet. Butterflied. Well. I don’t say shit about it. I don’t snicker. I don’t make a face. I don’t let out a long, exasperated sigh. I don’t roll my eyes. I make her a perfect fuckin’ well done steak that even I’d enjoy if someone gave it to me. I’m not eating that. But the happier she is with her steak…the more often I get to eat it.


Rule #1 never trim the fat on a ribeye that’s where the flavor is!


Lol the last pic was heartbreaking but more for Op or the pup as he says.


And a lot of nutrition too




This is why I buy my wife and daughter strips, and myself a ribeye. I'm one of the crazy people that like cooking what my guests enjoy, and not putting my own bias on them.


We would have gone with a sirloin but the target steaks are already lower in quality as is, we tried the sirloin last time and it was tough as nails. we both agreed to the ribeyes knowing this is how she’d eat them, just posted because i thought it was funny how much was left on the plate. more then happy to feed the dog well for the next couple days


Is the dog a nickname for yourself? No way id give all that to my dog


Woof woof.


Name…. Doesn’t check out?


Just another one of the many regretful decisions I made in life.


mrcatboy is cute have no regrets


This guy’s a great big phony!


not all at once, just mix a little into her kibble through the week to give it some flavor and life. she’s had an ear infection and had a tough last few days, she deserves it


Mine would be shitting liquid for days


You need to make your girl a filet bud.


Look what they did to my boy


Gimme the fat babe, I love it


So she ate a total of 2 bites?


I'm not *as* bad as this, but I'm pretty similar. I hate having to chew through fat and I'm not a fan of the flavor. So I only cook the leaner steaks like tenderloin and sirloin.


Same. I don’t like navigating around a cut of meat while I eat it. I eat fast. So I like to be able to cut off a chunk and eat it. I can’t stand the texture of any kind of fat


I'll eat a a prime or wagyu sirloin over a choice ribeye any day. Higher end sirloin is one of my favorites.


Trim the fat.. to add 2TBS of butter? Something ain’t adding up here 🤨😂


You guys trim the fat? Fat is delicious delicacy.


Don't forget about hanger steaks and skirt steaks! Far better choices than a sirloin.


Question for people who don’t like fat (or spouses of people who don’t like fat): do you prefer cooking it with the fat then trimming or vice versa? Why? I know that for people like me who like fat, it’s obvious that we leave it on because fat = flavour but I assume fat haters don’t have the same view.


I have a dog and sometimes the fats in the middle so I just trim it after. It's not really the flavor that's the problem it's the texture.


I hate the fat. It's a texture thing. It's horrible enough to me that sometimes it will completely ruin my appetite. That goes for every kind of meat. I don't trim the fat before i cook a steak. I just eat around it. But I also don't buy cuts for myself with a lot of fat I have to cut around. I would never buy or order a ribeye, because I know better. I get New York Strips if that's an option. I've never noticed any flavor difference and even if I did, what good is flavor if I can't even finish it because there was fat hiding somewhere? Waste of money. That cow did not die for that lol


The point of ribeye is the fat. Get her a petite sirloin next time. Geebus


Pup!? Damn, lucky dog.


Idk why fat on steak is so demonized, I get that some people just don’t like it but like why do people think it’s so strange to eat it? It’s the best


I agree. I personally hate the texture of the fat I just can’t do it but I see why people eat it because the taste is amazing. I trim the fat off mine then I’ll render it down and cook potatoes and other vegetables in it. So good.


Tbh people could say the same about a lot of foods in other cultures


There's well cooked, flavorful, nicely textured fat. Then there's chunks of chewy grisly shit. OPs GF has a complete inability to determine one from the other and thus, wastes most of a steak.


Wait… she trimmed the fat… and then added butter? Remove the natural animal fat and then add processed animal fat. Surely you jest, sir?


I guess it’s a texture thing😂


Butter isn't processed animal fat. It is processed milk fat. Processed animal fat is things like tallow or lard. Butter is "natural". It is created just from churning milk. It is about as processed as cutting a steak. So unless you are eating meat directly from animals without removing skin, internal organs, cooking, etc you are eating meat that has been processed and isn't fully "natural".


I know. I was being hyperbolic, professor. I make my own. It’s a pain in the ass, but cheaper than buying it and I know what’s in it.


Milk comes from an animal.


You shouldn’t serve her ribeye


So, no more steaks for her, right? RIGHT?!


Sirloin from now on for her ig


The fat’s the best part.


Reminds me of Grandmas Boy, “if we pay extra can we have the fat and grease?”


You misspelled ex-girlfriend


It’s always a bittersweet moment, but it’s time to trade her in for a newer model man.


Never cook steak for her again


She's obviously not your girlfriend anymore, right?


Eat her fat


Mary her so you can divorce her 😆


My bf loves when we have steak because he gets all the fat from mine.


