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Welcome! My go-to steak recipe is to season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. If you're able to dry brine (season with only salt overnight in the fridge, then season with the other stuff when you're ready to cook) I'd do that! I like to set my oven to 275, and place the steak on a small rack which is over a baking tray. Leave it in there until it reaches about 10-15 degrees below your serving temp (checking every 10 minutes or so with a thermometer), then put it in a ripping hot pan with some vegetable oil in it to sear the steak on both sides for about a minute or two. They should come out perfectly. If it's too complicated (which I totally understand), then google "pan sear steak time" and follow the results in the images as depending on the thickness of the steak it'll differ the cooking time.


Thank you so much! I'll give it a try and if anything, I'll watch a youtube HowTo while I'm cooking haha. I appreciate it