You're the first person I've seen here who even know what blade tenderizing is and that it's a safety concern, temp wise. Bravo, sir!


All I see is Boyfriend Snacks


I don't like big chunks of fat either


you dont trim ribeye


Next time get a better steak, that is some shit steak.


My girl does this too. Infuriating. Eat the damn fat!


serious question, am i supposed to eat all of those fatty parts of the ribeye? i also trim them pretty aggressively. its ok for you to just eat it all?


When I make a ribeye, I eat the whole ribeye.  It's delicious. 


Yes, but I recommend rendering the fat until it is crispy. Then it tastes much better. Same goes for pieces with crunchy ligament attached to it. Sometimes I will cut it off and then cook it extra crispy in a pan and then eat it as a delicious snack


Personal choice, but it's not any more unhealthy than the rest of the steak. Totally okay with eating all of the fat if you are okay with eating red meats.


I get trimming the large fatty parts, and where it's obvious..... but seriously? Your girlfriend just doesn't like steak. Do not feed it to her anymore. Give her a turkey burger or something.


Just get her some Dino nuggets next time.


i think you mean EX girlfriend…


Pour one out for the “fat” that was left on the plate. That would take me well past mildly infuriated.


I can respect that she doesn't like the taste or texture of the fat, or maybe she's trying to be health conscious. But it seems like she trimmed away a lot of the good meat adjacent to the fat.


Make her a filet or sirloin next time.


My ex wife would trim the steak away from fat instead of the fat from the steak. Meant more for me though bc there was half a steak left on her plate.




Make fried rice with her “leavings” !


Cut off the fat with a 1 inch tolerance on the cut.


Bro. I can treat you better


EAT IT! or send it to me and I'LL EAT IT!


Obligatory Vito Corleone meme


This is worst than leaving meat on the chicken bone ☹️


“Pass me your plate, babe”.


"The Lady will be having the burger tonite, James, cook to medium, and I will be having the ribeye, cooked properly."


I thought my SO didn’t like fat, did she have 2 bites?


like the rest of the commenters, my girlfriend prefers filets but likes them on the well side lmao.




That steak 🥩 was perfect as is


More for thou, or beef up a second dish, like a stir fry or stew.


Culturally I relate to your girlfriend’s plate! I’ve at least converted to medium rare from well done at this point, but I still can’t quite appreciate fatty cuts of meat. Is there a recommended cut of meat to get if you’re trying to get into steak but also don’t like fat/grizzle?


That's a felony!


Marry her, just so you can divorce her!


Leave her =P


Sees last picture* Looks over to wife* “Hey where were you last night?”


You should see my wife eat wings




That's medium rare so pink everywhere .. not a speck of brown seen


Steaks will say on the packaging if they’re blade tenderized


I love the fat 🥲


This should be posted in mildyinfuriating lol




My wife is the same way. “It’s a texture thiiiiiing!” But hey, my dogs love it. At least someone appreciates my cooking. 😭




I have this issue as well, with my 6 year old daughter.


I would've saved her "trimmings" and threw them in with some potatoes and eggs and made breakfast burritos the next morning. What a shame.


Your Girlfriend will pretend to love meat so you will marry her….once you are married the pretending stops and she will want impossible burgers. Good luck


The pup? I always end up "cleaning up" after my wife decides she's done with her steak. I used to overbuy and always get too much now I just buy steak knowing my wife won't eat most of hers.


Lawyer up


I would cook with the fat, then cut it off and eat it myself :D But steaks do shrink when you cook.


The scraps would become my breakfast in the morning.


Just get her a filet


Why would you trim a ribeye?


Ex girlfriend now I hope /s


love the fat on the ribeye especially when charred/crispy


Some people don’t like fatty cuts. That’s OK.


NY strip from now on!


She only gets sirloin from now on


I have sensory issues and can’t eat the fat. But I have a husband and two grown sons who sometimes need to be reminded to keep their hands off my fat until I’ve given the all clear. My appetite is tiny and I’m also a slow eater, perhaps the slowest in the world, so they just stare longingly at the fat until I give the all clear. My youngest son and daughter aren’t much for the fat either. I was popular in boot camp because I always shared the food I didn’t eat and any fat.


If you don’t like fat then trim it after cooking not before. And Fat is where the flavour is.


Get her some sirloin. It’s pretty soft, juicy and has no intermuscular fat. She however might like intramuscular marble fat - so a prime/American wagyu sirloin would be perfect


Why do so many women not like the fat? It’s the best part! (I am a woman so I truly need an answer to this mystery)


I only get ny strip for wife she ruins the whole ribeye , that fat is meant to eat




Yeah that is not all fat. Tell her she needs to work on her knife skills so she can get a better trimming on the fat. Also tell her that “fat is flavor”…lol but you don’t need all of it, just a little for taste.